Book Read Free

In Your Arms

Page 21

by Shannyn Schroeder

  Barb watched the interaction. “Now that I’ve seen the competition for Mr. Fuck Me Eyes over there, I don’t blame you for throwing him the cold shoulder.”


  “I’ve been wondering what happened with him. You’ve been tight-lipped. After meeting Sean, I understand.”

  Emma took a healthy drink of beer. “Caleb and I didn’t click. I tried a couple of times, but it wasn’t there. He keeps hoping though.”

  “And Sean?”

  “What about him?”

  “Is it there with him?”

  In spades. Emma smiled and nodded.

  “Excellent. Did you find him on one of the sites I suggested?”

  “No. He actually picked me up on the side of the road when my car broke down.”

  “So he’s a knight in shining armor, huh?”

  Emma imagined Sean rolling in on his motorcycle, wearing his leather jacket, and smiled again. Not quite the typical knight on a white horse, but his steed suited him. “He definitely has his good points.”

  When she looked up, she had to blink to make sure she wasn’t imagining things. Sean wound through the crowd of after-work drinkers, making his way to her. He was a little underdressed compared to all the guys wearing suits, but he looked damn hot. His face broke into a huge smile when he caught her eye.

  Barb gave a little clap and stood. “Yay. You made it.”


  Barb leaned over. “I said I met him in the office when he delivered the cupcakes. I invited him to come have a drink with us.” She then shifted over and waved to Sean to take her seat.

  Emma sat, completely flabbergasted. Her mouth slipped open, but nothing came out. She was so torn. She was happy to see Sean because they hadn’t seen each other since Monday night’s dinner and seeing him always made her happy. But he was here, with her teacher friends, and she wasn’t sure he would fit in.

  He came close, put a hand on her shoulder, and kissed her cheek. “Happy Birthday.”

  “You’re here,” she finally managed.

  He leaned close and whispered in her ear. “Barb invited me. Hope that’s okay.”

  She nodded because what else could she do? She still wasn’t sure how she felt. Barb smacked the table a couple of times and then made a quick round of introductions before waving the waitress over. Sean asked for a beer and ordered another for both Barb and Emma.

  Then he jumped into a conversation with Barb and Jill, the other second-grade teacher. Emma only partially listened because Cece drilled her with questions on her other side. Conversation was fast and people were laughing, and before she knew it, she had finished her beer and the group had thinned by a couple of people. The few who had left were the ones who left early every week because they had small children to get home to. The ones who stayed were the singles and the parents of teenagers who were in no rush to get home.

  Emma excused herself to go to the bathroom. Sean gripped her fingers quickly without breaking the conversation he was having with Jill. He let her know he was aware she was stepping away, but still talked. Sean had completely surprised her this evening. He was cautious about how he approached her, not too overt with affection, and he talked and joked with her colleagues like they’d known each other for awhile.

  On her way back from the bathroom, Caleb stopped her. “Hey, Emma.”

  Emma swallowed the groan. “Hi, Caleb.”

  “You haven’t called.”

  “Was I supposed to?” Emma’s heart jumped into her throat. She smelled the alcohol on Caleb’s breath and saw the unfocused look in his eyes. He’d had too much to drink, and she didn’t want a scene.

  “I thought we had a good time together.”

  “We did, but I’m not looking for anything serious.” She crossed her fingers and hoped she wouldn’t get shot down for the lie.

  “Come to the bar and I’ll buy you a drink.”

  “No, thanks. I have a drink waiting at the table with my friends. Maybe another time.” Another time when he was sober and she could tell him not to bother her again. She skirted around him and walked back to the table. When she sat, Sean placed his hand on her thigh.

  For the next hour, they snacked on half-price happy-hour appetizers and told Sean stories about their adventures in teaching. The crowd in the bar had grown as time passed, and they had a hard time getting their waitress’s attention. Emma stood and went to the bar to get drinks.

  By the time she muscled her way through the crowd, she found herself nearly plastered against Caleb, of all people. Why couldn’t she have taken a different path to the bar? She raised her hand to get the bartender’s attention.

  Caleb’s hand cupped her ass. Emma flinched and turned her head to him. “What are you doing?”

  “I figure sharing a drink here is as good as a third date. We all know what getting to the third date means.” His palm caressed her.

  She stomped on his foot. “Don’t touch me unless I invite you to.”

  “Is there a problem?” Sean stood behind her and Caleb.

  Emma’s stomach knotted. As she answered, “No,” Caleb said, “Only if you don’t get your ass out of the way.”

  “Excuse me?”

  Emma didn’t need to look down to know Sean’s hands would be forming fists. She knew that hard look in his eyes.

  “The lady and I were having a date.”

  “Really?” One eyebrow lifted as Sean’s gaze moved to her.

  She shook her head. “No, not really. I’m fine, Sean. Wait for me at the table.”

  * * *

  Sean heard the words Emma spoke, but he also saw the look on the drunk’s face. This guy had no intention of leaving Emma alone. “I’ll get the drinks.”

  “I’m. Fine.”

  Like she had a reason to get pissed at him? The drunk leaned over, angling his body more firmly between Sean and Emma.

  “Let’s get out of here, where we can be alone and continue our conversation.” Then he snaked a hand around Emma’s waist and tugged.

  Sean saw red. He tried to take a deep breath. He knew Emma wasn’t interested in this guy. He swallowed hard and then said, “Hands off.”

  The guy barely glanced over his shoulder at Sean. “Get your own.” He tugged Emma into him again, jostling her off balance.

  Sean gripped the guy’s shoulder. “She is mine.”

  Sean didn’t think he’d ever spoken truer words. The shock of them momentarily stunned him.

  The guy tried to shrug Sean off, but he stumbled, obviously half in the bag. Emma’s hand reached out between them. “Sean, it’s fine. Caleb didn’t mean anything by it.”

  “It’s not okay. This guy has his hands all over you.”

  “What are you gonna do about it?”

  Sean grabbed him by the shirt and yanked him away from Emma, knocking him into a few other bar patrons. A couple of people yelled and griped, but they backed off when they got a good look at Sean. He felt eyes on him and he tried to stay calm.

  “You should probably go home,” he told the guy.

  “Screw you. I’m talking with Emma, making plans for our third date.”

  Third date? This was one of the losers she’d been dating? Sean scoffed. “Doesn’t say much for you if three dates in she’s trying to get away from you.”

  That was all the provocation Caleb needed. Like most drunks, he took a swing, which Sean deftly dodged before landing his own fist on Caleb’s jaw. The crowd backed up as Caleb stumbled. He righted himself quicker than Sean expected, but Sean was ready for him. Caleb rushed him like a football player.

  Before Sean had a chance to land another punch, bouncers were pulling them apart and escorting them out the door. Two big guys stood between Caleb and Sean out on the sidewalk to make sure they headed in different directions. Sean stayed, hoping Emma would follow him out.

  She came barreling through the door, more pissed off than he’d ever seen her. “Are you all right?” he asked as she came close.

he bouncers still held him back to make sure he wasn’t starting more shit. Emma waved them off, which was good because, otherwise, cops would be called. The bouncers stepped away and looked at Emma. “Everything okay here?”

  “I’m fine, thanks.” Then she turned her glare at Sean.

  What the hell had he done wrong? Some guy pawed at her and she was pissed at him?

  “How dare you?”


  “Who the hell do you think you are to come in here and start a fucking fight like that?”

  She was in rare form and Sean couldn’t help himself. “That’s two curse words in one sentence.”

  “Do I look like I’m in the mood for one of your damn jokes? This isn’t funny.”

  Then he saw it. She wasn’t just angry. She was hurt, maybe worried. Her eyes darted behind them before she shored up her defenses again.

  He took a cautious step closer to her. “I couldn’t stand there and watch some other guy put his hands on you.”

  “So you had to punch him? He was drunk!”

  “I was trying to take care of you.”

  “I can take care of myself. I was fine.”

  “His hand was on your ass! You didn’t get all pissy the last time I knocked out a guy who touched you.”

  She flinched as if his words had smacked her. “This is why you were never supposed to be anything more than a weekend fling.”

  “What did I do that was so wrong? He swung first, after I told him to get his hands off you.” His own anger was bubbling up again.

  Her arms flew out in exasperation. “You really don’t get it, do you? You embarrassed me in there. Those people”—she pointed toward the bar—“are my coworkers, my colleagues. I have to work with them every day. This is why I never asked you to meet us for drinks. I was afraid of this.”

  Now it was his turn to step back as her words sank in. She was embarrassed of him. The thought stabbed through his heart.

  She took a couple more steps back. “Go home, Sean. This is over. You wanted your chance. You completely lived up to my expectations. I told you a long time ago this was not the kind of life I wanted. I want a man in my life, not some overgrown boy who uses his fists first and can’t keep a job and lives at home with his dad.”

  She was already down the block before he could get his mouth moving. He didn’t know what he would’ve said if she was still standing there. He turned to go to his car. The doorman gave him a look of pity as he passed. Fuck this. He’d done nothing wrong but be himself. He was the same guy she’d been attracted to this whole time. It was her problem if he suddenly wasn’t good enough.

  * * *

  Sean called in sick to work on Saturday and again on Monday. At some point, Tommy came in and poked at him, kicking a can across the room as he moved.

  “What the hell is going on, Sean?”

  “Nothing.” His head thumped and his stomach turned.

  “That’s a fuck load of alcohol over nothing.” Tommy sat on the edge of the bed.

  The sudden pitch of the mattress had Sean groaning.

  “I’ve never seen you get this fucked up. What happened?”


  “I’m not going anywhere until you tell me.”

  Sean turned his body over so he lay on his back. He swallowed hard, but it didn’t help. The lump that had been lodged between his throat and his stomach hadn’t disappeared.

  “Emma dumped me.”

  “I thought things were good with you two.”

  “Thought so too. Guess we were both wrong.” Sean pushed up to sit. He grabbed a can of beer from the nightstand and took a swig. It was warm and disgusting, but he hoped it might help the hangover.

  Tommy snatched it from his hand.

  “What the fuck? I answered your fucking question. Go away.”

  “Why’d she dump you?”

  Sean stood, stumbled against the edge of the bed, bounced off Tommy’s legs and headed out the bedroom door. If he couldn’t drink the hangover away, he’d try a shower. He stepped under the water and heard Tommy come into the bathroom.

  “What happened?”

  “I fucked up. I punched some dude who was copping a feel at the bar.”


  Sean didn’t answer. He didn’t want to think about it anymore. He’d done nothing but replay that scene in his head a million times since Friday night. No matter how he looked at it, he wouldn’t have changed his reaction. He hated knowing some other guy had had his hands on Emma’s ass. No one’s hand belonged there except his.

  And that thought made him want to drink more.

  The hot spray beat on his head and shoulders. The quiet in the room led him to believe Tommy had left. When Sean finally turned off the water and stepped out of the stall, Tommy still leaned against the sink.

  “Go away, Tommy.” Sean reached into the medicine cabinet, but found nothing to kill the pain.

  “She’s pissed because you hit some guy? I’m not buying it. You’re not saying something.”

  Sean rolled his shoulders and then stared at his little brother. “I did it at a bar where she was drinking with her teacher friends, coworkers.”


  “’Bout sums it up.”

  “I get that she might be pissed, but to break it off? Sounds like a regular fight to me.”

  Sean shook his head and immediately regretted it. “She made it clear she was done with me. I blew my chance to be with her.” Which had been another reminder of why he didn’t want a relationship. “She wants a man, not some . . . what the fuck’d she call me? An overgrown boy.”

  Tommy winced. “Anything I can do?”

  “Go buy me another twelve-pack.”

  “You can’t drink your way out of this.”

  “Not out of it. Through it. ’Til she doesn’t matter anymore.”

  “I don’t think it’ll be that easy.”

  Didn’t he already know that? He’d spent the last two days in a drunken stupor hoping to forget about Emma. Nothing worked. At least if he drank enough, he’d black out.

  “What about work?”

  “Called in sick.”

  “You can’t do that indefinitely.”

  He didn’t need his little brother pointing out the obvious.

  “Come upstairs and I’ll make you breakfast.”

  “If you’re not getting me more beer or a bottle of whiskey, leave me alone.” He stumbled his way back to bed. The shower had done little for his hangover. His room smelled ripe and made his stomach roil. He grabbed some clothes, fumbled with getting them on, and then looked for his keys.

  “Where do you think you’re going?”

  “You won’t get me beer, I’ll get it myself.”

  “Fuck,” Tommy mumbled. “I’ll go. You’re not safe to drive.”

  He fucking knew that too. He probably would’ve ended up walking to the store. Like he had with Emma when she wanted birthday cake. He leaned against his dresser, and an image of her bent over when they fucked the first time slammed into him. He spun and knocked the damn furniture over with a yell.

  Tommy stood in the doorway with his arms across his chest. “Feel better?”


  “Open a window and air this place out. I’ll be back with your beer in ten.”

  It was good to know he could still count on his brother.

  “Thanks, man.” Then he fell across his bed.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Emma got to work extra early Monday morning in order to avoid running into anyone who had been at the bar on Friday. She was sure the gossip would’ve already spread, but if she made herself scarce, she might be able to minimize it. She grabbed the mail from her box, waved to Mrs. Pitts, and hurried to her room.

  She prepped for the day and enjoyed the momentary silence of the room as she sipped her coffee. Just before the bell rang, Barb poked her head in the door.

  “How was your birthday?”

  Emma’s stomach clen
ched. “Fine.”

  Barb eyed her and came all the way into the room. “Do anything special?”

  “Nope. Stayed at home and binge watched shows on Netflix.”

  “No hot date with Sean?”

  Emma thumped her head against the top of her desk. “After what he did Friday? I’m afraid to leave my classroom because I’m so embarrassed.”

  Barb poked her shoulder. “Embarrassed by what? Your boyfriend punched a guy who was grabbing you inappropriately?”

  “Yeah. I can’t believe he did that in front of everyone.”

  Barb patted her shoulder. “First, more than half the people we were with had already left. Of those that remained, half of them have no clue because they weren’t paying attention. The rest of us? We thought it was pretty hot. Who wouldn’t like a guy to swoop in and rescue us?”

  Me, Emma thought. She didn’t want a guy to rescue her. She wanted to be able to take care of herself. But she smiled at Barb’s comments because that was what she expected.

  However, Barb knew her well enough to know she was faking it. “Don’t worry about it. Shit happens. What goes on outside of school stays there.”

  “That’s not true. You know how teachers love to gossip. I can’t handle them talking about me.”

  “The only thing I’ve heard is how gorgeous your boyfriend is. He was charming and friendly, and everyone genuinely liked him. They thought it was sweet that he brought cupcakes for your class on your birthday.”

  “It was sweet.” Barb was doing so much to make her feel better that she began to question how harsh she was to Sean. In the heat of the moment, she’d said some pretty awful things. They were mostly true, but she probably hadn’t needed to be that mean.

  The bell rang and Barb headed for the door. “You might want to think about thanking him for caring enough that Mr. Fuck Me Eyes was all over you.”

  The kids started coming into the class as Barb walked into the hall. Emma put Sean out of her mind and focused on the day ahead.


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