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Promises, Promises

Page 15

by Baker, Janice

  Mel told me before she went up to bed that both of us are coming out of bad relationships and that Izzy’s ex had really messed with her head. I was kind of thinking the same thing. I mean, what the hell did her ex do to her? Clark had said she mentioned a punishment? Like what kind of sick jerk punishes his girlfriend? Especially one that hot. What did Mel say again? That douche was controlling. No shit, he fucking punishes her over a beer. I rolled over and tried to drift off to sleep feeling the buzz in full force and wondering what a punishment is. I decided in my haze I would get one of them drunk and figure out what the hell happened with that asshole and Izzy, then go beat the piss out of him.

  Shit. I really want to go up to her room. I wanted to pull her close to me and bury my head in her hair after all that she said tonight during her fight with Mel. What did she say? She just wanted to be loved. I was already falling in love with her in such a short amount of time. How the hell can that be? I’ve never told a woman I loved her and here I was, only after a couple weeks knowing her, wanting to say it to her. I felt like I haven’t stopped thinking about her since she first walked into my bar. It took me a long time, but I finally dozed off to sleep.

  The next morning I woke to the smell of coffee. I sat up and saw Flynn in the kitchen eating cereal.

  “Hey.” he nodded at me.

  “Hey yourself. Sleep well?” I asked him.

  “Nah, I feel like shit. Especially after what I said to Mel.” He looked like shit too.

  “Why the hell did you say that to her?” She slept with her boss way back before Flynn knew her. So what did it matter? He seems to be holding that over her or something. I haven’t figured it out.

  “I said it because it’s true. She can go in whenever she wants to, more so because she slept with that douche. And I’m pretty sure he sexted her last night.”

  “Dude, you’re into her, she’s into you. I don’t get why you guys are playing this stupid game. If you want her, take her. She wants you. Don’t think I don’t notice how you guys dance together all the time at the club. She’s giving you those stupid gestures. Small hand touches, that stupid crap chicks do.”

  “Screw you,” he chided. “You know he still wants her. I watched him with her when I’ve gone in to meet her for lunch. She still flirts with him. If we hooked up, I’d have to deal with that shit all the time.”

  “Ah, now I see. You just don’t want to have to compete. It was a one night stand years ago. She doesn’t flirt with him. You just keep picturing him bending her over, that’s all.”

  “Fuck you, dick!” Flynn looked pretty agitated. I was trying to get a rise out of him just to see what he’d say. Maybe then he’d go after what he wanted.

  “Whatever man.”

  Just then Mel walked down. She was dressed nice. Wow, she was really going to make him pay now. Her ass was showcased in that tight black skirt. Always wondered how chicks walked in those skirts. Crap, her tits were propped up too now that I glanced up. Wow…hair fully done and makeup too. Shit. Payback is a bitch, Flynn. I looked at him. Yep. Fucker was feeling it now. Dick may want to close his mouth too.

  Mel walked in and sweetly sang, “Mornin’ boys.”

  “Good Morning, Mel. Wow, you look lovely this morning!” I over did that too. I love getting a rise out of Flynn. He shot me a look that normally would scare anyone else, but I knew him too well since we grew up together.

  Flynn cleared his throat, staring at her and glancing over her body. “Hey, Mel.” Think he was trying to figure out an apology, but didn’t seem to be coming up with one. Come on...give her something. Some compliment. Come on buddy. “You showcasing your shit so he can fuck you again?” And….there it goes. Idiot. Way to go Flynn. You’ll never get her now.

  I grabbed a mug and filled up on coffee waiting for this show to start. It was getting good actually. I turned back to see Mel straighten herself. She had a quick flash of anger, but regained it quickly. This will be good.

  “Yeah, Flynn, actually I’m hoping he’ll bend me over our new art piece. I was hoping this skirt might entice him a bit more.”

  Wow. And there was her “fuck you” back at him. I watched him wince and turn red. He grabbed his keys and stormed out.

  “Little harsh, don’t you think Mel?” I asked after the door shut.

  “No, I don’t. He deserved it for being an ass last night and then again right now. He didn’t need to bring it up again. It’s like every time I think we’re going to finally get together, he throws that in my face. Not like I haven’t had to watch him hit on chicks all the time when we’re out.”

  “I personally think you should just sneak into his bedroom one night and screw the hell out of him.” Did I really say that out loud?

  I was waiting for shock, but instead she shocked me by saying, “I thought about doing that, but if he turned me down I’d never be able to face him again.”

  Clark came down the stairs just as she said that and asked, “Who can’t you face?”

  Mel murmured, “Nothing.”

  Clark started in, “So what was up with you and Izzy and that crying shit? Are you two gonna be hormonal like that all the time? ‘Cause I can’t have that happen, especially if I have a chick stay the night.”

  “When do they ever stay the night? You kick them out right after I hear you get off!” Mel was frustrated with him already. It was pretty early in the morning to deal with him.

  He laughed at that and pretty much agreed. “I can’t have them spending the night thinking I want more than just getting off. If they spend the night, they’ll want to cuddle and all that stupid shit.”

  Both Mel and I yelled different obscenities at him. He laughed, grabbed his keys and said “Later!”

  I couldn’t stop thinking about what Izzy blurted out last night. “What’s up with Izzy and her whack job ex? What was Clark talking about punishment over a beer?”

  “That’s why I told you to be careful with Iz. She…told me some pretty messed up stuff.” Mel looked away.

  I wanted to know, but not really. I went ahead and asked, “Like what? Like bondage and shit?”

  Mel looked at me and closed her eyes, “Yeah, pretty much that with whips and stuff. It’s pretty messed up.”

  Anger rose through me and I winced, wanting to find and beat the shit out of that sick douche. Not to mention the thought of someone else touching her sweet body made me blind with rage. I’ll be hitting the boxing ring later. “What’s his name, by the way?”

  “Don’t start with your shady connections, Z. He’s pretty rich and powerful. Probably have attorneys all over your ass in a heartbeat and that’s not going to help her out. She seems like she’s into you.” She paused and took a deep breath. “Look, I meant what I said last night. She’s coming off some sick relationship; she’s going to need kid gloves.”

  “I know. I get it.” I replied remembering how close I came last night to grabbing her and kissing her as if I couldn’t breathe without her. Definitely getting in the ring today. Need to beat the shit out of something or someone. Poor Daryl.

  “I still haven’t found out what finally happened that actually made her leave. He had two years with her. Seems like he really screwed with her head.”

  “Maybe we should just buy her more beer. She chugged that shit down!”

  Mel laughed. “That’s nothing! You should have seen her in college! We used to go to frat parties and bet she could funnel faster than some of the football players. And don’t even think about betting against her in pool. Girl can hustle the best of them!”

  She turned serious then and sighed, “Look, she had a pretty messed up childhood. From what I could make out on our drunk nights, her Dad split before she was born. Her Mom seemed like a whore, picking up guys at the pool hall. Think she OD’d on something when Izzy was young and she spent years in foster homes. That’s how she met Brad. He was her foster brother in one of the homes, but they don’t really talk about it. Somehow through all that, she managed to earn a f
antastic scholarship and got into college. I thought she was going to really have a good life finally and then that asshole started up with her.”

  She thought some more and became more agitated. “When she first started out with him, she said he frightened her a bit because he was so intense. I told her that wasn’t a good thing. But, she kept telling me about their dates to these fancy restaurants. He bought her clothes and took her several times to Paris and to some vacation home in Lake Como. It just spiraled and the next thing I knew, she said she was going to go live with him. I told her not to do that and we fought. Bad. She stormed out and I didn’t see or hear from her after that.”

  “Wow. That’s…pretty messed up.” I didn’t know what else to say. “Did she say anything that alluded to why she may have left? I mean after two years?”

  “She mentioned that she told some personal trainer that she was upset her ex wasn’t in love with her or something, then the trainer told her ex and something happened. I just can’t figure out what. It had to be pretty bad though.”

  I felt like I was going to be sick. “Like what? He was already beating her and shit.” I was raising my voice and Mel shh’d me angrily.

  “Keep it down. I know I wasn’t supposed to say anything. But…I don’t know...if you’re starting to feel anything for her...I feel like you should know about all this crap. Uh... Maybe, I shouldn’t have said anything.” She was shaking her head. “Izzy was holding out that he would tell her he loved her or something. You heard her last night, she just wanted to be loved. I know she’s never had a guy tell her he loves her.” Mel took a deep breath. “I don’t get it. Izzy dated a lot of great guys in college.” I cringed at her saying that. Boxing ring will feel great if I keep thinking about this shit. Mel continued, “But it seemed like just when things were starting to get good with them, she’d break it off.”

  I started thinking about their guy friends. Both girls were hot, didn’t Bernie and Mick or whatever make a move? “Umm, so what about those two guys you were both friends with — Bernie and Mick? Why didn’t you guys date them?” I didn’t really want to hear this, but felt like I needed to ask.

  “Brad and Mack,” she corrected me. “No, they were seriously like brothers to us. Both guys were really protective over us. Since Brad was with her in a foster home, they went through some stuff together. They seemed pretty close. He didn’t seem to have such a screwed up childhood, but they bonded pretty much over being in fosters homes together.”

  She started laughing. “One time we were at a bar and Iz just hustled this guy, pretty big guy, and he called her out on it. He actually shoved her over the table and Brad jumped up and beat the shit out of him. Izzy just clapped him on the back and said ‘I knew you’d be there for me, just like always.’”

  “So where were these two guys when douchebag started coming around?” I couldn’t help but think Brad would have at least tried to stop her.

  “They actually started dating their girls during our senior year. Brad’s girl made him choose between her and Izzy’s friendship. He chose his girl and Izzy was pretty broken up about that for a while. By the time we graduated, I was dating Allen, they had their girls and Izzy…well, she really was alone, now that I think of it. I mean Allen and I tried to set her up on dates and stuff, but I guess we were really more in our own little world.” She had a guilty look on her face that turned into a sorrowful look. Tears seemed to well in her eyes.

  “Hey, don’t beat yourself up about it. Things just happen like that. She’s back now and you guys are making up for lost time.” I tried to make her feel better, but the tears seemed to spill over. She swiped them quickly and looked away. Shit. She’ll ruin her makeup.

  She shook her head in agreement with me. “Yeah, you’re right. She’s back now. I gotta figure out what really happened with him.”

  I smirked, “So what night are we getting her plastered?” She was funny drunk last night and I wouldn’t mind seeing her like that again to get the information out of her.

  Mel laughed. “Easy boy. I’ll find out without making her puke her guts out.” She glanced at the clock. “Shit, is that the time? I need to get going. We’ll talk more later. If you see her, tell her I’ll call or text her later.” Mel grabbed her keys and headed out.

  I sat there with my coffee mug, wondering if maybe I should go up there and see if she’s alright. I mean she was there for me when I was puking my guts out.

  And then I heard a sound on the stairs and looked up. I inhaled sharply when I saw her still in her PJs, if you could call them that. Fuck. A tank top and shorts. I could see her hard nipples under her tank top. How long had she been standing there? Had she heard our conversation? And why can’t I stop staring at her tits? Shit. I can’t even get up right now because of my boner. God she’s hot. Hair all messy. She was holding her forehead, obviously from the headache she must have from slamming beers last night. I finally realized I had been staring way too long.

  I cleared my throat and swallowed hard. “Uhhh, Hey. Umm, so how’d you sleep? Uh, er…coffee is made.” Great job, dick wad. Could I look any more like an idiot? Then she did that cute, sweet demure thing where she looked a bit shy and her hair was hanging in her face and she brushed it back behind her ear. Then she had that spark in her eyes that she seemed like she was going to say something that would really mess with me…and then it left just as quick as it came. What’s up with that? Guess the beers made her tongue loosen up. Note to self, always have beer on hand.

  “Umm, do you want some coffee?” Asshole, you already told her the coffee is ready. I still scrambled up to grab a mug for her.

  “Thank you, I can get it.” She seemed to stiffen up a bit.

  “You know a Bloody Mary usually works best for a hangover. I could make you one really quick if you want.” I started to walk towards the liquor, but she waved her hand telling me she didn’t want that.

  She chuckled a bit and said, “Yeah, I made those for the gang the other day. You were still passed out.”

  “We could run out and grab some breakfast.” I was a bit over eager, but I really wanted to spend more time with her. She was like a puzzle and I couldn’t wait to figure her out. I wanted to protect her and take care of her after all the shit Mel told me.

  She smiled sweetly, “Yeah, actually I’d like that. Let’s go grab some breakfast. Let me change really quick. Don’t think I can run out in this.” She giggled and gestured to her tank and shorts. I wouldn’t mind you walking around like that 24/7. Fuck she looked hot. She turned and ran upstairs. I grabbed my shoes and started putting them on.

  She couldn’t have been gone a minute before she came bouncing down the stairs looking just as hot in jeans and a tight white V-neck t-shirt. I loved her hair all wild looking. I was dying to get her underneath me and see her hair sprawled out on my pillow. I shook my head to get some sense back into me.

  “So where is the best place to get a Bloody Mary?” She said it flirtatiously with an amazing smile to her eye.

  I took a deep breath admiring her simple beauty. “I’ve got the best breakfast place in mind.” And with that we headed out the door.

  Chapter 12


  We started walking out of the townhouse towards the breakfast place he suggested. I was just a bit relieved that he already knew some of my history. I was angry with Melanie at first, but then kind of relieved that I didn’t have to tell him. I didn’t want him looking at me with pity if I were to tell him. The worst thing in the world is when someone learns my past and looks at me with pity. At least he had some time to process it all before I came down.

  I was still trying to determine if I should tell him I could hear their conversation in my bedroom at the top of the stairs. I wonder if Lucy ever told them how voices seemed to echo up the stairs into that first room. Maybe she kept it to herself so she could eavesdrop. I might have to ask her when I finally meet her.

  It just seemed a bit easier to talk to him, knowing I didn’t hav
e to skirt around all the issues, even though I hadn’t explained the whole thing to Melanie. I chuckled to myself remembering how they discussed getting me drunk.

  Then I started thinking about Z’s voice – deep and masculine, but still caring and soft at the same time. How is that possible that I was so attracted to his voice? It was almost like Brad’s. I really had loved Brad, but Melanie was right. He was more brotherly since he knew about my foster parents and the crap that one foster dad pulled with me. Brad always wanted to protect me more than he wanted anything romantic with me.

  We were still walking in comfortable silence past Allure and it was a gorgeous day. Yuppies were in full swing in their suits and briefcases going to work, appointments or wherever they needed to go. Then Z pointed to a door leading into a small, inviting diner. He opened the door for me, placing his hand softly on my back.

  I glanced around the restaurant taking in the décor — white floors, wood tables and the chair seats were covered in red plastic. The place was small, but had a couple steps going up to the left for the second level. We went up the stairs and took our seats right in front of the window.

  “Thanks Mandy.” Z said to the waitress as we sat down. We started looking over our menus without speaking.

  “What’s good here?” I peeked at him from behind my menu.

  “They make a great hangover special. Eggs, crumbled bacon, hash browns in a huge pile with a southern gravy poured over top, served with biscuits. It’s actually called the ‘hangover special.’ Comes with a Bloody Mary too.”

  “Sold!” I exclaimed with a smile putting my menu down. I drank some of the water that was brought to us and took a deep breath. The waitress came by and Z made a gesture for me to go first. I told her the Hangover Special and he said he’d have the same.


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