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Wicked After Dark: 20 Steamy Paranormal Tales of Dragons, Vampires, Werewolves, Shifters, Witches, Angels, Demons, Fey, and More

Page 224

by Mina Carter

  Soon she practiced every day with him, after classes had finished. He knew she was trying to learn this for one reason only, to protect herself on the streets. He taught her many tricks, ones that did not find their way into his classroom!

  Down and dirty street fighting that’s what he taught the small, thin girl. He had been surprised at her dedication and she learned quickly. She stayed for a few months and one day rushed in as he was in the middle of class, a look of dread on her face.

  The look made him fill with anger at whoever had placed it there. She said she had to go, that ‘they’ were near, she thanked him and said if she could, she would come back. Daiki tried to talk her out of running, said he would help her, she looked so distraught and shook her head, turned, and ran.

  It was many, many months before he saw her again and when he did, his heart soared. She was safe.

  He taught her more, much more than he ever taught any of his students. She took it all in and perfected even some of the moves he taught. Once again, she disappeared, this time without a word. His heart ached for the little girl.

  A year later, she appeared again and he felt like a heavy load had lifted from his shoulders. This time she stayed only a few weeks before again running. She would never tell him from what.

  Daiki saw more and more of her back, as she started to wear little sports tops for training. She never spoke of them, even when he would point and raise his eyebrow in query.

  Again, she ran and he didn’t see her for another long while. This time his worry was great, thinking she had been found by whoever she was running from. When she appeared again, she was older and much wiser, her eyes holding the signs of her time on the streets.

  His heart hurt for the girl, tried to get her to stay, offered her a room. But no, she said it was too dangerous – for him – she didn’t want him getting hurt.

  The last time Peri had seen Daiki had been over eighteen months previous, and she knew her calm tutor would be worrying. She thought she might ask Josef if they could visit.

  As the thoughts of her teacher entered her mind, she went over and over his training. Her heart beating fast, her breathing fast, her skin covered in sweat, as she pushed herself more and more.

  She had to be able to defend herself against anyone, she just had to.

  Peri pushed herself even more, not letting up, and her body was aching from the workout.

  Good. Daiki always told her that if your body did not ache at the end of a workout, then you hadn’t worked out.

  She could see his smiling face and hoped she could see him soon.

  Chapter 9

  Josef sat back down after Peri left and he stared at his friend. He could feel the power and anger running through the Wolf.

  He had some work he needed to do and then he was going to speak to him, he had a few things to straighten out with his young Wolf.

  Gabe paced back and forth, Josef worked on his computer leaving him be. He needed to cancel some meetings he had set up for that day and the coming week. After all, Peri was more important than mere business, regardless of how big the deals were.

  He emailed several of his managers, asking them to take over for the time being, knowing they would wonder what the hell was going on. But he didn’t care what they thought. He paid them handsomely, and they would do what he told them...or leave. That left him able to focus entirely on the Witch they now had staying with them.

  As he worked, he felt Gabe start to calm down, a little anyway. After about an hour, he finished what he was doing and turned to his friend.

  “So we need to be very careful now, Gabe. If Liam is right, then there may be some uncalled for visitors. Obviously, our first priority is Peri. I know you like a fight, Gabe. I also know you are good at it. However, as this is Peri’s safety we’re talking about, I must insist that if we are attacked here, then your first priority is getting to Peri and making sure she’s safe. I will deal with any interlopers.” Josef waited, knowing the Wolf would not like this.

  “What? I can fight, Josef, if it’s a Vamp or Wolf, then I’ll be able to take them down!” Gabe couldn’t believe Josef thought he would run from a threat to Peri.

  “Yes, Gabe, I know that. However, if there is more than one, or if they bring any kind of Witch, then you would be at a disadvantage. This isn’t about your prowess as a Wolf. This is purely and simply about how best to protect Peri. You must make that your priority. If there’s trouble, we can’t have her getting hurt in the crossfire, you get to her and keep her safe. I’m afraid I have to insist on this, Gabe. The thought of Peri getting hurt does things to me that I do not like, nor do I understand. So, your job, your only job is keeping her safe while I deal with anybody or anything that comes after her!” Josef’s tone had gone cold. Gabe never thought he would hear that tone while his friend was talking to him.

  “Jo, my Wolf is howling in anger, it wants to rip something apart! The thought of anyone trying to hurt her, fuck, that is so not happening!” Gabe had started to pace again and his blood felt as if it was literally boiling in his veins.

  “Ah my friend, I think your Wolf wants to mark its mate, does it not?” Josef could feel it in the Wolf inside of Gabe and knew it was having a direct effect on the man’s actions.

  “Do you think?! Duh! Jo, we need to talk to her about this. I know I want to mark her and I’m fucking sure you do, too. Don’t even try and deny it, Jo, I can see it in you. You want to bond properly with her, just as much as I do!” Gabe’s breathing was getting faster, as his anger and arousal fought for dominance in his system.

  “I can’t deny it, my friend, because it is, of course, true. Although I’m not sure how she’ll react to us wanting to do so! If the opportunity arises, we will talk to her about it. As it is still very early days for us three, we cannot scare her, Gabe. We cannot make her run from us. Okay, Wolf?” Josef looked at his young friend and knew it would be very hard for him.

  “Okay, now where is she? I haven’t seen her come back from the kitchen.” Gabe wondered what was keeping her so long.

  Josef wondered also. She was obviously still inside, she hadn’t passed by the office. They both wandered down the hallway and into the kitchen. The oven was still on and most of the food still there. Why hadn’t she eaten properly?

  Gabe looked into the laundry room, no sign of her, but the washing machine had finished its cycle. Noises were clear from the storeroom. The room next to the laundry was empty, neither of them having anything that required storing there.

  Josef placed a finger to his lips, shushing Gabe. They moved to the slightly open door and pushed it further. The sight was one that shocked them both and had them aroused at the same time.

  Peri was going through a brutal martial arts regime. The moves were not quite like anything either of them had seen before. Her body was slick and the small sports top she had on was literally dripping with sweat. Her red hair was back in a ponytail and some stray strands stuck to her forehead. The look of total concentration on her face was awesome to see, and both men stood watching her.

  Josef motioned for Gabe to come back into the kitchen. If she had been doing this for the past hour, at least, shit, she would be exhausted and starving. “Order some more food, she’s going to need it.” Josef had seen the dedication in her stern face, and he realized this was how she had managed to bring down the bounties she had gone after without using magic.

  Gabe moved into the hallway and used the phone there, placed the order and came back in. Both moved to the door again and continued watching.

  Josef started to worry. She had been going at this for a long time and was too skinny. Underfed and undernourished, he didn’t want her collapsing on them.

  A few minutes later, just as Josef was going to intervene, Peri’s movement brought her towards them. Her eyes going wide in shock at seeing them there.

  She slowed and finally stopped, doing a slow jog, wanting to cool down her muscles properly so they didn’t ache. Well, not ache as mu

  “What’re you two doing?” Peri’s voice was breathless, and she kept up the slow jog, another minute then she would stop.

  “We wondered where you were, so came to find you. That’s some moves you’ve got there, Peri!” Gabe was more than a little impressed.

  “Well, how do you think I survived on my own? It sure wasn’t down to the goodwill of the folk on the streets. I learned very quickly I needed to defend myself.” Peri started to just do a small walk in place and finally felt she could stop. Her body ached so much and she was soaking with sweat.

  “Peri, we’ve ordered fresh food. Why don’t you go for a shower and then we can discuss just how you learned all that.” Josef knew someone had helped her, there was no way she picked up those moves all by herself.

  Peri smiled, the thought of a shower sounded like heaven and the sound of fresh food after it, even better.

  She moved forward and as she passed by, Gabe gave her ass a quick slap. “Hey!” Peri laughed, and Gabe did a little growl. Peri ran for her room and the shower before Gabe acted on the look that was on his face. She was all sweaty, for goodness’ sake.

  After a nice hot shower, Peri grabbed a pair of the expensive jeans and a simple t-shirt. She didn’t bother with a bra. Her breasts were so small, it didn’t really matter.

  She brushed out her long hair and gave it a quick shot of the hairdryer, just to take off the wetness from the back of her neck. She moved through the door and the smell of the food set out on the table had her almost salivating.

  She moved quickly and went to sit down at her usual place, but Josef stopped her. “No, Peri, you have a new place at the table. Here, sit down.”

  Peri realized Josef had planted her on his seat at the head of the table. Gabe sat down on her left and Josef at her right.

  “We both feel that’s a better place for you, Peri. Now you’re in the middle of us, even at the table!” Gabe’s tone was more than a little cheeky, as he spoke. Peri realized the truth of it and blushed, but smiled broadly.

  She didn’t think she could be any safer than having these two on either side of her. The fact they were both hot and sexy wasn’t bad either.

  Josef did his eyebrow raise thing and she playfully punched his arm. “You need to stop that! Can’t a girl have her own private thoughts?!” Peri realized she would never be able to hide anything from Josef – nothing, nada, zip.

  “I can’t help it, Peri, and those thoughts are rather nice, little Witch. Okay, eat and tell us just how did you learn those moves?” Josef knew martial arts and practiced many of them, but he had never come across a master who would teach those moves. They were dangerous and deadly moves, and he would dearly love to meet the person that taught her them.

  “Uhm, his name’s Daiki, he’s Japanese. I first met him when I had just turned sixteen, in San Fran. He has a dojo there. I used to watch, after a run-in with a drunk, I learned quickly I had to learn to protect myself. So I used to watch and try and copy, he saw me, didn’t talk to me for ages, but finally we did. He used to teach me after classes were over. I went every day and then I had to run, could feel them getting closer, when it was safe I went back. Then ran, then went back, and so on. He taught me it all. I know it’s not the stuff he taught in his classes. He said I was too ‘special’ to be allowed to be hurt, so he taught me all his own moves. Seemingly, he was some kind of fighter in his youth. Anyway, he was kind. Would give me some food and even offered me a room the last time I saw him. I didn’t take it, though. He could’ve got hurt, if they tracked me to there. I couldn’t allow that! Josef, I was going to ask, could we visit some time? I miss him. He’s been the only one that’s been truly kind to me. Well, apart from you two, of course.” Peri finished and realized that was the longest conversation she had had in, well, forever.

  Josef was looking thoughtful. “San Francisco? That might actually work. What do you think, Gabe?”

  Peri’s eyes widened. Really, as easy as that?

  Gabe nodded. “Yeah, we’ve not been there in forever. It could throw them off the scent, too.”

  That was what Josef had thought. He would of course take plenty of security, just in case. “Do you remember the address?” Josef asked, as his mind started formulating the logistics of a trip.

  “Uhm, yeah, I think so. I’ve got it written down somewhere, I’ll check.” Peri jumped up and ran to her room, rummaging in her backpack she found a small crumpled bit of paper. She straightened it out and smiled, the name Daiki at the top.

  As she walked back through, her smile was bright, and Josef realized he loved just seeing her smile. If he could do something each and every day to get that smile from her, then he would, no problem at all.

  She handed the paper to Josef, who looked at it and opened his mobile. “Liam, I need a search on a Japanese gentleman. Only got one name, Daiki, and an address...”

  Peri listened, as Josef told Liam to check things out, get them hotel rooms, security in place, and told him to pack a bag as he was coming, too. Josef wanted Peri’s training to start and that could only happen if Liam came.

  Peri’s excitement grew and grew. A trip, a proper trip, and she was going to get to see Daiki again. She couldn’t wait.

  As Josef finished the call, Peri jumped and sat in his lap, pressing her lips to his, kissing and saying “Thank you!” over and over.

  The Vampire’s arms snaked around and held her tight, her kisses eliciting an immediate response from him. It took Peri a moment to realize what the hardness was, and when she did, she pulled back, eyes wide, and looked into his face. “Oh,” she said quietly.

  Josef smiled. “Peri, you’ve a lot to learn. First one, if you sit on either mine or Gabe’s lap and shower us with kisses, it’s going to get a response...the one you are now sitting on. Now, what do you propose we do?”

  Peri stared into her Vampire’s eyes and then gasped. ‘Her’ Vampire? Yes, that’s what she thought of him – as hers!

  Josef hissed, as the thought came to him and his immediate response was to kiss her, so he did.

  The kiss wasn’t soft, nor gentle, it was full of need, and Peri could sense it coiled tight within Josef. It started a fire inside her, and her hands clasped his hair tightly, holding his head to hers.

  Peri felt the faint motion as he stood up, her cradled in his arms, moving towards the bedroom.

  Josef didn’t release her lips until he lay her down on the bed, Gabe already on his knees at the bottom. The Wolf lifted her behind and pulled down her jeans and her panties all in one. Josef was kneeling at her side, saw the hard nipples against the thin t-shirt and quickly removed it from her slender frame.

  Josef removed his own suit quickly, using his Vampire speed, and Peri was in awe, she had never seen anyone move like that. Josef was back on the bed beside her before she could take more than two breaths.

  Gabe was already naked and Peri had no idea where his clothes were.

  “So, my little Witch, I’m ‘your’ Vampire?” Josef teased, and Peri suddenly knew the truth of it. Knew deep inside that both the Vampire and Wolf were hers. And hers alone!

  “Yes, and Gabe is my Wolf. So, buster, you better get used to it.” Peri was smiling widely, as she relaxed onto the bed.

  “Oh, I think we can do that.” Gabe growled and moved up to her other side.

  Their hands traveled her body, each giving her pleasure as they went, and her mouth moved between the two. The intensity of it was making her breathless, and she knew she wanted them both.

  “You have us, Peri, never doubt that. You complete us wholly and in a way neither of us would’ve imagined. Now I think I’ll taste you. Gabe had your taste in his mouth last night, it’s my turn.” Josef’s voice was barely a whisper now, as he moved further down the bed.

  This time Peri’s legs opened on their own, and she held her breath waiting on that first initial touch. The one that would stop her heart.

  Gabe was watching her face intently. He hadn’t seen her last night fr
om his place between her legs. Now he wanted to watch, as Josef pleasured her, and his hand found a nipple and ran it between his thumb and forefinger. Peri gasped and pushed her breast upwards into his hand.

  Josef stared at her sex, taking in every single part, imprinting it in his brain. The way her folds lay, the little sprinkling of hair, although he knew he was going to get her to get rid of that. The way her clit was now visible as it throbbed waiting on his touch. The glistening of her arousal around her opening, he took everything in and then lowered his head.

  His tongue started way back, near her ass, and she jumped as he slid his tongue forward, entered her folds, and tasted his sweet Peri. Her taste was like fine wine and musk, the two together mind-blowingly sexy.

  His tongue moved inside her folds, as he needed to taste more of her, get more of her into his mouth, into his senses. He lapped at her and Peri moaned and jerked her hips. He moved out of her warm folds and moved upward, Peri gasping loudly now in anticipation. Finally, he reached her clit and his tongue darted over it in short, sharp strokes.

  Peri’s body was so full of sensation that she thought she was going to come apart, and she started to panic a little. She had never felt like this, even the previous night.

  “She needs you to calm her, Gabe. Peri, it’s okay, it’s all normal, just relax.” Josef stopped quickly, when he felt her panic at the sensations. The few drinks she had the previous night had probably relaxed her slightly, so that now, sober, feeling everything, well, it was natural for her to be a little scared and overwhelmed.

  Gabe heard the Vampire and started to stroke her face gently. “It’s okay, baby, just relax and let the feelings take over. We won’t let anything bad happen. Trust me, baby.”

  Gabe felt her relax a little and continued to talk soothingly to her, as Josef started to work her with his tongue again. She was near and he could sense it, taste it, it was out of this world pleasuring her, and he wanted to do it for an eternity.


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