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Tank's Property

Page 11

by Jenika Snow

  Tank cupped her breasts and pinched her nipples. With a leg hanging over either side of his body, and their faces only an inch apart, Bunny could smell herself on him. Here she was, naked and aching for him despite just climaxing. He reached between their bodies, got his cock out through the fly, and stroked himself a few times.

  “Kiss me, baby.”

  She leaned in and did just that. He was hard beneath her ass, and so thick and long. A man like Tank was feral and carnal, and he’d always been that way from the very moment he’d come into her life. He might be been more intense now, even more primitive, in a sense, but she loved every part of him, no matter what.

  “Look at you.” He roamed her face with his gaze, and he settled his stare on her mouth. She felt his cock jerk under her ass. “So fucking beautiful and mine.” He said that under his breath, as if he meant to keep it inside. Before she could say anything, even if she could have formed any words at that moment, he speared his hand behind her head and curled his fingers around the nape of her neck. He claimed her mouth with his, stroked his tongue along hers, and took full possession of her with just that one kiss.

  Memories filled her at the flavor of him. It was an aphrodisiac like no other. When she went to wrap her hands around his neck he groaned low in his throat and moved away only long enough to position her arms behind her back, keeping he in place for whatever he wanted to do.

  “My way, Bunny.” He secured her wrists at the base of her spine with one of his hands, and used that leverage to pull her upper body back, making her breasts pop out and her have her slightly unbalanced on his lap.

  “Tank,” she breathed out his name, and he slowly lifted his gaze to her face. He only used one arm to support her body, and it was that one hand holding her wrists at her lower back that kept her from falling onto the ground.

  He trailed his free hand down her belly and stopped when he was close to her clit. She felt his body heat spear right into her.

  Lowering his gaze to her pussy again he said, “Look at you, so greedy for me, so ready to take my cock.” He moved his fingers through her folds, so agonizingly slowly that she gritted her teeth and forced herself not to squirm on his lap, not beg him to make her come again. He lifted his hand up, showed her his now glistening fingers, and brought them to his mouth. She knew she looked aroused and needy as she watched him suck on those digits. He groaned once he had licked them clean.

  “God, I can’t handle it anymore.” It was hard even getting those words out, and she knew she sounded just as aroused as she was.

  “You want my cock, baby girl?”

  She nodded. “You know I do. I always do, Tank.”

  “I want to be sweet and gentle with you, to show you with soft touches how much I love you, but I don’t know if I can, baby. You make me inflamed.” He pulled back only enough that he could grip her chin with his thumb and forefinger.

  Her breath hitched.

  “Does that scare you?”

  She shook her head. “No.” Bunny breathed out that one word. “I’ve been waiting for you to come back into my life for a very long time.” And she meant that, every single word and more.


  Tank wasn’t about to fuck around any longer, because he wanted Bunny too damn badly. He balanced her on his lap with one hand on her lower back, and reached between their bodies to align his dick with her pussy. When he moved the tip of his erection along her slickened folds he had to grit his teeth not to thrust into her.

  “I need you, Tank,” she whispered.

  “I can’t go slow, baby.” Her pussy was spread out before him, and he loved her in this position, loved that she was completely open for him.

  “I don’t want slow.”

  He pulled her forward, rested his head on her chest, and inhaled deeply. Her nipples were right there for the taking, and his mouth watered for more. He took the tip into his mouth, sucked and gently bit at the turgid flesh until she was rubbing her cunt on his cock, and he knew he wasn’t going to last. He rubbed his face over her breasts, loved the little sounds she made, and grabbed the root of his cock. Tank gritted his teeth and squeezed his eyes shut as he started to push into her. The head of his cock was lodged at the entrance of her body. He worked himself up inside of her, and loved that he could feel her cream slip down his length

  “Does that feel good, baby?”

  She nodded.

  “God, Tank, I feel like you’re splitting me in two.” She had her head thrown back as she moaned loudly.

  “You like that I’m stretching you, that I’m making you take my big cock.”

  She gasped.

  When his pelvis met hers, they both groaned out in unison. He gripped her hips, no longer holding her hands behind her back, and lifted her up until just the tip of his dick was inside of her now.

  “You’re so big, and I feel so full, so stretched.”

  He started pushing her down on his shaft again, and then lifted her back up. He did this continuously until her tits bounced between them, and his dick was slick with her juices. His cock thickened, and his balls drew up tight. Still holding onto her hips he stood and turned with her still in his arms. Tank grunted in distaste when he was forced to set her on her feet, disconnecting them. But he quickly turned her around, pushed her down so she had to bend over the table to steady herself, and slammed his shaft back into her. Bunny cried out when he bottomed out in her cunt in one swift move. He pounded into her in long, hard strokes, and the sound of her body sucking at his shaft surrounded him, fueling his arousal even higher.

  “That’s it, baby,” he grunted. “Take all of me.” He closed his eyes. “I’m never going to get enough.” He slammed into her especially hard, so much so that she fell forward. Her ass was up, and her face was turned to the side, her eyes closed and her lips parted.

  “God. Tank.”

  “Say it, baby, say who you belong to.” His orgasm approached, but he wouldn’t get off until she came again.

  “I’m yours, Tank. I’ll only ever be yours.” Her pussy contracted around him, and she milked him until his orgasm came rushing up. He filled her with his cum, made her take all of it. Her pussy kept contracting around him, making the pleasure and pain last. When she breathed out in exhaustion, and his orgasm subsided, he pulled out and picked her up in his arms. He sat back in the chair with her in his lap, and she rested her head on his chest. Rubbing his hand up and down her damp back, he just absorbed the feeling of having his woman in his arms.

  She’s mine, and no one, nothing, will take her from me.

  It felt good to hold her and not worry about if she was going to leave, to not have to worry if someone would take her from him. He continued to smooth his hands over her back, loved that their fucking had her working up a sweat, and closed his eyes.

  “I love you, Bunny. I’ve always loved you,” he whispered against her hair.

  “And I love you, too. I’m happy we can finally start our life together, Tank.”

  Yeah, this was what happiness felt like, and he’d never fucking let that go.


  Wrath took another drink of whiskey, felt his drunkenness and high climb a little higher, and held his hand out for the joint to be passed to him. It had been months since that motherfucker Spike and his right hand man had taken him down, had hurt Lila, tried to kill her, and it was Wrath’s entire fucking fault.

  He took the joint, brought the end to his mouth, and inhaled deeply. He rested back against the ratty as shit chair he was in, looked around at the druggies and junkies all getting high and wasted, and realized he was one sorry as shit motherfucker. Closing his eyes it was Lila he pictured, that he thought about. She was the only person who filled his head constantly, the only women he’d ever wanted as fully his.

  And here you are getting high, trying to forget about all the shit you fucked up.

  Finishing off the whiskey, he tossed the empty bottle aside and heard it crash to the floor. How could he face Lila, tell her
what she meant to him, when he was falling so far down a black hole he couldn’t even see the light anymore? He’d been born and raised the fucking worthless beast he was now, had worked his way up to having his own empire, killed, maimed, and stole to make his life what it was today.

  And look at you now.

  She deserves so much more than an asshole like you.

  She’d laugh at him, fucking look at the state in which he was in now, and tell him she didn’t need that deadbeat shit in her life anymore. She’d gotten rid of one bastard, and he was just another one.

  But he didn’t want to walk away from her, and he didn’t know if he could ever be good for her. As it was he was a demon in a human’s body, and he didn’t feel like fucking changing.


  Tank couldn’t help but smile. He had his MC, his sister and niece, and the woman he loved all in one place, safe, protected. The gathering at the clubhouse was something to help get things back in the right direction, to make everyone whole again. With Bunny healed, Lila putting Spike and the past behind her, and Faye growing big and strong, Tank felt pretty fucking good. But there was also the good news that the Patches and prospects who’d gotten hurt when Spike raided them were already on the mend. Tank couldn’t help but feel like his heart was full. Life always seemed to throw them a curve ball, but they always came out on top because they had each other.

  He glanced to the side and saw Ruin sitting by Dotty. She was a tough cookie, though, having dealt with all that Spike shit, and it was clear the two were getting along. Tank could see on Ruin’s face the hardened biker might be falling for Dotty.

  The sound of Faye giggling had him looking over at his niece. Now several months old, her personality was really shining through. She looked just like Lila, and that had him smiling even more. Bunny came up to him with two cans in hand, a soda for her and a beer for him. He knew she didn’t drink because of her father and what he’d do to her when he was drunk, and despite him saying he’d quit all alcohol for her, she told him to live his life the way he wanted. She was understanding and compassionate, and he was glad she was back in his life again.

  Grabbing the cans out of her hands, he set them on the table and reached out to hold her around her waist. Tank pulled Bunny down on his lap, cupped her cheek, and kissed her soundly, deeply, and with all the love he had for her. She was his, and fuck anyone that thought differently.

  “What was that for?” she asked after their mouths parted. Her lips were red, slightly glossy, and she was breathing a little harder.

  “Do I need a reason to kiss the woman I love?”

  She grinned and shook her head. “No. Never.”

  “Good, because I’m going to be doing a lot more than that later tonight.”

  She started laughing, wrapped her arms around his neck, and was the one to kiss him now. Yeah, this was what living meant, and damn did it feel fucking incredible.

  The End

  Other Books by Jenika Snow:

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