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7 Nights of Sin: (Countdown to Pleasure Book One) A Second Chance Enemies to Lovers Romance

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by West, Harper

  He'd always been good in bed. He cared about his partner's pleasure as well as his own, and that made him a good lover. It was clear none of that had faded with time.

  Kevin thrust into me again and again, and all I could was moan his name and try to hold on.

  He kept asking me if it was good, if I liked it, if I wanted more, harder, faster, and I just gaped at him with my mouth half open, breathing hard and writhing.

  He didn't seem to mind that I couldn't form an articulate sentence either way. He was preoccupied by swearing and getting close himself, and my fingers dug into his skin when he hit a good spot inside me, sending a violent shiver up my spine.

  "There," I managed to gasp out. "Oh, fuck right there."

  Kevin grinned down at me and did it again, hitting it harder this time. I nearly screamed from how good that was, and from then on, each thrust landed in that spot, making that heat inside me climb even higher.

  It wasn't going to take long for me to fall apart like this.

  Usually I needed some added stimulation, fingers or vibrations against my clit while something pushed inside of me, but this time there was no need for that.

  Every nerve in my body was singing with pleasure, and I felt like I was drowning in it, but what a way to go, honestly. There was nothing I wanted more than for all that pleasure to break and consume me, to send me spiralling out of control on a wave of sensation.

  I wasn't thinking about anything other than how fucking good it felt and how deep Kevin's cock was in me, and the way the bed creaked and groaned under us as he fucked me.

  "I'm close," he bit out, teeth gritted.

  That brought me back down to Earth a bit, and I opened my eyes to look at him. His face was flushed, and there was sweat on his brow, his hair a mess that just looked charming and good on him.

  "Me too," I echoed, and it came out sounding as wrecked as I felt. "I'm so close."

  Kevin nodded and kept working his hips, sending me higher and higher, and it was only a matter of seconds before I was going tight around him, body stiffening and tensing right before I nearly exploded, crying out his name and shaking as my orgasm washed over me in waves.

  I fought to keep breathing, to hold on as Kevin fucked me through it, and it was only a matter of time before he was following me over the edge with a muted curse, hips snapping hard and then stilling as he found his release.

  For long seconds, neither of us moved, and I felt Kevin's cock softening inside me before it slipped out. He sighed softly and then flopped to the side with a grin.

  "That was fucking good," he murmured, and he sounded like a lazy, decadent prince who'd just gotten everything he wanted.

  "It was okay," I murmured, but I knew I wasn't fooling anyone.

  I laid there, staring at the ceiling, sweat cooling on my skin, until the gentle sound of Kevin's breathing evened out, and I knew he had fallen asleep.

  It was still early, but I was restless, and I knew there was no way in hell I was going to fall asleep in his bed, or wake up in the morning still there and have to talk about what we'd done.

  Because of course once the adrenaline and pleasure started to fade, all that was left was the lingering regret.

  I gathered my clothes and tiptoed out of the room, throwing the bundled up clothes in a pile on the floor once I got down the hall to my own room.

  I'd already showered once that evening, but suddenly I felt the need to be clean.

  I could still feel Kevin's touch all over me, and it was disturbing. Mostly because I didn't mind it. It had just been so nice, to be touched and kissed and brought to screaming orgasms. It had been nice to be with another person. And if that person had been someone other than Kevin Porter, then maybe there wouldn't be such a pit in my stomach.

  It was a mess. I'd come here to fix his issues, not gather new ones for myself. It had already been hard enough to be around him before, but the addition of sex wasn't going to make things easier. It never did.

  And what did he want from me? Was it just a good time? Was he so tired of behaving himself for the public eye (for some loose definition of the word 'behaving', of course) that he just needed some relief? Was I just a convenient body for him? Someone he knew had a vested interest in keeping things quiet?

  It would make sense for that to be the case. More sense than him wanting...anything else from me.

  I could be angry about that. About being used for his good time. But then I remembered the way he looked at me, the way he'd called me beautiful and waited until I told him I wanted him to do anything.

  Against all odds, I knew Kevin. I knew he wasn't the kind of person who used people. He'd work himself to the bone before he made anyone else suffer for his goals.

  So what was the point of it, then?

  I shook my head, letting the hot water rush over me. It was soothing, and I tipped my head back, breathing out a sigh.

  Ultimately, it didn't matter what Kevin wanted. It couldn't happen again.

  He was a client, and more than that, he'd already had his chance. He hadn't wanted to be with me six years ago, and I didn't know what could have changed.

  I'd changed, at any rate, and I wasn't interested. I could have other people if I wanted them. I didn't need to put myself and my feelings on the line for something that hadn't worked back then.

  We just had to get through the rest of the week and then I could finish the job, and we could go our separate ways. That was for the best.

  The next day, I was up with the sun practically, putting my laptop in my bag and leaving the beach house quietly. I told myself it wasn't sneaking because Kevin was still asleep. I was just being quiet to be polite.

  I spent the whole day out working and doing a little sightseeing once I'd done all I could with talking to media outlets and all. I bought some things for friends and family back home, and a few things for myself as well.

  I watched the surfers on the beach chase waves and then come back to shore, salt water glistening on their skin and in their hair, and I tried to imagine myself going up to one of them and making small talk. Or, god forbid, trying to flirt.

  It wasn't an easy thing to picture. I didn't have a lot of practice.

  Well, whatever. I was fine. I didn't need to go out looking for someone just for the hell of it.

  I picked up food on the way home at a local poke place that I'd heard rave reviews about, and it was well after dark when I finally came back to the house.

  Hopefully Kevin would have already eaten and would be off doing something by himself and not waiting around for me. I'd been gone all day, and I still had no idea what to say to him.

  I managed to get all the way to my room with no sign of him, and I breathed a sigh of relief. So far so good.

  The next night, I was not so lucky. I heard music when I got back to the house, and I should have done the smart thing and kept going to my room to hide out and keep pretending Kevin didn't exist in the same space as I did, but instead, I followed the sound of the soft, crooning music and found myself on the back deck where the hot tub was.

  And there was Kevin, shirtless again, his skin practically glowing in the light from the hot tub in the steam.

  He caught sight of me before I could leave, and I sighed, waiting for whatever it was he had to say.

  "There you are. I was beginning to wonder if you were ever coming back."

  I shrugged. "I didn't know I had to run it by you before I went somewhere," I replied, voice strained. As much as I didn't want to look at him, I couldn't tear my eyes away. The water lapped at the skin just under his chest, drawing attention to his well-shaped chest and torso.

  He was just so fucking handsome, and still as charming as ever, and it was a struggle not to just give in to all the things I wanted.

  "You don't," he said with a shrug in reply. "I just wanted to check in yesterday, and you were nowhere to be found."

  I bit my lip and glanced away. "Check in about what?"

  "You know what, Caro. I
wanted to make sure..." He sighed. "I wanted to see if we were okay. After what happened."

  After we slept together, I wanted to say. But putting it in words felt dangerous. I sighed. "What do you want from me, Kevin?"

  He frowned, eyes clouded for a bit before he shook his head. "You know what I want."

  "No, I don't. You can have anything and anyone you want. You've proven that time and time again, clearly. You could be out there right now, finding some woman who thinks the sun shines out of your ass and would suck you off just for the pleasure of saying she did it. So I want to know why you're bothering with me."

  His eyes’ expression didn't clear, and he just looked at me like I was crazy. "I don't want some random woman," he said finally. "If I wanted that, that's what I would be going after. But I'm not. I'm here. Because I want you."

  There was so much sincerity in his tone, and I swallowed hard against it, not even sure how to respond. It wasn't what I wanted to hear, but it made me feel warm inside at the same time. It made everything so much more complicated than it needed to be, but I couldn't look away from him.

  Three nights we had been here together, and it seemed like we always ended up like this, staring at each other and waiting to see what happened.

  "I don't believe you," I murmured, even though that was a misrepresentation of the truth at best and a flat out lie at worst.

  "Get in this hot tub with me and I'll prove it," he said, and his voice was husky and deep, his eyes piercing into me. “You look like you could use a nice, relaxing soak anyway.”

  I was supposed to say no. I was supposed to tell him to fuck off, that I wasn't one of the women who longed for his attention the way others did. I was supposed to walk away and go back to my room and then get on a plane and go back home and leave all of this behind me.

  But that wasn't what I did.

  I stood there for a second, mouth dry, heart pounding, while my head screamed all the reasons I was being an idiot for even considering doing what he told me to do. I had no reason to listen to him.

  Too bad the rest of me didn't get the memo, apparently. Because my hands were moving, pulling my shirt over my head and letting it fall to the wood of the deck.

  I unclasped my bra and took that off too, dropping it on the ground. I took off my shoes, my socks, and my pants, and then kept going until I was completely naked, standing there in the open air of the deck.

  Chapter 14


  My mouth dropped open when I saw her stripping down. I had fully expected her to tell me to fuck off when I suggested her getting in the hot tub. It was the scene of the crime, so to speak, after all, and I didn't think she'd want anything to do with it.

  I definitely hadn't expected her to just...get naked, standing right there, and I couldn't look away.

  Ever since we'd had sex, she'd been on my mind constantly. Even more so than usual. I'd woken up that next morning to find her gone and the house quiet, and it was disappointing, but not surprising.

  I hadn't expected it to all fall into place on the first time we did it. That was the whole point of me having seven days, well nights really, to work on this plan. I needed the most amount of time to get through her defenses and get her to trust me and want me.

  I still had jerked off to the memory of her hot and wet around my cock and the smell of her hair lingering in the pillows that morning, though, and I wasn't ashamed of it.

  But memory was nothing compared to the sight in front of me.

  She was just so fucking beautiful. I'd meant every word of that. Her hair fell around her shoulders, skimming over her chest a bit, drawing attention to the firm nipples and the pink flush to her skin.

  In the light on the deck, she almost seemed to glow, and it was a damned good thing there weren't any neighbors around for a good mile and a half because I didn't want to share this view with anyone else.

  It was all mine, and I wanted Caro to be the same, but I couldn't rush it. I had to let her decide to come to me.

  I held out a hand to her, lifting an eyebrow. I could see the determination in her gaze, and I knew that if she thought too hard about what she was doing, she'd regret it immediately. I just had to keep that from happening.

  "Come on," I coaxed with a grin. "You're halfway there."

  She rolled her eyes, but that got her moving at least. Caro ignored the hand I was holding out, and got into the hot tub herself, slender legs stepping over the edge of it and water lapping around her ankles as she moved down the recessed stairs to find a place to sit.

  She wasn't as far away from me as she could be, but she wasn't as close as I wanted her, either, but I still had an excellent view of the steamy water moving around her breasts and soaking into her hair before she grabbed it and tied it up into a knot at the top of her head.

  "It's nice, isn't it?" I said, grinning and leaning back comfortably. I was nice and loose from soaking for a while already, and I glanced over at her through half-lidded eyes.

  "It's...comfortable," she said, and it was like it pained her to say it.

  I just laughed.

  For a bit we just sat there, soaking in silence. I kept an eye on Caro, watching that flush spread from her cheeks down, watching the effort she made to relax each of her muscles, letting the tension finally bleed out of her completely.

  When she leaned back all the way and let out a soft sigh, I smiled.

  "You should do this more often," I murmured. "You could probably use the stress relief."

  "Probably. You should do this less often. Or at least with fewer people."

  "If I had you to do this with, I wouldn't need anyone else."

  Her eyes snapped to me, and I could see some of that tense energy coming back to her posture. "Why do you say things like that?" she asked. "What are you hoping to gain?"

  "I told you already. I want you. That's it. End of story. I say it because I mean it."

  Caro narrowed her eyes, taking me in, and I let her look. For the moment, I didn't have anything to hide. I was being completely honest with her about my intentions, and it was up to her what she wanted to do with it.

  Apparently what she wanted to do was slide closer in the water. "So if I said yes, you'd never have another woman in a hot tub with you again? You'd just what, drag me around to every hotel and beach house you come across?"

  I shook my head. "No, I'd just get a hot tub myself and have you over to soak with me. I'd take a vow of hot tub celibacy unless you were there."

  She snorted. "You make it sound so easy."

  "It could be."

  "Kevin, you're famous for doing stupid shit in hot tubs. And around hot tubs. And just in general. I find that hard to believe. If you have that kind of self-control, then why haven't you been using it?"

  It was a good question, and I made a face. That wasn't what I wanted to talk about. I didn't want to get into an argument about my self-control or lack thereof or whatever. I wanted to go back to the soft talking and see where that went.

  She was close enough now to touch, so I lifted a wet hand and reached out for her, moving slowly enough that she could pull away or slap my hand if she didn't want me to touch her.

  She didn't do either, and I set my hand on her shoulder for a second, before reaching up to cup her cheek.

  Once again, she just let me do it, and I licked my lips, fingers moving down to tip her chin up so she had to look at me. "Come here," I murmured. "Please?"

  For a second she wavered, and then she was moving through the water again. I expected her to end up next to me, but again she surprised me, and I was definitely not prepared when she ended up in my lap, straddling me right there in the hot tub.

  "Is this what you want?" she asked, and she sounded almost breathless already.

  I was so aware of the fact that she was naked, and my cock took an immediate interest, filling and getting hard under her. I knew she could feel it, and she wiggled her hips a bit in a tease that had me groaning softly.

  Her br
easts were so soft where they pressed to my bare chest, and I could feel the hard peaks of her nipples against my skin.

  "Fuck," I mumbled, settling my hands at her hips.

  "Is that what you want?" she pressed on, voice husky. "You want to fuck me again?"

  "I always want to fuck you," I managed.

  "Mm. You want me all pliable and needy for you in this hot tub? Like one of your groupies?"

  "No. I want you like you in this hot tub. Difficult and intense and so fucking sexy."

  Her eyes were wide as she looked at me, and then she was lunging even closer, capturing my mouth in a hard, biting kiss.

  I groaned and let her take the lead, fingers tightening on her slippery skin, bucking up against the heat of her bare crotch against mine.

  Caro was so hot. She was so good. She kissed me like she needed it to survive, like my mouth was going to give her the air she needed to breathe, and I kept up with her, thrusting my tongue into her mouth and laying claim there.

  My cock was fully hard by then, throbbing for attention, and every time Caro shifted on top of me, it made me even harder and needier for her.

  "I wanna be inside you," I mumbled against her lips, and was rewarded by a soft whimper. "You want that too, baby? You want me to fill you up right here in this hot tub?"

  Caro broke away from the kiss, gasping for breath. She ducked her head to my shoulder for a second, hiding the bright blush on her face. After a bit, she nodded. "Yeah. Yeah, I want that."

  Heat blazed through me, triumph and arousal so strong it was almost too much. My cock jumped in my trunks at the thought of sinking into that tight, wet heat again, and I shifted Caro back enough that I could work it out of my soaking wet trunks.

  "Come on, Caro," I said. "Come ride me."

  She lifted her head, and the shyness was still there, but so was that blazing determination I loved so much. She was going to rise to this challenge and win, and I was excited to see it, honestly. She was so fucking sexy when she was like that.


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