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Tempted (A Player Brother Romance Book) (A Standalone Novel) (Player Brothers Book 1)

Page 21

by Adams, Claire

  When I reached his shoulder, I traveled down the middle of his chest letting my hand slide over, absently tracing a circle around his nipple as I found it. He pulled in a sharp breath once more, struggling to keep control.

  "God, Blair,” he moaned. "Do you know what you do to me…"

  I had an idea.

  But I wanted to do more of it before I made up my mind. The rush I felt at his reaction compared to nothing else, not even winning a court case. My mouth found his other nipple and I let my tongue trace circles mirroring the other side with my fingertips.

  I felt my own body respond in the same way, my nipples growing hard. My stomach lay across him, leaning against him and I felt his manhood grow beneath me, straining against the fabric of his jeans. I couldn’t resist the temptation and I moved one hand to caress the promising package. His hips twitched at my touch.

  "Soon enough," I whispered.

  I wanted to play with him for a little while longer, before I let him have his way.

  While my fingers fumbled to unbutton his jeans, I kissed down the length of his taut abs, catching out of the corner of my eyes, his hands clenched into fists, clutching at the fabric of my sheets.

  At last I unleashed his member, letting it spring forward hard and pulsing with expectant need. I wrapped my hand around his shaft and lifted my head to look into his eyes. I gave him a small smile, as once more my breasts pressed against him more firmly this time.

  The way his body lifted just slightly off the mattress every time I touched him drove me crazy. I felt as if I had total control over him, and he was letting me have my way.

  I leaned up and kissed him gently on the lips and my fingers slowly began to massage his cock. As if to clue me in to his eagerness and frustration he bit my lower lip, much as I had done to him before. I could the see the fire behind his eyes when I looked up at him.

  "You're going to pay for that,” I said with a hint of a smile.

  "I hope so," he whispered.

  I kissed my way back down his chest, tracing my tongue down the core of his abs, and flicked the tip of his head, tasting him for the first time. He let out a moan, and I played with him tracing my tongue around his firmness, licking and dancing my lips around his head.

  I had wanted to take more of him, but his manhood had proven to be much larger than I had expected. I would never let him on to that though.

  Instead I decided to continue with the torture, tracing my tongue alongside the shaft tickling the base with my fingertips.

  Finally he could take no more.

  He had placed his hand on top of my head, massaging his fingers gently through my hair. He pulled his hand into a fist and lifted me off of him. He sat up, and with an animalistic growl he grabbed me around the waist. Before I knew what had happened he threw me down onto the bed. The tables had turned.

  My whole body screamed for his touch and so much more as he brought his face down between my breasts. His hands pulled at the waist band of my jeans, slipping them off within seconds. With his teeth and his hands he pulled down my panties around my ankles where I kicked them off to join the other clothes that had fallen by the wayside.

  As if to return the torture that I had administrated, he hovered over me, with his mouth over my right nipple which had grown hard and erect begging for his touch, his mouth, his tongue. His eyes flicked over to mine with a crooked grin on his face, before he brought his mouth down on me. The fire seared through me immediately and I wanted to wrap my legs around his naked torso. He kept his body just out of reach, except for the delicious torture of his mouth.

  He circled his tongue around the pink flesh, pulling the hard tip into his mouth and then letting it go slightly only to caress the sensitive area with his teeth sending me into convulsions of pain and pleasure.

  He pulled my body closer to his, wrapping his arm around my waist and straightening me out on the bed. With his other hand he lifted my arms above my head, clutching both of my wrists together as he ran his other palm along the length of my torso.

  My legs twitched and flailed, as I felt as if I had lost all control of my desire. I wanted him inside me but relished in the rising desire that he incited in me. I couldn’t help but let a gasp escape my lips as he moved his mouth to the other nipple. The hand that didn’t hold my wrists had moved to the now exposed breast. With his mouth he teased one and with his fingers he teased the other. In my nether regions I sensed his manhood resting against the entrance of what I most wanted, and I hitched my hips towards him.

  "Soon enough," he whispered pulling back slightly.

  I wanted to fight back.

  I wanted to throw myself onto him and straddle him until our bodies became one. But he had me pinned, my arms held down against the mattress.

  I remained at his mercy.

  He had eased up on my breasts, let go of my wrists and kissed his way down my stomach. I kept my arms where they were and clasped my hands around the wooden bars of the frame behind me. I wondered for a moment what he might be up to until he landed upon my womanhood in such a way as I had never before experienced. I cried out as his tongue caressed my already moist portal, flicking and teasing me to the heights of ecstasy.

  "Oh god!" I cried as my voice rose with my adrenaline, my head pressed back into the sheets tangling my hair even further. "Oh god, Aiden! Don't stop!"

  I had lost all control and tilted my body towards him. He lifted my hips and buried his tongue deep inside me, even as he had positioned his hand flat on my stomach in such a way as to stimulate my nerve center with the pad of his thumb. I had lost all measure of what he was doing to me, except for the sensation of pleasure that coursed through my body.

  Every nerve on fire, every fiber of my being awakened to his touch.

  My feet planted on either side of him, pushed my body up away from the sheets, and he adjusted to keep contact working me into such a frenzy. I could no longer hold back. He licked and massaged until my body shuddered, convulsing against him. He slowed his pace when I collapsed back on the bed. I felt like I was flying, floating on a cloud.

  He kissed along the curve between my legs and my torso, tracing his fingers alongside my sides.

  "Come here?" I whispered. "I want to know what I taste like."

  He lifted up until his face came inches away from mine. With my hands on either side of his face, I gently brought my lips to the corner of his mouth, tasting the remnants of my release.

  His breathing was deep and needy, just as mine had been a moment ago. He let me kiss him and lick his face like a cat, and I wrapped my legs around him.

  At last he pulled himself forward and slid his cock inside me filling me up to the hilt. He shuddered as he moved his hips against mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and buried my face against his chest, clinging to him as he rolled me over on top of him.

  When I leaned up he looked me over, his eyes taking in every inch of my skin. I noticed his bottom lip tucked under his teeth though his hands rested gently against my thighs.

  I circled my hips, rocking back to let him in deeper inside myself as my eyes remained locked on his. I knew without a shadow of a doubt that I wanted nothing more than this. All of the troubles of the day slipped into oblivion.

  I steadied my rhythm, sensing his need growing, relishing in his pleasure, etched on his face, eyes closed, head pressed back, and breath ragged and uneven.

  I pulled my body forward and kissed his mouth deep and purposeful. With that kiss I felt his body give in, he shuddered and clutched at the skin of my back, raking his fingers across my flesh. Beneath my palms I felt the goose bumps erupt as he released. He held onto the kiss, not letting my lips escape his until he had finished completely. Then his hands found their way into my tangled hair.

  He smiled at me with a sheepish grin.

  "Does this mean you forgive me?" he asked.

  I laughed and laid my head upon his chest.

  "No, it doesn't,” I said. "But I will one day."

sp; He pulled me closer, his arm around my shoulders. I nestled into him wondering if I had ever felt more satisfied or complete than I had in that moment. We had walked through the fire together and now I felt as if we could survive anything.


  Six Months later

  The building loomed in front of me, a tall red brick structure with a large door leading into the offices within. The historical detailing had made it eligible for remodeling according to historical accuracy. I glanced at the large lion heads that adorned the entryway. I didn’t know if I wanted to step through the doors yet, but I knew that I couldn’t put it off any longer.

  I smoothed the fabric of my suit jacket, and took a tentative step onto the first concrete step. My high heeled shoes made a hollow sound each time it came down on the surface echoing against the brick walls of the edifice. With nervous fingers I smoothed back my hair, checking myself over in the reflection of the glass door before pushing though into the hallway.

  The renovations had opened the area to new businesses, several of which had taken advantage of the property and opened locations within the hallway.

  I saw a salon to my right brightly lit with pink lettering and an expanse of empty chairs waiting for beauticians to rent them out. On the other side a small Italian eatery was in the process of preparing for their grand opening later in the week.

  We would have to try it, I thought to myself.

  Inside the gated entrance I could see the owners, an attractive older couple, scurrying about placing last minute details to the decorations. Further down the hall I saw the doors into a small suite, a satellite office of a dentist. The gold lettering reflected the light of the morning sun through the glass door on the other side of the hallway.

  I looked around me, wondering what kind of business had been here before, a bank I believed is what I had heard when we looked at the real estate.

  I glanced at the time on my phone and turned down the right hall. Finally I found it. I walked up to the glass double doors and examined the lobby within. I couldn’t bring myself to touch the metal bars that would open the doors. I simply stood for a moment taking in the image of the doors.

  A few minutes later I hear another set of footsteps approaching from the same direction which I had come.

  “It's quite a sight, isn't it?” Aiden's said as he stepped next to me.

  He stopped and looked at the doors much in the same manner that I had been.

  “Do you think it's too soon?” I asked.

  “Whether it is or not,” he said. “What's done is done. This is our office now.”

  He stepped forward, pulled out the key and unlocked the doors. I waited for him to step inside before I also entered. He held the door open for me as I placed my shoes carefully upon the plush sea colored carpet. I turned to face him.

  “Congratulations,” I said in a trembling voice. “The Law Offices of Agnes Klein are now open for business.”

  “It still has that new office smell,” he said as he inhaled deeply.

  The lobby of our small agency had a desk with a computer. Behind it two doors led to our separate offices, one for him and one for me. We had opted for a quiet opening, no fan fair.

  The city had its share of law firms that catered to the smaller incidents. Ambulance chasers is what I had heard them called in the past. Aiden and I wanted to do something different from that, but more along the lines of what the other office had offered us.

  About a month after he had declined the position, I contacted Ms. Klein through the number on the contact card that I had picked up the last time I had been there. It had taken some convincing but she finally agreed to have coffee with me.

  “I have a list of grants that we would qualify for,” I had told her as she sipped her espresso, bringing the tiny mug to her lips with a thoughtful look upon her face. “The only thing in which we are lacking is notoriety. That is where you come in.”

  “And what would my role be exactly?” she questioned.

  “We would need very little input from you at all, unless you felt otherwise,” I explained. “I have looked into the logistics extensively.”

  “I’m sure you have,” she said. “Go on.”

  “With your name, the clients would recognize that we exist with the backing of one of the premiere firms already in the Los Angeles area. Aiden and I would do all the work. Nothing else would change for you.”

  “And what happens if you fail?” she asked. “My name is at stake?” I could almost see a hint of a smile upon her questioning lips.

  I picked up my latte and took a purposeful sip, swallowing carefully and placing the cup back upon the small square napkin. Then I folded my hands in front of me leaning only my wrists on the table as I leaned forward.

  “You worked with both of us for nearly three months,” I began. “You said yourself that you and the partners wanted to find a way to have both of us stay on. The opportunity itself was quite prestigious, and only the best of the best were even considered for the part time jobs, isn't that correct? Now since we both had made that kind of impression do you think that we would be the types of lawyers, or even the types of people who would fail under any type of scrutiny?”

  She thought for several minutes, tapping her manicured nail against the porcelain edge of her miniature cup. Matching my movements, she lifted her cup, took a sip and then set the cup carefully back into the saucer.

  “And you have of course thought this through extensively?”

  “Yes we have,” I answered. “Aiden and I are quite certain this is what we want to do.”

  “Well, the two of you do work well together. That much is certain,” she said. “Alright, if you can track down the funding for it, draw up the contracts and we will get together. You can have my name.”

  “I'm just glad she went for it,” I said as I looked over at Aiden. “I don't know what we would have done without her mentorship.”

  He flashed me his crooked grin and said, “I’m sure that we would have thought of something.” I smiled at him as he sauntered over to me and wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me close.

  “Aiden,” I said. “We are right in front of the doors. What is someone sees?” I said.

  “There needs to be clients coming in for someone to see,” he said. I glanced over at the clock. Nine o'clock. The second hand had just slipped past the top of the hour.

  “Now we are officially in business,” I said. “The calls should start rolling in.”

  Oddly enough the phone did ring a minute later.

  “I guess we need to hire a receptionist,” I said as I untangled myself from Aiden's embrace and reached for the phone.

  The feeling of enormous pride filled me as I realized that everything had fallen into place at last. Aiden was here with me. He had finished his recuperation in record time and today stood before me as a picture of health. Ms. Klein had confessed to me during out contract meeting that she would be glad to mentor us into opening our own firm.

  Aiden and I locked eyes once more. He turned and picked up his brief case and entered his office.

  I reached picked up the phone and held it to my ear. “You have reached the law offices of Agnes Klein. How can I help you?”

  Continued in Saved about Aiden’s brother, the Player brother series. Click here to continue.

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  This book is a work of fiction. The nam
es, characters, places and incidents are products of the writer's imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2015 Claire Adams




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