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Love's Vengeance

Page 36

by Dana Roquet

  Desiree shrank back in the bed, fearing physical harm at his hand for the first time since she had known him.

  “I am not some dumb animal! Do you think me some mindless beast that you may lead about? That will stop and perform at your command and then allow you to set me aside at your whim? I must be…” he answered himself chuckling softly, “because you have me well trained. Do you know where I have been this night?” He raised his brows with an expression of a joke forthcoming, “To see Vanessa! Oh I thought that for the sentence I had received I should have at least committed the crime.”

  He moved to sit on the edge of the bed with a heavy sigh and reached out to pat her leg covered by her comforter and winked, “You will be sorry to hear that I have yet to see the deed done.” He laughed as if it extremely funny and looked across the room, avoiding her eyes. “Believe it or not I could have had her easily. She opened to me as a flower to a honeybee but—and I am sure you will find this very amusing my dear—I couldn’t—in fact I couldn’t even bring myself to shed my blasted suit coat! So I thought to myself, I am not going to let you prevent me from easing my need—so I drank up my courage and visited a quite beautiful woman I have frequented often in the past…” He glanced at Desiree and laughed at her concerned expression. “She fell asleep waiting for me. So my sweet as much as I would have liked to oblige I am still innocent of the crime. You see? You have me well trained—so very well…” His voice trailed off softly and he leaned his elbows upon his knees, rubbing wearily across his face with his hands.

  “Stephen please forgive me for all I said and did!” She begged softly, leaning forward to touch his shoulder.

  Stephen pushed her hand away as his eyes fell to the white flesh of her breasts pressing above her gown. He staggered to his feet and stood beside the bed and in his voice, was amazement, “Mother of God you reach for me and I come to life! A look at your form and my passion flares!” He watched her eyes fall to the evidence of his words, “But no more Desiree! I don’t need you. I have never needed any one woman. I have bedded scores and there are countless others that would willingly succumb to me! So play your games with another my dear; find another fool for I have grown so very weary.”

  “Please listen to me Stephen. I am sorry. I have been an utter fool! I believe you were telling me the truth.” She said, standing from the bed and slipping her hands behind his neck, molding to his frame, “Please forgive me.”

  He untwined her arms from him, setting her away, “I don’t give a damn if you believe me! What difference does that make? It’s only a game!” He moved away from her, but then moved toward her once more, grasping her arms and pulling her close, looking deeply into her eyes, “You shall have your wish—a guest in my home—nothing more! I will not touch this precious body of yours that you so enjoy taunting and punishing me with, “So…” he released her, “Now the games are all finished and we are both the losers Desiree. You have lost your dumb beast and I—I…well I should thank you actually, for I have learned an invaluable lesson. I will not give myself into the hands of another only to be persecuted unjustly again. Thank you for the kind lessons my sweet.”

  He turned and left the room, leaving the door wide and Desiree closed it behind him, collapsing against it with a sob. What had she done? She had found the love of her life and had driven him away forever. She had been toying with him, playing those same games that she had always detested. It was completely against her nature and she could not seem to stop herself. She had been open and honest with every man she had ever known until Stephen. How could she not have been so with him when so much depended upon it?

  He had so often spent his efforts forever soothing her fears and he was correct, she had never done the same for him. Now he hated her and she would be a guest in his home and nothing more and he would no doubt go back to his own world, finding others willing to accept him.

  She could not hide much longer the child she carried and then what? She would not allow him that knowledge. She would have a bastard before trapping him into marriage—entering yet another game. No—it was time to let go and set him free. She could not leave at once, it would have to be after the party. She would not make their conflict obvious to his family by leaving so abruptly. She would wait a few days and make her plans.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  Clouds drifted lazily across the sky and from their location atop the bluffs, Desiree and Tim admired them as well as the graceful seabirds that dipped to the gently rolling surf, then soared back up into the sky with their catch clutched tightly in beaks or talons. The air, which was warm and balmy with just a hint of stirring, was very mild for early November.

  As Desiree sat silently beside him, Tim decided to broach the subject of her obvious melancholy, “Desiree I don’t know what exactly has passed between you and Stephen but I am not blind. Would you care to confide in me?” he offered sheepishly.

  Desiree felt a rush of emotion toward this good looking man who reminded her so much of Stephen. But where Stephen’s eyes had been sometimes hard to read, Tim’s sparkled with the merriment of his irrepressible personality.

  “Tim I don’t know that I wish to share it with anyone. I don’t understand it all myself.” She admitted with a dejected shrug.

  “Well if you want to share it with someone I am here for you and you can count on my discretion.” he assured with a nod and a wink.

  “Stephen has changed a great deal recently hasn’t he?”

  Tim chuckled, “To put it mildly. Here I was just growing accustomed to his happy smiling face and now he has changed yet again.”

  “Oh Tim—I have been such an idiot. He and I do not speak anymore and he avoids me at every turn. Then I had a visit from him last night, in the middle of the night. We had a terrible fight. I think it might be best if I just make my plans and leave for home…I must leave.”

  “No! You cannot leave! So things have not worked out between you and Stephen, you must still think of your own safety. You are most welcome here by me obviously. I have never had a more beautiful and congenial cohort and my parents adore you. Stephen will come around. I know he cares for you a great deal.” He assured.

  “It is not so simple Tim. You just don’t understand.”

  “True—I don’t. So you and Stephen have had a falling out. Perhaps it is a difference you cannot resolve but the fact remains that you were brought here by Stephen in an agreement with Captain Greaves and that, you must remember, still remains true. I am sure the captain will be here soon, surely within the next few months and he will expect to find you here.”

  “I know all that but…” she paused, seeing Tim frown in obvious confusion, unable to understand her motives, “Tim can I have your oath that what I tell you shall go no further, that what I tell you in confidence you will keep to yourself?”

  Tim searched her face for a moment quizzically and then nodded with the solemn oath of crossing his heart and pointing heavenward.

  Desiree smiled warmly and then with a deep breath began, “I have made so many stupid mistakes concerning Stephen. I have brought him much unhappiness and he hates me Tim. He honestly does and I simply cannot stay here any longer because—I am pregnant.” She whispered, looking into his eyes for a reaction, “Two months gone.” She added.

  He grinned broadly, “Desiree that is wonderful! You must tell him!” He wrapped an arm about her shoulders with a gentle squeeze.

  Desiree shook her head emphatically, “I will not tell him and that is why I must have your word. You must keep this to yourself.”

  “But he will discover it eventually anyway, you know. You cannot keep a thing like that secret for long.” he chuckled.

  “I am going to leave right away, within the week. It must be soon before it becomes evident.” Desiree said with a tear slipping down her cheek.

  “But Desiree this is the perfect solution to your problem! Don’t you see? Tell him. Just go to him and tell him. Stephen may be angry as you have said but he would neve
r deny responsibility for his own child.”

  “No!” Desiree said with a groan as her tears fell in earnest, “Don’t you see? Can’t you understand? I will not allow this baby to be a shackle about his neck nor to force him into something he does not want. I am leaving and that is certain and now that you know my reasons, I am depending upon you to back me on this when the time comes.”

  Tim pulled her against him and into his arms, “Shhhh don’t cry. I wish you would reconsider your plan and I think you are making a mistake in not telling him but I swear I shall keep your secret.”

  Desiree hugged him to her, “Merci.” she whispered.


  Vanessa stopped her stead, hiding behind lush grasses as her emerald eyes watched the happenings on the bluffs above, “What have we here?” she said aloud to herself.

  She remained motionless as she watched Desiree and Timothy. They appeared to be very friendly. She gasped as Tim leaned close and pulled the raven haired woman into his arms. Not enough that she had Stephen, Vanessa mused, now the little tramp is starting up with his own brother. The hug was long and when the young woman pulled back she kissed Timothy upon the cheek. They discussed something more and then shortly they rose, leaving the bluff arm in arm.

  Vanessa pondered what this new twist coupled with Stephen’s unexpected visit last night could mean. Could the stupid girl actually be taken with Timothy and have thrown Stephen aside? That seemed hard to imagine but by Stephen’s behavior last night she knew that something had definitely gone awry.

  She had been surprised and happy to find Stephen standing outside her front door last night when she had answered an impatient knock.

  “I hear your father is out of town. Care for some company?” he had asked rakishly, entering without waiting for her response.

  She had wasted no time denying him but instead had welcomed him with open arms. Oh, she recalled wistfully, it had started out so well. He had scooped her into his arms heading for her bedroom, while engulfing her in a flaming kiss. But after she had undressed and lay waiting for him to join her upon her bed, something very strange had occurred. A strange look had come over him and with a curse he had stormed out of her room and the house as abruptly as he had arrived, leaving her laying there naked and burning for his touch without relief.

  It had been so humiliating she thought with renewed rage and now she pondered with her quick mind how she might use what she had just witnessed between Timothy and that twit to her advantage without vexing Stephen and ruining her plans of winning him. The party tonight! She may just have to accidentally let her knowledge of this little tryst slip out within Stephen’s earshot. With a lighthearted giggle, Vanessa turned her mount and rushed along the sandy coast toward home.

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  It was near nightfall and the drapes at the balcony doors of Desiree’s chambers billowed from a cool sea breeze. She could hear voices and laughter below on the back veranda and the occasional distant rumble of a carriage coming to a stop at the front drive. Gentle strains of chamber music filtered from the ballroom at the back of the manor, calming and soothing, but not so for Desiree. She touched her cheeks feeling the chill of her fingers—her nerves were on edge.

  Bridgett stood behind her weaving golden ropes through her braided tresses falling in a neat plait down her back, and smoothing wispy ringlets into place. Desiree watched the progress in the mirror and then moved her attention to her own face and pinched her cheeks to bring up some color, which was lacking at the moment. She bit her lip nervously, smoothed the golden gown over her waist, and adjusted the shoulders until uniform. She tested a smile at her reflection but the attempt was stiff and lacked conviction.

  Bridgett stood back to survey her work and gestured with her hand for Desiree to turn about. Desiree complied and Bridgett sighed, clasping her hands before her, “Desiree you look more beautiful than…” she laughed, “I don’t even know. I am speechless.”

  Desiree studied her own reflection as she turned once more and then frowned, taking up a flask of perfume and dabbing at her neck and wrists, “Merci Bridgett. Well I suppose you have done all that you can for me. It is time to face the music one might say.” Desiree declared with more merriment than she felt.

  Bridgett nodded and took Desiree’s hands in her own, “Just remember dear, don’t let him see you upset and don’t allow that woman to put you ill at ease. You shall outshine her as the sun to the moon.” Bridgett touched her chin, “Now head high sweet.”

  Bridgett was unaware of the consequences of this night, Desiree thought with relief. If by some miracle Stephen were to make an effort, Bridgett would soon learn the secret that Timothy alone held. If the night played out as she now suspected, then she would wait until well away from this island before allowing Bridgett knowledge of the child.

  Hiding her condition from Bridgett to this point had proved to be no difficulty. The changes in her body were more a feeling within herself rather than a change in appearance. Being quartered separately, it had been simple enough to hide most of the symptoms including the missed monthly cycles and bouts of sickness and for this, she was thankful.


  Desiree moved with Bridgett down the front stairs, looking to the formal dining room and calling a greeting to Bessie, who was dressed in a crisp white uniform and was overseeing the setting out of the feast guests would dine upon throughout the evening. Arrangements of tropical flowers graced the center of the long table in intervals and the usually subdued lighting was brilliant with the chandelier aglow.

  Margaret Colter stood at the front hall greeting guests as they descended and she turned as the eyes of Stephen’s first officer, Davison, studied something just over her shoulder and his conversation faltered. Desiree smiled hesitantly at Davison but her smile lifted when Margaret gestured her forward.

  “Oh Desiree—and Bridgett! You both look lovely. Absolutely gorgeous!” Margaret marveled, clasping Desiree’s hand in her own.

  “Thank you Margaret and I must return the compliment. You look exquisite.” Desiree said squeezing her hand lightly and admiring her stunning gown of burgundy velvet. It brought to mind the gown she had owned of almost the same shade and that was put to rest at sea. She wondered if it reminded Bridgett also, for she had never missed the gown. If so, she could admit to its demise at this late date.

  “Davison how have you been sir? I have not seen you since our arrival.”

  “Miss Desiree I have been just fine. Became a father again just last week. A son.” he smiled proudly.

  “How wonderful for you. And your wife—how did she fare?” Desiree questioned with polite concern.

  “She is just fine. Not a bit of trouble. Of course, she did not feel up to this sort of festivity yet but she has done well. You must come have a look at little John Henry.” Davison offered.

  “John Henry. A fine name.”


  A couple approached behind Davison and Margaret smiled at him warmly, “Excuse me for interrupting John but would you care to see Desiree and Bridgett in? I am sure that everyone is most anxious to meet our newest residents.”

  “My honor Madame Colter.” Davison consented with a happy grin, offering his arms to each lady, “Ladies if you would allow me.”

  Desiree felt more at ease with an escort but that ease fled quickly upon crossing the threshold of the ballroom. Stephen stood close to the entrance, conversing with a group of men and as they entered, his companions’ eyes came to the door and Stephen turned to see where their attention strayed. Desiree smiled softly at the group as her eyes locked with Stephens and she could not seem to pull them away.

  He was dressed in a dark midnight blue that set his hair off to a molten gold and accentuated his tall lean frame. The white shirt and stock brought out the deep tan of his face. He looked magnificent, she thought.

  Stephen turned away first and the group of men nodded at Desiree and smiled with appreciation until Stephen prodded them back into the
ir conversation. Desiree could feel tears welling up and she had been in his presence only one short moment. She wondered how on earth she was going to manage an entire evening. Her eyes darted about the room barely seeing the bright dresses of the women and the fine suits of the men about her. She tried to concentrate on the music from the musicians at the far side of the room as they started up a soft melody and couples gathered on the floor to dance beneath shimmering light cast from lighted chandeliers.

  “Would you honor me with the first dance?” A friendly voice asked grandly near Desiree’s side; taking her hand in his own.

  Desiree looked up into the hazel eyes of Stephen’s father as he awaited her reply. He was very distinguished looking in dark brown, with a gold trimmed waistcoat. She smiled, relieved to have the awkward moment brought to an end. With thanks to Davison and a glance at Bridgett for her assurance, she took Michael Colter’s arm and allowed him to lead her to the dance floor. She was miserable but was determined not to make that truth known to Stephen’s father. He was an excellent dancer and as they swirled gaily about the room, she caught sight of Stephen watching them. She tried not to notice, talking lightly with Michael and keeping her mind filled with other thoughts.

  The interlude reminded her of dances at her home when she and her father would take to the floor and it seemed like only yesterday. They had been gone now for over six months and she wondered what they would think of the person she had become. She had changed so, in only a few short month’s time and most—for the worse. If she could only have the opportunity, she might reverse a few of those changes but by Stephen’s attitude she doubted she would have her chance this night to make amends.

  As they danced, a very dapper looking Timothy in a stunning forest green suit approached them. He politely tapped his father upon the shoulder.


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