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Promises, Promises

Page 13

by Baker, Janice

  I smiled sweetly. “I will definitely do that.” And then I watched Steve walk off. I turned back to Mark realizing he was glaring after Steve as he walked away.

  Mark shook everyone’s hand saying their goodbyes. He had a hard time doing that because he kept grabbing my hand to hold, but had to quickly release it to shake everyone’s hand goodbye.

  We said goodbye to Marni and I told her it was nice to meet her, although I wasn’t too sure of that considering her earlier remark.

  Mark’s hand slipped back around my waist as we walked out to the front lobby to retrieve his car from valet. While we waited for his car to be brought up, he slipped his sunglasses on as he took a deep breath, “So, you and Steve looked like you knew each other really well from what I saw up on stage.” His tone was actually quite accusatory and I immediately felt for, some odd reason, like I was with HIM again and was going to be punished later.

  I started to stammer just like I had always done with HIM when I was in trouble. “I…I’m sorry. We…umm, when I told him I work at Allure, he told me he knew Z and we just went on from there.” I swallowed hard, trying to stop that rising feeling of nervousness. Mark just nodded his head and didn’t say anything else. I realized that HE used to do the same exact thing.

  The car pulled up then and he held the door out for me. I slipped in and he closed the door. He slid into the driver’s seat and headed back toward my townhouse. The ride was very quiet. I didn’t know what to say and still couldn’t shake that nervous feeling I had of an impending punishment. Just as we were approaching the townhouse I softly said, “Look, I’m sorry. You took me to the banquet and I should have really been more attentive. I’m very sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable.”

  He sighed and shook his head. “I’m sorry too. It’s just our first date and I really should have taken you someplace nice. I just really wanted to see you again and this was the only thing I could think of since I have training and a photo shoot tomorrow.” He pulled in front of the townhouse and shifted the gear into park. “Let’s just start all over again on Tuesday. Okay?”

  I exhaled and smiled, “Yes, I’d love that.” But I wasn’t sure if I really meant those words. He leaned over and kissed me deeply. Again, it was a really wonderful kiss, but just not the same as with Z. There were no sparks, but then again I keep comparing each kiss to Z’s.

  He got out and came around to my side and walked me to the front door. He took my hands in his. “I really enjoyed your company. I’ll see you Tuesday, right?”

  I smiled up at him. “Yes, I’ll see you Tuesday – same time, same place.” I teased. He bent down and kissed me, then walked back to his car. I took a deep breath unsure of the inquisition I might have to answer to as I entered the townhouse.

  Chapter 10


  Lucky for me it was just Melanie and that type of inquisition I could handle. She was sitting at the bar reading the paper looking bored. Her eyes lit up when she saw me walk in and clapped her hands like a toddler. “Yippee!! You’re back! Where’d you go? What’d you do? And can I tell you how hot he looked?” I laughed and threw my purse on the counter. I grabbed a mug, needing some coffee after coming down from all the Mimosas I drank.

  “Well, where do I begin?” I sighed as I reached in the fridge for the cream. “It was… nice.” I started and continued to explain the banquet, the brunch, Mark, the possessive arm thing and Steve.

  “Wow!” Mel exclaimed looking shocked and concerned. “So you think this Steve guy will go and tell HIM where you are?”

  I shook my head. “No, he didn’t seem like he would.” Then I chuckled and said, “He actually knows Z and Flynn from high school!”

  “Wow.” She laughed. “Now, that’s a small world!” She stopped giggling, turned serious and asked, “So, you’re going to see Mark again on Tuesday?”

  I nodded my head, but frowned. “Yes, I…this sounds weird. But, in the car ride home, I felt like Mark was just like HIM and was going to punish me later.” Then I felt stupid for telling her that. She wouldn’t understand, but she surprised me by not looking too shocked and seemed more sympathetic.

  “Well, from what I gathered from you, after two years of that, you’re going to keep getting those feelings for a while.” She cocked her head and scrunched her nose. “So, now will you tell me more about these punishments and why you actually left?”

  I was just about to pour my heart out when the front door opened and in walked the guys laughing, all sweaty and looking…sexy. Clark had the basketball and was still dribbling it. They all saw me and their laughter ceased immediately. Flynn walked over to the fridge and grabbed waters for everyone and began tossing them to Z and Clark.

  Everyone seemed to be watching me and there was a strange tension in the air. “Umm, so what’s the plan for today?” I asked, hoping to break the silence.

  Z leaned against the counter near the stove and grinned, “We’re watching football, drinking beer and playing some pool. Mel told me you’re really good at pool, although I saw a little bit of that last night.”

  He seemed to be trying to break whatever tension there was and put forth an effort to not make my obvious date with Mark an issue. I also couldn’t help but wonder if he knew just how good I was at pool and if he knew how I learned to play so well.

  “Well, I guess some chili making is in order! I’ll run to the store in a bit and get some stuff.” I grinned at him and said it probably a bit too flirtatious. I couldn’t help it. He looked so cute all sweaty and he was giving me that adorable smirk and his eyes were all lit up excited. Our eyes lingered upon each other making my pulse race. I bit my lip trying to stop the giggle that was threatening to come out. I couldn’t help it. Being around him just put me in a giddy mood.

  Clark shouted out “YES! I was hoping you’d cook again!” I started to laugh unsure if chili was considered a great representation of my cooking abilities. I glanced back at Z who was still grinning at me.

  Breaking myself from his adorable gaze, I stood up, placed my coffee mug in the sink and turned to Melanie. “Mind coming with me to the store? I need to get the stuff for chili and we probably need more beer.” I also knew we needed to escape and have some girl time.

  “Absolutely!” Melanie jumped off her stool.

  “Great, let me run up and change really quick.” As I ran up to change I overheard Melanie whisper sternly to the guys something I couldn’t quite make out. Flynn shot out, “Whatever Mel!” I continued to hear loud whispering that seemed like everyone was arguing. I hurried and came back down. Everyone became quiet again. It seems to be a thing whenever I walk into a room with these guys lately.

  Melanie and I left the townhouse and started walking to the store. “So, what was said while I was out with Mark?”

  “The guys told me the full story since we didn’t really get into it last night. They told me about you flirting with Mark and that guy and how Z became jealous. Flynn said he could see fire coming out of Z’s nostrils and he looked like he was going to beat the shit out of Mark and his buddy. So, Flynn thought he’d help out Z, seeing that Z seemed really into you. Then Flynn told me how you guys disappeared into the back and how Mark called him out and that’s how the fight started. So besides making out, what did Z say to you in the office?”

  I smirked and rolled my eyes. “Umm…I asked him why he did that and that’s when he grabbed me and started kissing me.” My heart was beating fast just thinking about his kiss again and I know I was smiling from ear to ear. “Then Sandy came and told us about the fight and he ran out to break it up.”

  She nudged me, “So, what’s really going on with you and Z? Or even you and Mark for that matter!”

  “I don’t know. I feel like Z was just jealous and wants to be with someone because of Sheila. I feel like he just wants me as a rebound, if anything at all.”

  Melanie nodded. “What about with Mark? Can I tell you how hot you looked today heading out? Z about fell over when he first saw
you, then it looked like he was going to beat the shit out of someone when you headed out the door. You looked HOT!”

  “I don’t know about Mark. He was so possessive it gave me flashbacks of HIM.”

  “So, how was it when you and Mark kissed? And…can I just say, his car is HOT…” she exclaimed laughing.

  I grimaced. “It was good. But just…nothing like the way Z kissed me.”

  “Wow. Shit! A lot happened in just two days! What are you going to do?”

  “Umm, I’m not sure. I’m reluctant to be with Z. I mean he might just want me to get over Sheila, right?” I was trying to convince myself, but not really believing it. I really wanted so much more with Z. I just knew there was an attraction there, but wasn’t sure about it on his end and that really scared me.

  “Nah, I don’t think so. He’s such a nice guy and I’m sure he really is interested in you.” She stopped and faced me grabbing my arms loosely. “Look, I’m your friend and just want to be honest. Z is really a great guy. I mean really a great guy. But if you’re not ready to get into something with him, don’t lead him on or anything alright? I mean you’re just getting out of a messed up relationship – or whatever that was and really, like you said, he is too. Not to mention how he was just hurt by Sheila.” She took a deep breath. “I just don’t want either of you hurt. He’s so sweet and caring. And so are you,” she quickly added. “But, you both just got out of relationships. Maybe you want to take it slow, if you do choose Z?” I nodded my head thinking she’s just standing up for Z more so than me. “Yeah, okay.” I agreed.

  We quietly walked a couple of blocks and finally arrived at the market. I asked her as we shopped what really went on with her date, since I knew she was exaggerating last night to make Flynn jealous. “Ugh. I must have had beer goggles on or something. I mean he was hot and all, but he was dumb as rocks. It was like pulling teeth to make conversation.” She moaned, “Ughhhh and then the kiss at the end. It was horrible.” She whined, “Like kissing a wet fish!” She laughed and shook her head.

  “Aww, I’m so sorry! Flynn was so jealous. I think that’s really why he got into the fight with Mark; he was probably just blowing off steam about you going out on a date!”

  “You didn’t tell him it was horrible, did you?” she exclaimed, extremely worried as she continued to push the cart down the aisle.

  I shook my head. “No! I promised I wouldn’t!”

  “Okay, good.” She exhaled and smiled looking relieved.

  We continued our shopping, grabbing items that we needed.

  “So what else was said this morning after I left?” I grabbed two cans of navy beans off the shelf and put them into the cart.

  I glanced back and noticed Melanie’s eyes grew wide and she glanced away nervously. “Ohh well… Clark sort of mentioned to everyone our discussion at Spike’s... you know, about the punishments?”

  I was mortified! “No! Oh God!” I could only begin to wonder what Z was thinking about me. Was that why he was smiling so big and had been so nice to me? Was he into that stuff?

  “They all looked to me asking what a punishment was and Clark said that you ran off after he asked if it was whips and shit.” Melanie looked so sorry and I felt sick.

  “So?” She looked at me, waiting.

  “What?” I looked at her not sure what she was asking.

  “Is that what he did to you? I mean you told me BDSM stuff. Was that it? We didn’t get to finish our conversation when the boys barged in earlier.” She looked at me anxiously, awaiting my answer.

  I glanced away nervously. “Umm. Yes.” I paused, took a deep breath and decided to just blurt it out, although I kept my voice as low as possible. “A ‘bad’ punishment is what I called them. He would, yes, use whips, paddles and stuff.” The shock on her face made me feel horrible.

  “What is ‘stuff’?” She asked curiously.

  “Uh. Really? Do we have to do this now? In the middle of the supermarket?” I rolled my eyes looking around nervously.

  “YES! Yes we do, dammit! You haven’t said anything to me yet except when you were moaning over a beer!” She was trying not to shout, but I knew it would get there soon. She was always determined to get what she wanted and shouting wouldn’t be beneath her.

  Shit. I took a deep breath and lowered my voice to barely a whisper. “Yes, he would chain me up. Naked. And paddle, spank and/or whip me depending on his mood.” I looked at her. She wanted to know it all. I was going to tell her. “He also wouldn’t let me come if it was a bad punishment.” I paused again, “He would bring me all the way there and then not let me…climax.” Her face was now pretty much white as a ghost. “A good punishment meant he would let me come.” I paused, forcing a smile. “Any questions?”

  “Holy….whaa…why…why did you let him do that?” She was still in shock.

  Because I was a virgin when I met HIM. But Melanie never knew that. I kept that from her our entire friendship. “Because he started it all slowly. And I have to admit,” I giggled, “the good punishments…were REALLY good.” I said a bit shyly, but noticed she was still staring at me like I was crazy. I looked away, “And because I didn’t have any bad punishments until we were farther along. By then, I was addicted to being allowed to come and, well, it went on from there.” I swallowed feeling like I needed to convince her that it wasn’t all too bad. “Umm, the good ones were actually really good. I mean, it could get pretty intense and mind-blowing.” I meekly smiled trying to convince her that being with HIM was actually pretty good, in the beginning. I was remembering how good they felt and it seemed like I needed to explain.

  “What made you leave? Was it just getting that bad?” She looked disgusted and I suddenly felt ashamed. I was so used to HIS world that it didn’t seem...different until I explained it to her.

  “Yes, it was that and…” I looked away not sure how much to tell her about that last night. “I told my personal trainer – Mark,” I spit his name out, “that I felt like HE was getting more upset with me and that I was in love with HIM and I was trying to figure out if HE would ever love me. Mark, at the time, was really nice during our workouts. He would talk to me nicely, as if he really cared. Mark was actually going back and telling HIM what I was saying. HE decided to make sure I knew HE wasn’t in love with me.” I decided that was enough for right now. Shit, that was more than enough for anyone to be told, especially in the middle of a supermarket. I admit my timing was not good.

  We turned an aisle and I put two cases of beer in the cart. Melanie was trying to shake off the shock of what I just told her and seemed to try to snap out of her haze. She looked down and asked, “Holy shit! Are we having a party or something?”

  I laughed and said “No. Now I need to be the one to get drunk. They know way too much about my messed up relationship with my ex and I just told you way more than any sane person should know!”

  She shook her head in agreement and grabbed another case. We finished up our shopping in silence and walked home, again in silence. I was glad we brought her old lady looking grocery cart since we bought so much beer. Walking home, carrying those would have been a pain!

  The guys were watching the game when we got back, so I started making the chili and popped a beer open. Melanie kept me company at the kitchen island still sort of in shock, but she tried to make idle conversation. My phone chimed a text. I knew it had to be Mark, since Melanie was the only other person who had my number.

  Mark: Hey gorgeous! I giggled and Melanie looked at me quizzically. She mouthed “Mark?” I nodded.

  Me: Hey! I replied.

  Mark: What ya up to?

  Me: Cookin’ chili

  Mark: Mmm, sounds good. Wish I were there with you. Hmm, was that a hint? Too bad he couldn’t come over. But cannot imagine that cluster mess! I could see it now, I open the door and all three guys start beating Mark up. Not a good idea. I giggled at the thought.

  Me: Probably wouldn’t be the best idea, but I wish I could invite you. />
  Mark: Why is that?

  Me: Did I mention I live with Flynn and Clark? A few minutes passed as I stirred the chili. Melanie came over to read the exchange. She giggled and playfully hit my back.

  Mark: Nope, you didn’t. But you’re right, not a good idea I come over. Maybe after our run on Tuesday, we could grab a bite to eat? Maybe have a more intimate type of date?

  Mel nudged me, still laughing. Z looked back at us from the couch, but didn’t notice my phone in my hand since I held it down pretending to chat with Melanie.

  Me: Sounds good. I’d like that.

  Mark: Me too. Enjoy your chili! X Mel giggled again seeing the kiss. I shh’d her while laughing. We were acting like school girls.

  Me: Thank you. Can’t wait for Tuesday. X

  Z got up and came into the kitchen for a beer. I quickly put my phone in my pocket.

  He slipped his arm around my waist and whispered in my ear. “Smells good.” I thought I would melt.

  Blushing, I took a deep breath and said “thanks,” while taking a drink from my beer. I looked over at Melanie and she was grinning ear to ear. I made a face at her. How was it that Z was making me blush so quickly? Mark’s text exchange was fun, but having Z right here just sent excitement through me.

  “So, do you like football?” Z asked with his arm still around me.

  I chuckled, “Uh, no. Actually, I prefer rugby.” Melanie choked on her swig of beer as I said that, knowing the real reason.

  Z looked at her questioningly. “Why is that so funny?”

  “Ask Iz why she likes rugby better than football.” She teased. I playfully rolled my eyes at her, grinning.

  Clark and Flynn turned around to watch me as I responded. My eyes got wide as I shot Melanie an ‘I’m going to kill you look’ and I started laughing.


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