The Vegas Random

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The Vegas Random Page 11

by Ellie Gerrard

  She gazed up at me and bit her lip. There was rejection in her eyes then she nodded. “Alright.”

  Suddenly, I realized she thought I was asking her because I didn’t want to have sex with her. I stroked her cheek before grabbing the back of her head and kissing her. My lips met hers and it was like I was struck by lightning. Normally, I could kiss a woman and enjoy it then have nothing but the small tingle of attraction.

  This—this? I lost my train of thought as I claimed her mouth. She tasted like lollipops. Her mouth was greedy, her body just melted like chocolate. I regained control right about the time I realized I had her straddling my hips, pressing her against the wall. My cock hard as stone. I broke the kiss and took some shaky breaths to get the strength back into my knees.

  Her breathing was staggered as she stared at me. “What was that for?”

  “Always said I would kiss the winner of the jackpot.”

  “Lucky, I’m a woman,” she teased.

  “I’m lucky it was you,” I breathed the words out, not putting her down. “Are you sure you won’t come out for a drink to celebrate?”

  She nodded. “If I’m jumping out of a plane tomorrow, I don’t want to do it hungover.”

  I put her down. “See you in the morning.”

  Kate nodded, went into her room and shut the door.

  I ran my fingers through my hair and looked over at Ben giving him a silent apology. He patted my shoulder and we walked up the hall to the elevator.

  When inside, I glanced at Ian. “She tastes like lollipops.”

  “She melts like butter,” Ian noted.

  “And she will sub out,” Richard added. “I thought she would be a Dom like her brother but she is a sub.”

  “Charlie just kissed the hell out of her! That doesn’t make her a sub!” Ben exclaimed.


  In my room, I gathered my senses. Being kissed like that had set my whole body on fire. I could still taste him on my lips. I got my phone and called Brian.

  “Shorty, you’re making a fucking bad habit of ringing while drunk. I love it, keep it up.”

  “I’m not drunk,” I told him sitting down. “But I do need to talk. Are you half asleep or should I call back in the morning?”

  “I’m at my desk working from home because it’s the end of the month. What do you need to talk about?”

  “How much do we owe on the loan you took out with Morrissey?”

  “The loan you’re still acting shitty about?”


  “Ten million. Slowly paying it off.”

  I got on to my tablet and pulled up all our banking details. I shook my head as I looked at the fifty million in the account. “Am I correct in saying that once that ten million is paid off you will officially own the business, we won’t be under his umbrella?”

  “That’s what is in the contract,” Brian confirmed. “What are you doing?”

  “Well, I just won fifty million on the fucking slot machines and I am right now paying off the loan,” I stated as I pressed in the details. “I am also about to pay off everyone’s houses and cars then put money away for the kid’s college funds. And I’m going to buy shares in Morrissey’s business and in my late fathers. There should be enough for everyone to go on a holiday afterward.”

  The silence on the other end of the phone was deafening.

  I just let him process it. Hell, I wasn’t processing it. The only way I could cope was to get the money away from me as fast as fucking possible. If Kym, my mother in law found out, she would be all over me like a rash. I had finally gotten rid of the bitch and I didn’t want her near me.



  “Did you just say you won the fifty million Jackpot at The Diamond?”

  “Uh huh.”

  “You’re going to get press.”

  “They promised not to let me get it.”

  “Well, you should be putting that money away for safekeeping.”

  “I am. I just put H&S Crosshairs in to the black with a nice little fund for in case. It’s now in the black. Your house is paid off. Gerrard’s house is paid off, Billy’s house is paid off, Harry and Nelly’s house is paid off. Cars are done, a million in each of the kid’s trust funds for college…a million each.”

  Brian muttered and I could hear him typing. He swore and then called Emma. I heard him explain to her what happened and I had to pull my phone away from my ear as she squealed with excitement. I smiled. It was nice to do something so good for my family who’d helped me through so much. They thanked me and informed me they were going to tell the others.

  I just smiled and hung up.

  I then waited for the calls.

  I bought stocks and was in the process of looking at property when Gerrard called me.

  “What’s this shit I hear you been up to? You better not have done it Shorty. I will bring the smack down on your arse.”

  I smiled. “Done what exactly?”

  “Paid our debt that wasn’t yours to pay.”

  “No, I didn’t do any such thing,” I replied with a smile.

  He sighed with relief. “Thank god for that.”

  “You don’t have any debts to pay out,” I added.


  I laughed. Gerrard was a monster of a man. A huge wall of muscle that was intimidating as fuck to everyone except me. I saw him as a teddy bear. Carrie saw him the hottest man on earth. But to me, he was a big ole teddy bear. “Because I love ya.”

  “Then give me a fucking hug. Don’t pay my debts. I don’t want your money, Shorty.”

  “You don’t have any debt to pay off!” I kept laughing. “But I love ya G, I do.”

  “Aw don’t go getting all lovey at me. I can’t stand it,” he grumbled. He really didn’t like it when I was nice.

  “G. You are welcome.” I smiled, I knew he was absolutely chuffed and overwhelmed with the very extravagant gift. None of them were struggling for money. Since they had started the business, it had given them a decent wage but still, the bills needed to be paid.

  “You know I have never met a more infuriating woman.”

  “Love you too. Talk later ok?”

  “Yeah Shorty. We will.” He hung up on me because he didn’t like saying bye.

  Billy rang before I could put the phone down. He went fucking postal. Ranting at me like a mad man and I just sat and laughed at him. He called me a bitch, told me he loved me and hung up before I could say anything.

  Then Harry and Nelly rang. These two were the closest things to parents I had since my parents had died when I was fifteen. Harry had been friends with Dad and when I told him, I wanted to join the army he and Nelly had signed me up. Harry was Chris, Brian, Gerrard and Billy’s father. Nelly was Chris’s step Mum and mother to the other three.

  I answered, “Oi.”

  “Oi, yourself.”

  “I hear you came into a bit of money,” I replied.

  “I heard the same rumor,” Harry said softly, his voice full of emotion.

  I teared up. “Are you happy?”

  “Yeah. You’re a good girl Katie. You didn’t have to do that for us.”

  “I know. But I wanted to.” She heard a sob in the background “Oh, don’t tell me Nelly is crying! Why is she upset?”

  “She isn’t crying because she is sad. She’s just happy the mortgage is paid.”

  “So are the cars and the boat.” I smiled.

  “Oh, you little cow. We didn’t need you to pay all that off!

  What about your own debts?”

  “Done. Paid for. Just trying to put the money to good use before I put the rest into stocks that Kym can’t touch. If she finds out, then she’ll be back.”

  “Well honey, think about it and spend it wisely. You have a lot of life ahead. I would be nice to see you not struggle.”

  “I am putting it away. I’m going to be ok. I’m going sky diving tomorrow. I ne
ed to be up early.”

  “Ok, honey. Have fun.” And he hung up.

  I went and lay on my bed wondering if I was dreaming about completely eradicating the biggest stresses in my family’s lives, which were house and car repayments and the fear we would never afford our kids to attend college.

  Oh, and the business debt. I would be nice to see Morrissey sign it over to us in full now that the debt was paid. Hell, even my debts were officially gone. I smiled as I shut my eyes happy, confused and overwhelmed.

  Then as I fell asleep, I thought of the breathtaking kiss Charlie had delivered.


  By the time I got up the next morning, it was time to go jumping out of a plane.

  Ian had already gotten Kate from her room. She looked like she’d gotten over the shock of becoming an instant millionaire.

  Ian was openly hitting on her, he couldn’t seem to help himself.

  I smiled. He’d told me he was laying the groundwork for the threesome. But he was full of shit. He liked her as much as I did. I still couldn’t get that kiss out of my head. I’d gone back to my room and masturbated, so I could let off some steam and I’d never rely had to do such a thing before.

  We drove to the airport and had a briefing before we were about to fly tandem. Kate sat looking calm and happy. We got on the plane and half an hour later, we were at 14,000 feet and we were ready to jump. The plane engine was surprisingly loud and the air rushing past was noisy and cool.

  Kate was the only one who looked relaxed. I personally, was shitting myself and by the looks on the boy’s faces, they were too. Well except Ben, but he was ex-military, he’d done this before.

  I planned it, it was my idea, so I went first. Leaving the plane was the most terrifying thing I’d ever done in my life. The free fall had me completely disorientated. I was looking up at the sky watching everyone else jump from the plane. It only took a minute to enjoy it. I was weightless and it was the most freeing experience I’d ever felt.

  It was only when Kate and her instructor was right with us, that I figured out something was wrong. She reached behind me and it was like I was shot up into the air. There must’ve been something wrong with my chute and the fact that the instructor behind me was kind of just flapping around behind me—wasn’t a comfort.

  Kate was back and to my absolute fucking horror, she hooked her legs around my waist and her instructor started to release her from the harness. She grabbed on to some handles that had been useless until she got a hold of them and then her instructor was gone. She smiled at me and took control of my decent.

  I held on to her, afraid her legs would weaken and she would fall.

  She was on the job as she controlled our descent but gave me a smile as comfort.

  A few minutes later, she was reaching around me as we neared the ground. “Legs up. This is going to hurt. When I release the chute, let me go!” she shouted and then she yelled, “NOW!” The chute was released. I let her go and she tumbled. I did too. When I rolled to a stop, my instructor was on top of me. I couldn’t move, he was too damn heavy.

  A moment later, Kate was there and was releasing him, then he was off me.

  “Charlie! Are you ok?” she asked, now tending to the man.

  “Yeah. Are you fucking insane?” I shouted. Fucking stupid woman could have been killed!

  “Yeah, that’s what happens when you pick up a random. That’ll learn ya,” she quipped before she started to give the man CPR.

  I sat up and rubbed my sore limbs as I looked around to see Ben land.

  He got released and started helping Kate.

  Ian and Richard came in to land along with Kate’s instructor. When they landed, they all ran towards us.

  “Charlie! Are you ok?” Ian asked bending down to check me over. “You’re bleeding.” He got a hanky out of his pocket and pressed it to my brow.

  “I’m ok,” I said patting his arm.

  “I thought you were going to die,” he exclaimed as he looked like he might have a heart attack.

  “I am dying, Ian. There’s nothing going to stop it. If it had happened up there, I would have died happy and feeling free.”

  I worried about Ian and what he would do when I died. He was struggling, Richard was too, but he seemed to have accepted it like I had.

  Kate’s instructor called her bat shit crazy.

  She smiled and shook her head as Ben assisted her.

  There were things happening around us that I didn’t pay attention to it. I think I was in a bit of shock. My body shook from the adrenalin. Soon, the medics arrived and they rushed my instructor off while another crew checked me over. Other than a bit of a cut on the head and a bit bruised, I was perfectly fine.

  When we got back to the motel, the boys and I were all shook up. We went up to my room and dragged Kate with us. I was beginning to think she was bat shit crazy as her instructor had observed. We got in the room and I called room service and got them to deliver food and drinks. I was trying to keep busy, so I wouldn’t yell at Kate for being so fucking stupid.

  Then I turned to Kate, grabbed the back of her neck and snapped her to me, kissing her so hard it was nearly violent. She whimpered in protest trying to push me away. I put her against the wall, pinned her arms with one hand and moved her head with the other, so I could kiss her deeper.

  After a minute, I settled down and kissed her more gently, till she responded then just made out with her for a moment before pulling away breathless.

  She looked up at me with those green eyes.

  “Don’t you ever do anything so fucking stupid again,” I growled “I’m a dead man. I am dying. You just put yourself at risk for absolutely no fucking reason!”

  “I beg to differ. I suspect so does the boys.” She stared up at me. Her eyes were defiant but she meant what she said. I could see she would have died trying to save a dead man and wouldn’t have thought twice about it.

  She wasn’t batshit crazy. She was insane!

  “How did you even know what you were doing?” I glared at her still pinning her against the wall.

  She took a moment to answer, “I’ve done it before.”

  “You have unclipped your harness and hooked your legs around a man while he fell to his death,” I clarified.

  “No, I kept my harness and stripped off his parachute before strapping him to my chest while falling to our deaths.”

  I blinked and let her go. “You are fucking insane.”

  She smirked as she went and sat on the couch then touched her lips.

  “Did I hurt you?” Shit, I didn’t want to hurt her. If I fucked her trust, I would never get her into bed.

  She shrugged. “I’m good.” She glanced at the boys “I am starving, how ‘bout you?”

  “I feel sick,” Richard muttered.

  “Ah, that’s just the adrenalin. You’ll be all right tiger,” Kate said, sympathetically.


  Well, after such an eventful jump that really should have killed Charlie and then debriefing them in his room, they’d decided that I was right and it would be good to rest before we continued our shenanigans tonight. I went to the gym and worked out then back to my room to read a book and have a nap.

  When they didn’t pick me up by eight, I thought they must have decided against going out. Or they decided that I was too crazy and really were letting me play on my own tonight. I’d been in the spa for twenty minutes before there was a knock. I answered the door in a towel.

  Ben and Richard stood there. Richard looked me up and down as Ben glanced away.

  “I thought you would be ready by now. We’re going to a strip club,” Richard said before asking, “Aren’t you up to coming out?” He looked at my shoulder where I was bruised. He then gazed back at my eyes. “You never said you were injured.” He looked pissed off.

  “I wasn’t. Bit bruised up but not broken.” I rolled my eyes and sighed like he was making a huge drama over nothing. Yes, I was sore, but wouldn’t admit it. “
Give me ten minutes and I’ll be ready. Come in,” I urged stepping aside.

  Both came in and I shut the door. “I wasn’t sure that you would be coming out. After this morning’s excitement, I thought you would rest and recover.” I walked over to my suitcase and picked out panties, shorts and a fitted top that showed off my cleavage. It was Emma’s favorite top. “You especially Richard, you went quiet.” She glanced at him and felt sorry for him. He looked like he’d struggled this morning.

  He shrugged as he sat on the couch. “You scared the shit out of me.”

  I laughed softly as I found my favorite bra and picked it up. “Sometimes that happens.” I walked to the bathroom to change. “Where are the other two?” I called out.

  “Charlie is sleeping. He’s going to come out later. Ian is video chatting with his kids and we’re bored,” Ben replied. “So, since you’re such a good sport, we thought you should come with us.”

  I smiled it was nice that he finally was speaking to me. I got dressed then did my hair putting it up in a ponytail. “How are you both after this morning?” I wanted to make sure everything was ok.

  “After seeing you have a fight mid-air with your instructor then everything after. I think you’re a nutcase,” Richard stated.

  I laughed and shook my head. “Is that so?”

  “Absolutely. Nice girls don’t do that,” Richard continued.

  “I never claimed to be a nice girl, Richard.” I kept chuckling as I put on some mascara and lip-gloss.

  “Yeah well, you look it,” Richard replied.

  I smirked as I walked out of the bathroom and put on some heels.

  “Especially looking like that.”

  I glanced at him as I got my little bag and checked to make sure I had everything I needed. “Looking like what?”

  “Woman, you have the best set of legs I have ever seen and I’m married to a ballerina.”

  I grinned at him. “How did you get free rein to be out visiting strippers then?” I walked into the room.

  They stood up. They both gave me a weird look.


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