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Ballers 2: His Final Play

Page 14

by Blue Saffire

  I smirk and start my tour with Dr. Hashem. Nico has been true to his word. He takes care of things and he takes care of me. Even when I don’t know it.


  New Friends


  Two months later…

  “I for one am so happy to see Nico smiling again,” Shannon says with a glow on her pretty face. She looks amazing as she holds her adorable little boy in her arms.

  “I know right,” Pam nods. “I was so worried about him. Girl, I don’t know what you are putting on him, but don’t stop. Nico is so much fun when he is happy.”

  I throw my head back and laugh. My girls that I gew up with are my rock, but I have come to love these women as well. The wives of Nico’s brother and friends are all women to be reckoned with. Since the reveal of the clinic, two months ago, I have been meeting up with them for their weekly get-togethers.

  The first time, I felt Valentina watching me around all of the children. It was like she was waiting for me to freak out or something. I appreciate her wanting to protect my feelings, but I was just having a bad day that time I blew up. I am in a much better place now.

  Luckily, Val has stopped treating me with kid gloves and I feel like I fit right in. “I think he makes me smile more than I make him smile,” I coo and sigh.

  “So you did it,” Val smiles. “You got him back on the field.”

  My smile falters a little. Yes, Nico is practicing with the team again. Will he play, it is looking very likely. However, I still feel he has rushed things. He gave me two extra months to work out the last of his limp and he was right at the club talking with his coach and getting back to practice. I worry about him.

  He has just been working on conditioning and getting used to playing with the team in practice, but I can see he is itching to play in a real game. I don’t want to see him over do it. Our first argument was about just that.

  “He is stubborn as hell isn’t he,” Shannon frowns. “I can see it in her face,” she turns to Valentina to say. “I told you, I thought he was rushing it. He wasn’t ready was he?”

  I huff out a heavy breath. “It’s not that he isn’t ready. Nico is strong and determined. If it were up to his mind only, I wouldn’t have a problem with him being on the field. I just…sometimes I wonder if I would be so worried if he wasn’t my boyfriend and other times I wonder if I took it easy on him because of that fact. What if he goes out there and I didn’t do enough? I think I am driving myself insane.”

  I place my face in my palms and groan. I have been warring not just with Nico, but myself as well. In truth, I know I did a damn good job. None of the doctors would have cleared him to get anywhere near the field if I hadn’t, but that doesn’t make me worry any less.

  “You did an amazing job, Reese,” Pam says. She comes over and lifts my face from my hands. “Listen to me. That man is determined to play not because of his love of the game, but because of his love for you. Nico came to grips with not playing a long time ago. It’s the thought of playing again and being able to say that you made it happen that has him out there on that field. He wants to do this for you, for your new business.”

  My mouth drops open. “H…how do you know that,” I wrinkle my brows as I look at her.

  “Uri and I are pretty close friends. I know things,” Pam winks.

  “She is right,” Valentina adds. “Nico doesn’t need the money. He knows that everyone thought it was impossible for him to play again. When, not if he suits up, your name is going to be all over the place. The money you want to raise for the family’s that need services and can’t afford it. That’s not going to be an issue.”

  “Oh my God, he told you about that,” I whisper in awe.

  “Nope, he told Uri,” Val rolls her eyes. “I can’t believe all the stuff you left out of the business proposal. Uri would have agreed to it all. Especially, the non-for-profit ideas you have for the children.”

  “I was already asking for so much,” I shrug. “I wanted to ask for what I could afford to help with.”

  Valentina narrows her eyes at me. “Girl, I told you from the beginning to ask for whatever you needed, but it’s okay. Nico isn’t playing. If you said it, you are going to get it.”

  I groan and let my head fall back. I have said so much to Nico. I know Valentina is right. Nico is determined to make all of my dreams come true. It all makes sense now. I didn’t understand why he felt he needed to go back to playing to make money to take care of me. It isn’t the money at all. He is single handedly making my career.

  “Reese, just let the man love you,” Paige chortles. “I think it is sweet. Beyond sweet really.”

  “Life is too short to sweat the small things. You and Nico were meant for each other. You are just going to have to learn that he will love you through any and everything. His love for you is never ending,” Ellen speaks up for the first time in about a half hour.

  I have been watching her stare off into space, lost in thought. She has been more distracted lately then I am used to seeing with her. Her words ring in my ears with a depth of truth, once spoken. All of the women in the kitchen turn to look at her after her profound statement.

  “That was deep,” Shannon is the first to say anything.

  I notice that Camille frowns and turns away. I find it odd as well. The two of them are pretty close, but they seem to be at odds today. I know Camille is living with Ellen and Sam. She has been for quite some time now. I wonder what all that is about, but I have never pried.

  “Excuse me,” Ellen says and somewhat stumbles from the room.

  “What’s going on with you two,” Paige asks Camille.

  Camille fringes ignorance. “What,” she lifts a brow.

  “Whatever,” Paige rolls her eyes as one of her boys calls out for her from the living room.

  The kitchen in Shannon and Luca’s home opens right into the living room, where the children have all been playing. I look over and smile at the little boy that looks so much like Bobby. Paige had nothing to do with her twin boys.

  I look over all the children and notice that Sam Jr. is off to the side by himself, like he often is. Jess goes over to say something to him, but he ignores her, causing her to throw up her hands and walk away. I sit and watch Sammy, as everyone calls him, a little longer before I pull my attention away to look for his mother.

  Some time has passed since Ellen left the room. I decide to go sneak in a text to Nico and see if I can find her. I’m just a little concerned about her.

  I head for the powder room to sneak in there to text Nico. When I pull the door open I startle myself and Ellen, who is sitting on the toilet sobbing quietly into her hands. “Oh, I’m sorry,” I rush to apologize.

  “No, no, I’m sorry. Just give me one minute,” Ellen says as she stands and moves to the sink to wash her face.

  Ellen is a very pretty woman. I can see how she used to be a model. However, right now she looks tired and a bit drawn. I hadn’t noticed it as much earlier, but with her cheeks soaked and her eyes red with tears it is more apparent.

  I want to offer her comfort, but I don’t know if she sees me as that close of a friend yet. I roll my lips in to keep myself from invading her private life. Clearly something is going on with her.

  Ellen wipes her hands and rushes from the bathroom, leaving it to me. I have forgotten what I had come here for. I look at my phone in my hands and sigh. I miss Nico even more. The ladies would strangle me if they knew I was texting him. We have a no men policy during these meetings.

  I love you.

  I shoot off the quick text before looking in the mirror. I look happy. I know Nico has had a lot to do with that. I think over Pam and Valentina’s words before I think of Ellen’s. I feel a chill run through me as I replay Ellen’s words in my head, she was so sure of them.

  I sigh and pocket my phone. Nico isn’t going to reply. He should be in practice. I am content that he will get it after practice. I walk out of the bathroom and head back

to the kitchen. When I get to the entrance of the living room that I have to walk through to get to the kitchen, Ellen is standing there staring at her son. Sammy is still off to the side on his own.

  I stop beside Ellen wanting to at least ask if she is okay. I really feel bad for walking in on her in the bathroom. Before I get the words out, she drags in a long deep breath and starts to speak.

  “Sam is right. I have been trying to ignore it, but he is right,” Ellen says with a shaky voice. “Do you know my son will be two soon?”

  I wrinkle my brows. I didn’t know Sammy was so old. Not because of his size, I just…I close my eyes as recognition hits my brain.

  “They say boys are slower than girls. I thought he just needed some time. But look at all the others. They are a bunch of chatter boxes. Sammy only has about four words. My husband doesn’t deserve this. I don’t have enough time to prepare Sam for this. I don’t have time to help him with this. I did everything right. I’m a good mother. I’m a good wife. Now it is all just being taken away,” Ellen whispers brokenly.

  “Ellen, if Sammy has developmental delays that doesn’t make you a bad mother or wife,” I say feeling perplexed. “Listen, the early intervention team at the clinic is amazing. Brenda is our service coordinator, she is so patient and efficient. Our speech therapist, happens to be her sister, Monique. She is awesome. We were lucky to get her to move out here from California.

  “Why don’t you set up an evaluation at the clinic and you can take things from there? The sooner the better. Early intervention can have a profound impact on developmental skills. If there really is a problem, a plan can be put into action,” I offer.

  Ellen turns to me with tears in her eyes. She reaches to cup my face. “Thanks Reese. You are going to make an amazing mother,” Ellen gasps and pulls her hand back. She blinks back her tears and looks away, a small smile tips her lips. “Thank you,” she repeats and walks away.

  I am left totally confused with my own tears welling in my eyes. I’m not sure what just happened. I turn to look at Sammy one more time and send up a prayer for him. He really is an adorable little boy.


  Here for You


  “Is anyone going to address the elephant in the room,” Marcus says as he watches a grumpy Sam.

  This is unlike Sam. I have to admit, a little longer and I would have said something. He has been brooding since we all arrived at Lucas’s house. The women are all watching a movie with the kids, so we men have been in Lucas’s basement shooting pool and drinking beers.

  Sam is usually one of the livelier ones in the group. Always something snarky to add to the conversation. However, today, I haven’t heard more from him than a grunt or two.

  “Marcus,” Bobby warns.

  “What, he has had a bug up his ass since we got here,” Marcus grumbles.

  I watch as Sam’s face turns red and he literally explodes. “No one else finds it strange that my son barely responds to his mother,” he roars. “I can count on one hand the people he actually responds to. Not to mention, he only speaks four words. He’ll be two in two months. I’m not saying he has to be a rocket scientist, but something is wrong.”

  Sam’s anger deflates with his last words. As if knowing he is the topic of discussion Sammy finds his way into the room. I watch him closely as he makes his way to Michael with his head down, not giving eye connect to anyone.

  Michael lifts him into his lap without question and compresses him in a hug. Sammy visually relaxes into Michael’s hold. “Shit,” I mutter to myself.

  I’ve never noticed before. There are so many kids around here. When I am around, Vita hogs my attention from the other children. She has even gone as far as telling the other kids that I’m her Nic-nic.

  However, now this is a slap in the face. I don’t recall ever hearing Sammy talk that much. As I think about it, I can say that while I’m around he rarely interacts with the other children. I also don’t recall seeing him with his mother much. He is usually with Sam, Uri, or Michael. Sometimes I have seen him lurking close to Valentina, but still not too close. I look to Michael and the look on his face says it all.

  I give him a knowing nod. I’ve said it before. We Donatis have many secrets. Watching Sammy and hearing Sam’s concerns drives a bit too close to home for one of us in this room.

  “It’ll be fine, Sam. It will be an adjustment, but it will be fine,” Michael says as he whispers something to Sammy, then kisses the top of his head.

  “I’ll have Reese make an appointment at the clinic,” I offer.

  “Ellen said Reese already offered earlier,” Sam sighs. “I’m sorry. It’s just that I have had my suspicions, but Ellen…,” Sam pauses and shakes his head. “Never mind.”

  “Is everything okay with you and Ellen,” Marcus asks with real concern.

  “Marcus,” Bobby groans.

  “No. It’s okay,” Sam waves him off. “I don’t know. Something has been going on with her since right before Sammy was born. It has only gotten worse. I love my wife, but I know when she is dealing with something and not telling me. I don’t know if she has missed what is going on with Sammy because of what she is dealing with or what.”

  Sam shakes his head in frustration. “I have a lot of shit on my plate, but she knows she and the family comes first. She just won’t tell me what is going on. I think Camille knows something, because the two of them have been at each other’s throats. Yet, when I asked Ellen if she wants me to put Camille up in her own place, she freaked out and told me no.

  “When I asked Camille what she wanted, she got all panicky and told me no as well. They are driving me insane. This shit is going to stop. I won’t have this madness in my own fucking home. Especially, when it affects my children,” Sam growls once again having an outburst.

  “Relax, Sam,” Bobby huffs. “Paige has mentioned that Camille and Ellen have been acting strange. Maybe Ellen has noticed everything that is going on with Sammy. Maybe that’s what all of the confusion is about.”

  Sam snorts. “No,” he shakes his head. “There is something else.”

  “Well, we’ll deal with one thing at a time. You know we are here for you both,” Bobby offers.

  Sam bobs his head and runs a hand through his hair. He looks over to Sammy who has fallen asleep in Michael’s lap. Sam snorts and speaks in Italian. “What does it say about my son that he is always most comfortable with the killers in the room,” Sam lets out a small bark of laughter.

  Shit, I was wondering the same thing.


  Tears of Joy


  A week ago, I would have said that my stomach is just reacting to the fact that Nico is suiting up to play tonight. I would have blamed it all on nerves. That was a week ago. Now I know without a doubt I am carrying Nico’s baby.

  I’m shocked, excited, and overwhelmed all at once. We have only been together officially for a little over two months. Two months and Nico has done so many things that my ex-husband couldn’t do.

  I don’t even know how I am going to tell him. I know I want to do it soon. I have known for two days now. I just haven’t wanted to put any more stress on Nico before tonight’s game.

  They are calling tonight Nico’s resurrection. I have to be honest. Nico looks great. He’s ready. He hasn’t seemed nervous at all about this game, but I have been a nervous wreck. I swear I changed my outfit for tonight a hundred times. I finally settled on a grey maxi dress that is slightly short in the front and shows off my legs. I know Nico will like it.

  I went to see Alee this morning to have my hair rodded so that I could wear it in a curly afro. I opted for my usual natural face, with just lip gloss. Honestly, my face already has a glow to it or it could be the fact that I haven’t stopped smiling.

  I’m going to be a mother. We made a baby. I am having Nico Donati’s baby.

  It still doesn’t seem real to me yet. I hope Nico is as excited as I am. I th
ink I plan to tell him tonight after the game. If I don’t tell him soon I am going to burst.

  I turn my head to the corner of the room and wipe at my stupid tears. I burst into tears every time I think of the little person we have made. I need to pull it together before someone sees me blubbering. I have caught Uri staring at me a few times.

  I hate that I feel like he can see through me. All of the Donati men have this thing, where it is like they can see through you to your innermost thoughts. It is madding when you don’t want to share what you are thinking.

  Just to prove my point, Michael walks over with a bottle of water for me. He takes a seat and nudges me with his shoulder. “Uri says we will be uncles,” Michael whispers. “He says he knows the look. So when do you plan to tell Nico? I know he does not know. He would have told the world by now.”

  My mouth flaps open like a fish. I look between Uri and Michael. Uri just shoots me a smile and lifts his glass. I groan and cover my face. When I peek through my fingers I see Valentina. She is smirking at me.

  We are all in a private box. I am so grateful that Nico has so many people that care about him and that could come and support him. I know how much they all mean to him. I have come to learn that the Mairetties and Briggs are just as much family to him. I smile as I think of all the family this baby will have.

  “I plan to tell him tonight,” I whisper back to Michael.

  “Holy shit, those two were right,” Michael says in surprise before his entire face lights up. He pulls me into a hug. “He is going to lose his mind. You are the best thing that has happened to him in a long time.”

  “He is the best thing that has happened to me,” I say and smile up at Michael. I look up into Michael’s eyes. He is just as handsome as his brothers. “So when do I get to meet the woman in your life?”

  Michael stiffens and looks away. “My love life is a complicated one,” he replies emotionlessly.

  “How so,” I pry. “Nico said you were seeing someone.”

  Michael sits quietly at first. For a moment, I think he is not going to answer me. “Julissa and I have been seeing each other for a few months. It was wrong of me to get involved with her. I knew she was damaged and I knew I couldn’t give her my heart. I care about her, but things are…they are becoming strained.


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