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On Borrowed Time: Beginnings Series Book 26

Page 20

by Jacqueline Druga

  “Pipe down. I said Frank sees Jimmy as too smart for my plan to work.”

  “What’s the plan?” Hal asked.

  “Later, and quit being a ‘Frank’ and interrupting my meeting.”

  “If I may, Joe,” George said. “Frank having a body guard? He’s not gonna allow it.”

  “You’re right,” Joe said. “That’s why I have a plan. He won’t know he has a guard.”

  “What’s the plan?” Hal asked.

  “Goddamn it, Hal. I’ll tell you later. Right now … while Frank isn’t here, let’s discuss this Great War. And since Jimmy is here, I want to run down to the ALS3.” Joe looked at George. “How well do you know it?”

  “Very well. I worked on the design.”

  “Good because we can’t see what’s overseas.”

  “Well, if the War is predicted to be starting in the next couple months, you need to scan the oceans. Because they’re on their way. They’d have to be.”

  “My thoughts exactly,” Joe said.

  “And from what I have been briefed, Frank wants to watch the twenty-four hundred men up north.”

  Joe lifted his hands. “That’s what he says. He thinks they’re a diversion and will be easy to take out.”

  George ran his hand over his mouth. “That’s a good amount of men. Anymore coming across the strait?”

  Joe shrugged. “We only can scan so far.”

  “Then let’s down there and have a look.”

  “Sounds good, let me call Robbie …” No sooner did Joe pick up the phone, the door burst open.

  Robbie said nothing but shrieked and held up his phone.

  “What the hell is the matter with you?” Joe said.

  “I don’t … uh!” Robbie held out his phone. “I don’t know whether to scream or laugh.” He handed the phone to Joe. “Frank posted a picture of his leg on Hoibook. He’s going in surgery.”

  Joe took the phone, “What the hell is the matter with … uh!” The phone toppled from his hand.

  Jimmy grabbed the phone. “Oh my God, and he lived.” Jimmy passed it to George.

  “This is bad, Joe, Robbie I’d opt for screaming.” George said.

  “May I?” Hal took the phone. “Hmm. I’m kind of laughing inside.”

  “You’re an ass.” Joe snatched the phone and handed it back to Robbie. “I’m gonna pause this meeting and check on my son. I had no idea his leg was .… was ….”

  “Backwards.” Robbie finished the sentence.

  Joe stood and walked to the door. “This is insane.”

  “Father,” Hal said. “Just know, in all seriousness, I’ll do whatever this plan is.”

  “Whatever the plan is?” Joe asked.

  “Whatever is asked of me.”

  “I’ll remember you said that.” Joe walked out.

  George followed and then so did Jimmy.

  Hal grabbed hold of Robbie. “What’s the plan.”

  Robbie only laughed.

  “Asshole,” Hal shook his head and left the office as well.


  Roy sulked.

  “Get over it,” Jason told him.

  “But his surgery is monumental.”

  “Yes, and it also has to be super fast, but the time you would have gotten there from here, Frank would have healed. Besides, we’re traveling.” Jason said. “Aren’t you excited.”

  “Yes, yes, I am. Are you sure you do not want to be the one?”

  “I would love to be the one,” Jason said. “But since this is the first hybrid test of our machines.”

  “The Aragon Window.”

  Jason snickered. “Don’t you love how we are naming things for the future. Anyhow, since this is the first test, I want to monitor it. So you do the honors.”

  “Very well.” Roy walked to the arch.

  “You have the pendant?”

  Roy held it up. “And I know the code.”

  “Alright. If you’re ready. Unless I am dead, I’ll be here waiting. Five... four... three… two... go.”

  The archway illuminated, Roy walked through.

  Three second later, Roy returned.

  The smile dropped from Jason’s face when he saw him. Roy looked drawn.

  “We … we need to find Joe.” Roy walked quickly by Jason.

  Jason grabbed his arm. “You were there longer than ten minutes.”

  “No I wasn’t.”

  “Yes, you were. You aren’t clean shaven.”

  “We have to find Joe.” Roy, focused, moved to the door.

  “Is Beginnings gone?”

  “No. but we …”

  “Have to find Joe, I know. What did you see?”

  Roy walked out.

  Jason grumbled. “Oh, he better tell me during the ride or I’ll keep driving.” He grabbed the jeep keys and walked out, anxious to know what Roy saw that rattled him so much.

  Chapter Seventeen

  “Good God,” Hal exclaimed as they walked to center town and saw the mob standing outside of the clinic.

  “Jesus Christ, what the hell are all these people doing here?’

  After a ‘bling;’ Robbie replied. “It’s a healing vigil for Frank. At least that’s the event on Hoibook.”


  George commented. “These people really care about Frank.”

  “They are looking for a reason not to work.”

  “Dad,” Jimmy said so offended. “Maybe their concern is sincere.”

  “Jimmy, trust me, these people don’t know why they’re standing there. Half of them got skewed information. Bet me.”

  “You’re very cynical,” Jimmy said.

  Joe only gave him a glance then said. “Robert stop laughing.”

  “What? I’m not doing anything.”

  “You will,” Joe marched forward, pushing through the crowd, calling out as he did. “Come on people move along. Nothing to see here.” He lifted his radio. “Security. Security, come in.”

  “Yeah, Joe.”

  Was Joe getting it in stereo. He not only heard it through his radio but in his other ear. He glanced to his right and saw Dan.

  Dan asked. “Did you need something Joe.”

  “Get to work. Disperse these people please.”

  “But Joe, we’re worried about Frank. It’s life threatening surgery.”

  “If it were all that life threatening, would Frank be taking a moment to post on Hoibook.”

  “Well, Joe, it is Frank.”

  Robbie added. “He has a point.”

  Doing his typical stock grumble, Joe made his way to the stairs of the clinic and whistled his loudest. “People, there is nothing to see here. Go back to work. We’ll let you know when Frank is out of surgery.”

  “Do you know how that leg is?” Some shouted.

  “Backwards,” Robbie replied.

  “Robert.” Joe warned then addressed the crowd. “I am sure it’s fine. We’ll let you know.”

  “If it’s all right with you, Joe, we’d rather wait.” Some called out.

  “No! No it’s not alright with me. Get back to work.”

  “We’re worried, Joe.” A man called out. “We ... we heard a rumor.”

  “Well, you know how rumors go,” Joe replied.

  “We need to know. We heard how hurt is leg. Is it true? Is the rumor true?”

  Joe hesitated, thought for a second, then answered. “We believe it may be true.”

  The entire crowd gasped and mumbled.

  Joe held up his hand. “We’re working on it.”

  “Should we be worried?” Someone asked. “Be protecting ourselves.”

  “We’re handling it.”

  Hal spoke up. “I will be working on this as well.”

  “You’re gonna get him?” asked another man.

  “If I have the chance.”

  “No offense, you’re a UWA guy and all, but you’re no Frank.”

  “I beg your pardon.”

  “Hal,” Joe calmly said his name.r />
  Robbie laughed.


  “Sorry but this is so great.”

  George leaned to Joe and whispered. “How the hell did this spread so fast?”

  Joe shook his head. “I have no idea.” Joe saw Dan from Security raising his hand. “Make it good Dan I want to check on my son.”

  “It’s important, Joe.” Dan said. “We need to know how big he is?”

  “I’m sorry?” Joe asked.

  “How big and …”

  “Fast …” Someone added.

  “Yeah, fast,” Dan said. “He has to be big and fast to get Frank. So how big do you think this dragon is?”


  “You confirmed it was the dragon that did this.”

  “You did say, Dad,” Robbie instigated.

  “Shut up.” Joe turned and reached for the clinic door.

  “Joe!” Dan yelled. “Aren’t you gonna answer?”

  “No.” And Joe walked in the clinic. “Why did I even bother coming back.”


  It took every ounce of Dean and Ellen’s physical strength to not only perform the surgery, but to get Frank moved into a recovery room.

  Once outside they both leaned into the wall.

  “How long?” Dean asked.

  “Two hours, six minutes.”

  “Unreal.” Dean exhaled. “I am beat.”

  “I need a drink.”

  “I didn’t think we’d be able to do it.”

  “Look, my hands are still shaking.” Ellen held out her hand.

  “It’s the adrenaline. Your suggestion was brilliant.”

  “Thank you. Once I saw things were healing so fast, I figured why were we wasting time on sutures.”

  “Just hold the ligament until it attached and move on. I’m so glad we didn’t cut it off and reattach.”

  “Would have been interesting, though.”

  “Good job, El.” Dean leaned forward and kissed her on the cheek, then started to walk with her.

  “Remind me to have Frank take a crash course in first aid. He can’t do that again.”

  “He had all good intentions. I can’t believe he walked a mile here on that leg.”

  Ellen snickered. “And it only bothered him a little.”

  “Oh my God, Frank.” Dean looked at his watch. “We have an hour. I want to check on him again. Knowing him. He’ll be up before that. We should use that time to look at the tissues.”

  “I agree …” Ellen paused when she saw Joe, Hal, Robbie and Jimmy. “Oh, look, Jimmy’s back in town.”


  “Jimmy Slagel, ass.” She back handed him. “You or me to deal with the wall of Slagels?”

  “Um, I’ll handle them. They’ll want to see Frank.”

  “Sounds good.” Ellen patted her lab coat pocket. “I’ll take these down to the cryo and get started.”

  “See you there in a few.”

  Smiling, Ellen walked to Joe, kissed him on the cheek, “Hi Joe. Bye Joe.”

  “Missy Jane, where are you going.”

  “To the cryo.”

  Robbie lifted his hand in a wave. “Have fun.”

  “Um .. ok. Whatever that means” Ellen shrugged and walked down the hall.

  “Dean.” Joe approached him. “Give it to me straight. Will Frank walk again.”

  “Yeah. Just as good and probably in a couple hours.” Dean answered.

  “How the hell is that possible?” Joe asked.

  “Well, Joe, Frank is in really good shape.” Dean replied.

  “That good of shape?”

  “Sure, it was really just a flesh wound.”

  “A flesh wound.” Joe repeated. “I saw the picture.”

  “What picture?”

  With a snap of his finger, Joe held out his hand to Robbie and received the phone. “This picture.” He handed it to Dean.

  Dean looked and tried not to show any reaction. “Wow, pictures can be deceiving. Frank made his leg look like this.”

  “So it wasn’t on backwards?” Joe asked.

  “Joe please,” Dean scoffed. “If it was, would he walk in a couple hours?”

  “I don’t know. You and your mad experiments in the cryo lab.”

  “We don’t have …” Dean’s eyes widened. “The cryo. Ellen. Shit. Excuse me.” Without saying anymore, Dean took off running.

  All four Slagel men turned and watched him leave.

  “I swear to God,” Joe said. “There is something wrong with every person in this town.”

  “Yeah,” Jimmy shook his head. “And the odd thing is, it wouldn’t surprise me one bit if a dragon ended up in Beginnings.”

  “Me either,” Joe gave a swat to Jimmy’s back. “Let’s go find our brother.”


  “Thanks, Danny,” Ellen hung up her phone. “Fucking paranoid Dean.” As she reached to the cryo keypad, her phone ‘beeped’, she looked down to the text message from Jenny.

  I’m bursting. Did you see yet?

  See what?

  Guess not. I hate Dean.

  “Yeah, me too.” Ellen said putting her phone in her pocket. “He gets paranoid. Not only changes the code, but the keypad as well. Then sends me here and doesn’t tell me.” She punched in the code, that Danny happily gave her. The cryo door buzzed open.

  Ellen stepped inside. She inhaled deeply. “Cleaner?” She set down the dish of tissue samples on the counter and smiled. “That must have been my surprise. He got the rotten smell out of here.”

  Still talking to herself, Ellen removed her coat. “Okay, I’ll just prep the sample. I won’t peek even though …”


  She paused, listened, and then returned to pulling things out to run test.


  Immediately, Ellen wondered if one of the rabbits had gotten out and was stuck somewhere in the lab.

  “Damn it, Dean, you cleaned the cages but let them out. I hate chasing them.” Hunched over, moving quietly. Ellen began to search the lab. “Here, bunny, bunny. Majestic? Stanley?” She called out.

  She checked under the counter, the cabinets, and headed toward the back.


  She stood upright, looked left to right, walked by the animal containment window and then it dawned on her.

  Ellen stopped cold.

  Her head tilted and she walked backwards stopping before the big glass window of the animal containment.

  At first she thought Dean had gotten another deer, but clearly that wasn’t, the case.

  Slowly she faced the window and her eyes widened. The future LEP stood there. His hands pressed against the glass and his head tilted side to side as he examined her.

  To Ellen he looked sad, almost pathetic.

  “Oh, wow.” Ellen reached into her pocket and lifted the phone. She immediately sent a text to Jenny telling her she ‘saw it’. Thinking ‘maybe a picture’ Ellen raised her phone when she heard the cryo door buzz.

  Dean flew in. “El.”

  “Is this … is he … my surprise?”

  Humbled, Dean walked over to her. “I didn’t want you to find him like this.”

  “Dean this is … this is so great.”

  Dean grinned. “We can do so much.”

  “We have so much to learn.” Ellen hugged him. “Thank you.”

  “Don’t just thank me. Frank caught him.”

  “I’ll thank him.” Ellen faced the window completely. “Has he been this mellow all day.”

  “Yeah. He needs to eat though. He has to be hungry. And I can’t figure out how to get him food without, you know, getting killed.”


  Ellen reached down for her phone and smiled. She looked at Dean. “I have an idea.”










; “Frank, put down the goddamn phone,” Joe reached out and grabbed it from his hand.

  “Dad, I have to respond. Everyone is in a fucking uproar.”

  ‘They’ll live,” Joe said.

  “Will they?”

  “Um, yeah, Frank, they will. You …” Joe pointed. “Are supposed to be resting. You just had surgery.”

  “Eh, flesh wound.” Frank waved out his hand, then looked to Hal and Robbie and Jimmy in the room. “But it’s nice of you all to be concerned. I’m fine. I have to get out of bed and back to work.”

  “Big brother,” Hal said. “We are very concerned about you. And I’m not talking about the flesh wound.”

  Jimmy added. “Yeah, it sucks how it happened. We’re on it Frank. We are and we’re gonna help you solve this every step of the way.”

  “Good. Because I am man enough to admit when it’s too big for me, and this may take a brother effort.”

  “That’s good to hear.” Joe patted Frank’s leg.


  “Oh, I’m sorry.”

  “Father, he’s being an ass. His other leg is injured.” Hal said.

  “Oh, in that case.” Joe patted that leg. “Anyhow, Frank, I’m glad to hear you want your brothers involved.”

  “Yeah, it can be just like the bear only with Jimmy. Fucking awesome. We may need fire shields, though.”

  Joe brought his hand to his face.

  “Father, don’t say it.” Hal warned.

  “I have to.” Joe said. “What are you talking about Frank.”

  “The dragon. The one that did this to my leg.”

  “Frank …”

  “Fucking crafty.”

  “Frank!” Joe yelled. “You stepped in a bear trap. A dragon didn’t do this.”

  “What if he set the trap?’

  “Why would he set a bear trap.”

  “To catch a bear.”

  “For what reason!” Joe blasted. “Why in the world would a goddamn dragon set a bear trap.”

  “I believe,” Robbie added. “How should be the question. How would a dragon set a bear trap?”


  “With his dragon hands,” Frank answered.

  “Works.” Robbie shrugged.


  “Father why are you even …”

  “Shut up Hal.”

  “Yeah, shut up Hal,” Frank repeated.


  “What! I don’t know. Fucking yell at me.”


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