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Wicked After Dark: 20 Steamy Paranormal Tales of Dragons, Vampires, Werewolves, Shifters, Witches, Angels, Demons, Fey, and More

Page 96

by Mina Carter

  An hour later they all gathered in Cupid and Val's home. They had recently moved into a huge duplex close to Val's business. Cupid had insisted she sell her business and stay home to take care of their son, but Val would have none of that. She loved her little floral shop and wouldn't give it up for anything. She even took the baby to work with her.

  Val handed Kane over to Somnus. "Somnus, can you go ahead of us with Kane. We have to take two cabs anyway."

  Somnus smiled at her, then at the cute little red headed boy in his arms. "Sure Val."

  Hercules chimed in. "Why are we taking a cab when we can teleport?"

  Val turned to Hercules. "We are taking two cabs for two reasons. Number one, we are not teaching Kane about teleporting yet, not until he can control his powers. And number two, you need a cab all to yourself. You don't fit with the rest of us."

  Somnus laughed out loud. Val was a spitfire and always told Hercules off. He never had a chance.

  Hercules turned to his friend Cupid. "How do you live with her? She's so bossy."

  Cupid smiled. "She's only bossy when she has to deal with unruly children."

  Hercules walked towards the other room. "Ha ha very funny. I don't care what you people say. I'm not riding in a small ass taxi being all scrunched up in the back seat. I'm teleporting."

  Somnus watched his friend leave the room followed by a flash of light. "Thank the Gods he left. I can't take him some days."

  Cupid addressed his good friend. "I can't take him at all."

  Somnus grabbed the baby bag filled with everything he would need to take care of Kane. "Hercules is definitely an acquired taste. I'll meet you guys at the hospital."

  "Thanks. Cupid and I will be right behind you."

  Somnus carried the baby to the sidewalk and hailed a cab. Kane was growing so fast. He was much bigger than children his age and more advanced in his cognitive development as well. He was already saying complete sentences.

  Kane reached into the diaper bag searching for something to eat. "Somnus, I'm hungry."

  Somnus sat Kane on the seat next to him and put him in the seat belt before looking in the bag. He pulled out a small container of crackers and handed them to Kane. "Here you go buddy."

  "Somnus, I want a cookie."

  "Mommy didn't give me cookies. She gave me crackers. You'll have cake and cookies at the party."

  Kane looked up at Somnus with his crystal blue eyes and pouted. "Okay."

  Somnus hated when the boy gave him that look. It made him feel so guilty for not giving him what he wanted. Kane was sure to be a heartbreaker with the ladies someday.

  Chapter Two

  Lailani Love sat in the back seat of her sister Karen's car. Her niece Kristal was in the car seat next to her. Her sister had asked if she would join them for the party being held at the hospital where the baby was born. Since she had been so helpful during Kristal's birth, and was her godmother, Karen thought it would be only fitting that she go.

  Karen looked in the rearview mirror at her sister. "Thanks for coming Laila. I don't know what I would have done without you. John couldn't get off work in time to come with us."

  Laila smiled at her older sister. "I don't mind. I love Kristal. Any time I get to spend with her is great."

  Laila turned to look out the window. She hated lying to her sister. She wasn't lying about spending time with her niece, she did love being around her. But, being around her and any baby reminded her of the life she would never have.

  When she was a teenager she was diagnosed with Endometriosis. A condition that affected her uterus. Tissue that normally grows in a woman's uterus grew in other places in her body. It was extremely painful at times. Laila had a few surgeries over the years to remove the tissue and months of shots to shrink the scarring. Nothing seemed to help. The doctors had given her medication and steroids to help with the pain, but Laila didn't want to be a vegetable sleeping in bed all day so she rarely took anything. Most of the time she dealt with the excruciating pain.

  Her disorder also prevented her from having any kind of love life. She only had intercourse one time and it was painful enough that she never did it again. What did it matter anyway? She couldn't have kids so she didn't need to have sex. She was almost thirty years old and most men she went out with wanted to have children at one point in their lives.

  Tears began to sting behind her eyes for a life she knew she would never have. A life full of love and a home filled with children's laughter. She opened her purse and pulled out a tissue to wipe her eyes before her sister saw her crying. If there was one thing she hated, it was pity.

  Karen peered in the rearview mirror again. "You okay kiddo?"

  Laila hated when her sister called her that. She was not a child anymore and she hated to be treated as such. She cleared the lump in her throat before speaking. "I'm fine."

  They didn't say a word for the rest of the car ride. When they reached the hospital, Laila unbuckled Kristal's car seat and attempted to lift the child up. When she did, a shooting pain in her abdomen caused her to double over.

  Karen came running around to the passenger door and swung it open. "Laila, oh my God, are you okay?"

  Laila could barely speak the pain was so bad. Her stomach was being wrenched in all directions. "I'm fine."

  "You are most certainly not fine. Let me get the baby out and I'm going to take you into the emergency room."

  "I said I'm fine! Just take Kristal inside. I just need a minute."

  "But, Laila..."

  "Just go! I said I'm fine." Laila looked into her sister's worried face feeling completely awful that she yelled at her. She was only trying to be helpful. "I'm sorry. Just give me a few minutes. I'll be right in."

  "Okay, but if you need me call me on my cell."

  Laila faked the biggest smile she could muster. "Okay."

  Karen walked around to the other side of the car and put Kristal in her stroller. As Laila watched them enter the elevator in the parking lot she punched the seat in front of her.

  Damn her body. She couldn't even go to a simple toddler birthday party without being in pain. There were days where she wanted to curl up into a ball and die. This was one of those days. After a few minutes of trying to gather herself, she was finally able to get out of the car.

  She made sure the car was locked and secure, then made her way towards the elevator. Laila pressed the up button and the elevator door opened. She stepped inside and right as the doors were about to close again she heard someone yell to hold the doors. She placed her arm between the doors and they opened.

  A very tall, very gorgeous man with a small boy in his arms stepped inside and pressed twelve on the panel. "Thanks for waiting." He said as he gave her a soft smile.

  All Laila could manage was small nod. She instantly remembered who he was. Who wouldn't remember a six foot sexy guy with the body of a God. She'd seen him two years ago when her niece Kristal was born. He was in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit visiting his godson. When they shook hands that day their attraction was immediate and undeniable.

  As he took a better look at her she could see a familiarity in his eyes. "We've met before, have we not?"

  "Yes. Two years ago when my niece and your godson were in the NICU together. I'm here for the party."

  "Yes. If my memory serves me correct your name is Lailani right?"

  She was surprised he remembered her name. "You have a great memory Somnus." His name on her lips felt surreal. After they'd met she had said his name over and over in her head and couldn't get him out of her mind. For months he was all she thought about, hoping she would one day see him again.

  He looked at her shocked. "You remembered my name?"

  "Well, it's not a name you hear every day. It kind of stuck in my head." Yeah, after you repeated it to yourself a thousand times. "And who have we got here?" Laila reached out to grab Kane's hand, but before she touched him he placed his hand on her face.

  Kane's expression changed from happi
ness to one of sadness. Tears flooded his crystal blue eyes, but he didn't cry. Instead a lone tear slid down his chubby little cheek. He turned to Somnus. "Girl is sad."

  Somnus looked at the boy in his arms, then turned his attention to Laila. She felt totally embarrassed. Was her pain showing in her face? She was sure she was able to hide it well enough by now. She smiled at Kane. "I'm not sad little one."

  The elevator stopped and they stepped out. Kane wiggled out of Somnus' arms and darted away from him. Somnus quickly ran after him calling back to Laila. "I'll see you inside."

  Laila stood there frozen. How had a child been able to see her pain? Maybe she should go to the restroom and freshen up. Maybe throw some cold water on her face. She obviously wasn't hiding it as well as she thought. If a kid was able to see right through her then her sister surely would as well.

  Before she exited the bathroom she made sure to reapply her eyeliner and lipstick. Even though she was in a small amount of pain, she would at least look good. She entered the party room and stood in the doorway. She saw all the little boys and girls running around playing together. It made her smile at first. Then the realization hit her. She would never experience her own child's birthday. She would never get to hear her own child's laughter. Laila turned to leave. She would wait in the car until the party was over.

  Somnus was walking toward her with a white box and red ribbon in his arms. "Leaving so soon?"

  "Um. Yes. I mean no." Boy, she was becoming a blubbering mess real fast.

  "I something wrong Laila?"

  She flashed him a fake smile. "No. I'm perfectly fine."

  "You don't look fine to me."

  Laila became annoyed with his presumption and snapped at him. "I am too fine. Who are you to tell me how I feel?" She rounded him and began to walk away from him.

  Somnus took three strides towards her grabbing her arm. He spun her around. "Hey, I'm sorry if what I said offended you."

  Laila sighed heavily. "No. I'm the one who should be sorry. I yelled at you for no reason. Will you please excuse me, I need to get something from the car."

  He held her arm for what felt like an eternity, but then let go. "Sure."

  She made her way to the elevator and stepped inside. Her arm was on fire where Somnus had grabbed her. He hadn’t hurt her, but it was the sheer heat of his hand touching her skin that set her body ablaze. In all her life she had never experienced such a feeling from the opposite sex. Her core filled with warmth every time he gazed into her eyes. His eyes were mysterious, yet sincere. She wondered what he could be hiding behind them. Laila noticed right away something was disturbing him. She hoped it wasn't her odd behavior he was reacting to.

  For some odd reason she felt guilty lying to him. She didn't forget anything in the car. She only wanted to make a quick exit without anyone being suspicious.

  The elevator reached the parking lot and the doors opened. Laila walked with her head down while she searched for the keys. In the corner of her eye she saw a flash of light behind the door to the emergency stair case. She slowly strolled in that direction looking over her shoulder nervously.

  Though it was daytime, the garage was cold, dimly lit, and no other person was in sight. Laila hesitated as she reached for the doorknob. She was about to put her hand on the cold metal knob when it swung open, almost knocking her off her feet. Her scream echoed in the empty lot.

  "I'm so sorry Laila. I didn't mean to scare you."

  Laila held her hand over her heart. "Somnus! You scared the shit out me."

  "I'm sorry. I thought I'd come and check on you. You looked a bit out of sorts."

  "I told you I was fine. I'm a grown woman. I don't need people, especially a man I don't even know checking up on me. I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself." Laila swiftly made her way to the car with Somnus following close behind. She was beginning to feel a little unnerved around him. Why was he pursuing her like this?

  As Laila pressed the button on the key ring to open the car door, she grabbed her stomach and doubled over in pain. She dropped the keys on the ground. The stinging agony traveled to her back then to her legs. She hoped the torment would soon be over.

  Somnus caught her before she hit the cement floor. "Laila!"

  She looked in his light amber eyes and suddenly felt heat radiate through her entire body. Her pain was beginning to subside as she listened to his silky voice becoming softer and softer until everything went dark.

  Chapter Three

  Somnus looked over at Laila sleeping on her couch. Boy, he really screwed up this time. What the fuck was he going to do now? What was he going to say to her when she woke up? Laila, I'm not who you think I am. I am the God of Dreams. I live on Mount Olympus and I put you to sleep, looked in your purse, and teleported us here to your apartment. Yeah, that would be totally believable.

  He reached into his pocket and pulled out his cell phone. A gadget he appreciated when he was in the human world. It was so much safer than teleporting everywhere. He dialed Cupid's number and waited for his friend to answer. The phone rang several times and went to voicemail.

  "Shit! What the fuck am I going to do now? I can't very well leave her here by herself. She will need me here when she wakes up. And why the Hell am I talking to myself? Think Somnus think." It hit him then. The only way to get out of this mess was to ask for help from the least reliable God he knew. Why did he have to go after Laila? He wouldn't be in trouble now.

  He hesitated before dialing the next phone number. He wished he'd had another choice, but right now he needed all the help he could get. Somnus quickly pressed the numbers on the screen and listened to the phone on the other end ring once, then twice, then three times.

  He was just about to hang up when Hercules answered. "This is Hercules, sex God..."

  Somnus whispered not wanting to wake up Laila. If she woke he would have to use his powers on her again. He needed to get his story straight first. "Herc, do you have to answer your phone like that?"


  "Yeah, it's me."

  "Why are you whispering? And where the Hell are you? You're missing the little brat's birthday party."

  "Herc, I don't have time to explain everything right now. Just listen. I need you to go into the parking garage and get the car keys under a silver Nissan Altima. It's the only silver car parked there. Lock the doors and take the keys to Cupid. Have him call me when you give him the keys."

  "Wait, what's this all about?"

  "Hercules! Just do it!" Somnus spoke too loudly and he glanced at Laila to be sure he hadn't awakened her.

  "Okay, okay. I'll do it."

  "Now, Hercules!"

  "Okay, I'm on my way. Jeez, what the Hell crawled up your shorts?"

  Somnus didn't answer him, but hung up instead. He held the cell phone in his hand pacing back and forth waiting for Cupid's call.

  He quietly strolled over to the sleeping Laila. Her long blonde hair feathered out on the purple silk pillow under her head. She was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen. She reminded him of Victoria. Strong, opinionated, and independent. His heart leapt the moment he laid eyes on her two years ago. He didn't think he would ever have those feelings for another woman again. Truth was, he never allowed another woman in his heart after Victoria died. But, there was something about Laila he couldn't resist.

  He moved closer to her and ran his fingers through her long golden hair letting the silky strands glide across his fingers. The smell of fresh strawberries permeated his nose as he leaned in closer to her face. His lips just inches from hers. The hardness of his cock strained against the fabric of his jeans. He wanted to ravage her right there. He wanted to take her in his arms and give her the pleasure she deserved. He could give her ecstasy beyond her wildest dreams.

  From that moment he wanted to shield her. He felt a dire need to protect her. No other man would ever touch her again. He would make sure of it. When she was in pain his instinct had taken over. He had put her to sleep so sh
e would no longer be in agony. Hopefully, she wouldn't remember anything. There was no guarantee without him using more of his powers on her to prevent her from remembering everything.

  That's exactly what he should do. Use his powers to completely wipe her memory of what happened. But, he promised himself many years ago he would never use his powers on the ones he cared for. A rule he had already broken. Then there was her sister. She would definitely be wondering what happened and why Laila left so abruptly.

  Somnus' phone rang and he answered it on the first ring. "Cupid..."

  "Nope, try again."

  "Hercules, stop fucking around. Where is Cupid?"

  "He's busy with the hospital director right now."

  "Fuck! Okay, just take the keys to a woman named Karen. She has shoulder length blonde hair and blue eyes. Cupid introduced her to me when I got there this afternoon. Give the keys to her and tell her that her sister Laila is okay. Tell her I took her home because she wasn't feeling well and she didn't want to ruin the baby's party. Hercules, did you get all that?"

  "Yeah, keys, Karen, took Laila home because she was sick. Got it. Wait a minute. You sly dog, you blew off the little brat's party to get a piece of ass. Way to go."

  "Hercules if you were in front of me right now I'd choke you to death."

  "I can't die. I'm a God. And I'm too strong for you anyway."

  Somnus was losing his patience quickly. "Hercules!"

  "Okay, okay I'm going."

  Somnus hung up the phone and placed it in his pocket as Laila began to stir. He sat on the end table next to the couch watching her eyes flutter open.


  Laila opened her eyes looking up at the ceiling. It took a minute to focus as she tried to see where she was. Home. But, how did she get there? She lifted her head off the pillow. A sharp stabbing pain pierced her skull. Dizziness clouded her vision as she looked over at the familiar man sitting across from her. She rubbed her eyes thinking she was obviously dreaming.


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