The Vegas Random

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The Vegas Random Page 10

by Ellie Gerrard

  Ian sighed and nodded. “That’s a good point.”

  There was another knock on the door. I got up and let Ben in who looked not only fine but perfectly healthy.

  He stared at us and smirked. “You…” He pointed at me. “I can understand being unwell. But you two? That is just fucking weak. I have been to the gym and everything this morning.”

  Ian gave him the bird. “Fuck off soldier boy.” Then Ian narrowed his eyes at him. “Are you fucking Tammy?”

  Ben cocked an eyebrow. “Am I fucking your baby sister? No. I’m tempted to. Only to take her off the market, so Vince doesn’t come near her again but no, I am not fucking Tammy.”

  The mention of Vince had us all sit up and lean forward, paying attention.

  Ben watched us cool and calm as always.

  “What do you mean Vince was near her?” I growled, I hated Vince. He was a vile piece of shit. If there was one person in the world, I could destroy it would be him.

  “Near her? No, he roughed her up when she wouldn’t put out.”

  “He’s a motherfucking dead man when I see him next,” Ian growled.

  Ben’s mouth lifted with a little smile. “I heard he was mugged.

  Had a decent black eye for a while there.”

  Ian stared at him as I smiled slowly.

  Richard sat forward. “Got mugged huh? You didn’t happen to have anything to do with it, did you?”

  Ben shrugged. “I plead the fifth.” He sat back and directed the next question at me, “Would you have a problem with me taking Tammy off the market?”

  I considered it for a few minutes, Ben was a good guy. Didn’t slut around and was good to the few women he did go out with. I shook my head. “No complaints from me. Mind you, I won’t be around long enough to have you as my brother in law.” I looked over at Ian and Richard. “What do you think?”

  “I’m good.” Richard nodded. “She could do worse.”

  “Yeah, me too.”

  “What about you, fucking my sister?” Ben stared at Ian.

  “Well, you don’t want to know your sister. Plus, we don’t know that she is your sister. And you don’t really give a shit about her either way, so what do you care?” Ian challenged Ben.

  “You would fuck my sister just to fuck with me. I’m not cool with that. I would fuck yours and make her my wife. There’s a big difference.”

  “How? When you don’t know her, don’t want to know her and she has no part in your life?” Ian asked. “I would just be a one night stand, she wouldn’t even know who I was.”

  “I do know who my sister is, I have done a lot of research into her and she isn’t the money grabbing bitch I figured she would be.”

  “Well, she did come out of the woodwork after Don died,” Richard pointed out.

  “No, she didn’t. She and her mother had contacted him a few times. He died before he got to read the last letter from her asking to meet.”

  “But she wrote that letter to you. It was all mushy and full of concern,” Richard stated.

  “Yeah. But no word of money. I think I misjudged her.”

  I watched him. “It’s because I’m dying, you’re wanting to connect with your sibling.”

  Ben shrugged. “It’s part of it I suppose. But now that I have met her and hung out… I think I want her in my life.”

  This was news to all of us.

  “When did you meet her?” Richard exclaimed.

  “Why didn’t you tell us?” Ian added.

  Ben looked at Ian then at me. “You have all spent a good portion of last night hitting on her. Didn’t you think it was slightly weird that I never once hit on her and actively tried to convince you not to pick her? Kate is my sister and you two have her lined up for not just a one on one but a fucking threesome.” He pointed at us. “I don’t care. I won’t think less of her because hell, I’m no angel and I have had threesomes myself. That and she will have two nice men looking after her.” He sighed. “Kate is my kid sister. She doesn’t know it. I don’t plan on telling her. But either one of you hurt her, and I will rain pain all over you.”

  We sat back digesting that little bit of information. We looked at each other and Ian shook his head.

  “I will back off. We need to find another girl.” He stared at me. “I was fine with a random we would never see again, but I can’t do that to her.”

  I frowned. “You sure? Cause I like her. She’s nice and spunky.”

  Ian frowned. “I like her too. But you don’t really think she will go through with it, do you?”

  “Enough seduction and if you can convince her that you will respect her after, she would,” Richard stated. “But the whole thing is to dump her and run after, isn’t it?” He looked over at me.

  “She doesn’t know who I am.” Ben sighed. “I won’t be telling her. You can all do what you want. I just ask that you be good to her. I will be staying in contact regardless.”


  I’d spent the day by the pool getting some sun. I’d talked to the kids and was now dressed up, ready for another night of fun. Only they never called. I had to admit I felt disappointed. I had fun last night. But maybe it was a pick a random hottie per night. Share the fun around.

  So, I went downstairs to have dinner by myself. My dinner had just been served when I saw them moving through looking around. The same as last night, discussing and then hitting on a woman.

  It must have been a one per night. Or I played too hard to get.

  I dismissed the thought of having sex, I had gone years without. Last night was a mistake, fun but it was a mistake. I suppose I could say that I ticked something off my own bucket list. I ate my dinner and watched them fail with the first woman whose friends came along. All of them started hitting on the men.

  I finished my dinner and after paying, slipped unseen by them into the hall. If they didn’t want to hang out, that was cool. I wasn’t going to hang around hoping they would. I walked to the craps table and watched for a while.

  Old man was on a winning streak and he had chicks all over him.

  I left when he started to lose and kept betting. If he wasn’t smart enough to stop while he was ahead, then I wasn’t going to watch. I moved to the slot machines and sighed as I got some change out of my purse. I sat down and decided that a hundred dollars would be the max in this machine.

  I lost it all. Then moved to another. Same thing. I had a three-machine max and was bored with them. I wanted to move on to black jack, so I just threw the whole hundred in and pulled the leaver. I sighed and turned to walk away but heard it slotting into place. I sat back down and raised my brows as alarms started going off and gold confetti fell from the ceiling.

  “You have got to be fucking shitting me?” I smiled as I looked up then at the machine again. “You little beauty!” I laughed and caught a little of the confetti before looking back at the machine.

  Then I got pushed from my chair. There was yelling and some fool saying he won it. The next thing I knew, I’d been shoved so hard against the same machine that I bounced off it and ended up on the floor with people standing all around me. All happy for the winner.

  While I was down getting trampled, I wondered why they were all so excited. I probably only won a couple thousand dollars. I tried to get up but was kept down. I wouldn’t have been down for more than a couple minutes but I got kicked a few times and stood on a dozen times or more. Then people scattered shouting their protests.

  “Move!” I heard a man shout.

  There were more protests and then movement and I was peering up at a member of security. I went to sit up but he stopped me.

  “Stay there a minute, I want to make sure you’re ok.”

  I gave him a weird look. “I’m all good, Mate. Let me up,” I said and sat up “What’s all these yahoos goin’ on about? Anyone would think I won a million bucks.”

  He was speaking into his radio then helped me stand up. “Fifty actually.”

  I gaped at him shocked and
my knees didn’t feel real steady “What?”

  He took my arm and went to walk me away but I stumbled. He picked me up and carried me away from the crowd. I gaped at him dumbfounded “What did you just say?”

  “You just won the major jackpot,” he said as another man opened a side panel in the wall.

  Hmm, never noticed the doors. Might have to have another look around. Wait what? Did he just tell me I won 50 million dollars? The world spun.

  “Whoa, little lady, hold on. I’ll be able to lay you flat in a minute and put your feet up.”

  “Do we need an ambulance?” another man asked.

  “No, we don’t need a fucking ambulance,” I muttered. “I’m fine just put me down and repeat what ludicrous bullshit you just told me.”


  I heard the fifty million Jackpot go off and smiled. We’d been open for four years and it had never gone off. I looked at the boys and grinned. “I hoped I would get to see it go off.”

  We glanced up to see the crowd of people who were happy and then the fight that started. I rolled my eyes. “I knew that would happen.”

  Ian shrugged watching. “Security is on to it.”

  I nodded and went back to the fourth woman who I was trying to convince to do my list.

  She wanted to have sex but do nothing else like the other three women.

  I wanted someone to do the entire list with. I stared at her. “So you won’t do the rest of the list?”

  “Honey, I will fuck you and whoever you want six ways to Sunday but I have no interest in jumping out of a plane.”

  I sighed. “Well, you have a good night then.” I looked at the boys and cocked my head to the side when I glanced at Ben who was watching the fuss upstairs. I turned my head and saw security carrying a woman away. “Aw shit, don’t tell me she got hurt. Last thing I need is a fucking lawsuit.”

  I went to walk out the back.

  “Charlie, leave it. You’re on break,” Ben said.

  I shook my head. “I’ll go check to see that everything is ok. I probably should congratulate the winner.”

  “It’s Kate,” Ben announced. “I’m sure she’s fine. Just leave it be. If she sues, then I will know she is nothing but a no-good money grabbing bitch I first took her to be. Come on, let’s find you another girl.”

  I felt deflated since he’d dropped the bomb on us that she was his sister. I’d been looking forward to seducing and fucking the woman’s brains out. I wanted to see her come from my hand and my cock but now she was off limits. I felt bad because we gave her no explanation as to why we hadn’t picked her up as promised. I glanced over at Ian,

  He shook his head and gazed around. “How about her?” he asked.

  I looked and shook my head.

  “Charlie, just put banging my sister on your bucket list.” Ben chuckled. “You and Ian have both looked like I castrated you since I told you. I should have shut up and said nothing. I just didn’t want to get dragged into some fucking orgy and have to suddenly have an erectile dysfunction incident to get out of it. I won’t touch Tammy as promised.”

  I smiled and patted him on the shoulder. “I thought we worked out that you were going to take her off the market.”

  “When she’s ready.” Ben shrugged. “I’m not going to rush her. And while you are sick, it isn’t the time to be hitting on her.”

  “You know I think you just got my absolute approval. I hope you live a long and wonderful life together.” I grinned and patted him on the shoulder and he laughed. My phone rang and I shook my head as I looked at the caller ID then up at the camera. “Yes.”

  “Sir, the Jackpot went off. Did you want to talk to the winner?

  Hand over the check?”

  “Does the winner want the publicity?” he asked and he heard the question asked before the little random went off…

  “NO! I don’t want any fucking publicity! I don’t even want that much fucking money!” Kate exclaimed.

  I looked at Ben wide eyed. “Kate won it!”

  He gave me a weird look before I realized that he just told me she had and smiled then started laughing.

  “Go on. We’ll go with her and take her out to celebrate.”

  “You sure?” I asked him.

  He nodded.

  “Don’t let me do this just because I’m dying. I wouldn’t extend the same courtesy to you if it was the other way around.”

  He laughed. “Come on. Just don’t let on who I am and please look after her.”

  We went out the back and we heard her before we saw her.

  “I told you I just want enough to pay off my fucking house! What the fuck do I want fifty million dollars for?” she shouted.

  We all chuckled and walked into my office.

  She gazed up at us, her hair was a mess and she looked pale. Now, her jaw dropped. “What the fuck are you doing here?”

  “Came to give you money.” I grinned. “Now, do you want a big check in front of the press or for me to give it to you nice and quiet here.”

  The look on her face was priceless. Absolute shock. She looked from me to the boys behind me. “Don’t be a wanker. You can’t just sign over 50 million! And how the fuck did you get back here?”

  I was handed my iPad and sat down beside her. I opened the account for the winnings and she watched me silently as I brought up the spot for her account details.

  Kate shook her head. “No.”

  “Yes. Put your account details in here please.”

  “This is a joke.”

  I rolled my eyes and looked at my security. “Get her details, she is in shock.”

  “She got slammed into the slot machine and then got trampled. I’m surprised she’s conscious,” he said and handed me her background check that had her account details on it.

  I started putting in the numbers.

  She took a moment to realize what I was doing. “What the fuck? Charlie NO!” She went to stop me but got restrained. She swore at me to stop.

  Fiery little bitch was making my security work, took three of them to hold her.

  “You won it fair and square.” I smiled as I checked the numbers and then put my thumbprint to it to seal the deal. “There. All done.”

  She stopped fighting. “I don’t believe you.” Her voice sounded weaker.

  I showed her.

  Her eyes went wide and she peered up at me. She was in absolute shock. Her eyes rolled and her body went limp.

  My security team laid her back down on the couch.

  Ben chuckled and took a photo on his phone before taking a selfie with her unconscious. He put his phone away as she came around.

  Richard and Ian were trying hard not to laugh. Covering their mouths like juveniles. I had to admit, it was something we would have done to Tammy and have done to each other while passed out drunk.

  She took a couple deep breaths, opened her eyes and stared at me. She almost looked lost.

  “How does it feel to be a multi-millionaire?” I asked caressing her cheek softly. “How about we go out and celebrate?”

  “I think I want to go back to my room.”

  “Sir, she got slammed and trampled. That’s twice she has fainted. I think she needs to be seen by a doctor.”

  “I told you I am fucking fine,” she snapped while glaring at him her eyes wild. She looked back over at me. “Take the money back.”

  “Did she win it fair and square? No cheating?” I asked security.

  “Everything was as it should be with a genuine win,” he said.

  With the number of gadgets in this place to pick up cheats, I believed him. I nodded. “Then I can’t take it back. Come on, I will escort you back to your room if that’s where you really want to go or we can go party and celebrate.”

  She covered her face and shook her head.

  I motioned for the doctor on call for the casino to be called up.

  He nodded and told me she was already on her way.

  She arrived ten minutes later,
Kate hadn’t moved. She wouldn’t show her face.

  We left the room and let her get examined and I watched the footage of her win and then her assault. “Did you get him?” I asked.

  “We did, he’s chatting with police. This would be great publicity if she would have a photo for the press.”

  “She won’t do it,” I said and glanced at Ben. “Do you think you could do up a press release?”

  “Do I look like your PR person?” he smirked and nodded. “Yeah, I can put something together.”

  The doctor came out a couple minutes later. “She’s going to have a couple bruises but she hasn’t got a concussion. She’s just very overwhelmed.”

  I went into my office and she was sitting there waiting.

  “This is your office.”

  “It is when I’m here.” I held out my hand. “Come on, let’s go have couple drinks.”

  Kate hesitated and took it. She stood up, still a little shaky. “I’ll just go back to my room, thanks.”

  I walked her from my office and the boys followed us. I got her to her room.

  She got her door card out of her bra and swiped it.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to celebrate?” Richard asked her.

  She shook her head. “No. You guys go have a good time.”

  Ian took her hand, pulled her against him and hugged her.

  “Congratulations. On your big win.”

  Kate slowly put her arms around his waist and then just stood there. “Thanks.”

  We all took turns hugging her, I was last. “Can I explain why we didn’t come pick you up today?”

  “No need. I figured it was a random hottie per night.” She let me go. “I don’t want any press. It will make my job incredibly hard and I have a past that would become a very fucking big nightmare if it got out. Please, don’t let it get out.”

  It was her eyes that had me nodding and agreeing. “We’re going skydiving in the morning. Are you still up for a bit of fun?”

  She stepped away. “I thought you wanted another woman to help you. New random hottie a night.”

  “Well, as it turns out, every woman I asked wanted the sex and not the rest and you’re the only one that wants the rest and not the sex. So, are you still one of the boys?”


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