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A Stolen Season

Page 14

by Steve Hamilton

  It was hard to hear, but I wanted the whole story. Every detail. “But you’re saying he never made a real offer,” I said. “He didn’t give you something you could nail him on?”

  “I swear, Alex. It was like he knew exactly what we were doing. The whole thing, the setup, the cops in the other rooms, recording him, listening to every word. He knew I was a fake, Don was a fake, everything was fake. And that one wrong word from him would bring it all crashing in on his head. But he didn’t say it. The whole time, he was just toying with us. And when he got tired of doing that, he stood up and he walked out.”

  “Do you really think he knows you’re a cop?”

  “I don’t see how he could. But deep down in my gut that’s exactly what I was feeling when we were in that room. This guy can see right through me.”

  “So what happens next?”

  “He told us he wanted to meet again. He wanted me to go back to my contact and to have him send samples of other merchandise…Notice how he didn’t say guns. The whole time, he never once said the word ‘gun.’ And when he said ‘other merchandise,’ if you took him literally, he could have been asking me to bring back samples of fabric. So he could make some nice suits or something. He also said he’d like us to come to his office next time, let him be the one extending the hospitality, because it was his city, after all.”

  “You’re not really going to his office next time…”

  “I don’t know, Alex. I have no idea what’s going to happen next. They told me to disappear for two days, to make like I was really leaving town to confer with my connection. That makes you a gun dealer now, by the way.”

  “Gee, thanks.”

  “Don’t mention it. Anyway, I need to call them tomorrow, to see what they’re thinking. The leader of the task force wants to keep pursuing it, but my CO wants to pull me.”

  “I’m with him. You can’t go to his home turf. What are you gonna do, walk in there wearing a wire?”

  She turned on to her back and looked at me. “It’s not up to me,” she said. “I’ll see what they say.”

  “You don’t have to do it if you don’t want to. You know that.”

  She closed her eyes. “You’re not helping.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “You’re supposed to tell me I need to go back and finish the job. Get the bad guy and help shut down his operation.”

  “I’m not thinking about that part,” I said. “I admit it, I’m only thinking about you and keeping you safe.”

  She pulled me closer to her. She held on tight.

  “When I think about being in a room with Laraque again,” she said, “all I can think about is how much I want to be with you. I’ve never felt this way before, Alex. About anybody. It really scares me. It’s like I have a life now. You know what I mean? It sounds kind of corny, I know, but it’s like I have something to live for.”

  It killed me. What she was saying, it absolutely killed me. I knew I’d have to tell her my own story, about what had happened that very day, being led to the edge of the water and believing that my life was over, and how I thought about her and was glad that she would keep on living without me. That she would be better off in the long run.

  It was always me pushing this, me trying to keep us together, when she had her own problems and it felt like she was never letting me get too close to her. But now, on a day when we both faced our own deaths in different ways, it was Natalie who wanted to hold on to us. It was Natalie who wanted to keep on living so we could be together.

  “So what do we do now?” I said. Suddenly, anything was possible.

  “I don’t know. But I do know two things for sure.”


  “One is that I want to go to sleep right now.”

  “And the other?”

  She settled in next to me. It was cold outside. It was dark and colder than any summer night should ever be.

  “I can’t even say it…”


  “I’ve never walked away from anything in my life,” she said. “Not because I was scared.”

  “You don’t want to go back?”

  “Don’t let me.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “Yes,” she said. “Whatever you do, don’t let me go back there.”

  Chapter Twelve

  I woke up before she did. It was a Sunday morning, another day of cold mist hanging in the air. But today everything felt different. I stood there over the bed and watched her sleeping. “Don’t go away,” I said softly. Then I headed to Vinnie’s house.

  His truck was still where I had left it. I didn’t imagine he had even noticed the cut battery cables yet. I slipped in through the open front door and found him asleep on his couch. His feet were propped up on the table. His face was every shade of red, purple, green, and blue. I knew he’d be looking worse for a few days before he started to look better, but this was one beaten-up face. He seemed to be sleeping all right, though. His breathing was even. So I left him there and promised myself I’d be back later to check on him.

  I had one more thing to do before going back to Natalie. I had a reservation for one of the cabins, and as far as I knew, the family was still coming up from downstate. I had called them and left a message, giving them a chance to cancel, but they never did. What they’d do up here if they were still coming, I couldn’t imagine. Who knows, maybe they wouldn’t mind wet, chilly air that feels twenty degrees colder than it really is. Maybe just being away from home was enough to make them happy. If they were still coming, I was going to try to make them comfortable.

  I threw some firewood in the truck bed and drove down to the fifth cabin. It was the nicest place left after my father’s masterpiece was burned to the ground. I loaded up the wood stove and started it. I stacked the rest of the wood inside to keep it out of the wet air. By the time I was done, the place was already feeling cozy.

  I wrote the family a note, told them to make themselves at home, told them I’d be down in the first cabin if they needed me. I didn’t know exactly when they’d get here, but I assumed it wouldn’t be for a while, unless they were already on their way and were driving most of the night.

  When I got back to my cabin, I opened the door and smelled coffee. Natalie had a pot going, and was sitting on my bed looking at her cell phone. She was wearing my sweatshirt again. This time it didn’t look like she was wearing anything else underneath it.

  “You’re right,” she said when I came in. “Your cell phone reception sucks here.”

  “We make up for it in other ways. Like the perfect summer weather.”

  “Yeah, what’s with that, anyway? I can’t believe I have to go back to Canada to get warm.”

  “I’ve heard some of the old-timers talk about it. Every twenty years or so, it’s like summer just forgets to come.”

  “I need to use your phone,” she said. “This thing just isn’t going to work.”

  “Go ahead.”

  I poured myself a cup of coffee while she called the Mounties’ office. I could only hear her part of the conversation while she talked to the special operations commander. It was mostly a string of yeses and I understands. When she was done, she hung up the phone and stayed sitting on the bed.

  “What’s going on?” I said.

  “There’s some disagreement about whether we’re going to pull the plug. As of now, we’re still a go.”

  “They can’t be serious.”

  “I need to go back, no matter which way they call it.”


  “Tomorrow morning.”

  “So it’s a pretty short visit.”

  “Are you sorry I came out?” She had a hint of a smile on her face.

  “Uh, no. I think I’ll take it.”

  “It’ll be your turn to come out to Toronto.”

  “Okay,” I said. “I think I can find the place.”

  “I need to call Don. Then we can go do something. You have any plans for today?”
  “Lady’s choice.”

  She dialed my phone again. “Don,” she said when it went through, “where are you? Keller is looking for you.”

  I waited for her to finish the conversation. It felt a little strange, hearing her talk to the man she was spending so much time with in a hotel room. I knew she wasn’t alone with him. I knew it wouldn’t matter even if she was. It was just a gut reaction that I couldn’t quite stop.

  “He sounds really weird today,” she said when she hung up. “He must be feeling the stress, too.”

  “You know, you made me promise you something last night.”

  She looked at me. “I know,” she said. “But I have to go back. You know that. I was just a little freaked out last night.”

  “Or maybe it was the voice.”

  “Which voice.”

  “You know. The cop voice. In your head. The one you should always listen to.”

  “Come here.”


  “You said it was lady’s choice today. I just thought of the first thing I want to do.”

  When we were finally dressed and on our feet, we headed down to the end of my road. I showed her the work Vinnie and I had been doing on the last cabin.

  “This is going to be beautiful,” she said. She ran her hand along the staircase.

  “I hope it’s half as good as what it was before,” I said. “That’s all.”

  “You’re doing all this for your father, aren’t you. You couldn’t bear to see this place destroyed.”

  “I don’t know how far I would have gotten without Vinnie helping me.”

  “Where is he today? I’d like to see him.”

  I hesitated. “Sure, if you want to…”

  Vinnie had been with us from the beginning, from the first time I had met her, up at the lake. Through the death of her partner. I knew she must have felt almost as close to him as I did.

  “Is he at the casino?”

  “No, he’s home. I don’t think he’ll be going to work today.”

  “What happened?”

  “Well, you remember our little adventure the other night?”

  “The one where you ended up in the jail?”

  “That would be the one. Vinnie ended up running into those guys again. This time, it was one against two.”

  “How bad is he?”

  “If I told you he probably looks worse than he really is…”

  “I’ll be the judge of that. Let’s go see him.”

  We drove down to Vinnie’s cabin, parked next to his truck. “He’s going to be surprised to see you,” I said as we went to the door.

  I opened it. The couch was empty now, the blanket folded on one arm.

  “Vinnie!” I said. “You’ve got company.”

  I went to the bathroom, expecting to find him with his face in the sink again. Or maybe taking a bath, trying to make himself feel better.

  He wasn’t there.

  “Son of a bitch.”

  “What’s the matter?” Natalie said.

  “He’s not here.”

  “That’s his truck outside, isn’t it?”

  “Yeah, I disabled it yesterday. I didn’t want him going anywhere.”

  “Somebody else gave him a ride?”

  I thought about it. “His cousin Buck,” I said. “Damn it, I bet Vinnie called him.”

  “Where do you think they went?”

  “I don’t know exactly.” I didn’t think he’d know where to find the vacation house down in Hessel. Unless he got Caroline to tell him. “But I know a few places to start. Come on.”

  We got in my truck and rumbled down to the main road. I was about to gun it through town, but at the last moment I pulled into Jackie’s parking lot.

  “Why are we stopping already?”

  “I want to check here real quick, see if he stopped in. Jackie might know something.”

  When we went inside the Glasgow, there was Vinnie sitting by the fireplace. He had a bag of ice pressed to his face. Before I could say a word, Jackie was all over me.

  “Alex!” he said. “What in goddamned hell is the matter with you?”

  “Jackie…,” I said. “Vinnie…”

  “Look at his face, Alex! Look at him! You left him all alone in his cabin all day yesterday, and all last night! You even cut the goddamned battery cables in his truck so he couldn’t go anywhere! What were you thinking?”


  “Listen yourself, God damn it! What were you trying to do, starve him to death? What if he had to go see a doctor? Is this the way you take care of your friend, by leaving him stranded in his cabin? He had to walk all the way down here just to get something to eat and some more ice for his face! I’m waiting for an explanation, Alex. I really want to hear it, because this is the stupidest goddamned thing you’ve ever done. And believe me, that’s saying something.”


  “What, Alex? What are you going to say?”

  “I want to introduce you to somebody.”

  That stopped him cold. He finally noticed Natalie standing behind me.

  “Hello,” she said. “You must be the famous Jackie.”

  “Hello,” he said, his voice suddenly throttled down about twelve notches. “You must be the famous Natalie.”

  “Where’s Vinnie?” Natalie said. Then she saw him. “Oh my God, what happened to you?”

  He tried to get up from his chair.

  “Sit down,” she said. “Who did this?”

  “I did. It’s all my fault.”

  “I’m serious, Vinnie. Who did this?”

  Vinnie looked up at me for some help. “Natalie,” he said, “what are you doing here?”

  “I came to see Alex, so I could kick his butt. How come he wasn’t there to help you?”

  “Hey,” I said.

  “I told you,” Vinnie said. “It’s all on me. It’s not Alex’s fault.”

  “We’re supposed to look out for each other,” she said. She touched the side of his face. “My God…”

  “You scared the hell out of us,” I said. “We were about to drive all over the U.P. looking for you.”

  “What, you think I’d go back for more? Already? How stupid do you think I am?” He tried to smile at Natalie. It was hard to do with a swollen upper lip.

  “You should go to the hospital,” Natalie said.

  “I’m feeling better already. Seriously. Come on, sit down, tell me what’s going on.”

  That’s how we ended up spending the whole afternoon at the Glasgow Inn. Natalie got her chance to totally disarm Jackie and convince him that she was the best thing that ever happened to me. Vinnie kept icing his face and resting by the fire. I brought out some cold Molsons and gave her one, told her I knew which side of the border had all the good beer.

  “At last,” she said to me, “you get something right.”

  As great as it was, I couldn’t help feeling a little unsettled. Here was Natalie sitting in the Glasgow, pretty much owning the place already. But this was the one place I came to every single day of my life. I talked to Jackie here, I met up with Vinnie here, I watched a game on the television over the bar. Or I just sat here by the fire, all by myself. Now in one afternoon the place had changed. I’d never be able to come here again without thinking of Natalie.

  And hell, what about my cabin? What about my bed? I spent the night sleeping beside her, waking up to listen to her, to touch her. To make myself believe that it was really happening. How will I ever sleep in that bed alone now?

  If this thing with Natalie doesn’t work out…everything will be different. Everything. It’s like I’m putting all my chips on the table now, making this one last big bet with my whole life. Happy with Natalie Reynaud. Or unhappily alone forever.

  That’s what I was thinking that cold July afternoon. But what the hell, right? It was about time.

  Vinnie wanted to go back to his cabin, so we drove him up there. All three of us wedged in the front seat of my t
ruck. We got him comfortable on his couch, got his bottle of ibuprofen, got his bag of ice.

  “Are you sure you don’t want us to stay?” Natalie said.

  “I’m positive,” he said. “Go out to dinner or something. Do something good.”

  “We’ll come back later,” she said. “We’ll stop by and check on you.”

  “Just go. I mean it.”

  “Okay,” she said. “Okay.” She bent down and kissed him on his tired, beat-up face, this man who had once saved her life. And mine. “You rest.”

  “Alex,” he said, as we were leaving.

  I went over to him.

  “Life is smiling on one of us,” he said in a low voice.

  “You got that right.”

  “Do me a favor. Don’t blow it.”

  “I’ll try not to.”

  We left him there, closed the door, and went out into the evening. It was still light out, a cold gray light that looked just like November. But I could not have been a happier man.

  “Jackie makes a great beef stew,” I said. “How about it?”

  “Let’s save that one. I’ve got another idea for dinner.”

  I was suddenly picturing something in my cabin, dinner in bed perhaps. But she had something totally different in mind. She wanted to go to the last place on earth I ever would have thought of.

  A few minutes later, we were speeding down M-28. “You really want to go to the Freighters for dinner,” I said. “At the Ojibway Hotel.”

  “That’s right.”

  “Don’t we both have some pretty bad memories of that place?”

  “That’s why I want to eat there. So we can banish them forever. If I’m going to be spending a lot of time over here, we can’t go on avoiding one of the nicest restaurants in town just because something bad happened there once.”

  “Your wish is my command.”

  “Is that a cop behind us? What are you going, about ninety?”

  “I’m not sure, actually. I think the speedometer is broken.”

  I looked in the rearview mirror and saw the car gaining on us. It was one of the state guys. He closed to about a hundred yards before he slowed down and did a U-turn. In another few seconds, he was just a speck going the other way.


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