Promises, Promises

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Promises, Promises Page 11

by Baker, Janice

  “No,” I stated firmly, while shaking my head and held my other hand up for everyone to stop worrying. “Can we just drop it? It’s just my mind playing tricks on me again.” I tried to give a small reassuring smile to convince them.

  HE wasn’t going to have me followed, would HE? I frowned as I took a drink from my beer. I turned away from the guys and walked to the couch in an attempt to change the subject.

  I lowered my voice and asked Melanie, “how was your date?” I forced a smile. I heard Flynn huff, clearly pissed off as he grabbed a beer out of the fridge. I mentally scolded myself yet again for asking Melanie about another guy in front of Flynn.

  “It was good! We went to a great restaurant and he was so much fun to talk to!” Shit, why did I ask her this? She stopped abruptly, probably also realizing Flynn was right there. “Hey, did you know we have a pool table here? I don’t think I ever really gave you a good tour of the place! How about a game?” Melanie jumped up excitedly.

  “I had no idea!” All this time I could have played to help clear my head! I beamed as I followed Mel to the back of the townhouse and to the right. There was another huge room, basically behind the kitchen. It had a gorgeous, mahogany wood regulation pool table with green felt and an exquisite Tiffany light fixture over it. I walked over to the pool table and began to set up.

  We started playing and Mel told me a little more about her date. The good parts she increased the volume on her voice to make sure Flynn heard her in the kitchen. The rest she giggled and lowered her voice, probably trying to make him think they were intimate discussions or something.

  Flynn stalked into the pool room, looking pissed off, followed by Z. I was still trying to figure out what Z meant by his comment before we came inside earlier. If he doesn’t want me as a rebound maybe he wants something else? I shook my head. It’s a competition thing, I kept trying to tell myself, as I tried to concentrate on what Melanie was telling me.

  “Holy shit! What happened to you?” Melanie asked, looking concerned at Flynn as she finally noticed his lip bleeding. He was no longer holding the ice bag to his cut, I noticed.

  “I got into a fight.” He answered as he glanced away.

  Melanie looked at me knowing there was more to this story. “He got into a fight with Mark.” I told her.

  “Who the heck is Mark?” Melanie asked. Oh yeah, I hadn’t told her about him yet, had I?

  “A guy I met on my run who was interested in me until Flynn and Z decided to pick a fight with him.” I told her while looking over at Z. I was still trying to figure out why Flynn got into a fight with Mark.

  “I didn’t get into a fight with him, Flynn did!” Z shot at me giving me another boyish grin. That adorable look melted my insides and I had to bite my lip to stop from grinning stupidly.

  “Well, wasn’t he fighting Mark for you since you decided to pull me into your office so you could make out with me?” I asked, still not knowing exactly how the fight started.

  Melanie held her hands up. “Wait a minute. What happened? Flynn got into a fight so you could make out with Iz again?” Melanie looked at Z with her brows pulled together trying to sort it all out. I was glad she was just as confused as I was.

  “Izzy was flirting with him and he seemed to be checking out the girls Flynn brought over. I was just saving Iz from being disappointed.” Z shrugged as he glanced away from Melanie.

  “That doesn’t even make any sense. He wasn’t checking them out at all until Flynn brought them over.” I turned to Flynn and asked, “So, why did you start a fight with Mark?”

  “He was being an asshole. He shoved me and like hell if I’m going to let some asshole touch me, so I punched him. It went on from there.” He shrugged his shoulders and took a drink from his beer. His eyes averted my questioning look. “He’s a douche.” Flynn muttered under his breath.

  I glanced back and forth between both of them not really knowing what to think. “Why would Mark shove you for no reason?”

  Flynn shrugged and took a drink from his beer. He gave a slight head nod toward Z. “Maybe he didn’t like that Z brought you to the back, what do I know? He seemed like an idiot to me.”

  I kept replaying the evening in my head. Z was hitting on other girls. If he really felt some connection with me, why didn’t he say something sooner? Why did it take me flirting with Mark to get him to take me to the back?

  I glanced back at Z and asked, “why do you care if I was flirting with Mark anyway? You had your entourage of girls for the night.” It was a simple question, but the look on his face seemed as if I asked something personal as he looked around and then walked up to the pool table. He started to roll a ball under the palm of his hand back and forth on the green felt. I continued to watch him, waiting patiently for his answer.

  “He…umm, just seemed like a dork. You shouldn’t date someone like that Izzy,” Z said sheepishly as he shrugged and continued to look at the ball, still rolling it with his palm.

  “What do you know about what I need? You’re in the same boat I am, just coming out of a relationship, but I’m not going up to your group of girls and pushing them aside or getting into fights with them.” I shook my head not knowing what else to say.

  I felt anger well up in me and I wasn’t sure I could remain calm. I started walking back to the kitchen to throw my bottle into the recycling bin, remembering one of my many lessons from HIM — when feelings are involved, always keep your voice in control and keep calm; Acting reckless and expressing your feelings were punished. I learned that lesson very early in our relationship; it came in handy until the very last night when I couldn’t control it.

  Z followed me and grabbed my arm turning me to face him, again creating that electric feeling straight through my body. “I’m sorry. You’re right; I was being a dick tonight. I shouldn’t have done that. I just think you deserve better. That’s all.” He admitted sincerely.

  He barely knows me. How does he know what I need? As intense as our attraction is to each other, I continued to wonder his true intentions. Was he just jealous that I was trying to move on to something new? It didn’t make any sense since he had a group of girls surrounding him.

  I tried to keep my anger out of my voice and tried to keep it even and calm as I told him, “I don’t think that’s why you did it. Maybe you’re still pissed off about Sheila and maybe you still want everyone to be as miserable as you. I didn’t walk over and interrupt you and your girls. Maybe next time you could just stay out of my affairs.” I turned and went up the stairs, hoping I did the right thing by cutting him off. It didn’t feel like the right thing to do in my heart, but it was probably the best thing to do for now at least.

  I changed into my pajamas and got into bed listening to Melanie yelling at both of them for being jerks for chasing Mark away. Then I heard Z leave the townhouse, the door not really slamming shut, but it definitely wasn’t closed quietly. Of course, then Flynn and Melanie got into an argument about her dating someone right under his nose.

  I tried to get some sleep, but instead tossed and turned thinking about Z. Thinking about our kissing, although that doesn’t seem to describe what we shared in his office. It was more intense than just kissing — but what was his real reason for making his move? Was it really because he likes me? Or was it because he was jealous of me trying to move on to someone new after my relationship.

  Relationship…was what I had with HIM even considered that? I guess not many people would call it that. Was it really as bad as I remember it to be? I mean, our type of relationship wasn’t what most would define as “boyfriend/girlfriend,” but it was more than I had ever shared with anyone…well, except in college if I had let any of the guys I dated go any further.

  Having a ‘real’ relationship was something I had always craved. I had saved myself for Brad, which was probably another reason I turned down all the guys in college when it came down to sex. That and I didn’t want to become a whore like my mom. Sex became something that I wanted to
only do with someone I loved.

  Brad was someone I deeply loved, but since he didn’t love me the same way, I turned to HIM when it came time for sex.

  HE didn’t love me, but for some reason I felt that if I gave myself to HIM, gave HIM my virginity, gave HIM myself entirely, that HE would love me. That turned out to be a huge mistake.

  After reviewing my non-love life for some time, I finally cried myself to sleep.


  I woke up the next morning and realized I had a “date” run with Mark.

  I began to wonder if I really gave Mark a fair shot before being swept away by Z’s passion. After an odd relationship of two years, I probably wasn’t the best judge of character. I decided I was going to give Mark a chance and just see what happens.

  I took a quick shower and made sure to shave my legs then put on my “cutest” workout clothes, added a little makeup, which I never do when I run, and headed downstairs. Melanie and Flynn were gathered around the kitchen island. I overheard them discussing the fight Flynn got into with Mark as I came down the stairs.

  “Off for another run,” Melanie asked when I reached into the fridge to grab a bottle of water.

  “Yes, I am!” I said, probably a little too cheerful.

  “Why’d you take a shower?” she asked curiously as she eyed my hair and clothing.

  “Umm…I’m meeting Mark for a run.” I looked away quickly trying to avoid Flynn’s shocked expression.

  “You’re meeting that asshole after the fight I got into with him? He’s a dick Iz! Why would you want to date a guy like that?” He snapped at me, the look of disgust on his face said more than his words.

  “Look, I don’t know what happened between you two, but I’m sure it didn’t really happen that he shoved you for no reason. Anything else you want to tell me about what really happened,” I asked as I stared at him, trying to keep calm, knowing there was more to the story than he was telling me.

  He scoffed, “No! He’s a dick and felt the need to shove me. You don’t want a guy like that!”

  Pursing my lips and furrowing my brows, I shook my head knowing he was lying because he couldn’t even look me in the eyes. I walked up to him and calmly told him, “When you can make sense of your love life, let me know and I’ll let you determine who I date. Until then, it’s my business only.” I looked over at Melanie quickly who gave me a knowing smirk. He shook his head and was about to say something when I headed out the door. I walked across the street and down a couple blocks to the trail.

  Mark was waiting right where we had agreed to meet, at the beginning of the trail, and was smiling brightly. As I walked up to him, I immediately noticed a cut under his eye, which was red and puffy. “Oh no! Are you alright?” I asked, reaching to touch his cheek. He caught my hand squeezing it softly and held it.

  He smiled sweetly at me. “Fine, it’s fine, I promise – doesn’t hurt. Wow, you look amazing!” he exclaimed as his eyes quickly glanced over my body.

  I bit my lip and teased, “For going on a run in workout clothes?” My eyes grazed over his amazing body. He looked so hot in his running shorts and very fitted t-shirt. I could see his rippling muscles through his tight shirt and somehow the cut under his eye made him look more masculine and rugged. I glanced back up to look into bright green eyes. My heart skipped a beat as we both smiled at each other. See, maybe I do have more of an attraction with Mark than I do with Z, I tried to make myself believe.

  “Ready to run?” Mark winked as he said that.

  I dismissed my reservations in my head and nodded, “Sure, let’s get going.”

  We turned and started walking, then into a light jog. We started talking again as if nothing had happened last night. He told me where he grew up, where he went to college and how he started professional racing. I told him about college with Melanie since that was probably the safest thing to talk about. I couldn’t scare him with my upbringing and the past two years with HIM. Somehow we were able to skirt around those items. We ran a couple of full sprints and then down to a nice jog and then finally down to a walk to a cool down. Running with him was so easy going and the time flew by.

  We finished our run and returned to our meeting place. I wasn’t sure if this could be considered a real date. Was he going to kiss me? We were smiling at each other and doing that silly first date stalling thing.

  “I had a great run with you. You’re a great workout partner.” He said smiling. I glanced down to his gorgeous lips.

  I bit my lower lip, smiling. “Thank you. I had a lot of fun too.” Although I had sweat dripping all over and I’m sure at that point my makeup was sliding off my face. What was I thinking putting makeup on?

  He bent his head toward mine and I tilted my head up to his, touching my lips to his. His lips weren’t as soft as I thought they would be and I didn’t get that warm feeling like I did with Z. I wasn’t sure if I was giving him a chance. We just went for a run, so he was probably dehydrated. Right? Maybe it was just in my head. His tongue entered my mouth and searched for mine. It was a good kiss, don’t get me wrong, but it wasn’t heart stopping like last night with Z. He pulled back and I smiled, hoping that would still give him the okay that our kiss was nice. He smiled and pecked my lips again with another closed mouth kiss.

  He seemed to look around for a second or two, as if he were searching for something to say. “Umm, I hate to ask this on such short notice, but I have a lunch meeting with some of my sponsors today. It’s kind of a banquet-type thing. Would you be interested in going with me?” Mark asked looking a little unsure, maybe because he asked on such short notice?

  Regardless, my heart picked up that he wanted to spend more time with me. I smiled, probably a little too brightly. “Yeah that sounds like it would be fun. What time today?”

  He chuckled and then scrunched his face a bit. “It’s at noon, actually.” Ah, maybe that was the reason he looked so unsure. It was very short notice!

  “Wow, that’s in an hour and a half.” I giggled looking at my watch.

  “Yeah, it’s okay. I’m sorry. If it’s too short of notice, I get it. We’ll just plan another run. Maybe Tuesday we could go?” He looked like he really felt bad and a little defeated.

  I was actually used to things on short notice from HIM so it didn’t make me nervous, nor was it really an issue. “Actually, that’s not a problem. Really. I’ll just shower and change quickly. Did you want to meet there?” I asked as I remembered my conversation earlier with Flynn. I wasn’t sure I wanted Flynn starting a fight as Mark picked me up!

  He smiled brightly and quickly said, “No, I’d love to pick you up, if that’s alright?” He seemed very excited about picking me up so I decided I’d have to chance another possible fight.

  “Yeah, that would be great! I’ll text my address to you. So, I should be ready in an hour or so?”

  “Yeah, that would be great. I’ll see you soon.” He touched my cheek and gave me another sweet kiss on my lips. I smiled back at him and we went our separate ways to shower and change.

  I practically bounced home, still smiling from my “date run” with Mark and then being asked out to his sponsors’ brunch. The kiss may not have been as exciting as with Z, but it still made my heart pound. I was very excited to get to know Mark, not to mention see him in a social setting, other than the bar last night.

  I returned to the townhouse and was surprised to see Z sitting at the kitchen island having coffee and talking to Melanie, Flynn and Clark. He smiled brightly when I entered and my heart skipped a beat seeing his blue eyes light up. There was that huge spark between us again.

  Was I making a mistake by going out with Mark when I already have this connection with Z? No. I need to try to give it a fair shot with Mark and see where it leads. Z just wants a rebound, even though he said last night he didn’t. Mark wants to date me because he likes me for me. That’s what I’m going with for now at least.

  I was curious as to why he was over, but maybe he is always ove
r here and I didn’t know it because of the whole Sheila thing; that may have thrown off his normal routine. “What are you doing over here?” I asked still smiling from my run and smiling even more because seeing him just made me want to smile.

  He chuckled as his eyes gazed over me. He bit his lip and said, “Going to play basketball with the guys.” His expression changed slightly to a frown as he glanced away. “How was your run?” I was pretty sure judging from his different tone that Flynn told him I had met Mark for my run.

  I wasn’t sure why, but I felt guilty for running with Mark. I suddenly remembered the banquet I needed to get ready for and that caused additional guilt to sweep over me. I looked away and nodded, “Good, it was good. I’m going to grab a shower.”

  “Another one?” Flynn asked smugly. Asshole.

  “Yes, I just went running.” I shot out as I ran up the stairs. I sent a text to Mark with my address, then took my shower and quickly got ready. I wondered what I was going to wear and what I was going to tell the guys downstairs. I was getting nervous that the guys would start a fight again if they saw Mark. I was hopeful that they already left for their game, but I still heard them chatting, so that wasn’t the case.

  I decided on a nice crème skirt of a respectable length, but still a little sexy. I paired it with a nice silk wrap top with spaghetti straps in a royal blue and some cute wedges I’ve been dying to wear. After rechecking myself in the mirror and checking the time, I hurried downstairs. I wanted to make sure I could get to the door before the guys did!

  I walked into the kitchen as casually as I could. The guys hadn’t left yet and were still gathered around the kitchen island.

  I grabbed a coffee mug, filled it and went to the fridge for the creamer. Z got up from a bar stool and handed the sugar to me, smiling.

  “Thanks.” I smiled back at him and again my heart was beating out of my chest. What is it with this guy? And at the same time, why am I going on a date with someone else when I don’t have the same reaction with Mark? Just give Mark a fair shot. I sighed as I said that to myself...again.


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