Audra's Treaty

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Audra's Treaty Page 3

by A. May

  Annalise and I have often wondered about this. We’ve always concluded that Mildred just enjoys the cat-and-mouse game.

  “What do you mean ‘yet?’” I ask.

  “She grows stronger, as do her children. She isn't after just you; she’s after anyone who doesn't side with her. Those that do, though…” He stops, anger crossing his features. Damn, he’s still fine when he’s angry. “She’s doing something to the werewolves, turning them dark and bloodthirsty. The vampires are losing the war. A war that isn't the one we’ve always battled. The packs that haven't sided with her have gone into hiding, not bothering with the war. I don’t care for the werewolves, but I won’t fight a war in which they’re someone else’s pawns. It was always between vampires and werewolves. We've always known the enemy. They aren’t the enemy anymore. The Rhys coven is.”

  I let everything sink in. I'm stunned by what he has said. We knew things had gotten worse, but nothing like this. We’d heard rumours of werewolves going rabid and bloodthirsty, but not about Mildred's part. How dare she use them as pawns, killing innocents and using blood magic. Our power is sacred, not to be turned dark. The more evil you do, the darker your magic goes. It changes you, making you hungry for more power and death. The more you kill, the stronger you grow. My temper is rising, and I feel the pull of power wanting me to take control. The lights start to flicker.

  “Veronica, you need to calm down. I’m sorry I didn’t think about how it would anger you as it does me. Please, you need to breathe.” Avery's voice flows over me. I don’t expect it to calm me, but it does.

  “Sorry, but how dare that slut donkey son of a bitch use blood magic, turning it dark and dishonouring our Goddess, turning her power dark and fucked up?” I blurt out.

  Avery’s mouth drops open at my outburst. I give him a tight smile and shrug my shoulders as if to say, “Sorry, it just came out.”

  “Slut donkey son of a bitch? Huh, I think you and Leo will get along.” He runs his hand through his hair, laughing. I wonder who is Leo. “I’m sorry to have upset you, but this is what I’m saying. You and your sister can help with this. All of this.”

  Maybe it’s time we stop hiding and have an actual fight. At least we would have tried like our parents did. Plus, if we do die, we’ll be with the rest of our coven, I'll have to see what Annalise thinks of all this.

  As if on cue, my phone vibrates on the table. It’s a text message from Annalise. We’ll meet the clan first, then decide if we fight with them or on our own. P.S., Out of all things I don't find out is the sire's name. Now stop talking business and get to know him.

  I chuckle, locking the screen and sliding it into my bag.

  “What was that all about?” Avery asks, raising a brow.

  “Oh, nothing. Just my sister telling me we’ll meet Tahliana and that we need to stop talking business and get back to the date.” I shake my head at the thought of my nosey sister.

  “She sounds like a smart woman. You should probably listen to her.” I look at his chiseled face. Damn, he's good looking when he smirks. I decide they might be right. So far, everything with him has been good. Maybe, just maybe, I could give him a chance to see where this goes.

  “Your dinner, or dessert I should say.” Geoffrey pops up out of nowhere. The smell of maple syrup fills my nose as he sets the food down in front of us.

  “Thank you so much. It looks absolutely delicious,” I squeal, pouring the extra maple syrup over the pancakes.

  “Enjoy, and if you need anything else, please don't hesitate to ask.” He bows before leaving.

  Taking my sister's advice, we don't talk about anything other than ourselves and Avery’s best friend Leo. I learn that the two have quite an odd relationship. By that, I mean they play pranks on each other, and not just mall pranks. These are pranks that leave you with a living, breathing lion in your room. What have I bloody gotten myself into?

  Chapter FIVE

  We pull in at the front of my apartment block “Thank you for tonight. Surprisingly, I had a good time.” I look over at Avery with a grin stretching across my face. “What time tomorrow tonight?” I ask, biting my lip. If I’m being honest with myself, I don't want it to end just yet.

  “I'll pick you up at 7 pm if that's okay with you and your sister?” Avery replies, looking me over. I can see thoughts floating through his face. He licks his lips before jumping out to open my door. Well, I didn't think that’s what he was thinking. I sigh before I move my legs out of the car to get out. Avery offers his hand and I slide my hand into it. They fit perfectly.

  “Why, thank you, kind sir,” I say mockingly, poking my tongue out and closing the car door behind me. Before I can take away my hand, Avery's scent surrounds me as he takes a step closer, I take a step back, bumping into the cold metal of the car. I feel it press against my back. Well, that didn't work too well. He leans on his arm against the car, boxing me in on one side. I glance up at his handsome face, where a smirk twitches on his lips. My knees feel weak. Fuck, how can someone have this type of effect on me? I do enjoy how it feels, but I don't enjoy being under his control. I lift my hand to his chest, feeling his hard muscle under my fingers. I wonder what that muscle looks like underneath his clothes.

  He brings his hand up to my cheek. “Do you see something you like, love?” he asks in a husky voice. I very much see something I like – getting his pants off without accepting this heartlink, at least not yet.

  “Maybe,” I reply seductively, licking my lips. I should step away, but I like the feeling of his solid chest. Being with an Audra is dangerous. Everyone knows that. We've lost enough people over the years. Maybe this could be different. I almost scoff at the thought. That's what I said last time, right before they got a bullet to the head.

  “I very much like what I see,” Avery replies. His lips crash down onto mine, Before I can pull away, my body takes control, returning the kiss. He tastes like chocolate. How the hell does that work? Not that I'm complaining. Ever fibre in my body ignites. I move my hand up around his neck to pull him closer. His hand moves into my hair, holding me in place while his tongue roams my mouth. Craving more, I move my hand under his shirt. As I feel his hard abs, a soft moan escapes my lips. I need more.

  “You know, people usually do that in a room, or at least inside the car, not on it.” Annalise's voice sounds from the distance. I pull away. She has to wreck everything.

  “Maybe if we don't move, she’ll go away,” I whisper into Avery's chest as I rest my head on it.

  “If she’s anything like you, I don't think that will work,” he replies, chuckling, looking over his shoulder. Annalise stands on the top steps, an amused smirk covering her face.

  “You can’t hide behind him forever. Are you going to introduce us, or what?” she says, bouncing down the steps towards us.

  “I guess we don't have a choice in the matter,” I mumble to Avery.

  “No, I don't think we do, but I promise you this will be continued.” He kisses me on the forehead before turning to face my annoying-ass sister.

  “Annalise.” I gesture with my hands. “Avery. Avery, this is Annalise, my pain-in-the-ass sister.” I huff, not wanting to deal with Annalise in front of Avery, as she gets a wee bit too chatty. Like the time she thought it would be a great idea to tell Sherrie, my ex, how I go commando when I haven't done my washing. It did work out in my favour, though. Easy access is always good, especially with that girl. She knew how to use those fingers of hers. I feel a sharp pain in my chest at the memory – another person lost because of our family name. I'm stupid to think this vampire will survive being my heartlink,

  “Earth to V, hello.” Annalise breaks through my thoughts. Shit, I hadn't released I’d gone into full daydream mode.

  “Ah, sorry guys, I'm not feeling too well. Thank you for an amazing night. I had a lovely time, to be completely honest. I’ll see you at 7.” I reach up to place a kiss on Avery’s cheek. Both Avery and Annalise give me odd looks before nodding.

; “Thank you for a great evening, Veronica. I hope there are more to come. I’ll see you tomorrow evening.” Having said his goodbyes, Avery jumped into his car and took off.

  “We're witches. We don't feel unwell. We don't even get sick. Could you not have thought of something better to say?” Annalise shakes her head before giving me a hug. “I'm sorry. I know it’s hard for you to get close to people.”

  She knows exactly where my head has wandered. Sherrie wasn't the only last person I lost. I had one other partner before that and both of them ended up dead because I couldn't protect them. One thing I can and will do is hunt down every mercenary who hunts us and fry them to a crisp.

  “What if he isn't strong enough? I know they were human, but I should have been able to protect them,” I say, barely above a whisper, before walking inside. Another person to protect. Annalise already refuses to fight half the time, convincing herself it’s easier to help with wards and illusions, knowing I’ll easily finish them off without her shedding blood. I had hoped she learned her lesson when I lost Sherrie, but no, it wasn't enough to convince her that we can’t keep anyone alive who finds us. I can't blame her for having had a heart and hoping for the best from that silly little witch who had tricked Annalise into letting her go, only to later find Sherrie, not us – and Sherrie paid the price. Still, it hurts to think that if I’d just killed her then and there, Sherrie could still be with me instead of letting Annalise let her go. A good heart isn't always the best thing to have when you’re fighting for your life, so Annalise traps them and I kill them. It works, so I'm happy.

  I storm up the stairs, trying to leave my thoughts at the bottom.

  “Hey, wait up. You know you can’t compare them to a heartlink. It makes both of you stronger and you never know – you might get someone as good at killing as you are,” Annalise says, grabbing my shoulder before I open the door.

  I almost snort at the thought of someone being better at killing than I am. I'm ninety-nine percent sure even Annalise is scared of me. I life a brow at her.

  “Okay, maybe almost as good as you are. Remember, cockiness gets you killed, little sister.”

  “So does not fighting,” I say, turning around and walking inside. Fuck, I forgave her a long time ago for that. Avery has me thinking about things I haven't wanted to consider in a long time. “Sorry, I just don't understand why the universe hates me,” I pout, collapsing into the lounge and lifting my feet to lay on it.

  “I get it. You’re falling for him and it terrifies you. Just don't let it stop you from seeing where this can go. You know I can feel if something bad is coming, and Avery is most definitely not something bad,” she says, brushing off my comment, lifting my feet, and placing them back down on her lap as she sits next to me. “So, fill me in on dinner.” She clicks her fingers and two mugs of warm cocoa, each with a marshmallow, appear in her hands. She hands me one. Sometimes being a witch does have its perks.

  I fill her in on the dinner, Tahliana and our meeting with her tomorrow night. “Do you think it’s time we stop hiding? This isn't much of a life, always hiding, looking over our shoulder all the time. Do we hide until they finally get to us?” I ask.

  “I have a feeling that decision has already been made for us. I had a vision while you were gone. It’s starting to make sense now.” She pauses to look up at me. Her eyes are shining with worry, which makes my stomach feel uneasy. “We were heading into a war, and you, Veronica, were leading them,” she finishes, falling silent, letting me take in her words.

  A war. Well, we’ve always been in a war. With me leading, if what she has seen comes true, we won't continue hiding.

  “If you say I was leading them, where were you?”

  “I didn't see myself in the vision; only you and a few other people,” she whispers.

  “Who else did you see?” I don't know who could possibly be with me, considering that Annalise is the only person I have.

  “Avery was standing next to you, and another four people I’d never seen before. Veronica, I think there’s something else going on here. I can feel it coming, and it’s filled with a darkness I can’t see past,” Annalise says, going into a whisper at the end.

  “We both know Mildred isn't playing by the rules. She hasn't for a long time. She has gotten stronger. I've heard the whispers about blood magic being used, and what Avery says seems to confirm it. Do you think she would go that low, poisoning her coven?”

  Blood magic is some fucked-up shit, based on sacrificing a life or multiple lives, ranging from animal to supernatural. It’s a form of ancient magic that hasn't been used for centenaries, twisting a person so that they no longer feel empathy. With every sacrifice they make, they take the life essence of its host, making their power grow. Morris was the last witch known to be using it over a thousand years ago, landing him in prison. A demotion off our world, known as the void. There, time doesn't move. You’re left in an endless black void with no end and no start – just ever going. Still, to this day, we don't know if that story is true. We use it to scare the little ones.

  “I think anything is possible with Mildred, especially when she makes her living on death.” Annalise makes a good point. We shouldn't expect anything less from that vulgar women. Her coven and children all follow in her footsteps, killing and using people to get what they want. Just thinking about it makes my temper rise. The lights flicker, my power rising along with my anger.

  “I should go take a long shower and clear my mind. Then when tomorrow comes, together we’ll take on whatever is coming. We’ll take down anyone who tries to hurt us or anyone we care about. We have the power of a coven between us and we aren't children anymore,” I say. I sit up and look right at Annalise so she can see the fire in my eyes. Whatever this vision means, we have to be ready. I won't be caught off guard like our parents were.

  “This Tahliana, I feel she will answer a lot of our questions. What this vision means, we can only hope. We really need someone else on our side.” I love how my sister can have so much hope. Hearing it in her voice gives me only a little, but it’s enough.

  “You know I love you, right?” I tell her, I don't think I tell her that enough.

  “Of course. I love you, too,” she says, moving my legs to the floor to bring me into a hug,

  “Alright, I'm going to have a shower now. I'll see you in the morning.” I kiss her on the cheek before heading to my room.

  Chapter SIX

  I run my hands across my two scimitars swords, my beautiful babies. I'm able to transfer my electricity to them, making most fights so very easy. Just thinking about using them brings a smile to my face.

  Not that I enjoy killing people. I mean, you get used to it, but that doesn't mean I can’t enjoy playing with my weapons. Annalise always warns me about my cockiness but, I mean, if you hadn't lost against anyone ever, you would be pretty confident in yourself too. That's all it is. I'm confident in my skills. We moved around a lot, using fake names. I had the chance to learn from some of the best fighters in the world, including the head of the assassins’ league.

  I step into the shower after the water warms. I had a good time with Avery. I may not want to go ahead with this heartlink, but I can see where it's heading before I make my decision. The warmth of the water washes over my face. It feels natural, like my own skin. I let myself give in to my power and I watch as my skin turns to liquid. It has always confused me how my jewellery stays there while my clothes fall to the ground. Thank the Goddess for Annalise spelling all my clothes so that they stay on whenever I turn into my water form. I’m still solid in a way I can't explain; kind of like how water can be as hard as cement if you hit it at a high speed.

  “Ah, fuck. What the hell?” I screech, looking down at my left arm, I'm no longer in my water form, which has been replaced by my tanned skin. The only difference now is that where the pain was only moments ago, I see a tattoo. What the hell, I think. A golden rose on the top of my wrist sparkles when I move it. A silver spiked vine a
nd leaves twist on my forearm before coming to sit below my elbow. They look incomplete. Moving around, I see a glow of silver writing. “Tahliana” is written on the top petal, which faces my hand. Seriously, what the actual fuck?

  It does look pretty, though. It matches my other tattoo perfectly; today just keeps getting weirder. I slide my fingers over the tattoo. My fingers freeze, causing my head to snap up. My eyesight blackens before I see a female who looks like a model – long blond hair, full pink lips. She reminds me of the chick out of Gossip Girl – Serena or whatever her name is. As quickly as the image appeared, it disappears and my eyesight returns. It would make sense that it’s Tahliana, it being her name and all, but why the hell is it tattooed on my arm?

  Seriously, today can go fuck itself. First the heartlink and now this. I seriously can't deal with today any longer. Leaning my head against the wall of the shower, I watch the water fall, creating a mean swirl down the drain before disappearing. If only I could disappear so easily. I contemplate telling Annalise about the tattoo and the vision, as she’s typically the only one who has visions. She might have a better idea about what it could mean. Visions usually show themselves when there’s something of importance. At least, that’s the case for most witches.

  Annalise is different. She can touch an object and learn its whole back story. She can do this with people as well, though she chooses to not go down that road. Learning too much about a person can be a haunting experience. She made the mistake of touching the hunters who had been sent after us, and she wouldn’t tell me what she saw. She wasn't the same afterwards, and she always wears a pair of leather gloves wherever she goes. Her gloves are basically her skin now. Since the incident, I haven’t seen her take them off.

  I decide that if tomorrow night doesn't provide the reason why I have this stupid tattoo with Tahliana's name, I’ll bring it up with Annalise. Until then, I don't need her worrying over this.


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