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Audra's Treaty

Page 5

by A. May

  “Stop thinking like that, Annalise,” I say. “You of all people know we can’t think about what could have been. This is where we are, and this has made us who we are. I'm okay with that. I hope one day you will be, too.”

  I move her hands away from her face so that she’s looking at me. Guilt shows in her beautiful emerald eyes, pulling at my heartstrings. I hate how she feels, but I can say only so much. The rest is up to her.

  I turn back to Tahliana. “Why did Avery say you would like a meeting with us when I first met him? If he wasn't meant to interact with us, I mean,” I ask. Not that Avery seems to be one to follow the rules; it wouldn't surprise me if she had no clue.

  “Avery was to observe but not to come into contact with or be seen by you both. He seems to think I need a push sometimes. I’m sorry this meeting is Avery's doing. I thought that if a vampire came to you claiming to protect you, you both would be sure to run.”

  Tahliana glances between the two of us with a smirk crossing her lips. She’s right; we would have.

  “Now, I’ll say, you both have a room here and protection if you would like it. I know it’s been only the two of you for so long, so just have a think about that. I’ll make sure Avery keeps his distance until you’re ready. Veronica, I've told him not to push it, but I’ll tell you to give it a chance.” Tahliana wiggles her eyebrows, which makes me burst into laughter. Annalise and Tahliana join in. For the first time in a long time, I feel comfortable. Weird that it’s with a stranger, but I guess everyone starts out a stranger.

  We sit for a long time, talking about our parents. Tahliana tells stories about when they were young. She tells us how they were the couple everyone wanted to be, always the life of the party. They believed all races should be together as one, not separated and against each other, but working together.

  If only their dream had come to be.

  Chapter NINE

  “If you’ll excuse me, I need to go to the bathroom. Which way would that be?” I ask, standing up and feeling my muscles groan in protest. I don't know how long we’ve been sitting here, but it feels like hours

  “Up the stairs, third door on your right, my dear,” Tahliana answers, pouring herself another drink. Shit, that women can drink, and she doesn't seem tipsy, either. Supernaturals have a high tolerance for alcohol, but not that high. The bottle is empty.

  “Thank you,” I say, walking out the door and into the foyer.

  I reach the top of the staircase and head down the hallway. Portraits of people I don’t know are hanging on the walls. Kinda creepy, if you ask me. Reminds me of a movie I once watched in which someone was behind the wall, watching people through the paintings. Just the thought of it sends a chill down my spine. I shake it off. Door one, two, three…yes, the bathroom.

  “Holy shit.” My mouth falls to the floor as I enter the bathroom. Black marble floor, Black tiles, black sink. A thick silver line of tiles runs across the top of the wall, giving it a bit of colour. Black everything. This was definitely meant to be my bathroom.

  Once I stop gawking, I do my business. I wash my hands and head out of my bathroom. Yes, I did say “my bathroom.”

  “So, you’re one of the sisters that the whole supernatural has been seeking for over a decade. I can see why people would be looking for you, I think my reason would be different from theirs, though.” A male’s voice comes from behind, and I twist on my heel so that I can match the face to the voice. He’s leaned up against the wall, one leg crossed in front of the other.

  “Oh honey, they all want a piece of this, whether they admit it or not,” I scoff with a bit too much snark in my voice. I raise my eyebrow as I look him over. He knows I'm checking him out. He can have a bit of this if he wants some.

  He’s the typical pretty boy. Actually, I shouldn't say “typical” when he would most certainly give most pretty boys a run for their money. Blond hair, blue eyes, his hair styled professionally messy – something I have never understood. Shapely jaw and cheekbones, and adding a bit of bad boy in there with his bottom lip pierced on the side.

  “I'm sure they do. The name’s Ace,” he says. The way he says his name almost makes me bite my lip. How can someone sound so seductive just saying their name? Pushing himself off the wall, he moves to stand inches in front of me. He’s wearing a blue hoodie and a slim pair of black jeans. Avery wasn't lying when he said we would fit in.

  “Veronica, but I'm sure you already knew that,” I answer, feeling a tug in my chest to step forward. I ignore it and take a step back, feeling the pull harden as I do. Huh, maybe Avery is hiding down there.

  “It’s hard not to know the two most infamous witches. Not that anyone here agrees with how you and your sister have been treated,” he says, anger showing in his stormy blue eyes. Ace takes another step forward and I feel the pull lessen. It’s like I'm one end of a rubber band and Avery is the other. The band grows tighter when we’re apart and loosens when we're together. Avery must be getting closer; stupid heartlink.

  “We don't need to be pitied. Everyone has a fucked-up story or past. The only difference between them and us is that ours has been aired for everyone to know,” I say, annoyance lacing my words. This doesn’t seem to bother him; it only brings a smile to his lips. Hmm, I wonder what they feel like. Ah fuck, I may need to get laid

  “Hey, no pity coming from over here,” he says, raising his hands in front of him. “Plus, I think fewer people want to be fried chicken.”

  His comment makes me laugh. You would think they’d learn not to step where it's wet because you won't survive. Most aren't strong enough to move a muscle once the electricity travels over their body. Those who have been strong enough quickly realize how easy it is for me to seize control of their bodies. I should feel guilty about these people who came after us; more than likely, they were simply trying to save themselves and their family from the war. Murdering to save yourself doesn't make you a good person. Not that I don't understand; I would do it if it meant keeping Annalise safe.

  I never said I was a good person, though.

  “Everything is always better fried,” I say, giving him an innocent smile. “Well, maybe not everything.” I bite my lip and my eyes start to roam his body. I swear, if he got any bigger, his muscles wouldn’t fit into that jumper. It’s already a tight fit.

  The pull in my chest starts to tighten, wanting me to move forward. I seriously don't get this stupid heartlink shit. I wish it would go back to where it came from. The thought of not seeing Avery again doesn't sit right. Maybe he’s wormed his way in more than I thought.

  Ace clears his throat. Shit, I was checking him out for too long. I look up into his overly handsome face. He’s looking at me with an expression I can’t quite place.

  “I would say the same about you.” He gives me a cocky smile. Busted. I may have been talking about him then, but he didn't need to point it out.

  “Hmm, so where is Avery hiding?” I ask, changing the subject. I already have one male I don't know what to do with. I don't need another.

  “Last time I saw him, he was running out the front door. He should really grow up. Pranks aren't for grown men,” Ace answers, rolling his eyes.

  Oh, shit. Ace. He’s the one who was after Avery. I want to slap myself for not putting it together soon enough. If Avery isn't here, what the hell is this pull?

  “How the hell did he get so lucky as to be linked to you?” Ace says in a half whisper, closing the distance between us. I can't help but look down at my feet, unsure how to respond to his comment. He moves his hand under my chin to make me look up at him. As soon as his finger brushes my skin, I feel the all-too-familiar jolt of power running through our touch.

  I quickly move away from his touch, “You have to be fucking kidding me!” I grind out through clenched teeth. I cover my face with my hand. Well, that fucking answered the question about what the poll meant.

  “Ha, I knew it,” Ace gloats, looking like a kid on Christmas morning.

  How the
fuck is this possible? I pace back and forth, muttering to myself. “This seriously can't be happening. No, no, no, no.” I pause to look at Ace, shaking my head again. “Seriously, this is a sick fucking joke. I can’t deal with this right now.”

  I look at him. Concern is written all over his face. I put my hands up to stop him from moving towards me. I have to get out of here, and I turn to head back downstairs. I hear Ace yell, “You know where to find me and Avery.” I quicken my pace, I have to get out of here. My powers start to hum under my skin. I have to calm down.

  In my quickened pace, I almost fall down the staircase. Tahliana and Annalise are already waiting for me at the door. By the look on Annalise's amused face, she already knows what has happened. If she doesn't get rid of that grin, I swear I’ll get rid of it for her. This is so not funny.

  “Veronica, take as long as you need,” Tahliana says with nothing but understanding in her voice. Her eyes soften when she looks at me. “Not too much time, though. You'll find that you need them both more than you think.” She hugs me, and I stiffen at her touch. I’m not used to this. Usually people try to kill me, not hug me.

  “Thank you for your kindness,” Annalise says. “I was starting to think it didn't exist in the world we live now. We’ll consider your offer and let you know the outcome of our decision.” I haven't heard that diplomatic tone since Mum and Dad were training her to be on the council. She slides her fingers through my own to pull me out the door.

  “I'll be here when you two girls are ready.” Tahliana gives us a soft smile as she closes the door.

  Walking into the night air, I feel the cool breeze caress my skin. I take in a deep breath, feeling my connection to the hum of power around me.

  Chapter TEN

  As I stumble down the last step, the burning sensation takes over my left arm, traveling up towards my shoulder. Annalise grabs my right arm to steady me.

  “Fuck,” I gasp

  Just like in the shower, as quickly as it came, the pain is gone, replaced by a tingling feeling in my skin.

  “Are you going to tell me what you’re hiding now, or are you going to keep it to yourself a bit longer?” Annalise says in a dry tone, raising one of her eyebrows.

  I pull up my sleeve to show her the gold and silver rose tattoo. My eyes grow wider as I pull up my sleeve more. There isn't only one rose on my arm; now there are three. The first one on the top of my wrist hasn't changed. Tahliana’s name is still written there. The second rose is halfway up, on the inside of my forearm, Avery's name is written on the top petal of the rose. The third rose sits on top of my forearm, below my elbow. Written on that one is Ace. A silver vine connects the three roses.

  What the fuck is happening?

  “Wow, it's beautiful. V, its glowing.” Annalise sounds amazed.

  It's not something to be bloody amazed about. It’s freaking me the fuck out! “Why are their names there?” I ask, barely speaking, hoping she’ll know something.

  “I honestly don't know. I've never seen anything like it. Maybe my books have some information.” Annalise brushes her hand over my arm, inspecting every inch.

  “I’m sorry, girls, I’d hoped you had more time,” Tahliana says, coming up behind us. I swear she keeps popping up out of nowhere. “By the looks of it, that time is up. There’s more we need to discuss.” She places her hand on my arm, giving it a soft squeeze. She smiles sympathetically.

  Ace and Avery start walking towards us from the house. Great, now I have to deal with them.

  “Why the fuck are your three names tattooed on my frickin’ arm?” I snap. I've had enough of this weird shit. I look at the three of them, who have nothing but concern and sympathy on their faces. I'm sick of seeing that look. Two heartlinks, a vampire who was meant to protect us all these years and now this stupid tattoo that connects me to the three of them.

  As my temper rises, lightning lights up the night sky from a distance. I hear it calling my powers. I didn't ask for these stupid heartlinks. I didn't ask for our coven to be slaughtered. I didn't ask for any of this. Every bad memory flows through my mind. Our parents, Sherrie, Adam, being on the run. Every person who begged for their life. The hum of power in my body takes over and I let it, welcoming it. I close my eyes. Anything is better than feeling this.

  The rain starts to fall. I lift my head, feeling my body turn to water. Lightning crashes down. I don't have to open my eyes to know it’s surrounding me.

  “Get back!” I hear Annalise shout. I can't stop; the pain is too much. “She's having a breakdown.” Her voice is taken by the storm.

  Breakdown? No, that isn't it. I’m tired of fighting, hiding, losing. Not understanding this fucked-up world in which we live. I haven't grieved for our parents, for our coven, for Sherrie, for Adam, no one. You don't have time to grieve when you're on the run.

  The wind whips around me. I’m able to hear only the sounds of the storm. I open my eyes. It’s magnificent. I'm in the centre of a water funnel. I lift my arm into the water, which separates where I go through it. I try to take in my surroundings, barely visible past the funnel.

  Tahliana and Annalise are trying to break through, but they’re flung back each time they try. My powers are growing and so is the funnel. I'm losing control. I try calling my powers. I can't stop it.

  Panic starts to fill me. I feel a pull to my left and look over to find Avery and Ace, side by side, staring at me with amazement. What the fuck is wrong with them? I watch as they take a step towards me, instantly becoming soaked. Their shirts show off their eight packs. I shake my head, lifting my hands to try and stop them. They shake their heads and continue towards. The storm doesn’t fling them back.

  Ace comes up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. I sink into his arms. Avery comes up in front of me and lifts his hands to cup my face. I look into his beautiful emerald eyes. I melt into their touch until my body returns to its solid form, I've never felt so at home before. Avery and Ace are mine. Wait no, not mine. Maybe a little. Fuck, I’ll deal with that later.

  “Now, now, my little storm, you need to calm down,” Avery says before crashing his lips into mine.

  “This is new to us too, but we’ll get through it together,” Ace whispers into my ear. He lightly kisses down my neck. My moans only spur Avery on. I've never had so much passion in a kiss before. I can feel the love he has for me pulsing through our pull.

  Avery draws away and when he does, a whimper leaves my lips. “Do you think we can calm the storm now?” he asks, looking down at me.

  I nod before I call on my power, pulling it into me. The hum grows stronger, and I pull harder. I have to close my eyes to focus.

  “There we go,” Ace says, tucking his head into my shoulder, never once letting go. For someone who has only just found out I'm his heartlink, he’s crazy to have walked through that storm.

  I move away from Ace to look at them both. “You’re both crazy. Why would you risk yourselves like that?” I scold them, trying to be serious, but the smile breaking through my lips gives me away.

  They both look at each other, goofy grins on their faces Avery speaks first. “You may not have accepted it, and I'm speaking for myself here, but I accepted it the moment I saw you.”

  “The moment I saw you walk out of that bathroom, it sounds a bit creepy, but I accepted it at that moment,” Ace says, nodding his head.

  “Are you done with your breakdown?” Annalise asks, walking over with Tahliana.

  “Yep, never felt better,” I answer, like I didn't just cause a storm in the front yard.

  “I think we should head inside. There are a few things I left out. I'm sorry, I thought I would have a bit more time. You’re both welcome to stay the night here. I think it would be best if you did,” Tahliana suggests, looking at Annalise, who nods in agreement.

  We need to know the whole story. Looks like we’re staying in a castle for the night.

  “Veronica can have my room,” Avery pipes up, giving me a wink.

  Tahliana rolls her eyes and shakes her head. “They’ll have the guest room. I only just got them safe. I don't need you scaring them off,” she states, motioning for us to follow her inside.

  I won't lie; staying in Avery’s room doesn't sound bad at all.

  “I think the three of us should get cleaned up before we settle in,” Ace suggests. We’re all soaking wet. Not that I mind the two guys having wet shirts; it would be better if they weren’t wearing shirts at all. My cheeks warm at the thought.

  “Avery, you know where the spare clothes are kept. Can you get Veronica some?” Tahliana asks, Avery nods. He laces his fingers through mine and pulls me along. Ace follows.

  We ascend the stairs and head into the hallway, passing too many doors to count. “Ace, I'm going to grab little storm some clothes,” Avery says. He kisses me on the cheek before disappearing around the corner, leaving me alone with Ace.

  “So…” I say, breaking the silence.

  Ace sighs and comes over to me, then leans against the wall. “Veronica, I want you to know I'm not going to push this. I know you've had so much loss in your life. I just want you to know I’ll be here. I’ll fight for and protect you, though I don't think that will be necessary given what I've heard about your skills.”

  I look down at his hands. Wow, he’s nervous. Seeing him nervous makes my heart melt. I don't care that I only just met him. My feelings are already strong. The moment I saw him and Avery walk through the water funnel for me, they became mine, but I think that was already decided.


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