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Love's Vengeance

Page 41

by Dana Roquet

  “Oui.” Bridgett had agreed, wiping her eyes and brightening, “I cared for you and now your child. Well…” she had walked to a satchel and withdrawn her sewing box, “I see I shall have my work cut out for me, modifying a few of your gowns. We shall need to see about appropriate apparel on our arrival.”

  Bridgett had loosened the seams along the tapered waists, adding a few inches breathing space for her added girth and they had served to mask her growing bump from Captain Phillips and his crew. She was not sure how close any of the men were to Stephen but could not afford them going back to him with tales of her condition. None were aware and now they would be departing their company and the last tie with Somerset Bermuda and Stephen Colter would be severed.


  Bridgett and Desiree stood near the landing, waiting for a young sailor to hire a carriage from Rouen to their home. Desiree sat wearily upon a heavy trunk, exhausted by the sail from Le Havre to Rouen. In but a few short hours, she thought, she would be home and she relished the thought of lying down for a much needed rest. She noticed Bridgett observing her closely, with concern.

  “I am fine but tired.” Desiree assured, glancing about the docks at the familiar sights. She had hoped to see Philippe, since much of his time was spent here at the docks but he was nowhere in sight.

  Bridgett was keeping a watchful eye on Desiree when she saw her mistress’ eyes open wide, her face lit up with pleasure as she squealed with delight. Bridgett turned and saw Honore’ Romains strolling in their direction. He had not yet noticed them and Desiree stood from the trunk and before Bridgett could restrain her, she was running the short distance toward him.

  “Honore’!” Desiree cried. His face went from stunned, to a wide grin and she leapt into his waiting outstretched arms. He whirled her about and she clasped her arms about his neck, laughing and crying at once.

  “Honore’, put her down!” Bridgett shrieked, rushing up. She was frantic that he might crush Desiree or more likely injure the babe with his exuberance. Honore’ set Desiree gently before him but continued to hold her about the waist within his arms.

  “Ma Cherie when did you return—how are you? Mon Dieu I have missed you!” he chuckled, kissing her mouth lightly, “You look beautiful, glowing…” he marveled. It was at this moment and as he held her close within his arms that he noticed something out of sorts. He pulled back, searching her face. His hand moved beneath her cloak, to the taut rounded belly and his eyes widened.

  Desiree took his hand in her own and held it tightly, “Don’t say a word, it is a long story and I shall explain but not here—not now.” She stated softly, looking about the crowded docks. Honore’ was anything but subtle and Desiree knew that he would be beside himself with anger and she would rather he hear it in private where his comments would not matter.

  “Can I assume that your husband is attending to your bags?” he asked removing his hand from hers with a tight smile.

  “No—there is no husband.” She whispered and flinched as he slammed his fist into the palm of his other hand.

  “Who was it? I’ll geld the bastard whoever it was!” he growled under his breath.

  She knew he was deadly serious. He was so very hot headed and a formidable brawler when need be but she had no doubt that he would be out matched in a bout with Stephen. Thank goodness they would never meet, for Honore’ would surely do his best to try and defend her honor.

  “Please stop this Honore’. What is done is done. I won’t speak more on it with you if you are going to be so upset. I know how you must feel but please calm down, for me?” she pleaded.

  “I’m sorry—I’m sorry.” He breathed, wrapping a sheltering arm about her shoulders. “I shall wait for your explanation before I go into a rage.”

  “Desiree?” Antoine questioned, peering over Honore’s shoulder to see who he had found.

  “Antoine!” Desiree cried.

  He laughed with joy, pulling her into his arms and was about to give her a bear hug when Honore’ clamped down upon his shoulder roughly, “Easy boy, our lady is in a delicate condition.” He informed raising an eyebrow meaningfully. Antoine released her so abruptly; it was as though he had been burned.

  Desiree looked to Honore’ miserably and then back to Antoine, “Don’t look at me that way Antoine! Please!” she whispered softly, turning her back to him, with tears glistening in her eyes.

  Antoine came from his daze, shaking his head at his own stupidity and touched her shoulder, gently turning her around and pulling her against his chest, “I’m sorry—don’t cry. I didn’t mean to upset you. I am so happy you have come home!” he declared, wiping her tears away and kissing her cheek affectionately, “Will you tell me who is responsible? Who is the father?” he asked quietly.

  “Not now—it is a long story.” Desiree sniffed, hugging him tight.

  Antoine pulled back, looking about the docks, “Have you seen Rene’ yet?”

  “No—is he in town also?” Desiree asked in disbelief.

  “Oui, I met him along the road and he joined me for the ride into town.” Antoine confirmed.

  “I came alone.” Honore’ offered.

  Bridgett stood back watching Desiree and her friends, deciding to herself that it was good for Desiree to be home. These young men would help her to open up about her feelings, where she had failed. The conversation was light now but she knew that given a short time alone with them, they would lighten the load upon her shoulders which her young mistress needed desperately to do.

  The sailor walked up to Bridgett, nodding politely, “Madame I have found a coach if you are ready now, I will see you there and bring your luggage.”

  Bridgett looked to Desiree and saw her dejected expression, “Antoine? Do you plan on leaving for home soon?” Bridgett ventured.

  “Within the hour. Rene’ may not be finished with his business but his horse is with my carriage. We needn’t linger and wait on him.”

  “Would you be able to see Desiree home in your carriage if I leave her in your care?” Bridgett queried.

  “Of course! Desiree would you like to stay with us? My carriage is just around the corner.” Antoine offered happily.

  “Oui I would!” Desiree exclaimed.

  Bridgett gestured to the luggage, “I will take our things then and go on ahead. Now you two take good care of her.”

  They both gave her stunned expressions, “Don’t we always?” Honore’ asked.

  Bridgett had to nod in agreement, for it was so very true. She walked off with the young sailor, to the waiting carriage watching over her shoulder as Desiree disappeared around the corner on the arms of both men.


  Antoine’s carriage stood in waiting before the boutiques along Le Duexe Avenue and the three stood beside it, talking softly.

  “Here he comes.” Honore’ said under his breath and gesturing over Desiree’s head as she turned to see Rene’ striding calmly toward them. His eyes were on her back, as if trying to decide on whom she might be but when she turned, his eyes lit up and a wide grin broke across his handsome face. She didn’t move, instead waiting on him to approach and gently hugged him, lightly kissing his lips.

  “Did you just arrive?” he grinned happily. Desiree nodded and he looked to her two companions and the sober expressions they wore and he frowned, “What is wrong with you two? You look as though you could kill.”

  Desiree turned to look at their faces and then looked back to Rene’, “Are you finished with your business here?”

  “Oui.” He confirmed.

  “Antoine could we be on our way?” she asked softly and he nodded. She turned again to Rene’, “Will you join us?”

  “Just try and stop me.” Rene’ chuckled, moving to tie his horse to the rear of the carriage.

  “Well Desiree, I have my own carriage. I shall come over tomorrow if that is all right with you.” Honore’ asked.

  “Of course, that would be fine.” Desiree agreed, hugging him once more and kissing hi
s cheek she whispered, “Please keep this to yourself for now.”

  “I shall, have no fear. Take care of our lady men.” He commanded and strode away.

  Antoine helped Desiree up into the carriage and Rene’ followed next, taking a seat at her side. Antoine called to the driver and closed the door, taking a seat opposite them.

  “So tell us all about the colonies.” Rene’ began, covering himself and Desiree with a lap blanket and putting an arm around her shoulders.

  Desiree looked to Antoine and then to Rene’, “I must tell you of much more than the colonies—I—I am pregnant Rene’, nearly five months so.” She squeezed his hand and waited for his reaction. He looked across to Antoine and received a sober nod then moved his hand to her stomach, feeling the small rounded evidence of her words and sighed heavily, drawing her closer against his side.

  “Oh Desiree…” He said softly, “The one time we let you out of our sight and look what happens.”

  She smiled up at him and he wiped a tear from her cheek; then placed a kiss there.

  “Move over you two.” Antoine chuckled. He seated himself on Desiree’s other side, hiking his feet up on the seat across from him and Desiree pulled the edge of the blanket across his lap, snuggling down between the two of them contentedly.

  “We are here for you my sweet. Would you care to talk about it?” Rene’ asked, squeezing her shoulders.

  “Oui. I have wished for this moment for so long. I have needed to talk with you, both of you! I have missed you so much!” she said in a trembling voice. She kissed each upon their cheeks and then began relating the tale of the last months to her very best friends.


  Along the road from Rouen, Desiree ran the gamut of emotions as she related the steps of her experiences. Rene’ and Antoine sat quietly for the most part, occasionally urging her on when she faltered, asking her questions here and there to fill in the sketchy places of her story and when it was all told, they sat thoughtfully for a few minutes before speaking.

  “Do you expect to see Captain Colter again?” Rene’ asked, adjusting his position on the seat so he could lean back against the side of the carriage facing Desiree and Antoine.

  “No I do not.” Desiree shook her head as she wiped her nose with a handkerchief, “He hates me.” She continued miserably.

  “And what of this pirate Greaves? What will he do when he returns to find you have gone?” Antoine interjected and Desiree turned to look at him.

  “I don’t know what he will do.”

  “Will he come here to bring you the news?”

  “I don’t believe so—he is a wanted man by some countries. I doubt he would travel inland. It could be dangerous for him.”

  “Well assuming he will not come, we are going to need to see about guards to protect you at once. We shall need to possibly send someone to Somerset or Nevis to try and obtain news if it does not make its way to you here.” Rene’ decided.

  Antoine nodded, “Until we have answers; we will need you to have guards on the grounds and at the house—someone with you at all times. Julien and Jacques Monet are hardly deterrents.”

  “But there are stable hands—drivers. I am sure I shall be just fine.” Desiree said clasping Antoine’s arm and looking from the window. “Oh the lake! We are almost there!” she squealed, grabbing Rene’ and shaking both their arms, “I would love to go for a swim!”

  “You shall not!” they both barked in unison and Desiree giggled at their stern expressions. She knew the water would be freezing. They were in the midst of a January thaw and the air was almost as warm as a spring day but soon, snow and the cold would be upon them once more.

  “I haven’t heard a word of what you two have done since my departure.” She said, changing the subject, “Have you started on your house Antoine?”

  “Not yet. I was planning to begin in the next month. I think you shall be pleased with your home. It is almost as before—look.” He pointed out the window and across the lake.

  The house loomed large beside the water and she was pleased to see it was identical to what it had been. The large dormers on the second floor and the steep sloping roof that gave it a fairytale quality were there, the stone front and the sweeping veranda were all as she remembered, “It looks beautiful.” She sighed happily.

  “You should have witnessed Monsieur Monet’s ire when a change was suggested. He wanted it just so, for you. He wouldn’t settle for anything less.” Antoine chuckled.

  “I am anxious to see him—and Mary and everyone but most of all I wanted to see you…” she gasped, “Oh what about Philippe? What shall I say to him?” She covered her mouth with her hand in dread. Philippe had always been so innocent and shy. What would he think of the things she had been through and her present condition?

  Antoine laughed, reading her mind, “Desiree my love, he will take it just fine. He has grown up a lot this last year in your absence, close to eighteen now and not quite innocent.” He winked suggestively.

  Rene’ chuckled, “He is doing well for himself Desiree. He owns his sloop now and is making a good living transporting cargo. He even bought a parcel of land from Francois Roche’, north of the lake. It’s not much but he will soon be able to build his home there.”

  “I always knew he would make his own way.” Desiree smiled happily.

  “You should see the girls after him now! They can’t get enough of him.” Rene’ growled, “Grown into quite a ladies man.”

  Antoine laughed at Desiree’s surprised expression and kissed her cheek, “So don’t worry about Philippe. He will handle news of this little fellow just fine.”

  “What of you two? Is marriage on the horizon—anyone special?”

  “Not for me.” Antoine piped up, “I am too young to marry. I have more wild oats to sow and I am enjoying every minute of it.”

  “What of you Rene’?” Desiree asked with a mischievous grin, in silent communication.

  “I am ready to marry.” He narrowed his eyes, “Are you ready to marry me?”

  Desiree giggled and Antoine shot straight up in his seat, gaping at him.

  “That is not funny!” Antoine rebuked him, “Especially with Desiree in this condition! What if she were to take you seriously?”

  “Then I would marry her.” Rene’ chuckled, enjoying the purple hue of Antoine’s face.

  “You listen to me Monsieur Vermillion!” Antoine roared, jabbing a finger toward Rene’, “You stay away from her! You so much as lay a finger on Desiree and I shall beat you to within an inch of your life!”

  “Ha! I doubt you could accomplish that!” Rene’ returned and his voice rose to match Antoine’s.

  Antoine glared evilly at Rene’ while Desiree sat small and quiet between the two, watching the scene. It was true, she thought, the two were fairly equal in size, both tall and lean and she doubted one could best the other. Antoine made no remark for a moment, and then he chuckled in amusement.

  “Perhaps not but Honore’ could surely accomplish it!” he laughed and Rene’ joined him—the tense moment overcome.

  “So true!” Rene’ laughed, “Fear not Antoine I have guarded her honor for the last eighteen years and I shall continue, just as you will.”

  “I can’t tolerate the way you speak of me as if some prized mare—besides which my honor is a tad tarnished—wouldn’t you say?” Desiree asked softly, not really expecting a reply.

  “Don’t talk like that Desiree.” Rene’ sobered, “You made a mistake; an error in judgment.”

  “Oui—a mistake to be sure.” Desiree whispered.


  Desiree had no idea her home coming would be so emotional or tearful. She was not sure what she had expected but she hadn’t thought of the tears Mary would shed, the outrage Jacques Monet would display or that she would be interrogated as soon as she entered her home.

  She sat upon a sofa in the drawing room, near what had once been the door to her father’s study. She felt not quite comfortable with her
new surroundings. Although the floor plan was identical, the furnishings were new and she felt out of place. She sat beside Bridgett and could have been standing trial, with the solemn expressions of the people gathered before her; as she related the details of her voyage for the third time; this time for the Roche’s and Philippe. Antoine had left shortly after their arrival and alerted the Roche’s of her presence and they had come straight away.

  Philippe stood near the French doors, gazing at her with a pained expression as she told of her ordeal. Rene’ sat with a drink in his hand, smiling when she would look to him for encouragement. Mary sat beside a very calm Madeleine Roche’ weeping and shaking her head with a kerchief in her hand and her hand over her mouth. Francois Roche’ and Jacques Monet stood before her, conducting the interrogation.

  “And you say this pirate, he has no idea who was behind this scheme?” Jacques asked, pacing before Desiree.

  “No.” Desiree sighed, “He was paid through Mac, who was paid through another and another before that. But he has vowed to find him or them; and I have his word on that.”

  “This other man—Kirwood—where is he?” Francois joined the questioning.

  “He is imprisoned by now but he knows nothing except that it was a Frenchman that hired him.”

  “This is ludicrous!” Jacques stormed, “And this Colter, what of him?”

  Desiree lowered her eyes and Bridgett patted her hand.

  “That is between Desiree and Captain Colter but needless to say, they had irreconcilable differences.” Bridgett stated softly.

  “Did he refuse to take responsibility?” Francois asked from the sideboard, where he poured and then emptied a healthy drink of fine brandy.

  “No he did not refuse. He is unaware of the child.” Desiree said quietly.

  “Well—perhaps we shall see about informing him and have you properly wed!” Jacques nodded curtly, looking to Francois for his affirmation.

  Desiree stood from her seat abruptly, “No!” she shouted, and then her eyes swept the room, taking in the surprised expressions of the people about her. She burst into tears, unable to take any more talk of Stephen or the plans they were considering, “This is my concern! No one else’s! I will not allow that! He shall not be told. I simply will not allow it!” Her voice broke and she dashed from the room and up the stairs with Bridgett hurrying after her, while the rest sobered, looking at one another in shock.


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