Promises, Promises

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Promises, Promises Page 12

by Baker, Janice

  I watched him eye me from head to toe, lingering on my legs before coming back up to my eyes. “You’re all dressed up. Going somewhere?” Z asked curiously. I watched him as he swallowed, his face seemed a little annoyed, boarding on anger. He seemed to be trying to keep it out of his voice.

  I bit my lip and turned back to my coffee and began to stir it. “Uh, yeah. I was invited to a brunch.” I tried to sound as vague as possible as I tried to avoid his eyes.

  “Oh? Going with Mark, I assume?” I glanced back quickly, seeing his jaw tighten and his eyes that were once bright were now replaced with anger. DING DONG. Saved by the bell! Thank goodness!

  “I’ll see you guys soon.” I called out as I ran (well, pretty much the word should be bolted) for the door. I was glad I jumped and ran because I had an odd feeling that I needed to give Z a kiss on his cheek before leaving.

  I opened the door and shut it just as quick behind me. Mark stood there looking amazing in dark dress pants, an untucked white linen shirt and sunglasses that I was pretty sure were from his sponsors.

  He drank me in with his eyes the same way I had just done to him. He leaned in and kissed me softly on my lips. “You look amazing.” He whispered into my ear giving me goose bumps. I became breathless as he kissed me softly again. “Come on, we better get going or we’ll never leave,” he teased.

  We walked over to a black BMW M6 and he opened the passenger door for me. After I slid into my seat, he closed my door, walked around and slipped into his seat so we could leave. I glanced over to the windows and saw the curtain move before we took off, but wasn’t sure who had looked out.

  Mark grabbed my hand and squeezed it gently. “I’m really glad you could make it on such short notice. You look absolutely gorgeous.” He smiled as he kissed my hand. I grinned back and realized we were on a “real” date instead of a running date.

  I again told myself to give this a fair shot and to not think at all about Z. Although just trying not to think about Z shot adrenaline through my entire body and I became excited. I squeezed my thighs together and tried to think of other things as I looked out the window, smiling to myself.

  We pulled up to the front of the hotel using valet and Mark came around to help me out of the car.

  The hotel was beautiful and very chic with marble tiled floors, elaborate expensive décor and high ceilings. He took my hand into his as we turned the corner and walked toward the door of the banquet room. Rich crème linens covered the tables which were decorated with beautiful tall glass cylinders. A sign above a stage read, “WELCOME ATHLETES.”

  We stood for a moment at the entrance and looked around at the room full of people already mingling.

  A woman with short straight red hair practically ran towards us smiling very brightly and held a clip board in her hand. “Mark, I’m so glad you’re finally here! I was beginning to get worried!”

  Mark clapped her back and smiled, “I told you I might be a few minutes late!” Then turned towards me and introduced us. “Izzy, this is Marni, my personal assistant. She helps me organize everything.” He obviously holds her in high respect, I noted to myself.

  I held out my hand and Marni shook it warmly. “It’s always great to meet one of Mark’s many girls!” She trilled very excitedly, still smiling, oblivious to the impact of what she said. What is that supposed to mean? And why did she say it so excited?

  Mark gave a slight nervous cough and asked, “So where are we seated?”

  “Oh my God!! What on earth did you do to your eye?” Her green eyes were as wide as saucers as she inspected the cut under his eye that was surrounded by a deep hue of purple.

  “Umm, well, I kind of got into a little fight last night.” He smirked and winked at me as he said it. I felt horrible, especially now knowing he had to meet with his sponsors that I’m sure were not going to be happy with his new look.

  “What were you thinking? You have a photo shoot tomorrow after your workout!” She chastised him.

  He shrugged, “That’s what Photoshop is for. It’s not a big deal. Where are we seated?” He quickly brushed off her comment and changed the subject from the fight. Meanwhile, Marni looked over at me with a disgusted face, as if I were the one who caused the fight. Well, I kind of was, I guess.

  She started to walk towards the sea of tables and pointed to one towards the middle. “Your table is over here. I’ve seated you next to the reps from Ray Ban, Nike, McKnight Global and GNC,” Marni announced proudly to Mark.

  My heart stopped beating and I gulped, hoping I heard wrong. “Did you say McKnight Global?” I began to look around the room nervously to see if HE was here, although I was pretty sure a marketing or sales representative would attend this type of function rather than HIM.

  “Well, yes, they manufacture the latest technology for GPS watches, among many other things.” She snorted and rolled her eyes. Among many others… more like a crap load of other items. Unfortunately, I knew this first hand. I felt sick as I thought about who I might see and pleaded to whoever would listen to my silent prayers that whoever the representative is does not recognize me.

  Mark placed his hand on the small of my back to guide me over to our table. “Are you alright? You look a bit pale,” he whispered softly into my ear.

  “I’m fine, sorry, I’m just a bit hungry probably from running. I forgot to grab something to eat this morning.” I tried to fake a smile.

  “Ah, that’ll do it. Always need to make sure you eat something at least an hour before a run. Need to fuel your body.” He stated informatively with a wink as we continued to walk over to our table. If I hadn’t been so nervous I would have giggled that he sounded like an advertisement or nutritionist with that comment.

  “Sorry about Marni’s comment. I really don’t date that much, but when I do Marni always makes a comment like that to any date I have. It makes me wonder if she’s jealous or something weird like that.” Jealous, I’m sure. I think I agree with Mark’s analysis of Marni.

  I nodded. “No, no worries. I didn’t think anything of it. Besides, it is really just our first date, isn’t it?” I gave a nervous laugh.

  Mark gestured to a table as a waiter came around with a tray of drinks and asked, “Mimosa?” I grabbed one a little too eagerly and took a long drink. Mark eyed me and I realized I drank it a little too fast. I stopped and grinned at him as I noticed he wasn’t taking one. “Training?”

  He nodded, “yes, but you go right ahead. Looks like you’re enjoying it enough for both of us.” I pressed my lips together feeling like I had done something terribly wrong by the manner of which he said that.

  “Mark!” A tall blonde handsome man came stalking towards us in khakis, a striped dress shirt and blue sports coat. “So great to see you again! How’s the training going? Are you all ready for Kona this year?” He questioned Mark while smiling and showing his perfectly white teeth. I watched his eyes flick over to mine and spark with a quizzical look.

  Mark noticed his glance and quickly introduced us. “Steve, this is Izzy McKenna. Izzy, this is Steve Maxwell with McKnight Global.” I took a deep breath hoping that quizzical look that sparked in his eyes wasn’t from recognition.

  All hope faded as he quirked his eyebrow and asked, “Isabella, isn’t it?” He stressed my name as it rolled off his tongue. Mark glanced over at me, wondering how Steve knew to call me that. Shit. I swallowed hard and took a deep breath. My heart started to beat so fast I thought it might burst out of my chest. I tried not to panic.

  Faking a smile I stammered, “Umm, yes, but I prefer Izzy, actually.” I was racking my brain trying to remember where or if I had ever met Steve Maxwell before. Since Steve was obviously with McKnight Global, I was pretty sure he just knew me from when I visited the office or from the company functions that I always attended on HIS arm. Steve continued to eye me with a small smirk on his face.

  “So, how do you two know each other?” Mark asked pulling his brows together.

  Steve continued his g
aze on me with that same smirk. I was nervous as to what was going to come out of his mouth since I had no recollection of him. “Isabella, sorry… Izzy,” stressing my name, “worked for one of our subsidiaries. Isn’t that right, Izzy?” He explained as he raised his Mimosa towards me.

  Somehow I decided he might actually be on my side and not let Mark know anything about my ex. “Actually I was under contract, one that I decided not to renew.” I tried my best to fake smile, but pretty sure it didn’t work. I glanced over at Steve and he was still smirking at me. At least it was a nice smirk. It calmed my nerves knowing we were possibly playing the same game. Mark looked between both of us as if he knew something strange was going on.

  Marni called Mark over to meet someone and he excused himself. I was then left standing with my new friend Steve. “So, no longer under contract, huh?” He chuckled with a cute smile, his eyes bright with mirth.

  I took a deep breath knowing I needed to just call him out to find out his intentions. “Are you going to tell Mark about HIM?” I had just wanted to enjoy my date with Mark, but between Marni’s comment and meeting my new buddy, it was far from being any fun.

  Steve shook his head and chuckled softly. “No. McKnight was pretty upset when you first left, but has calmed down since and found another…similar looking friend… to put ‘under contract’.” My smile stopped immediately at his words and my heart jumped into my throat. While I was glad HE found someone else, I also had a flash of jealousy go through me. I was with HIM for so long, but I guess we were both moving on. I was here with Mark after all.

  I looked over to where Mark stood, making sure he was out of earshot and then glanced down at the remainder of my Mimosa. Knowing I would need another one shortly, I placed the glass to my lips and gulped the rest down. “How do you know about me?” I asked as I glanced around nervously.

  He looked down at my empty glass and gently put his hand on my elbow leading me towards the bar. He tilted his head and smiled, “Someone as beautiful as you, how could I forget? I only know you from seeing you on his arm all the time. You seem like you’re doing very well and you seem a lot happier than when I’ve seen you before.” We arrived at the bar and he ordered a scotch on the rocks for himself and a double Mimosa for me.

  As he handed me my drink, I asked “So, how do you know he was upset when I left?” I couldn’t fathom that HE would become upset about anything. Especially after all the lessons I was taught on remaining calm. HE continually enjoyed teaching me that one. I flushed as I thought of those nights.

  Steve practically scoffed. “Are you kidding? He’s an asshole to begin with, but the day you left…whew,” he gave a low whistle, “I think everyone in the company knew something was very wrong.” He shook his head and then looked around. “So, any reason after being with him for so long that you decided to leave?”

  I swallowed hard and felt tears threatening to fall. I held them back tightly as I glanced around the room, trying to make sure they didn’t spill over. “I just wasn’t happy anymore with the relationship. That’s all.”

  He nodded and then gave a small chuckle, “You know, everyone at the higher level was betting on when he would propose to you.”

  I rolled my eyes and felt myself relax a little. “He is definitely not the marrying kind, not in the least.” I whispered as I finished off my second Mimosa.

  “I don’t know. I think with you, he was the closest he was ever going to be.”

  I snorted. “You certainly don’t know him very well.”

  Steve gave me a soft smile. “I’ll take your word for it.”

  I glanced around making sure Mark wasn’t near and noticed he was still chatting with some gorgeous tall blonde woman. I fidgeted a bit before asking, “Umm, can you possibly just not mention seeing me to anyone? I, uh, sort of just really want to move on, if you know what I mean.” I gave a small hopeful smile.

  Steve had an understanding look on his face, “Not a problem. I get it.”

  I exhaled a deep breath. “Thanks.” I felt relieved and hopeful that he would keep his word. Although, I’m sure he will be more than eager to tell his coworkers who he ran into. There was obviously nothing I could do about that right now. I would just have to take his word that he wouldn’t say anything.

  Just then I watched Mark look back over to us at the bar with a concerned look on his face. He finished up his conversation as Steve said under his breath. “Looks like you’ve got this one just as wrapped as McKnight was.” I shook my head knowing he obviously knew nothing about HIM.

  “I’ve never had anyone wrapped, nor do I wish to. This is my first date with Mark. You may want to get glasses.” I smiled at him trying to make some light of the situation.

  “Nah, they wouldn’t look good on me,” he said and shook his head as I giggled.

  Mark arrived at the end of our small exchange. “What wouldn’t look good on you, Steve?” Mark asked looking a bit concerned with a serious face.

  Steve smirked and nodded his head towards Mark, “The Ray Bans you’re wearing. Isa…Izzy said I should get a pair.” I smiled at him, thankful that he didn’t elaborate on the earlier part of our conversation.

  Marni came running over to direct us back over to the table. Mark slipped his hand around my waist in a possessive manner as he glanced over at Steve. I giggled, probably from having too many Mimosas or maybe it was that his hand felt like he had a death grip around my waist. Mark pulled out my chair for me and I took my seat as he turned to the other people at our table and shook their hands introducing me to each of them.

  Steve sat next to me on my other side. Mark seemed tense about the seating arrangement and continually wrapped his arm around me, constantly pulling me to him. At one point, I gave him a reassuring squeeze on his thigh so he would release me so I could eat my food like a normal person.

  Steve seemed amused by the obvious possessiveness Mark was displaying. Each time I glanced over at Steve he would smile and shake his head. I also smirked back at Steve and a couple times I actually gave him a ‘can you believe this’ type of look. After eating, they began presenting all the athletes and Mark was called on stage.

  Steve took that opportunity to whisper in my ear, “For this being the first date, he’s pretty possessive.”

  I giggled at the obvious, “Yeah, I’m really not sure what that’s all about!”

  Steve turned to me with a serious gaze. “Oh, I can tell you what that’s all about. You’re stunning and I wouldn’t let you out of my sight either.” His eyes had grazed over my body quickly, before returning back to my eyes at the end of his statement.

  I swallowed as our eyes met and was terribly unsure as to how to respond to that. “Umm, thank you,” was all I could choke out in my confusion. I sat there for a moment trying to gather my wits, still feeling his hot breath in my ear as he had said that. I was unsure what else to say to that and wondered if he was flirting with me.

  He quirked up his eyebrows as he turned towards me again, “So, let me ask you something. When you leave someone as powerful as McKnight, do you just start dating any other rich guy that comes along?”

  His question caught me off guard and my face fell as I realized what he must think of me. I straightened my posture and glared at him. “I am not a gold digger, if that’s what you’re implying. I met Mark on one of my daily runs. I’m not after his money or anyone else’s for that matter.” I looked him right in his eyes as I stressed, “And I was NEVER after McKnight’s money either, since that’s what you and probably the entire company thought.”

  Steve dropped his head and shook it. “I’m sorry…really, I’m very sorry. I…that was wrong of me to say. I …uh…” he closed his eyes and then cringed when he opened them again. He offered his hand, “Sorry, can we go back to being friendly?”

  I reluctantly shook his hand and nodded, “Sure.” I tried to focus on the presentation, but could barely make out anything that was said. The conversation that just took place was still milling arou
nd in my head.

  “Umm, so, where do you work?” Steve asked trying to change the atmosphere and the conversation.

  I decided to shake off his earlier comment and replied, “I’m a bartender over at Allure.” Dammit. Why did I just tell him that? I cursed myself for my stupidity. I had to just hope that he wouldn’t tell HIM.

  His eyes lit up. “I love that place! It has a great vibe there. I know the owner, Z. We grew up together in the same neighborhood.” He exclaimed as he turned and leaned in more towards me.

  Shocked, but also feeling some relief that he knew Z, I smiled, “Really? You know Z?”

  He gave a light laugh as he said, “Yeah, actually we played football together and hung out a lot. We used to have some wild times.”

  I continued to smile as I asked, “Then you must know Flynn too?”

  He smirked oddly, “Of course I do. Flynn and Z were inseparable.”

  I giggled, but then noticed the rude looks we were receiving from the other people at our table. We were supposed to be paying attention to the athletes being presented, but I couldn’t resist continuing our conversation. “He’s my roommate! We live close to Allure, so he’s always there too!” I whispered excitedly.

  “Holy shit! What a small world! No wonder why I always run into him at Allure!” He shook his head and I noticed his gaze upon my lips and then quickly back up to my eyes. “I’ll definitely have to stop by again really soon.” His gaze was…intense and I wasn’t sure if that was a good thing.

  Just then Mark came back to the table looking pretty annoyed. I straightened up since I had been leaning towards Steve to make sure he could hear me when we were supposed to be quiet listening to the presentation.

  Feeling remorseful, I sat quietly for the remainder of the presentation; of course, there was nothing else I could do since Mark’s arm had returned possessively around my shoulders, pulling me closely to him.

  When it was finally over, and I do mean finally because it was so boring, we all stood up. Steve shook Mark’s hand saying goodbye and turned to me, “It was great seeing you again Isa…Izzy.” He smiled as he corrected himself. “I’ll have to stop by and see you next time I’m at Allure. Tell Z and Flynn I said hello.”


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