Audra's Treaty

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Audra's Treaty Page 6

by A. May

  I decide to take control of the situation and close the distance between us. Standing on tiptoes, I slide my hand around his neck and make him look deep into my eyes. I whisper, “You may never win in a fight against me, but you're already winning part of my heart.” My hand slips into his hair, pulling his face down to mine. Our lips meet and everything else is forgotten. Our kiss isn't passionate; it’s full of need and wants. It’s like a drug; we want more.

  “Are you two having fun?” Avery asks, amusement lacing his voice.

  I move away from Ace, my cheeks burning. Fuck, what just happened?

  “We were until we were so rudely interrupted.” Ace moves beside me and places his arm around my waist. What is it with these two, always having to touch me? Not that I'm complaining, I should consider that I met Ace only tonight and Avery two days ago.

  Avery shakes his head at Ace and walks towards me. “Little storm, I have some fresh clothes for you, I also got you a pair of black tights and a black top for work in the morning. I wasn't sure if you'll have time to stop at home beforehand.” He talks quickly. “I just thought that with everything going on, it’s one less thing you have to worry about.”

  I can't help but smile. I'm not used to having someone think about me this way.

  “Thank you. Um, which way was the bathroom again? This place is a bloody maze.” I look back the way we came. One of these doors has to be another bathroom.

  “My room is just here, if you wanted to change. I'll wait outside the door,” Avery answers, pointing to the door that, just moments ago, Ace and I had been pushed up against. Just the thought of his lips on mine reddens my cheeks.

  “I'll be a minute,” I tell them, quickly opening the door and closing it. I lean against the door. What the hell have I gotten myself into? I should be focusing on what Tahliana has to say and what the hell happened to me outside. But no, I'm thinking about Ace and Avery and how their lips and bodies felt against mine. “Get a grip Veronica,” I groan,

  I take in Avery's room. A king-sized bed, all black bed settings, and silver curtains covering a window to my left. On my right is a massive TV almost the size of the wall. Multiple game consoles are connected to it. A door is next to the TV. I poke my head through. Yes, it's a bathroom and a massive one at that.

  I quickly undress, which almost results in my going face first into the sink. Avery has gotten me a pair of black tights and a blue long-sleeved top. I pick up the pile of clothes, Socks and underwear fall to the ground. Ah, he thought of everything.

  I quickly get dressed. Now that I’m wearing dry clothes, I realize I didn’t know how cold I was. I look at myself in the mirror. My long brown hair is starting to frizz as it dries. I tie it in a loose braid that sits to the side. I fix up a bit of smudged mascara before heading out and preparing myself for more surprises. I don't think I can handle any more. Two heartlinks and a coven meant to protect us all these years – yep, I'm done with surprises for the month.

  Chapter ELEVEN

  I walk out into the hallway, where both Avery and Ace are waiting for me. Ace has changed his clothes. His hair is pushed to the side, and he’s wearing a black V-neck T-shirt and a pair of fitted black jeans. Clothing like that should be illegal for someone like him. His V-neck is showing off the top of his muscled chest.

  “I’ll meet you guys downstairs,” Avery says, heading into his room.

  We walk into the living room, where Tahliana and Annalise are both sitting next to the fire. I take a seat on the floor between them, the warmth of the fire on my back. I cross my legs. Ace is standing in front of me, a confused look on his face.

  “What? Do I have something on my face?” I ask.

  His confused look changes into a massive grin. “Why are you sitting on the floor when there are two perfectly fine chairs next to you?” He lifts an eyebrow in question.

  “Um, it's more comfortable?” I say, unsure of my answer. The real reason is that whenever I feel anxious, being close to the ground calms me. Weird, I know, but they don't need to know that.

  Avery strolls in and flops into the chair next to Annalise. He gives me a confused look, wondering why I'm sitting on the floor.

  “Ah, I see,” Ace answers like it’s completely normal for a grown woman to be sitting on the floor. He comes straight over and sits next to me.

  I give him a questioning look.

  Before I can ask, he says, “I wanted to see if it was more comfortable.” He tries to cross his legs, but it looks more painful than comfortable. He gives up with a huff, then leans against the edge of Tahliana’s chair, his legs crossed in front of him. I can't help but laugh at his failed attempt.

  Tahliana gets up and pours us each a drink. “I guess I should start from the very beginning. I just hope you’ll understand why I didn't tell you straight away.”

  I glance at Annalise. We both nod for Tahliana to continue. I take a big sip of scotch, as I feel like I might need it for what I'm about to hear.

  “Let me tell you girls a story. There once was a young witch. It was only her and her sister. They were closer than anything. Nothing could tear them apart…or so she thought.

  “The young witch met a vampire and fell madly in love. Her sister couldn't understand how she could love a vampire because, you see, races were allowed to mate only with themselves. The two sisters started arguing about the vampire. The younger sister left, not being able to handle the disappointment in her sister's eyes.”

  Tahliana pauses. She stands up and walks to the window, which she looks out, her back facing us. “That night, she went to the clan’s home. The wolves attacked the clan that night. The witch had been caught in the crossfire. Rage took over her lover at seeing her dying, unable to heal herself because of a poison coursing through her veins. So, he did the only thing he could think of and turned her.” Tahliana’s voice grows nervous as she continues. “You see, the witch was your great-aunt and her sister was your great-grandmother. Your grandmother was an amazing, strong woman, but she was a stickler for the rules. She couldn't understand why her sister would turn instead of healing herself. She tried to explain about the poison, but she didn't want to believe it was possible to stop a witch’s powers. Your grandmother banished her sister for disgracing our Goddess by giving up her powers to become a vampire.” Tahliana turns to face us. Tears are falling down her face.

  No. She can’t be.

  “Like she had a choice in the matter,” Tahliana scoffs. “Eventually your grandmother found out the truth about the poison, but it was too late to fix a burnt bridge.”

  Unable to hold it in any longer, I blurt out, “You’re our great-aunt, aren’t you?”

  Ace stretches over, sliding his fingers between my own, squeezing my hand gently. I’m grateful for his comfort.

  Tahliana nods as more tears fall down her face. “I’m so sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I didn't save you from a life without family. I’m so sorry. I only hope it's not too late for me to make it up to you both.”

  Her confession pulls on my heartstrings. She had no one, not even her sister. Looking up at Annalise, I know the same thought is going through her mind. At least we have each other.

  Avery catches my eye and gives me his handsome smile, I don't think it’s ever too late to make a better life. I hope so anyway, because it’s been only a day and they already feel like home.

  “So, that means we have a family? It isn't just Veronica and me?” Annalise asks, a smile pulling at her lips.

  Tahliana stands there, almost frozen, her mouth half-open.

  “Sis, I think we broke her,” I say, getting up and walking over to Tahliana. “How could you protect us when you couldn't find us? Did you ever stop looking for us?” I ask, breaking whatever trance she was in.

  “Never. Not a single day went by without my trying to find the two of you,” Tahliana answers.

  She never stopped looking. Maybe the Goddess is playing a sick joke. She’s actually giving us a break.

  “Then what
are you saying sorry for? You didn't give up on us and you’re here now. That's all that matters,” Annalise says, coming to stand next to me.

  Tahliana looks between the both of us. A new hope shines in her eyes before she gives us a bone-crushing hug.

  “Can’t…breathe,” I try to get out.

  “Oh, I'm sorry. I was just so worried about how you’d take it. I’m so relieved you're not mad,” Tahliana says, sounding like a weight has lifted off her shoulders.

  “You should have come to us sooner. Veronica wouldn't have trusted you straightaway, but we’re witches and can tell when someone wishes to harm us.”

  Annalise is right. I wouldn't have trusted Tahliana. I wouldn't say I trust anyone, even now that I know who she is and knowing that the two guys behind me are my heartlinks. I have a long way to go before I trust them with my heart.

  “This is lovely and all, but can we talk about what happened outside? Not that it wasn't awesome, but our little storm here created a bit more than a little storm,” Avery pipes up from the lounge chair.

  “Yes, actually, I think we need to discuss what happened and why the hell I have your three names tattooed on my frickin’ arm,” I say, turning to see my guys’ expressions. My guys? I'm not thinking about that now.

  “What? Our names are tattooed on your arm?” Tahliana sounds shocked. She pulls up my sleeve and takes my arm gently in her hand, turning it around to see the whole tattoo. “This hasn't happened in over a thousand years. This just proves you’re meant to be here, with us,” she states.

  What the actual fuck is going on? What does she mean it hasn't happened in over a thousand years? Why the hell is it happening in the first place?

  Avery and Ace are quickly at my side, inspecting the tattoo as well. “Well, it looks like you’re stuck with us. I like you having my name on you. It proves that you’re mine,” Ace says. A slow smile spreads across his face.

  “Hey, I’m no one's property!” I smack him in the arm and narrow my eyes at him. It only makes him laugh, infuriating me more.

  “Aw, come here. I’ll get your named tattooed on me to make it fair,” Ace jokes. Well, I hope he’s joking. Not that I don't mind the thought of it.

  “Okay, okay, guys. Let’s get back to the point,” Annalise says, getting everyone's attention. We head back to where we were all sitting, though Avery now sits on the floor, on my other side. Both of my heartlinks thread their fingers through mine. Maybe I'm getting used to this a bit too quickly, but I have more important things to worry about right now.

  “I don't know much about the tattoo, but we’ll start with that. Over a thousand years ago, there lived a witch, Mogan. He was one of the first to use blood magic. To this day, no one knows how this magic came about. He grew stronger and stronger, sacrificing witches, wolves, vampires and humans. He started killing whole covens, stealing their magic and using it for his own will.

  “A witch had been blessed by the Goddess with a map, but it wasn't just any map. It was a tattoo. The tattoo led her to people and objects that would help defeat the witch who was using blood magic. The witch was said to have five heartlinks who helped her defeat Mogan, creating a realm where he would be trapped forever.”

  Tahliana glances at the four of us. We waited for her to continue.

  “I believe the Goddess has blessed you with the tattoo as a guide to help you. It has already proven that you are meant to be here with Ace, Avery and me. I’m unsure about what is to come, but I’m sure it will reveal itself in time.”

  The room grows quiet. Okay, maybe the Goddess is back at playing some joke on me.

  “Why me, though? I’m sure plenty of other people are better equipped to deal with something like this,” I huff. I don't like it one bit. All I want is to own my own little coffee shop, read and practice with my swords. That's it. That's all I ask, but apparently that's too much.

  “Your sister has her part to play. It's not all on you. You also have your two heartlinks, me and my clan. Also, I’m sorry my dears, but you are probably the strongest out of all the races. They just don't know that, and that's a good thing,” Tahliana answers.

  “Which is the next thing we need to talk about,” Annalise says. “I haven't left my sister's side and I’ve never seen her with power like that. You said we have our coven’s blanket inside us. I know I don't have power like that, and she didn't have power like that until after the tattoo.” The unease grows in Annalise’s voice.

  “That's because neither of you has accessed that part of your powers. The only explanation I have for Veronica is that maybe the heartlink with the map made her panic enough for her to access her powers,” Tahliana suggests.

  This make sense. Even when I've had close calls with hunters I haven't panicked like that.

  “I’m not sure if it’s true, but it’s said that with each heartlink the witch gained, her powers grew stronger. It would make sense that after Veronica’s contact with Ace, she more easily accessed that part of her powers.” Tahliana looks down at Ace, who gives her a sheepish smile. Grown men. Tahliana can still make them seem like children. I hold back a chuckle.

  “I didn’t panic, I just…” I start. The four of them look at me, grins growing on their faces. “I just didn't panic, okay?” I mutter.

  “Sure you didn't, sis.” Annalise laughs.

  “We have a lot more to discuss, but I think that's all the important points covered. We should all get a good night’s rest and continue this tomorrow. We’ll also start working on accessing your powers so we don't have either of you having another episode,” Tahliana says.

  Avery tightens his hold on my hand before I throw something at her. I’ll give her an episode.

  “Hey, I’m family. I can say whatever I like,” Tahliana pouts.

  “I've gone days without talking to Annalise. I can do it with you, too. Aren’t you supposed to be trying to get into our good books?” I poke out my tongue at Tahliana, like a child.

  “Bed sounds amazing. What way is the guest room?” Annalise asks, stretching up and out of the chair.

  “You’re welcome to stay in my room. We don't have to tell Avery,” Ace whispers in my ear. His warm breath tickles my neck.

  I almost say yes before Avery jumps in. “I can hear you, you know? Dumbass.” Avery says, rolling his eyes.

  “Don't get snappy with me just because you didn't ask her first,” Ace replies.

  Before the situation can get any further, Annalise holds out her hand to help me up. “Sorry boys, but she’s mine tonight,” she says, pulling me up.

  I bend down quickly, pecking them both on the cheek. “I’ll see you both in the morning. Someone will need to take me to work since Avery picked us up,” I say. I shouldn't be thinking about going to work, but it's too late to get anyone else to open the shop and the normality keeps me sane.

  “Either one of us can. Don't stress, we’ll get you to work. Now, go get some sleep before I pick you up and take you to my room,” Avery answers with a cheeky grin.

  I better get out of here because I know he isn’t joking. “Goodnight,” I call out, walking to the door.

  Tahliana shows us to the guest room. I explain that we need only the one bed. We can crash together. I don't trust myself to not sneak into one of the guy's rooms if I'm alone.

  Annalise and I strip down to our underwear and jump straight into bed. I whisper, “I love you, sis. Goodnight.” I'm not sure if she says anything back before sleep takes over.

  Chapter TWELVE


  I stand in the shadow of the alley’s brick wall. It’s full of rotten food, and my nose burns from the wretched smell.

  I can't seem to move a muscle to capture the woman my mother has been after for so many years. When I first showed up, this was the last thing I’d expected.

  That moment, Veronica Audra steps out of the little coffee shop. Her long brown hair is tied in a messy bun to the side, showing off her beautiful face. Her full red lips stretch into a smile as she be
nds down to pat and give food to the two dogs that have been waiting there since I arrived.

  I feel the instant pull towards her. She's my heartlink. Out of all fucking people, it’s one of the Audra sisters. The universe is laughing at me right now. I curse under my breath. I could never fall in love with an Audra. I would be wiped from my coven, or even worse. I wouldn't put it past my mother to kill me for being a disappointment. However, as I stand here, watching her eyes roam the street, stopping at the alleyway where I stand, my heart skips a beat. The urge to walk over to her is almost unbearable. Instead of moving forward, I take a step back, never removing my eyes from her. I watch as she takes a step onto the road towards the alleyway.

  “Veronica, you wouldn't be walking towards a dark alleyway, would you?” a male’s voice calls out.

  She turns back and walks away. Disappointment courses through me, and I’m surprised by the reaction.

  I wish I could gloat. I knew Tahliana and her clan were hiding them. Too many missing hunters and wild chases they would go on after coming here.

  Now, as I stand here watching her walk away into the arms of another, jealousy shows itself. I wish I hadn’t found her. Once again, my emotions surprise me.

  Mother will know if I’m lying. I didn't expect her to be my heartlink. I wouldn't have thought I deserved one after what I've done for my family, for my coven. Only minutes have passed since I first laid my eyes on Veronica, and already I feel like betraying my family to protect her.

  Cursing to myself, I turn and walk down the dark, putrid alleyway, away from my target, away from my heartlink.

  To think this was going to be easy. Hunt and kill all the others. I’ve never missed a target. I’ve heard of partners killing their heartlinks only to be driven mad, never to experience sanity again.

  My mother, Mildred, is the only reason why they murder their other half. If she finds a man she wants, she has a way of overpowering the bond linking the two, causing the man to murder the other and join her harem. Most of these men end up going mad. They know their souls aren’t meant for my mother and they mourn the loss of their other half.


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