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Out of the Ashes (Rise of the Empire Book 3)

Page 16

by Ivan Kal


  “House Dai Ven has the floor.” Sestar Tavaar of house Nor Ral announced.

  “My fellow councilmembers.” Jusan began, “I wish to speak to you about the recent calls for action against the humans in Nuva system.” He saw Tavaar stiffen, he was a great advocate for forcible actions, but he could not interfere with Jusan’s speech until he finished, lest he insult him. And even though house Dai Ven did not wield as much influence as house Nor Ral did, he still had enough to make Tavaar’s life difficult. “There has been talk about forcibly removing the humans from our colony world of Nuva, which I don’t disagree with.” Jusan said, and saw Tavaar relax, “We have agreed to wait for the human response. Going back on our word would be… dishonorable. But, if the council feels that we shouldn’t wait, and need to take action immediately, I might offer an alternative.” He saw that he had the attention of the entire room so he continued, “I propose that instead of sending our military ships, and in doing so weaken Nelus. We instead send a merchant fleet and try to resolve this matter, in a more diplomatic way.”

  Tavaar, waiting for a few beats to be sure that Jusan has finished talking, spoke, “I do not see how a merchant fleet would persuade the humans to leave our system.”

  “What I propose is simple, we send a merchant fleet filled with materials and technology that we have little use for, and that will surely dazzle the humans. We show them a taste of what they can have if they accept a trade agreement. Of course a merchant fleet of that size shouldn’t be moving without an escort.” Jusan said, showing his teeth, “As this is my proposition, I will of course take responsibility for the mission, leading my merchant fleet to the Nuva, and conducting any negotiation. And the twenty retrofitted merchant vessels and five light cruisers that are in my families employ would make a suitable escort. These ships could of course make it clear to the humans that we will not be moved from our position, of regaining control of Nuva.” Jusan finished.

  The room was quiet, each council member thinking how not allowing or allowing Jusan’s proposal would affect their house. But Jusan studied Tavaar, his vote would be the most important one.

  “Your merchant fleet controls most of the trade in the system. You leaving might make things difficult.” Sestar Niraas of house Sav Ral said. Jusan turned to him locking his eyes with his. He knew that Niraas has been suspicious of Jusan since they returned from the human ship.

  “The other families have been trying to take a bigger role in the in-system trade for cycles. I am sure that they can assume the place of my fleet. And if my fleet is successful, we will have another market open for trade. And my fleet is the only one with both experience and capabilities of conducting such a trade.” Jusan said.

  “Perhaps that might be true, but taking the retrofitted ships and your light cruisers would leave Nelus weakened.” Niraas continued.

  “My ships are just a tiny part of the Nelus Fleet. And by your own words, there is no threat to Nelus. The Sowir have no resources to attack us, and humans couldn’t possibly threaten us. And taking them to Nuva will without any doubt show humans that we are serious. And in fact any action that we could take to forcibly remove the humans from Nuva, would require more fleet ships.” Jusan responded. He saw Niraas bristle, but remain silent. Jusan turned his gaze back to Tavaar and saw him thinking about every outcome. Then Tavaar smiled, and Jusan knew that he had him. Going to Nuva would remove Jusan from the council for at least a cycle, and Tavaar couldn’t pass up on that. In that time he could increase his power, and gain even more influence with the families that would take up the trade in the system.

  “Hmm… Yes, I think that this a good suggestion.” Tavaar said. “Let’s vote. House Nor Ral votes yes on the proposal of house Dai Ven.”

  The rest of the room then voted. It was unanimous of course. Rarely did one contest house Nor Ral.

  “I thank the council for your trust in this matter.” Jusan said. Afterwards they moved on to other things, mostly involving petty disputes. Jusan listened only with a half ear, he was planning how to get all of his household to the merchant fleet without giving away his intention.


  One month later everything was ready for their journey. Jusan stood on the bridge of one of his light cruisers. Looking at the screens he could see the rest of his fleet. The entire merchant fleet of house Dai Ven was present, ninety four cargo ships, plus twenty retrofitted ships and five light cruisers. Jusan somehow managed to get all the members of his household on board the merchant fleet ships without anyone figuring it out. It wasn’t as hard as he initially thought it would be. People of one great family rarely inquired in the personal matters of another. And his people managed to spin the sudden disappearance of so many entire families, as them all needing to help the endeavor of their ruling house. Of course they would realize that something was wrong, but Jusan hoped that by his people would be well on their way to Nuva. He knew that Tavaar’s response would be harsh once he finds out and manages to put everything together. But Jusan had no choice, he couldn’t help Nelus, but he would help his people. Even if they are just a fraction of the whole. Jusan watched as Retnor Savnai commanded his ship, soon the entire fleet would enter hyperspace. Jusan reached inside his robe, touching the sphere. And this time I will do what I should have done before.

  Chapter Nineteen

  November 2171 – Second Fleet

  The Second Fleet dropped out of yet another trans-lane. Now only a hundred light years from the Solar system. They were close enough now that messages to Earth would take only a couple of days there and back. And so they could contact them while they were traveling to the next trans-station. Johanna was eager to hear about the Resistance’s plans. As they drew closer she felt apprehension, knowing that soon she would be in a battle for the first time. She had kept scenarios running throughout the fleet for their entire trip. And she had studied both battles that Fleet Commander Farkas fought, in Sol and at Nuva, but also the Voyager’s encounter with the Sowir. Each battle was so different than the other, and in each their commanders acted in ways that differed from what she would have done. But nevertheless, Johanna studied their tactics, and planned her strategy. She knew that it wouldn’t survive the first encounter with the enemy, but her goals were clear. Liberate Earth using any means necessary.

  “Turiel, send the first message to the resistance.” Johanna said.

  “Right away, Fleet Commander.” Turiel, the ship’s Ai responded.

  Then Johanna stood up and relinquished control of the CC to her Ship Master. Andros accepted, and started ordering the fleet towards the next trans-station. Johanna left it to him. They had done this dozens of times by now, it had lost some of the excitement it had before. As she walked the corridors of her ship, she could feel the same from her crew. Before things would stop each time they entered or exited a trans-lane, everyone watching the view outside on the ship’s many view screens that showed images from the outside. Now, no one did, they walked around at a brisk pace, in a hurry to do their jobs. Stopping only for a moment to acknowledge Johanna’s presence with a quick salute.

  As she walked, she glanced to the view screens seeing the fleet moving there alongside the Monarch. As she walked by she caught her own reflection in one of the screens. She studied herself for a moment, her short brown hair, a young pretty face, and a slim figure. She did not look like someone who commanded an entire fleet. At least not to her. But then she was old enough to remember what someone aged looked like. On Earth her job in the Concordis military, and later Olympus security, took her to almost every part of the world. In the undeveloped countries she saw people who couldn’t afford to buy life extension treatments. In Concordis and the League they were free, Olympus made them so. But in other countries, those that refuse to let Olympus in, they were expensive and only rich and powerful could afford them. Now that was a thing of the past, every child born now, would stop aging after their 25th year. Staying forever young. Johanna still didn’t quite underst
and what it meant to have a truly infinite lifespan, she thought that no one did. At least not yet. But it will hit people, in a hundred years or a couple of decades for some. Then they would truly see what this amazing discovery has done to them.

  Shaking herself from her deep thoughts, Johanna continued walking. She visited every part of her ship, delighting in seeing everything working smoothly. She loved that part, the everyday command of a ship. She has delegated a lot of that work to Andros now that she was in charge of the entire fleet, but she still kept herself involved. The Monarch felt like a part of her, she loved this ship. She knew what it was capable of, and relished in the knowledge that soon she would be able to let her ship loose on the enemy. Just as she felt trepidation at the fact that many of the people under her command would not make it through it, perhaps even she and her ship. But it was what she chose to do, just like her people chose. Their job was to liberate Earth, and that was what they would do.


  Solar system – OES Star Gazer

  Mathias entered Jacob’s ready room on the Star Gazer. Jacob was sitting behind the desk a couple of holographic displays were open, showing various information. As Mathias approached Jacob raised his head and looked at him.

  “What is it?” Jacob asked.

  “Olympus fleet sent a message.” Mathias said.

  Jacob immediately stood up, “Where are they?”

  “They are about one hundred light years away, they requested that we start updating them about our plans.” Mathias said.

  Jacob walked out from behind his desk, “How big is the communication lag?” Jacob asked.

  “Five days.” Mathias said, “we need to send the message in the next three days, after that they will enter another trans-lane.”

  Jacob nodded as he went for the doors, Mathias followed. With the new developments in Sol it their odd have turned for the better. The Ra’a’zani have sent all their warships back to their space with the last convoy, leaving only one warship in Earth orbit. The job for the Olympus fleet just got easier. Before, their plans were for the fleet to draw out all Ra’a’zani ships to the belt. Now they didn’t need to do that, they only had to take out the single ship in the Earth’s orbit. The Resistance still didn’t know the reason why they sent the ships away. They have been trying to get that information, but it looked like only the Overlord knew the reason. But what really stumped them was that they also gathered up all the breading camps, and have loaded all the materials that they had stored. If Jacob didn’t know better he would have thought that they planned on leaving.

  They reached the bridge of the ship. There were two people there waiting. More precisely one human and one Ai. The hologram of the ships Ai was projected on the holo-platform, he looked like a human dressed in standard black Olympus fleet uniform. The other person was Tamara Grace, Jacob’s second in command. Jacob entered, followed by Mathias.

  “What do we have?” Jacob asked.

  “The message just came through, they request an update.” Tamara responded.

  Jacob approached her chair, “Alright, let’s send them the update on the situation in the system.” Jacob said.

  “Should we tell them about the new Ra’a’zani ships?” Tamara asked. Jacob paused, most of the Resistance was of the opinion that they should withhold the information about the three Ra’a’zani warships. The ships could be a game changer, and while Olympus had the right to know, it might not be the right moment.

  Jacob shook his head, “No. The situation has changed, Olympus’ chances have improved greatly. There is no need to worry them with something that is no longer a problem.”

  Tamara turned back to her screen preparing to send the message.

  “Asumy,” Jacob turned to the hologram, he knew that he didn’t need to turn to the hologram to speak with the Ai, but it had become a habit. “What do you think?”

  “I agree with your decision. The Ra’a’zani warships are not an immediate danger.” Asumy said.

  Jacob turned back to Tamara, “Send it.”

  Tamara entered the commands and sent the message.


  Three days later Jacob was in a planning session on board the Star Gazer. There were five people present including Jacob. He had been with these people for years, and trusted them with his life.

  “We finished fabricating all the weapons we need to take over the mining installations.” Tamara said.

  “The plans are already in place. Once the Olympus fleet arrives, our people among the miners will rise up and take control.” Edward Riggs said.

  “Are we sure that we can smuggle the equipment on the sites?” Olivia Sanders asked.

  “Yes. With the stealth ship and the Ra’a’zani shuttle we can get everything in place.” Jacob answered.

  “Are we going to use the Star Gazer?” Mathias asked. He has been training on the piloting the ship since he found it.

  Jacob looked thoughtful, he hadn’t really thought about it. Up until recently they had a Ra’a’zani warship patrolling the mining sites, now they had no such obstacle, “Asumy?” Jacob asked.

  The holo on the desk in the room turned on, and a miniature version of the Ai’s human form appeared.

  “The Star Gazer has limited weapons, but without the threat of the Ra’a’zani warship the danger to the ship is minimal, while its addition to the assault increases the chances of success significantly.” Asumy said.

  “Well, then we need to adjust our plans with the Star Gazer in mind.” Jacob said.

  “Most of the Ra’a’zani are usually in the facilities on the surface of the asteroids.” Edward started thoughtfully, “We might not need to take fight them directly, we can use the Star Gazer to take out the surface facilities.”

  “Perhaps… We need to plan this carefully, and make sure that human loss of life is minimal.” Tamara said.

  “Are we going to take some of the Ra’a’zani prisoner?” Olivia asked.

  “I don’t think that we have the capability nor the resources to hold any prisoners.” Jacob said, “Nor do I think that any of our people would want to. Better that we kill them quickly than to have vengeful people get hold of them afterwards. We all know what humans are capable of, and I doubt that we could keep them safely. And what would we even do with them later? Perhaps if we manage to capture some of the higher up’s in the belt, for questioning… But it shouldn’t be a priority.” Everyone around the room nodded grimly, they all understood the need to keep their people under control.

  “Alright, let’s go over the plans again and see how we can include the Star Gazer.” Jacob said. They spent the next couple of hours going over everything and modifying their plans to include the Olympus ship.

  Chapter Twenty

  December 2171 – Leviathan; First Fleet

  Adrian ducked and rolled under a roundhouse kick aimed to his head, he came out of his roll rising and turning back towards his opponent who was already moving into position to unleash another attack. Seeing a chance, Adrian rushed forward closing the distance and entering his opponents range. Before his opponent could start his attack, Adrian struck quickly with his fists, hitting the pressure points on his opponents shoulder hip and thigh. Then he dropped quickly and swept his opponent’s legs. Sahib dropped to the floor, hitting with his back so hard that Adrian heard Sahibs breath leaving his lungs. Then Sahib released a painful groan.

  “That hurts like hell.” Sahib said after he recovered enough to talk. Adrian dropped to the floor, making himself comfortable in a cross legged position. He waited until Sahib raised himself up into a sitting position.

  “You are going to need to do much better than that if you plan on beating me.” Adrian said. Sahib rolled his eyes at him.

  “Aren’t you supposed to be up on the Command Center by now?” Sahib asked.

  “There are still a few hours left. I have plenty of time to kick your ass a few more times, get showered, maybe take a little nap, and then go threaten some aliens.” Adrian said
, grinningly.

  Sahib dropped down to the floor, “Nah, I think that I am done with getting my ass kicked today. And I would much prefer you be well rested before you threaten some aliens.” Sahib said.

  Adrian laughed out loud and got to his feet, “Right. I’ll see catch you later then.” With that Adrian left him there laying on the floor. He went to the changing room took his kimono off and went to take a quick shower. Afterwards he dressed and went to his quarters. He fed Sora and Akash, and took a four hour nap, waking up just in time to get to the bridge twenty minutes before they exited the trans-lane. He arrived just as the shift change occurred, the third shift moving off while the first took their place. Paul was taking his place at the Ship Masters chair just as Adrian entered the CC.

  “Ship Master.” Adrian said while walking towards his chair, behind him like always followed Sora and Akash.

  “Good morning Fleet Commander. A big day ahead of us.” Paul said grinning. Adrian returned Paul’s grin, but just for an instant. As he approached his chair, he felt himself go into his command mode, what Iris called his battle persona. His face grew expressionless, and all the things that occupied his mind outside of his command chair faded into the background.

  “A big day indeed.” Adrian replied coldly as he took his seat. Immediately he turned on the c-board with his implant. Holographic displays sprung up in a 180° around him, the middle was reserved for his fleet and the command interface. One side showed the status of every ship in the fleet, while the other held a quick comm system. Allowing him to get in contact with each ship commander instantly, if he needed to speak with them outside of the commands he would be issuing over the c-board. Above the command interface was where most of the data would be shown, distances, timers and such, now that space was empty, as they hadn’t yet reached their destination.


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