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Awakened (A Fairy Tales Novel)

Page 33

by Melanie Walker

  "So what’s the big announcement?" Beast asked walking away from Belle and taking a seat at a barstool in the kitchen. Bri smiled because he was so playing hard to get, totally upping his chances.

  "I spent the night with Fangs last night, going over all the wrongs in our relationship...and then the rights and realized finally after hours of...discussing...that I have absolutely been a fool and need to atone myself, prove myself and my love for him." Never mind that discussing meant making love and atoning meant...making love.

  "That’s a little harsh." Belle said, like always taking the defensive when any of the girls were before a firing squad. She looked at Fangs. "You can’t honestly tell me you put her up to this public apology?"

  He smiled, igniting her anger. "What the hell Bri?"

  Bri laughed. "I don’t mind atoning myself Belle... I look forward to it."

  "I don’t think prove was a good choice of word Bri." Fangs said and chuckled. The girls and Beast looking at them like they were insane.

  "Your right, prove is the wrong word. How about, I need to show my love for him in the best way possible?"

  "If you two do it right here I swear I'll leave." Ash said referring to them getting down and dirty for the world to see.

  "No, but we are getting married tonight in the 'Enchanted Forrest'."

  Ashess, Belle and Beast all stood still as statues in shock... Winter however was suddenly jumping up and down squealing in delight. It was the first time in months that Bri had seen her happy. "Oh my God you guys I’m so happy for you."

  "I’m confused." Ash said.

  "Me too." Said Beast.

  "I’m appalled." Said Belle but it was expected. She would forever be cynical. "The enchanted Forrest Bri really. That’s cheesy." She smiled. "Congratulations." That wasn’t expected.

  "I’m curious, where is this Enchanted Forrest?" Ashess asked.

  "Here in Winters backyard." Fangs and Bri both said.

  That had Winter squealing again. "Brainy, Crazy, Messy, Fury, Glee, Chatter and Biz get down here we have a party to plan." Winter immediately started bustling around her kitchen making notes and laughing in glee. The seven havocs in their natural form made their way to the kitchen, all talking and laughing naturally high when Winter was happy. They were a bright red and smaller than a toddler with tails that went to almost the floor. Immediately they ran around the kitchen excited as Winter when she told them of the upcoming wedding. Now they were all bustling around Bri in happiness, congratulating Fangs.

  Ashess walked into the kitchen and smiled as Chatter jumped up into her arms and kissed her cheek. "She's happy today. We like when Winters happy." The Havocs, just like the rest of them hated knowing something was wrong, terribly wrong with Winter and they were all as clueless as Bri and the girls.

  "I know." Ash said smiling. "Me too."

  They still hadn’t sorted their issues out, still barely even talking to one another but Ash was being patient, waiting for Winter to come to her...knowing she would.

  "I thought you said your machine was broken?" Bri said to Winter when she saw the answering machine light flashing. Thinking nothing of it Bri hit play and the room fell silent at the message that played loud and clear.

  "God dammit Winter!" Marcus' voice roared through the machine. "How dare you try and ignore me....when you least expect it little one...that’s when I'll strike."

  Bri, completely shocked looked at Winter who was pale as a ghost and could hear the growls coming from the Havocs, Beast and Fangs who was immediately getting his phone out making plans for old Marccus' demise.

  "Winter?" Bri asked and stepped close to hug her friend when Winter flinched and took a step back.

  "Don’t Bri, don’t ask don’t anything." She looked at Ashess, a look of complete sadness and fear before leaving the room.

  Whatever it was that Marccus did.... He wouldn’t live long enough to follow through on his threat.

  The end…for now

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen


  Chapter Twenty-one

  Chapter Twenty-two

  Chapter Twenty-three

  Chapter Twenty-four

  Chapter Twenty-five

  Chapter Twenty-six

  Chapter Twenty-seven

  Chapter Twenty-eight

  Chapter Twenty-nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-one




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