Audra's Treaty

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Audra's Treaty Page 7

by A. May

  Mother doesn't give a rat’s ass. As long as they feed her needs, she doesn't care. Either way, they end up dead. Either mother grows bored and kills them, or they kill themselves.

  Love is a weakness. I've known that my entire life. That’s why my father couldn't fight off my mother…because he loved her. Love got him killed. He would still be here if he had just listened to Mother and hadn’t sided with the Audra coven.

  Now my stupid soul has linked with the Audra. What the fuck am I meant to do? I round the corner and come out on the street where my hotel is. Getting to my room, I flick on the lights and enter.

  “Well hello there, brother. I see you're not in a killing mood tonight.” Perched in the corner chair is my sister, a spitting image of our mother. She is a couple inches shorter than Mother, though freckles cover both their faces. My sister’s curly hair sits just above her shoulders. She’s wearing her hunting gear – combat boots, black military-style pants (a bit too tight, if you ask me) and a tight black shirt. She’s finished it off with a black leather jacket.

  “No, I plan to get them both. Not just one,” I snap, hoping that will keep her off my back. How the fuck did she find me? I cloaked myself so no one would be able to detect or search for me.

  “I see,” she says, clicking her tongue, then standing up and walking towards me. “Good thing I'm here, then. You take the older one and I’ll take the younger one.” She places a kiss on my cheek. My skin crawls at her touch. “Sister and brother, hunting together. This will be fun.” She disappears out the door before I can stop her.

  “Fuck,” I shout in anger, flipping the flimsy dining table. Pieces of wood fly through the air. Maybe it's better this way. Maybe I won't go mad because I won’t be the one to kill her. Pain shatters my chest at the thought of my sister killing her. I have no choice. I just hope the Goddess will be able to forgive me.

  Chapter THIRTEEN

  I swear I saw someone in the alleyway.

  “Veronica, you wouldn't be walking towards a dark alleyway, would you?” Avery's voice calls out from behind me.

  I shrug before turning around. It was probably nothing. “I just had an odd feeling, that's all. Let's get going, shall we?” I say, looking him over. He's wearing light blue jeans that hug his legs perfectly. A white V-neck T-shirt clings to his body, showing off his broad chest. I swear he gets better looking every time I see him, which I didn't think was possible.

  “Bye, Billy. Bye, Joel,” I call over my shoulder.

  “Did you name them Billy and Joel?” Avery asks with amusement in his voice.

  “Yes, why do you ask?” I purse my lips and raise an eyebrow.

  “That's the name of a singer, isn't it?” He looks at me, confused.

  I'm not sure what he’s getting at. So what if I named them after a singer? “Yes, is that a problem?” I ask in a serious tone, just a hint of a smirk on my lips.

  “Oh, nothing, nothing at all.” Avery pauses, thinking about his next words carefully. “It's very you.”

  I scoff at his comment. “You barely know me.” It comes out harsher then I’d meant. I pull my jacket tighter as the wind picks up. Avery notices. Not being thrown off by my harshness, he pulls me into his side, his arm over my shoulder.

  “Oh, but I do. You're always on the defence, never showing your emotions or accepting them. Just like how you won't accept that you're already head over heels for me.” I groan at his comment. Ignoring me, he kisses my forehead.

  I poke him in the side. Maybe I have accepted my feelings for him, but he doesn't need to know that.

  “I know you want a choice in this, considering you haven't been able to control most things in your life. So, I’m letting you choose when you admit to falling for me.” Avery winks.

  How can someone know what I'm thinking before I’ve even thought it? Maybe it has something to do with the heartlink.

  “I do know, though, that you love animals. You’re more likely to give them the last of your food then to eat it yourself. You love coffee and games a bit too much, but we have that in common. Oh, and your swords are like your babies,” he finishes with a massive grin on his face.

  I shake my head at him, “You listen too much to be a male. Are you sure you're not keeping a secret under those pants?” I regret my choice of words the moment they come out.

  “Oh, I do have a very big secret hiding down there, but it’s most definitely not what you’re thinking.”

  My cheeks flush at the thought. It’s not like I haven't noticed the massive bulge clearly visible through his jeans. “I think we should walk in silence now,” I say, laughing at him.

  Soon we’re at my apartment.

  “Home sweet home. Annalise must have gone out to meet Gary to get some supplies,” I say, kicking off my shoes as I walk inside.

  “Interesting. So, it's just me and you here?” Avery asks.

  I turn to face him. The moment my eyes connect with his, I know what he's thinking. The thought causes the heat to grow between my legs.

  “Yes, that we are,” I say slowly, taking a step towards him before I realize that I've done it.

  “Hmm. And when will your sister be getting home?” he asks, taking a step towards me.

  “She normally doesn't get home until pretty late.” I close the distance between us.

  “That means I can do this, right?” Before I have a chance to respond, his lips are on mine, taking my breath away.

  A slight whimper escapes my lips when he pulls away, looking into my eyes. His want and need show in them, waiting for my answer. My hand slides up his chest and around his neck. I pull him forward, taking back control of the kiss. One of his hands finds its way into my hair, while the other slides under my shirt to the bottom of my back. I pull my whole body against his, and my hand finds its way up his shirt. I feel the god-like abs, and I moan into his mouth.

  This must have spurred him on further, as one minute we're standing in the middle of the room, and the next he’s laid me down on the lounge. We break apart so that I can pull off his shirt. My mouth waters at the sight of his body. It's like he's been sculpted out of stone. I pull off my shirt, revealing my red lace bra. Thank the Goddess I wore this instead of my typical sports bra.

  “You're the most beautiful women I've ever seen,” Avery says.

  I want to hide, but he doesn’t give me a chance. Our lips are once again together, neither of us winning the battle for control.

  I feel his hardness between my legs. I want him all the more. I want all of him.

  My hands roam over his body, then arrive at the zipper of his jeans. He breaks the kiss and looks deep into my eyes, searching my face to see if this is what I want. Unable to speak, I nod, smiling at him. He knows exactly what I want. Hello, vampire speed. Within seconds, our clothes are gone. This is where I’m meant to be, here with Avery. If only Ace was here, too.

  Avery places kisses from my jaw all the way down to under my belly button. My body is screaming for more. I can’t take it; I need him to be in me.

  Looking up at me with the most wicked smile I've ever seen on him, Avery moves up and lays on top of me, pressing his erection against my entrance. I push myself against him, telling him I want it now. He plunges into me. He moves faster and faster. It's not long before I’m screaming in pleasure.

  I have no idea how long we’re at it, moving through the apartment and ending up in my bedroom. We are both tangled in each other’s limbs, trying to catch our breath.

  “Well, that was fun,” I finally get out, wanting to facepalm myself immediately afterwards. Who says “that was fun?”

  Avery laughs at my comment. “Yes, it was very fun.” Moving out of the tangle of limbs, he pulls me back against him, kissing my neck. “My little storm,” he mumbles.

  “My Avery,” I say, not thinking. Fuck, yep. There goes my denial. Before he can say anything, I blurt out, “Don’t say a damn word about that. Don't wreck what we have going at the moment.” Still, I smile.

��I'm not saying a word, my little storm,” he answers kissing the edge of my ear.

  Eventually, we move and get dressed. Avery gets a phone call. He’s needed back at home. By the end of the week, it’ll be my and Annalise’s home, too. The decision was made that it will be better for us to live there so that we can learn how to access our powers and get to know our great-aunt.

  I walk Avery downstairs to say goodbye. There’s no awkwardness between us. I'm his and he’s mine.

  “I'll see you tomorrow, okay?” Avery says before giving me a quick kiss.

  “Most definitely,” I say, waving as he gets in his car. I watch him drive away.

  Chapter FOURTEEN

  After Avery leaves, I decide to go for a run. I have too much built-up energy, which is weird considering that I used every bit of it with Avery.

  Running in the night air feels freeing, as there’s no one on the streets to run around. I wouldn't suggest running around New Orleans at midnight, though, as you get all types of wackos this time of the evening. I would feel extremely sorry for anyone who tried to pick a fight or do whatever else they have planned for me. It would most certainly be the last thing they do.

  Slowing my pace, I take in the night air. It’s completely silent, not a single cricket chirping or frog croaking. I turn to take in my surroundings.

  “Well, well, what do we have here? A little witch who isn't supposed to be,” a female's voice sings, almost from behind me. I spin on my heel, my hair whipping my face. The street is empty, not a single person in sight.

  “You’ll have to be faster than that, little witch.” The mockery in her voice makes my temper rise.

  “I'm not the one hiding. If you want a fight, come get it,” I shout. Answering the hum of my powers, the surrounding lights go out one by one, charging my powers. The street darkens by the second. I just want one fucking peaceful moment. Is that too much to fucking ask?

  “As you wish, but there will be none of that.”

  I feel her hot breath on my neck before what feels like a needle pierces my skin. I call my powers, to throw her away, but they don't come. The lights flicker back on, and I feel the electricity leave my body. I grab my neck, from which a needle sticks out. I try to look at it before I'm thrown back into a shop’s brick wall. I grunt out in pain. I won’t scream, no matter what. They’ll never hear me scream or beg. Panic fills me. I don't have my powers or my swords.

  Picking myself off the ground, I feel pain radiate through the back of my head. I touch it and feel something wet and sticky covering my hair. I inspect my hand, which is covered in blood. Dizziness hits me. This isn’t good, and I still haven't seen the fucker who’s attacking me. I try to look for something, anything, that will give me a chance, but I find nothing.

  This is what happens when you don't keep up your guard when you're on the run – you get caught.

  “You take my powers and you’re still too scared to show your face,” I scoff. Even if these are my last moments, I won’t give this person the pleasure of my fear.

  My feet are kicked out from underneath my body, and I slam into the solid cement. Before I can move, my attacker presses one boot onto my throat and another on my right arm. My left arm, which landed behind my back, is dislocated. Pain assaults my body, I can't believe this is how I'm fucking going to die. Just please let Annalise get away.

  “What? Cat got your tongue?” she snarls.

  I’m finally able to see the face of my attacker. My body goes cold as I take in the curly red hair that's so similar to Mildred’s. The woman’s face is younger, though. Freckles cover the nose and cheeks of her small face. Her lips curl into a toothy grin.

  “The great Audra sisters. Well, one of you. I don't know why everyone makes such a big fuss over you. A child could take you down.” She laughs, and my temper rises. I’d like to hear her say that without having taken away my powers.

  I start to reply with a snarky comment, but she presses harder on my throat, giving me barely enough room to breathe.

  Bending down, she grabs my face and squeezes it. “Aw, do you want to speak?”

  If looks could kill, she would have been dead a thousand times over by now.

  “I don't think so. I need this to be quick and easy. I need to get back to that brother of mine and make sure he finished off your sister.” I can only hope Annalise hasn't gotten home yet and that this bitch finishes me off quickly so Annalise will know to run.

  The woman pulls out a silver dagger. “Maybe we can have a little fun first,” she says before slicing straight into my ribs, next to my heart. I groan in pain. My pulse slows by the second.

  “Now, now, dear sister. You know I don't like to share. I found them. I get to kill them. You don’t.” A male’s voice comes from somewhere behind my head, which is getting lighter. Black blotches block my sight.

  “Mother said to share,” the woman pouts. Seriously, she did not just pout. At least I can still roll my eyes. I’m dying and I can’t do a damn thing about it. I thought that, if anything, I’d go out like a badass fighting, but no, I go out unable to lift a finger.

  A growling noise starts behind me. It grows louder and more vicious with each bark. Wolves…no, it wouldn't be wolves. They wouldn't dare go up against the Rhys coven.

  “No. It can’t be!” I can hear the shock in the woman’s voice. She almost sounds scared. If only I could see her face. Whatever it is, it's too late. My eyes are closing and I can’t open them, not even a sliver.

  “Duard, familiars haven't been seen in centuries. How the fuck are there two?” she growls at her male companion.

  The growling increases in intensity, getting louder. What feels like fur brushes against my arm. Familiar? What the hell is that? And why does it feel like it’s standing over me?

  “Well, my sister, I suggest you run and take one. I’ll take the other. You know, sharing and all.” Whoever this guy is, I can tell he has a massive grin on his face. He sounds so calm, almost happy.

  “Always taking away my fun. They can’t be that hard to kill,” she says before I hear her running away. One of the familiars stayed. Silly thing. Get out of here while you can. Only one of us needs to die tonight.

  “Down, boy. It’s okay. I swear I'm not going to hurt her. You should be able to sense my intentions,” Duard says. Does he seriously think it will be that stupid? Of course he’s going to hurt me. However, the growling doesn't get louder; it starts to lessen

  No, you silly thing. I can't even groan my frustration.

  “Good boy. She’s dying. I need you to move so I can try to heal her.” I hear movement around me. “Why couldn't you just stay hidden and not let me find you?” I hear the remorse in his voice, which confuses me. Only moments ago, it sounded like he was going to kill me with his sister. I can’t think. My mind grows foggier as I feel my life slip away.

  “Hold on, please” is the last thing I hear before I slip into darkness. I welcome it.

  All I can feel is pain pulsing through my ribs and my head, filling the rest of my body. What’s going on? Oh, right, I got smashed up against a wall and stabbed in the ribs. Shouldn't being dead not be painful?

  “I'm sorry, this is the best chance I can give you. I'm sorry I couldn't heal you. Please forgive me,” the male says. I think I've heard that voice before. What is he talking about?

  I try to open my eyes just the slightest, but they don't obey, not even a little twitch.

  “I hope they find you in time. Please stay strong,” he says.

  I try to move something, anything, so that they won't leave me. ‘I don't want to die alone’ is the last thought that crosses my mind before the darkness once again claims me.

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  Thank you and happy reading!


on for your next read…….

  Of Death And Darkness by Brandy Slaven

  Mel spends the first twenty-four years of her life as a loner. All she is trying to do is find her place to exist in the world. In walks a coven of sexy vampires, who teach her there is more to life than what she could ever expect. There's just one small problem...she will have to fight to keep it.

  To get your copy click the link here.

  About A. May

  A little about me, I’m never good at talking about myself. I live in a small town in N.S.W Australia with my cat George and my partner. One odd thing about me I have only just started reading in the past 6 years. I could never finish a book when I was younger, but I always loved writing stories since I was a little girl. Folding the A4 sized paper down so it would look like a book. Now I have finally accomplished that littles girls dream. Thank you so much for reading my work, I hope you continue to read my books.


  I would just like to thank all of the amazing people that stood by me in my first author journey.

  A special thanks goes to Brandy Slaven, I wouldn’t of been able to do this with out you girl!

  And of course Madelyn and Karmen. you two have stood by me. cheered me on and snapped me out of my self-doubt.

  This one is for you three lovely ladies.




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