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Out of the Ashes (Rise of the Empire Book 3)

Page 24

by Ivan Kal

  “The Codes of the Empire?” Nadia asked softly.

  “A Clan owes its loyalty to the Empire as a whole first, and the Clan second. A Clan cannot knowingly take any action that will result in harm coming to the Empire. Each Clan is required to further the goals of the Empire, expansion and growth. The Empire as the whole is required to provide protection to all Clans.”

  Tomas turned to Sumia, “Do you and your people accept my offer?” He asked.

  Sumia stood up and then bowed, “The people of Nuva, and I as their elected leader accept your offer. We swear our loyalty to the Empire.”

  “And I as the ruler of the Empire, promise to you and your Clan, that the Empire will always protect and serve your people.” Tomas said. He stood, and gave Sumia a bow of his own.

  They sat back down, and Tomas looked to the rest of the room. “Things will be changing. I am taking all the responsibility of ruling the Empire on myself. But the way we govern our people will change, as we grow and colonize new worlds, they will become Clans. And then all the Clan Leaders will form the Council of Clans. They will be there to advise me in the rule of the Empire. But I won’t be making the mistake of letting the power of ruling seep to the council, they will be advisors in the matters of the Empire. Within their own Clans they will be free to do as they wish. As long as they obey the Codes. I have picked the most likely systems for colonization, and will allow people to petition the Empire for the right to colonize and create a Clan. But I will explain that more to the people in the future. As for you four,” Tomas said, addressing Nadia, Laura, Elias and Seo-yun. “You will remain as my personal advisers, and rulers of Sanctuary. I plan on it becoming the heart of the Empire.” He then looked over to the last person in the room. Doctor Asis Singh.

  “As you all know, we are few in numbers. And with what happened to Earth, humanity is in trouble. If we don’t increase our population, and do it soon, we risk going extinct. And I will not let that happen. Doctor Singh, had been working with me for the past weeks. We had done projections, and devised a way to increase our population tremendously in a short time. But it will require strict laws.”

  “What kind of laws?” Nadia asked, it looked like she had recovered a bit from Tomas’s proclamation.

  “We need children, and we need to boost our population and fast. To that extent we have decided that we will offer encouragements to have more children. Offering rewards and enticements for every child after the fourth. But also that every woman older than the age of eighteen, will be required to donate her eggs twice a year until she haves her first child, and continuing after five years have passed since her last pregnancy. All men older than sixteen will be required to donate their seed twice a year, always. The eggs would be artificially inseminated, and placed into artificial wombs. The children would come to term in this manner. And after their birth cared for by special institutions, that would place them into small familiar groups with five other children. They would be cared for in group homes where they would go through their education, and after they reach sufficient age, allowed to choose their future.”

  “And you think that our people will accept this?” Nadia asked.

  “They will have to. There is at best ten million of us left in the universe. And their lives will not be affected at all. Their donations will be paired randomly and be anonymous. The process of having children brought to term in the artificial wombs has been practiced for a hundred years. It is perfectly safe, and the children are completely healthy. Doctor Asis Singh would oversee the project. And she can tell you how much of an increase in population we can expect. Doctor?”

  Doctor Singh got to her feet, “According to our calculations, if we pass this law, within ten years we can expect our population to reach forty million, within twenty years double that, after twenty five years the rate of population increase will rise significantly. Thirty years from now our population would reach two hundred and thirty thousand. And hit a billion by the fiftieth year.”

  Stunned the others looked at the doctor and then back at Tomas, “How long do you plan to keep this law active?” Elias asked.

  “At least one hundred years, by then our population should hit one hundred and thirty billion.” Tomas said.

  “But, that much of an increase. It can’t be right.” Nadia said.

  “The real numbers would probably be a bit smaller, but not by much. It discounts natural deaths. We don’t age, if you take that into account the numbers make perfect sense.”

  “What about the Nel?” Seo-yun asked glancing at Sumia.

  “They will be exempt from the law. If your people manage to acquire agelessness for the Nel, then we will speak again.” Tomas said.

  “Can we even sustain such a growth?” Nadia asked.

  “With the help from Nuvan Clan, we can.” Tomas said. They grew silent then, thinking about everything that he had said.

  “We will have more meetings in the next few days as we start changing our society. But for now I need you all to review the new laws, proposals and plans, that I have sent to your imps. We will go over them on our next meeting.” Tomas said and then turned to Sumia, “I have sent everything to your datapad, but we really should look into getting your people implants. Perhaps you can talk with Seo-yun about it.” With that Tomas dismissed them, all save for Elias. He motioned for Elias to follow, and led him to his library. He moved behind his big wooden desk and sat down in the comfortable chair. Elias stood in front of his desk. Tomas looked at him and Elias studied him in turn. Then the corner of Tomas’ mouth twitched, “You can say whatever it is you need to.”

  Elias studied his friend for a bit before responding, “I have watched over you for a long time Tomas, and I saw you resist power at every turn.”

  Tomas angled his head and raised his eyebrows in an inquiring fashion. Elias looked at him for a minute before saying anything.

  “Power corrupts. Both of us had seen it happen.” Elias said.

  Tomas just smiled at his friend, “I knew that you would say that.” He smiled at his best friend, his brother, the person he trusted the most in this world. Then Tomas let his smile slip, and he grew pensive.

  “You are right my friend. And I know that I could one day become something twisted. That is why I need insurance, I need something to keep my power in check.” Tomas said.

  “I thought that you didn’t want to give power to this Council of Clans that you plan on creating.” Elias said.

  “And I won’t. Giving power to oppose me to those that will have their own interests in the future is true folly.” Tomas said, “I know that if I try to rule over a vast Empire it will ultimately shatter. That is why I will create the Clans. Each independent but still tied to the Empire. But giving them so much autonomy will eventually lead to them trying to separate. That is why I need something that will draw a string through all of the Clans, something to keep us all tied together. And that something or better yet someone, will be the same thing that will keep my power in check.” Tomas said and looked at his friend. Elias narrowed his eyes, he knew Tomas, they were like brothers. Elias is one person who would know when Tomas stepped off the right path, and probably the only person capable of keeping him in check. Elias thought about it, not knowing what Tomas really wanted but getting the picture. Elias didn’t refuse, he knew that Tomas wouldn’t ask without first thinking about all the possibilities.

  “What are you thinking?” Elias asked.

  “I need a symbol for the Empire, a hand of law that will keep both me and the people in check. Someone to enforce the Codes. And make sure that no one in the Empire dares to work against it. But also someone that will keep the people safe, and make sure that they always stay equal. That law applies to everyone, even me.” Tomas said looking at Elias.

  “And what do you need from me?” Elias asked Tomas, the man that he loved as a brother.

  Tomas reached into the drawer of his desk and brought out a black object, he pointed it at Elias and said sadly, “I nee
d you brother mine, to die.”

  Chapter Thirty Four

  April 2172 – Nuva

  Adrian read through the petition forms for the new colonies, or rather new Clans. Tomas Klein, the Emperor, had changed things. They haven’t yet felt the full effect, but Adrian knew that soon that would come. The petition form for the new Clan was extensive. Every member of the Empire that was qualified or had a qualified enough team to lead a new colony could send a petition. Detailing what they wanted to do, how their colony would develop, with the plans for the next ten years. Tomas Klein and his advisors would choose the most promising and allowing the petitioners to colonize a new system and create a Clan. There were four systems available. But there was also a list of the other systems that Olym- the Empire had discovered. One of those systems caught Adrian’s eyes, and he was doing a mental exercise with the help from Iris, in creating a petition for the system. It was meaningless, the system wasn’t even one of the available ones, but Iris insisted that he expand on his idea.

  The Nuva system, or rather the Nuvan Clan was now part of the Empire. And he could already feel a slow change come over the people here. Some had asked to go to Sanctuary and go through the academy and join the fleet or the army. All had been allowed. Retsar Isani and his ships had been accepted into the Empire, and Isani was now Fleet Commander Isani. Him and Adrian were now in a joint fleet with a purpose of protecting Nuvan Clan.

  A ping on his imp interrupted Adrian from his system colonization exercise and he closed it. He saw a comm request from Paul.

  “What is it Paul?”

  “We have ships dropping out of hyperspace Adrian. A lot of them.” Paul said.

  Adrian got to his feet and started towards the bridge, Akash and Sora following behind him.


  “We don’t think so, they came from the direction of Nelus.” Paul said. Adrian frowned, he hadn’t thought that Nelus would decide to come here in months, and not with so many ships. He ran to the CC, and within a minute he was sitting in his command chair. He opened a video channel to Fleet Commander Isani, and his face showed on the display to Adrian’s right.

  “What do you think?” Adrian asked.

  “I didn’t think that they would come here until long after they were sure that we weren’t coming back. If these ships are here, it means that they started on their trip shortly after we left.”

  Adrian nodded, he concurred. The scans of the ships were coming up, and Adrian saw that most of the ships were Nel merchant ships, twenty were merchant ships retrofitted into warships and five light cruisers. He frowned at that. If they came to drive them from Nuva, why come with merchant ships?

  “We are receiving a message. It is addressed to Retsar Isani and you, Fleet Commander.” Comm Handler said.

  Adrian looked at Isani who shrugged. Adrian used the c-board to send the message feed to Isani’s ship. Then he played it.

  “Greetings to the people of Nuva.” Said a familiar face of Sestar Jusan, “I came to you in peace, to seek asylum in your system…” Jusan said. Isani and Adrian exchanged glances.

  Then Iris spoke in his mind, “This looks like it will be good.”


  Jusan sat in the ready room on the human warship, the two other people there were the human Commander, Adrian, and Retsar Isani. No. Fleet Commander Isani. Jusan thought. He had been told what happened in the short time it took his ships to get here. And he didn’t know how he felt about it. But the more he heard the more he realized that it was a good thing. He brought his people here to be safe, and it looked like this Empire would do that, if they joined with them. Jusan needed to talk to his people, but he knew that he wanted to be a part of that.

  “That is some development…” Jusan commented, as Adrian finished.

  “If you wish for asylum I will need to ask that of the Emperor.”

  Jusan nodded that was to be expected. “How long will it take for a message to reach him and his response to come back? I’m sure that Tavaar will send ships after. He most likely already sent them by now.” Jusan asked.

  The two looked at each other in confusion. Jusan watched the exchange, he noticed true trust between the two. Then they looked back at Jusan, and Isani’s eyes widened in understanding.

  “The humans have FTL communications. The message and the response will be instantaneous.” Isani said. “You can even speak with the Emperor yourself.”

  Jusan’s eyes widened, he looked at them and saw that they spoke the truth. Looking at them he finally decided what to do.

  “I think that I will request to join this Empire of yours, I am sure that my people will agree. But before I speak with your Emperor I think that I need to show you something.” Jusan reached inside his pocket and drew a silver sphere.

  “This is the real reason of why I came here, to show this to your people.” Jusan said to Adrian. Then he turned to Isani. “What this sphere will show you will be hard to see and hear. But afterwards you will realize that knowing the truth is always better than living in lies.” Jusan took a deep breath, and released it slowly, “This sphere has been passed down through my family for generations, from the ones that found it… The Order of Truth.”

  Isani’s face twisted, but Jusan interrupted, “The history you know is not the whole truth. Please, see what this sphere holds. Afterwards you can say your piece.”

  Isani calmed, and Jusan turned the sphere on and placed it on the floor. A hologram appeared, and the being started to speak,

  “Greetings my children. My name is Axull Darr.” It said in Nel…

  “… You are my children, the successors of the People.”

  The hologram stopped speaking. Isani looked in pain, while Adrian looked stunned. Jusan looked at them, “You see now. This could shatter my people. At least I thought so. But now that they have joined your Empire I think that it will strengthen the bond between us.”

  “Amazing.” Adrian said in English. Then the hologram that was still active turned its all white eyes to Adrian.

  “I see that the two of my children have found each other.” The hologram said in English. Jusan jumped back. He looked at Adrian and Isani in disbelief and said, “It never spoke more than the one message.”

  The hologram turned to Jusan, “That was because the conditions for my secondary protocols were not yet met.” The hologram said in Nel. It turned to Isani and Adrian, “You all understand this language, correct?” It said in Nel.

  “Yes.” Adrian responded in Nel, stunned even further.

  “Good. Now that my secondary protocols are unlocked, I can provide select knowledge based on your technological level.” The hologram said.

  “What are you?” Jusan asked softly.

  The hologram turned to him, “I am the shadow of Axull Darr, his thoughts and knowledge transferred to a memory container.”

  “We need to get this to Sanctuary. I think that perhaps you should talk with the Emperor in person.” Adrian said to Jusan, who couldn’t draw his eyes away from the hologram. Perhaps he might finally get some answers.

  Chapter Thirty Five

  May 2172 – Nuva

  With Fleet Commander Isani and Jusan traveling to Sanctuary via hyperspace, carrying the orb there, Adrian was left in charge of the system. Commander Isani’s and Jusan’s warships left in his command, all save Isani’s flagship, battleship Valor. The knowledge in the sphere is amazing, and they would need all the expertise of Sanctuary to unlock its full potential.

  With little to do in Nuva, Adrian busied himself with tweaks to his colony “proposal”. It had engrossed his mind. It was fun, trying to come up with a way to run a colony. Especially when he knew that it would never happen, he could do whatever he wanted.

  Then a ping on his imp interrupted him, again it was a call from Paul. Adrian sighed and answered.

  “What is it?”

  “Ships dropping from hyperspace, from the directions of Nelus.” Paul said. Adrian stood up and started towards the CC. �
��They came earlier than I thought they would.” Iris said. Adrian agreed, but in any case they were ready.

  Adrian reached the CC and sat in his chair. His ships were ready. He gave the order to the First Fleet now consisting out of 20 Nel retrofitted merchant ships, 10 Nel light cruisers, 2 Nel heavy cruisers, 3 human light cruisers, 2 human heavy cruisers, 2 human battleships, and his flagship the dreadnought Leviathan. All of his ships moved towards the hyperspace barrier and the Nel ships.

  There were fifteen Nelus ships in total, 10 retrofitted merchant ships, 3 light cruisers and 2 battleships. They started moving in the system towards Adrian’s ships. An hour later they received a message from the Nelus ships.

  Adrian had it played on the forward screen. “We are here on behalf of the council of Nelus. The human presence in the Nel colony of Nuva is no longer needed, my ships are here to protect the system. You are to leave the system immediately. Before that we require that you escort us to Sestar Jusan.” The Nel said. Adrian smiled and looked at Paul,

  “He didn’t even introduce himself.” Adrian said.

  “No manners.” Paul said nodding gravely.

  “Well, I was taught better.” Adrian said and started recording a message.

  “Greetings, my name is Fleet Commander Adrian Farkas. Sadly Sestar Jusan is not in the system, and your claim on Nuva no longer applies. Both Sestar Jusan’s people and the people of Nuva had decided to join the Empire. Meaning that you are trespassing on our territory. I require that you turn your ships around and leave, otherwise my ships will open consider you hostile and open fire. If you wish to make diplomatic contact with the Empire, you may send a diplomatic ship escorted by no more than four warships. Fleet Commander Farkas, end.” Adrian sent the message and waited.


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