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Promises, Promises

Page 8

by Baker, Janice

  “How ya feelin’ Z?” She asked. God her eyes are gorgeous. They were sparkling. “Good now that you’re here baby!” I said as sexy as I could. She started laughing more. What? That was a good line. What was wrong with that?

  “Is that what you say to pick up a chick?” She said laughing.

  “Come over here and sit t’ me. Talk to me Iz.” I patted the seat next to me. It sounded louder than I intended.

  “I don’t want to be in line for rebound, Z,” she told me as she looked away from me.

  I laughed and said, “Who’s rebounding? I’m just bouncing back!” She giggled. God, that sound made my dick hard. Why is her giggle so fucking hot?

  “That’s what rebound means! I think I’ll stay over here for now Z, but thanks.” I scared her. I can’t even pick up a chick in the kitchen. Shit.

  Then the door slammed and Mel ran up the stairs crying. Flynn looked like he was pissed. “What’d you do now?” What are they doing?

  “Nothing. I just fucked it all up. Every guy wants to fuck her and she doesn’t get it,” Flynn said as he swayed. He grabbed a bar stool and sat down. Good thinking.

  Izzy leaned over to talk to him and I got a fantastic shot of her tits. Holy shit…no fucking bra…she saw my eyes and stood up quickly and straightened out her shirt.

  “Naw…don’t do that please. Come on! They were so nice to me!” I was trying to stand to walk to the other bar stool, but it wasn’t working as great as I thought. I hit the couch a couple times before finally able to hold one and sit down on a bar stool.

  Flynn started laughing as he watched me. Then he put his head in his hands. “Ugh, I keep fucking it all up, don’t I?” Flynn moaned.

  “Yes, you seem to do that. Why is that? She’s really into you, you know Flynn,” Iz insisted as she took a swig of her beer. My eyes were getting heavy…I put my head down to close them. I heard talking but then nothing else.

  A girl’s voice said, “Help me get him to the couch. Why is he so much drunker than you? Didn’t you guys drink the same?”

  “No, he was slamming them faster than I was. I thought it’d be funny to pour mine into his glass when he wasn’t looking.” That got a girl to giggle. I was lifted and then all was soft and quiet.

  Chapter 7


  “So how much do you think he really drank?” I asked Flynn as we plopped Z on the couch.

  He laughed, “No idea…but at least ¾ of the bottle!” Wow…that’s way too much.

  “I hope he’ll be okay…Should we take turns watching him?” I was a bit concerned to say the least.

  “He’ll be okay, but I can take a turn if you want.” He said.

  “Nah, you go ahead to bed. I’ll sleep in the chaise. It’s pretty comfy.” I decided to ask, “So, what’s really up with you and Melanie?”

  “Ugh…don’t ask that Izzy.” Flynn whined running his hand through his dark, already disheveled hair. His gorgeous eyes were sad as he rubbed his jaw back and forth. “I don’t know. I just keep seeing her with these guys all the time. You know she fucked her boss, don’t you? She works with him day in and out and I keep wondering if she’s fucking him each day.” He looked so distressed, I felt bad for him.

  “I’m pretty sure that was just a one night type deal. I’m sure you run into girls you’ve slept with and she has to stand there seeing them.” I wasn’t sure on that one, but thought I’d take a stab in the dark.

  “Not really. I haven’t brought anyone back here since she moved in. We seem to just not get it together for whatever reason. I probably should just forget about it.” Flynn looked flustered.

  “Don’t give up. I know she’s into you, but she’s just as frustrated as you are. You guys keep jabbing at each other. Someone’s gotta give.” I said calmly hoping to help the situation a little.

  “And how would you feel if you kept seeing your ex with someone all the time? Wouldn’t you be jealous?” Flynn said trying to compare my situation to his, which didn’t make sense at all.

  “Umm, my ex, first of all, could give two shits about making me jealous. He actually used to do it on purpose to teach me a lesson. And second of all, she’s not your ex – she’s not even your girlfriend yet and you’re not even giving her a chance. If you guys did get together, why do you think she’d sleep with her boss again? Give her a little bit of credit.” Does he not even know Melanie? She wouldn’t cheat.

  “Sorry, yeah, you’re probably right. I just keep thinking about them getting together and it pisses me off.” He paused, giving a slight cringe. “I didn’t mean to bring up your ex.”

  “It’s alright, no worries. It’s getting easier to talk about. Well, sort of...” I chuckled to make light of it, but I’d rather change the subject.

  “Hey, did Melanie tell you about the block party at my parent’s house? We’re all going, except Clark. You’re more than welcome to come too. It’s next Sunday.” Flynn said while glancing over at Z on the couch.

  “No, she didn’t mention it, but yeah, that sounds like it would be fun.” I pretended like I hadn’t overheard them discuss it the other night. It would be fun to see where the boys grew up.

  “Alright, well, if you’re okay, I’m going to head up to bed.” Flynn said as he slapped the counter.

  “Yeah, I’m all good, thanks.” I said as I grabbed the blanket off the back of the couch to cover Z. “Are there anymore blankets down here or should I grab my comforter off my bed?”

  He walked over to the hall closet and grabbed a blanket for me. He handed it to me then headed up the stairs.

  I left the kitchen light on in case I needed to help Z with anything, then I snuggled down on the chaise. It was so comfortable and after a long night of tending bar, it didn’t take me long to fall asleep.

  I was having this intense erotic dream. Soft lips were on mine. Strong hands were holding each side of my head. His warm tongue entered through my lips and glided to mine. It was such a deep sensual kiss. I let out a moan waking myself from the dream. I slowly opened my eyes to Z lying down next to me, kissing me so deeply it made me ache. I didn’t stop kissing him. It was so passionate and so sweet I didn’t want it to ever end.

  I ran my hand through his soft hair, curling my fingers around it and deepened the kiss. Our tongues entwined and felt like they belonged together. I had never had such an intense, fervent kiss. My heartbeat increased. I felt warmth spread through me and a throbbing need between my legs became so strong I couldn’t have stopped it if I wanted to.

  I shifted myself under him, feeling his weight fully on me, pulling him closer to me. I felt his hardness against me and I moved my hands to his strong shoulders, squeezing them as if every strength in him needed to take me. Just running my hand over his broad, muscular shoulders increased my longing and made me want him in a way that was stronger than any desire I’ve ever felt.

  He moved his hand slowly down to my breast and cupped it so softly and so tenderly. He felt my hard nipple through my shirt. “God. You are so fucking perfect,” he moaned into my mouth.

  He gently pinched my nipple between his fingers, then rubbed it lightly. Our kiss deepened even more as his hand moved under my shirt back up to my breast. Feeling his hand on my bare breast sent another wave of desire through me, increasing the throbbing between my legs. Again he rolled my nipple between his fingers, slightly stronger this time. Our breathing increased and I wanted so much more. I wanted his throbbing cock inside of me as I felt his hardness right up against me. The feeling was so erotic; I moaned and started grinding myself into him…

  “Whoa guys!!! Fuck yeah!!! That is HOT!!” We heard Clark walk into the living room after the front door slammed. “Don’t let me stop you two! That is so fucking hot!” Clark headed up the stairs. “Power to the pussy Z!!! Give it to her good!” He yelled out laughing.

  He chuckled and I giggled as I looked into his eyes. They were so bloodshot; I knew he was still just as drunk as before. I wasn’t sure how much time had passed and it
was still dark out. His hand was still under my shirt. I sat up quickly, making him release his hold on my breast and tried to straighten my shirt. His hand still lingered on my hip bone as he gave me a sly, sexy grin. I wanted him so badly that I was aching with need… but not as his rebound.

  I stood up quickly and stammered, “Uh…how are you feeling?” I was really trying to just get my wits back as I straightened out my shirt.

  He continued to give me that same sexy, sly grin, “I’m doing really good, baby, come on and sit back down here.” He slurred as he patted the chaise. I wanted to lay back down with him. I wanted to be back in his arms, back with our tongues entwined together. But the problem was…I knew he was just drunk. Me, I was sober and couldn’t help but crave and wish for something more. Something… permanent? Could Z be that love that I’ve been searching for? Could he be everything that my last lesson said I’d never find or have?

  I was still trying to calm myself down from our sensual encounter. I couldn’t figure out what to do, so I ran into the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water. By the time I came back to the chaise, he was passed out. I put the water on the coffee table and sat on the couch just watching him. I started trying to think things through in my head. Our kiss was so passionate, but he’s drunk, so how passionate was it really on his end? He was just trying to get over Sheila and I was sure he was only kissing me because I was there. Convenient.

  I glanced at him again and smiled. He really was such an adorable drunk. He was also pretty funny, thinking back to earlier in the night and all the silly things he had said. I hated mean drunks. Who doesn’t? Z was definitely a fun drunk. Then I started thinking again about our incredible kiss. It was so intense and erotic.

  I gazed softly at Z. I wondered if he kisses that sensual every time or was this just because he was drunk. And how was he going to act around me tomorrow? Was he even going to remember? The thought made me a little sad, but maybe it would be for the best if he didn’t remember until we both get our act together. He was definitely not over Sheila; or should I say “fucking whore?” And, of course, I was still trying to have some sort of “normal” lifestyle. I wondered…if I did get involved with Z, would it help me as I tried to regain control back on my life…in all areas? It had only been a short time after all. Not to mention, it was only now that I felt like I could flirt…I felt like I could flirt and tease a guy without fear of retribution. The realization made me chuckle. Such a small thing that most would take for granted, but here I was worried about flirting without being ‘punished!’

  I laid my head down on the sofa arm and continued to stare at Z. He was just so attractive, so strong and just the perfect image of what a man should be. But sleeping, he looked sweet, almost childlike. I giggled noticing the drool coming out the corner of his mouth. Well, that helped the childlike picture! I drifted off to sleep again with all these thoughts swimming around my head.

  “Ow, fuck!” I heard Z hit something, waking me from my dream. I opened my eyes to watch him stumble to the bathroom. Next, I heard him retching…hopefully into the toilet. I got up and followed him, grabbing the water off the coffee table. Poor guy. I sat next to him on the floor after he was done and handed him the water. He leaned against the wall.

  “Thanks,” he said taking a small sip and then he handed it back to me so he could have another date with the toilet. “Aww…fuck.” He said after that bout. He blew his nose in a tissue, threw it in the toilet and flushed it. He leaned back against the wall again.

  “Do you want me to get some bread for you; maybe you’d at least have something to throw up next time?” I felt so bad for him, but at least he was getting out of his system.

  “Yeah… yeah, okay, thanks.” He closed his eyes and I left to get it for him. I came back and he was exactly as I had left him.

  “Here ya go….take small bites.” I instructed, still feeling sorry for him. He took the bread and did just that, then drank a couple sips of water. We sat there for a while not saying anything at all. Then he started to stand, but sat back down quickly and then…had another round.

  Finally, he stood up without getting sick again and started to walk out. I followed him, holding the bread and water. He lay back down on the couch and said in a barely audible whisper, “I’m sorry….” Then he passed out. Not romantic in the least, but he was just so darn cute, even when he’s drunk.

  I lay on the chaise again and just gazed at him. I hoped he wasn’t going to try to kiss me again. I’d hate to think of what he just did and that he didn’t brush his teeth. Gross, I know. But that’s what I was thinking as I fell back asleep.

  I awoke before everyone else in the house. The sun was coming through the back windows and I decided everyone, well, except Clark and I, would be hung over.

  Shit. Clark. All of sudden I remembered he walked in on us. Well, there goes the chance of Z forgetting. Or even the chance of my being able to bypass that conversation, if any.

  I went to the kitchen and started cooking breakfast for everyone. I knew grease was the best route to help everyone’s hangover. Bacon, pancakes, eggs, hash browns and I took out the ingredients for the Bloody Marys. One by one, they came down the stairs. Z was still passed out on the couch. I left out all the food so they could make their own plates then proceeded to make everyone a Bloody Mary. We all ate in silence except for the occasional “Mmm, thank you so much.”

  Finally, Flynn asked me, “How’d he make out last night?” while nodding over to Z asleep on the couch.

  I started to answer, but Clark enthusiastically interrupted me. “Oh he made out VERY well, right Izzy? I walked in on them making out with his hand up her shirt!” My face burned red. Both Flynn and Melanie turned to me with their mouths open and eyes wide. What could I say? He was right. I turned around and pretended to be busy…doing something…anything.

  Melanie asked, “Is that true, Izzy?”

  Clark snapped, “Of course it’s true! I just said it, didn’t I?”

  Can I just crawl into a hole right now? I turned around and replied, “It sort of happened.” And then I turned to Flynn, whose mouth was still open and said, “To answer your question, he got up and threw up most of it and then passed out again.” I was hoping that kind of summed up my night.

  Melanie felt the need to go over the chain of events. “So wait a minute…you guys were making out, Clark walks in and then Z pukes and passes out?” Well, it didn’t happen exactly like that. The way she made it sound was he threw up because he was kissing me.

  “Well, sort of….I mean…I don’t think he got sick because of me.”

  Flynn laughed and said, “No, that’s not what she was implying, but umm…how are you doing?”

  It was sweet of him to ask because obviously this was going to turn really awkward. “Umm, I’m doing fine, but can we just not talk about this when he wakes up? I don’t know if he’ll remember and I don’t want him to feel like he has to remember, if that makes any sense.”

  Melanie blinked about 20 times trying to think it all through before finally saying, “okay,” slowly, “if that’s how you want to play it.”

  I smiled, “yes, that’s exactly how I want to play it!” and I glared at Clark hoping he’d shut up about it. I changed the subject. “I’m going to get changed and head out for a run. Anyone want to join me?” I knew they wouldn’t, but thought I’d ask. Everyone, of course, shook their heads “no.”

  I ran up and changed quickly, hoping to get out before Z woke up. He didn’t and I was able to escape the quiet stares as I left the townhouse.

  As I ran I was able to clear my mind thinking through all the events that just took place with Z. I resolved to just see if Z remembers anything and if he does, we can go on from there. Otherwise, I hoped the rest of my roommates would be able to keep their silence instead of forcing Z to remember what occurred last night. I didn’t want him to feel obligated to try to pursue anything with me just because we kissed while he was drunk.

  As I was walki
ng, trying to cool down my body, a guy came up next to me wearing running clothes. He looked like he had been running just about as hard as I had.

  “Hey,” he said. I looked over and was surprised to see a really good looking guy – tall, dark hair, with beautiful green eyes. He had a very sexy smile.

  “Hey.” I smiled back at him.

  “I saw you running when you first started out. You’re pretty fast. Are you training for anything?”

  “No, I just run to clear my head,” I replied. We were walking next each other now. It was a gorgeous day and people were all about, doing their own run, bike riding or walking their dog.

  He smiled again, “Did it work?”

  I giggled and smiled. “Yeah, it actually did. Always helps. What about you? Are you training for something?”

  I felt like neither of us could stop smiling. “Yeah, actually I’m training for Ironman.”

  Wow. That really piqued my interest. “For fun or are you a professional athlete?” I asked. He definitely had the body for it, now that I was glancing over his body more intently.

  “I’m a professional, actually. I have a couple of sponsors. I’m sorry, I never introduced myself. I’m Mark.” Why does that name keep coming up? It doesn’t matter, I said to myself and tried to ignore that ludicrous feeling that coursed through me.

  I’m sure my facial expression changed because he chuckled and said, “I’m sorry, does my name upset you?”

  I smiled, shook my head and said, “No, I’m sorry. It’s nothing, really. I’m Izzy.” I held out my hand and we shook while continuing to walk. His hand lingered a bit more, giving me butterflies in my belly.

  “I have to admit; I actually saw you running the other day and was hoping I’d bump into you somehow. I’m out here all the time training. I start seeing familiar faces along my runs.” I blushed at the thought that he remembered seeing me. I felt kind of bad because I never paid any attention to anyone on my runs.


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