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Awakened (A Fairy Tales Novel)

Page 26

by Melanie Walker


  Bri rushed through the hall as she fled from the elevator that lead to fangs condo and didn’t bother knocking but stormed through the door. Fangs was nowhere to be seen and Bri had a split second of fear that he had left to avoid her but let the fear slip by when she saw Beast, Winter and Ash at the counter in the kitchen huddled over a laptop and about a dozen or so old vamps all pacing the room.

  The silence at her entry was like a dull roar in her ears as she rushed to where they sat.

  "Tell me." She panted and stood before Beast.

  Beast wasted no time in breaking to the punch. Stepping from behind the counter he pulled Bri by the elbow to the sliding glass doors of the patio. She followed him outside and began a pace as Beast closed the door. She caught a side glance through the window of Ash and Winter, on opposite sides of the counter not talking not bothering to acknowledge the other. After her last precious moments with Belle she decided then and there that the two of them had no choice but to deal. Life was fragile.

  "I was wrong about the song Briar." Beast said and came to rest against the stone pillar that housed a giant plant of some sort, blocking the image of the ridiculous height they were at. "As Belles..." His voice cracked as he spoke her name but it was such a fast recovery Bri didn’t have time to catch the look on his face as he continued. "As the memories came back I realized the letter of our life before the curse, was for knowledge, to protect Winter from Ashess' rage. The song in general had a few things for me that are private but in general it was a clue and I’m so sorry I didn’t decipher it sooner."

  The fact he would apologize to her made Bri want to cry and hold him, knowing full well, courtesy of her new found abilities, exactly how deeply Beast loved and missed Belle. His pain and anguish made the sadness inside of Bri feel like a warm spring day.

  She rested her hand over his and stroked the top of his knuckles gently. "Don’t apologize please. The state we were all in, it’s a wonder we even heard the song playing." She stepped close but dropped her hand sensing he was uncomfortable. Not because of the touch but because of what was to come. "What are we up against?"

  "After a little research and her laptop I was able to crack the codes on her computer and see what she had been working on. She always loved books and Some things never changed I guess."

  "She always had a book with her, a notepad, pen and a pack of French cigarettes." Bri smiled at the memory even though she was desperate for the info it seemed Beast needed a touchstone other than memories to Belle right now. "She never changed, it was just her."

  He nodded and gave Bri a sad smile. "I'm sorry to have to be the bearer of this news Briar but it goes without saying that the whole scenario is beyond bad."

  Bri said nothing trying to prepare herself for the blow Beast was going to give her. When it came it was like an old movie without sound, that you knew if you paid enough attention it would make sense.

  As it turned out, she hadn’t been paying attention.


  Chapter Twenty-three

  "My dad did this?" She choked the words out and wished she had a glass of water because her throat felt like she had drank a gallon of sand with a cotton ball chaser. She could barely breath as the info from Beast continued.

  "Everything he told you recently was true, but it was shades of the truth. See, the instant that started tracking the Blessed knife it was as if a clock started ticking, a race per say to the contract and knife being together again. The reason it was hidden with Pete in Neverland was to ensure that the time span given was never reached.” He looked at Bri and shook his head no. “He knew it was impossible for the walls of Neverland to be breached.”

  Not bothering to tell him, or anyone for the time being that the walls of NL had soooo been breached this fine evening and asked an entirely separate question. “What is the time frame?”

  “We assume it’s passed because all of our… powers for lack of a better term have come through strong and sure.”


  “Well I am fighting a need to protect you from whatever it is you have planned.” She looked at him he held up a hand. “Don’t even try it Bri, I feel it in my bones…same as you are feeling the sadness and need for retribution against you ex right now for taking her from this earth.”

  They said nothing for a few long seconds knowing exactly that he was right. “Ashess has been literally drawn and compelled to the overwhelming despair coming from Winter, a despair she refuses to explain or call out to and both of them have been climbing the walls feeling your anger and sadness…the fear.”


  "No..." She couldn’t work it through her mind. She had been with Cane for three days honing those skills. "And here I thought I was more incredible than most..."


  She shook her head and ran a hand through her hair. "Nothing. So what you’re saying is that we have all reached our full maturation? We are that very fabric now?"

  "By the looks of everything yes. That clock started ticking weeks ago when you guys found the contract. Based on Belles estimations, we all matured about four days ago. Congratulations Bri, we are officially the ‘Know all end all’ of good and evil. Feel like a cigar?"

  "Jesus... I don’t understand any of this Erych. I have so few memories that I have held on to and even though I know what Ezek said was true, it still makes no sense. One minute I am human, next I am a vengeance demon being forced to serve five hundred years to my demon husband who is by all accounts Satan spawn. Then I learn that the contract and the knife both, is all a load of crap and nothing more than a mythical version of an hourglass to make me an even bigger fucking freak?"

  "Pretty much sums it up." Beast replied and seriously you had to love the guys rebound, seemed like damn near nothing fazed him.

  "What was the point then in Belles death? It makes no sense that she would die for nothing?" She looked at Beast wanting answers and he was the only one willing to give them.

  "Because when she learned that you were literally vengeance she knew that only something really bad would bring it out of you and the only life she was willing to wager was her own. That and I am more... experienced with Borned demons. I’m older than all of you and trust me I have eaten many in my day."

  "So in the end it’s the vengeance that this is about; me seeking my own payback for my own hell?"

  He nodded.

  "Look I need to go to Ash right now but later after I...take care of a few things we are all sitting down."

  "Whatever those things are, I warn you that if you go at this alone and try to leave me behind I will find you and drag you back kicking and screaming through my snapping jowls. Understand here Briar that so much as a foot out that door without me and I will never forgive you!" Beast decided that he had enough of her and shifted into the twelve foot snarling mass of brown fur and leapt from the enormous drop the patio held, landing faster than she could get to the edge to see if he was ok. And he was so much like Belle she had tears in her eyes.

  Irritated that Beast basically disappeared on her after his threat, Bri walked in Fangs kitchen and took a quick glance through the condo hoping that he was back from ... wherever he went but there was no sign of him yet. She walked toward Ashess and Winter who were sitting on opposite sides of the kitchen and the vibes coming off of them were, as Beast said, strong.

  "Ash you ready?" She asked expecting a fight like hell for the three day disappearance, but instead Ash stood and smiled not bothering to look at Winter. She wasn’t asking for answers because she knew when she fed she would get them.

  "Finally..." She huffed and stood from the counter bar stool. Looking back at Winter she snipped, "Hey Secret of the Nyhm, please let us know if anything dire happens in the next twenty minutes."

  Bri kind of wanted to laugh at the name she called Winter but the timing was sooooo wrong and way too soon to be considered funny. Knowing Ashess was a DIVA when she needed to feed she tried the small ou
nce of patience she had left.

  "Ash?" Bri asked through gritted teeth.

  "Now you’re in a hurry I see..." She looked at her wrist imitating checking the time on a watch though she wasn’t we Bring one. "Little late... say about three days late!" She went to walk down the hall calling back to Winter, "remember yell when it’s IMPORTANT!"

  Bri stopped her by gripping Ashess' elbow and tugging her in a huff to the table where Winter was sitting. "Ok look you two. I get it we all miss Belle but this has gotten out of hand." She looked at Ash who was flabbergasted by the fact Bri would even think of man handling her like that. Winter however, didn’t even acknowledge that Bri was talking. "Winter please for the love of everything at stake here, everything we have lost please can’t we get passed this?"

  "This has nothing to do with what we face Bri. This is Snow White having a hell of a time knowing I’m right." Ash spat.

  "Not even close Cinderella. You would think that a demon, excuse me..." She made a tsk noise with her tongue and smile. "You would think the embodiment of Despair may pick up on the right emotions I’m throwing out."

  "I get your pissed, you’re hurting and I feel your anguish Winter but there is nothing I can do about it." Ash dropped down to meet Winter on eye level, the first cordial move she had made since Belles sacrifice. "I cannot bring her back! I can’t do anything to ease the pain there Winter."

  Bri waited hoping that Ash would say she was sorry that she said the things she did but she only stood her elbow still firmly in the grasp of Bri. "Please let me go, you’re so annoying." She snarled and tried to flip her hair over her shoulder in a failed attempt to gain a small amount of control. Ash was seriously close to a bloodlust that even Bri wouldn’t be able to bring her down from.

  "You think that my pain and my anguish right now are because of Ash and her lack of a filter, she thinks it’s because of Belles death. You’re both right... your both wrong." She shook her head and reached for the tumbler of Johnny Walker in front of her. She had always been a fan of a sweet and fruity beverage, not big on the heavy stuff so whatever was going on with Win was definitely bad.

  "What is it then?" Bri asked dropping her hold on Ash.

  Winter sat there for what felt like years looking at them both. "You two have this bond, this amazing connection that nothing can break. Bri you are so close to gaining everything you ever wanted and the love of your life to boot. I... Marcus and I... see he...” She said nothing and reached for the tumbler again.

  "Win seriously spit it out and tell us, hell we can go kill the son of a bitch if need be but stop with the dramatics and just say it." Ash snarled again and like an angry toddler she was about to drop to the floor kicking and screaming.

  "You..." Bri said pulling her by the arm again. "Are a demon from hell I swear!"

  Ashess made a face and mocked Bri's voice as she pulled her away from the kitchen. "Winter, let me do this quickly and then we tackle this thing going on with you next ok?"

  Winter made a nodding notion and lifted her glass in the ‘whatever’ salute.

  Bri pulled Ashess down the hall passing a few different Vamps all watching them closely probably picking up on the plethora of emotions emanating from the four of them. Hoping that Fangs had enough bagged blood in the fridge to get them through the emotional hell his condo was turning into. Vamps didn’t do well under emotional strain, regardless if it was theirs or not.

  Slamming the door behind her she pulled Ash in the room and towards the chair in the corner. "I could snap your neck for the bullshit back there." Bri said slipping her jacket off and yanking Ash by the arm to the floor at her feet. Shoving her wrist in her face she snarled, "feed!"

  "It’s about time Bri, perhaps now I can get a direct feed on whatever the fuck you have tucked neatly under your sleeve and planned." She eyeballed Bri, her sky blue eyes iced over with nothing but threat when she spoke. "So help me Bri you better hope I don’t pick up on too much self sacrifice and loathing shit or I will drop your ass!"

  She struck hard and almost scraped bone gripping her wrist tight. Bri was just mad enough that she dropped all her defenses and let Ash see exactly everything that transpired over the last few weeks, holding nothing back.

  Ashess' body reared back from the force of Bris’ control and took in everything that Bri gave. Every detail was bold and vivid and Ash saw it all clear as day while she feed. The trip to Oregon, the walk down memory lane with Cane the first time and then the fight with Fangs. The quiet conversation between Bri and Peter after he brought the knife back. She saw the battle of truths between herself and Ezek, the cold rain as she stood on Cane's front porch. The agreement to break the bond with Fangs. The plan of attack she and the Fear demon made in order keep them all including Fangs out of it. She saw the training Bri went under to hold her defenses against Cane so she was prepared when Cane in turn attacked Fil.

  She saw Belle dancing with Beast in Neverland.

  Ashess groaned in pain at seeing Belle, tears streamed down her cheeks as she fed, whimpering at the argument and the struggle Belle had at learning the sacrifice worked, that Beast was back. She watched in awe at the promise to free her from her fate and her curse.

  She released her fangs from Bri's wrist and fell back, her head pounding and dizzy from the overwhelming facts she got from Bri.

  She watched Bri close for long minutes breathing deep and fighting to get her balance back. " Bri.... you can’t do this you will get killed." Ash stood, collected now, she was more than ready to fight Bri on this. She was soooo going to tell Fangs.

  "Better me than any of you Ash."

  "No Bri, seriously think this through. What you are planning is suicide. He will rip you apart and chew on the pieces. We need to do this together."

  "What do I have to say here Ash? Do I have to demand it of you? Back off!" Bri was not in her right mind. She knew that the minute the cockamamie plan came into fruition but she wasn’t about to have Ashess talk her off that ledge. She would throw stones at all of them; alienate the shit out of them; force them to back off.

  "And Fangs? After everything that you two have been through to be where you are now...all gone in a snap!" Ashess said and snapped her fingers.

  "I don’t think there is any other option Ash. If things were different, if my ex didn’t have an alter ego that included fire breathing then maybe, yeah I could fight a smidge harder but considering the fact that ALL Vampires have an aversion to anything that can ignite them like a fucking roman candle makes me think it’s time to stop being selfish and let him go!"

  "Selfish?" She shrieked and took a maddening step back from Bri as if she actually needed the distance to keep from smacking her alongside her head. After everything they had been through in all their years this was the breaking point. She and Beast and Winter didn’t deserve the back burner but of all the weapons at Bri's disposal, Fangs was the biggest weapon and she was throwing him away. Let alone eternity with Bri missing Fangs would be too much ... even for the embodiment of despair.

  "All right, time to spill it Bri, seriously what is your deal?" The tone in Ashess' voice spoke volumes considering she had never come at Bri full force like this before, not as pissed off as she was now. "You want to self destruct, that’s fine, but do it on someone else’s time." She snapped, her finger inching to point in Bri's face.

  "Do you really think this is helping?" She asked flipping her hand out between them, motioning towards her being to close, in her space and making Bri think they were about to fight. "Jeeze Ash, I just got through dishing for once ever about my struggles with Fangs and everything else and you come at me like I'm the biggest issue here?"

  "Because you are exhausting!" She snapped.

  Bri's jaw dropped making a pshaw type of sound that made her laugh and toss her head back. "That’s denial Bri."

  Was she nuts?

  "What are you nuts?" She asked because the shock had her stumped and her mind wasn’t fast enough for the direction of this conversa
tion. "I have always kept Fangs and I separate from you and the girls. Anything not involving the Blessed Knife I have tried to protect you from. I have made sure to keep Belle from going off the ledge into Cynical Sally, Winter from spouting sonnets that would surely end in sittin' in a tree and you, well.... no need to state the obvious is there?” Bri spoke as calm as she could considering her last nerve was fried. “Yet you have the audacity to get on my ass because I need to make it deathly clear that there are no more options! You saw what is happening Ash, can you honestly tell me I am wrong here?"

  "About Fangs, yes Bri I can."

  "I needed you to see what I am up against here Ash, needed you to understand and back me..." Her words were painfully thick as she stared at her best friend.


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