Audra's Treaty

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Audra's Treaty Page 2

by A. May

  “I know that, but it still doesn't mean I want anything to do with this stupid heartlink. I want to have a choice in life. I don’t want to always have choices made for me,” I say crossly. I want just one thing in my life to be my choice. My heart is the only thing I own, and as cold as it is, I do want love and a heartlink; I just don't like not having a choice in the matter. “You violated my jeans; they’ll never be able to unsee your dirty ways,” I say in a shocked voice.

  An evil grin spreads across Annalise’s face as she sits down in front of me. Annalise has always been friends with vampires, ever since we were young. Having a few friends we can trust keeps the money rolling in. Gary is the only one I tolerate. The rest of her friends can jump off a cliff for all I care. I shouldn't think like that, as they’ve put their necks on the line for us many times, but this doesn't change the way they treated me when I was younger. The little sister always wrecking their fun.

  “I'm going on a date with him,” I say before I bite into my taco, making the “crunking” sound I love. Whoever invented soft tacos had issues. Between mouthfuls, I continue. “For information only, on why his sire is helping us.” What the hell is wrong with me? Why didn't I get his sire’s name?

  “He didn’t mention anything else?” Annalise asks as she devours her taco.

  “All he said was that his sire doesn't believe we should be punished for what our parents tried to accomplish and that she believed in what our coven was trying to do.”

  “I gather everything he said is the truth? Otherwise, you would have said straightaway that he was full of shit,” Annalise asks, licking her fingers before going for her second taco.

  “You are correct, Anna. I was drawn to him in a way I’ve never felt.” The amount of self-control required to not go straight at him the moment he walked through those doors was overpowering. “He's picking me up at 7 pm tomorrow. What if it’s a setup?”

  “I know it's hard to trust people, but if we never try, we never will. Maybe it’s time to take a chance. Who better to do that with than your heartlink? If they wanted to hand us over, they would have done it months ago when we first moved here. I'm not saying they don't want something from us, but let's find out what it is first and then go from there. It’s been nice not having to kill anyone in a while.”

  I nod in agreement.

  “But seriously, you need to get laid. At least get something out of this date,” she teases. Annalise isn’t wrong; it has been at least a couple of sad months.

  “How’s Gary doing? Has he heard anything about Mildred?” I changed the topic away from my sad sex life.

  “He said they’ve been looking at Vega's, so whatever that sire is doing, she’s doing it well. I haven't been able to figure out who the sire of the vampire clan is here. She keeps her profile very low, which is unlike sires. They want people to know who made the clan.” We both finish the last of our tacos. I’m so full, I feel like I'm about to burst. My body is slowly entering a food coma.

  “Well, I guess we’ll find out tomorrow. I'm stuffed, sis. I'm going to bed,” I say, getting up to rinse off my plate before I put it in the dishwasher.

  “Night. Oh, and V?” she calls out before I head to my room.

  I turn around.

  “Enjoy your sexy vampire dreams.”

  Shaking my head, I walk up the hallway to my room, hearing her giggles as I go.

  My room is just big enough for a queen bed under the window. My fluffy, bright pink blanket adds colour to the plain white walls. A set of black draws is on the right, a TV sitting on top. On the other side of the room is my old trunk full of keepsakes from our family home. The trunk is made from maple wood, with gems covering the top – blues, greens, reds, purples, every colour you can think of.

  Flopping on the bed, not bothering to get changed, I snuggle into my blankets and drift off to sleep.

  Chapter THREE

  I trip over the living room rug, hopping on one foot while putting on my heel. “I'm coming,” I call out. Sliding my hands along my dress to straighten it out, I make my way to the door. Taking a breath, I open it. “Hello there,” I say, looking Avery over.

  He's wearing a stylish grey button-up tee-shirt and black jeans that slim down at the bottom, showing off his glowing white sneakers.

  “You scrub up alright for a vampire,” I tease, lifting the right side of my lip in amusement. He does look very handsome, I have to admit – not that I’ll say this out loud. I notice that he’s holding one arm behind his back. Before I can ask, he pulls out a stunning bouquet of red tulips.

  “For you, my love.” He hands them to me as he leans over to place a gentle kiss on my cheek. The touch sends tingling sparks through my skin, causing me to lift my hand so that I can feel where his lips had been moments before. That was different from the last time we touched; it actually felt pleasant. “Wow, I think you're the most beautiful women I've ever seen,” he continues, his eyes taking in every inch of my body. Then they move up to meet my gaze. His eye shine with lust. I'm sure mine do as well.

  “Oh, shut up,” I say, hitting him on the shoulder. I'm sure the blush in my cheeks is showing through my makeup. “You have to say that. I'm your heartlink, remember?” I grab my bag, ready to go.

  “So now you acknowledge our link. Trust me, it has nothing to do with how beautiful I think you look,” he tells me, placing his arm around my waist and leading me out of the apartment.

  I decide to let him. I won't deny that his touch feels amazingballs.

  “Are you hungry?” he asks, opening the car door. It's a newer model Mercedes. What type it is, I have no clue, but it’s black and looks way too expensive for me to be sitting in it.

  “Hungrier by the second.” I slide into the car, making sure my ass doesn’t show in the black cocktail dress that ties around my neck. I need to learn to do my washing. I had to borrow something from Annalise, and the dress barely covers the tops of my thighs. It reveals the red shading of half my rose tattoo. The tattoo is of three large roses, starting from the middle of my thigh and reaching up to the bottom of my ribs. The rose in the middle is larger, covering the side of my bum and my inner thigh and hip. The tattoo was my 18th birthday present from Annalise. It took three sessions to finish and hurt like a bitch.

  “Well, we better not keep you waiting,” Avery says as he slides into the driver's seat next to me. He starts the car. Marilyn Manson’s “Tainted Love” plays through the speakers, bringing a smile to my lips.

  “At least you have good taste in music,” I tease, smiling over at him. I lean forward to turn up the volume.

  After pulling up in front of a little two-story restaurant, Avery jumps out and opens the door for me.

  “So, what is this place?” I ask, looking up at the old stone building. Its wall is made of different shades of brownstones, and old wooden doors with two large windows are on either side. All the tables are full. The staff move around like bees, hurrying to each table to serve food or take orders.

  “My favorite place to eat in the entire world. Alexando's Mix and Eat. Alexando cooks all his favourite meals from around the world. Plus, it has the best mud cake you’ll ever eat,” Avery says, winking at me before placing his arm around my waist and pulling me next to him.

  We reach the restaurant doors. An older waiter stands there to hold them open.

  “Mr Crow, it’s a pleasure to see you, as always,” the older man says in a croaky voice, pushing up his glasses. He has a kind face and isn’t much taller than I am.

  “Evening, Geoffrey. My regular table, please,” Avery says as we make our way through the restaurant and to the top floor.

  We walk onto the balcony, which is beautiful, Old wax candle posts are welded to the walls, and lush green vines cover the railing. They remind me of Avery's eyes. Purple flowers fit perfectly between the leaves. I twist around to take it all in. “This is beautiful,” I say in amazement.

  “These are our seats,” Avery says, moving away to pull out the chair
for me.

  “Oh, how gentlemanly of you,” I tease, sticking out my tongue him. This only makes him smile. Damn, every time he shows off that sexy smile, one more brick is brought down from my wall. I’ll have to get some stronger bricks, I think.

  “You're only proving how right you are for me, Veronica,” Avery whispers in my ear, sending a pleasant shiver down my neck. He pushes in my chair. While he takes his seat, I try to hide the effect he has on me.

  “Your usual drink, Mr Crow?” asks the waiter.

  Avery nods.

  “And for the lady?” The waiter looks over at me, a smile stretching across his lips.

  “Long Island iced tea, please.” As the waiter disappears into the restaurant, I pick up the menu. “So, is this where you take all your dates?” I ask. I would be in denial if I didn't think he had a line of women waiting for dates.

  Before he answers, Avery bursts out laughing. “Okay, I'll be honest. Yes, I’ve been on plenty of dates. By the look on your face, that's what you were thinking. No, I’ve never brought any of them here. This is my home away from home.” His honesty stuns me. He just admitted going on plenty of dates; I knew he was too good to be true. “Before you get any ideas, I haven't been on a date for a few centuries. Now I know why.” His eyes search my face for a reaction.

  “Everyone has a past, especially when they're a vampire.” I say “vampire” in a lower voice. Not that anyone can hear us; only Avery and I are on the balcony.

  “So, I take it you haven't been here before?”

  I narrow my eyes at him over the sudden change of subject. I’ll let it go now, but he hasn't gotten out of it that easily.

  “I surely have not. A bit on the fancier side then my Mexican food, though this view is just beautiful.” I look out to the city. Flickering lights of all colours light up the landscape. I can feel the hum of power from the electrical current that runs through the city, begging me to consume its power. When I was growing up, this took a lot of getting used to. When I first came into my powers, I couldn't help but answer the call of anything with electricity running through it, making it a part of me. The night of the treaty, when Mildred came for us, the only reason we survived was that I’d taken our town's electricity, causing a priority 1 blackout. All I can remember is that Annalise was unconscious at the bottom of the stairway, letting the electrical current go free and frying every attacker in our home. Of course, Mildred somehow managed to escape. I still remember smelling burnt flesh and hair before I passed out. Then I woke up in my sister's arms. The less I remember of the night we lost everything, the better.

  “It’s quietly beautiful, but nothing compared to the beautiful woman sitting across from me,” Avery says smoothly in his charming accent, undoing more of the wall I've worked so hard to build.

  I moved a piece of hair that had fallen into my face from my loose side braid. “So, what’s good to eat here?” I ask, quickly avoiding his eyes, not wanting him to see that he’s having an effect on me. I pick up the menu that sits between the cutlery and pretend to read what’s on the page. I feel his eyes on me. Unable to evade his gaze, I glance up. “Not going to have a look at the menu?” I meet his eyes, “Stop staring at me or I'll whack you with this menu. I swear to God I will.” Raising the menu, I show him I'm serious and hold back a smirk.

  His full lips grow into a larger grin, almost making me forget I was threatening him. I could get used to that smile. I have to push aside those thoughts, as I'm here for information, not to fall for him.

  “Okay, okay, I surrender.” He puts his hands in front of him, which makes me laugh. I think it may be too late; I'm already falling for him and it has barely been 24 hours. What the hell have the gods gotten me into?

  “Your drinks,” says the waiter, startling us. I quickly set down the menu, acting as if I hadn’t been threatening to hit Avery. Chuckling to himself, the waiter stretches his wrinkles into a large grin. “I wouldn't let him surrender; he probably deserves it,” Geoffrey says, winking at me. I join him in laughing.

  “Hey, you're meant to be my friend, Geoffrey,” Avery says in a shocked manner.

  “Ah, did no one teach you, young boy, you always agree with beautiful women.” Geoffrey nods towards me, making me want to hide. Even knowing he’s an older gentleman, I'm not used to this much attention.

  “Oh, Geoffrey, you’re too sweet, but I'm not sure if he’s teachable,” I say, looking over at Avery with a big grin.

  “My dear, you might be too correct. We can only hope for him,” Geoffrey said, letting out a sigh, but not without a slight smile showing on his lips. I'm guessing these two know each other a bit more personally, beyond a “regular customer” relationship. This makes me want to know more about Avery. Fuck, Veronica, you’re here for information about his clan, not about him. Well, maybe a little about him. For safety reasons, yep. That's what I’m telling myself.

  “Remember who’s paying your tip, Geoffrey,” Avery warns. By the way he says it, I know he’s not serious.

  “Half of your tip for the night is more than my wage for the night. I’m sure I can handle it if that means I get to side with this stunning lady,” Geoffrey responds. Either his wages aren't very much, which I wouldn't think by the look of this place, or Avery tips him largely.

  Avery’s laughter flows into the night air. “I don't blame you one bit, Geoffrey. I’d side with her, too.” Avery looks over at me and winks, making me smile.

  “Let's get back to business. Are you ready to order, or would you like some more time?” Geoffrey asks, looking between the two of us.

  “You take as long as you need, my dear. I’ll be just over there,” Geoffrey says, pointing to the waiter's station against the wall next to the door before leaving us so that we can look at the menu.

  Chapter FOUR

  “You’re not seriously getting pancakes with banana and cream for dinner?” Avery asks in disbelief. No matter how many times I look over the menu, I keep coming back to the pancakes. “It's dessert or breakfast, not dinner.”

  I giggle at his shock. “Haven't you heard the saying ‘life is too short to not have dessert first?’” I raise my eyebrow at him.

  Before he can respond, Geoffrey comes to our table. “Have you had enough time to make a decision?” he asks, smiling.

  “Yes, I’m ready to order, but Mr Party Pooper over here doesn't agree with my selection.” I answer Geoffrey with a pout.

  “Hey, I'm not a party pooper, I'm the life of the party. You’ll see,” Avery says, winking at me and making my cheeks flush. I'm sure we’re not thinking about the same type of party. “We’ll have two lots of pancakes with banana, cream and maple syrup. Are you happy now?” Avery takes my menu to put it with his.

  “Yep,” I answer with a pop to the p. “Oh, and would it be possible to have extra maple syrup, please?” I ask Geoffrey before he takes his leave. I glance over at Avery. This date has definitely not gone the way I’d planned. I’d come to get information, not to fall in love with a vampire. In love with a vampire, get a hold of yourself, Veronica. I need to find out why his sire is protecting us. I don’t need to drool over a vampire.

  “Why is your sire protecting us, and why is it we can’t find out who your sire is?” The words fall out of my mouth before I realise how straightforward I’m being. It only makes Avery's grin grow larger. He chuckles to himself. “What’s so funny?” I ask with my best serious face.

  “Oh, nothing, I’d just been waiting for all these questions building up in your head to come out. Both questions I can’t answer fully, as it isn’t my place to speak on my sire’s behalf. I can tell you, this isn't a trick to gain your trust and turn you over to Mildred.” He pauses, waiting for my response. I nod for him to continue. I want to get all the information I can before I decide whether to trust him. Every word he has spoken tonight has been honest. Maybe Annalise and I have a fighting chance.

  “My sire’s name is Tahliana. I can’t explain a lot of things about why she chooses to p
rotect you. Only she can. I can tell you, though, there isn't any hidden agenda and we don't want to use your powers for ourselves. We simply want to keep you and your sister safe.” Avery’s beautiful green eyes search my face for a reaction to what he has told me, which isn't much at all, but every word was the truth.

  Mulling over what he said, I bite my lip. “So, basically, Tahliana is your sire and your clan wants to protect us? That's it? That's all you got for me?” I huff, picking up my drink and swallowing a big mouthful.

  “No, there’s one more thing. She’d like to have you over tomorrow evening to explain what I can’t. She warned me you wouldn't be happy with my answers, but she wouldn't give me anything else to tell you. I think she likes to watch me squirm, just for fun. I’m truly sorry. I wish I could give you more information.” He reaches over to take my hand in his. As soon as his hand connects with mine, tingles spread across my hand, traveling up my arm and straight to my chest. I smile at the feeling and meet his eyes with my own. He smiles too, making me want to lean over and see how they feel on my own.

  “I promise that once you speak with Tahliana, it will all make sense.” He rubs his thumb across my hand.

  “Doesn't your clan want an exclusion from the war?” I whisper. They’d be crazy to not want it.

  “No, we want to end the war, and we believe you and your sister are the only ones who can stop it, like your parents.”

  “Ha, like our parents. The parents who are dead along with our coven. An exclusion from the war is the closest you’ll get to it being over,” I scoff, pulling away my hand, ignoring the hurt that crosses his face. They may not be lying, but they’re definitely mad. The Audra sisters end the war – that's a fucked-up joke, just like this heartlink. Great, I’m linked to a mad person.

  “You both will understand in time; you and your sister were meant for more than hiding in the shadows. Don't you wonder why Mildred hasn't come after you herself? It’s because she isn't strong enough to go up against the two of you. Not yet, anyway.”


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