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Dirty Neighbor

Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  “Casual partners can still be together, sharing memories.”

  “Do you want to meet my sister and her husband?”

  “I think so. I’ve seen them visiting you.”

  “This is really new, and I don’t want to rush anything.”

  “I’m not feeling rushed.” He ran his hand down her arms. She looked down to see his stiff cock pointing out at her.

  “Where do you work?” she asked.


  “Your art, where do you draw or paint?”

  “The shop you visited has a studio at the back, and above it. It’s where all the magic happens. Sometimes I’m brought in for commissioned pieces, but I do everything in that building.” He pulled away from her. “I sometimes do rough sketches here.”

  She watched as he pulled a drawing pad from beneath his bed.

  “I draw at night when I can relax.”

  He handed it to her.

  “I can look?”

  “I don’t have anything private. I’m a pretty open book.”

  Biting her lip, she took a deep breath, and took a seat on the bed. The first picture was of Sean, drinking a beer. She recognized the picture instantly. There were some drawings of random people who she didn’t know, and as she began to look through them, she landed on one of her and Sean playing pool from over two weeks ago.

  “You know I’m working with Danny?”

  “He said. You’re getting the venue ready for me to showcase a selection of my work. He’s excited about it.”

  “And you’re not.”

  “I like being around people, but I’m not after all the attention.” He stopped her from turning the page. “Do you see how beautiful you are?”


  “I’m being serious.” He took the book from her, and placed it over on his dresser. Brant turned around, and he moved toward her, taking hold of her hands, and making her stand. “If you could see what I do, you’d know what I mean.” The light was on, and he tilted her head back so that she was looking up toward the light. “Your hair is so dark that it contrasts with your pale skin. Your blue eyes are so deep that they remind me of the ocean every time I stare at them. You’ve got a beauty that cannot be described by angles and symmetry. From the first moment I saw you, I couldn’t look away. I was entranced by you.”

  “Brant? You’re saying romantic things.”

  “So? Is that not allowed? I’m an artist, Elisha. I should be allowed some artistic license when it comes to you.” He spun her around, turning her to face the mirror. “I want you to look at yourself.” Brant pulled her hair back from her shoulder, and pressed a kiss against her pulse. “What I see is a passionate woman who is trapped within herself.”


  “Let me finish. I allowed you to stop me from fucking you, and now, I’m going to tell you exactly what I think about you.” He took hold of her hands, and placed then by her sides. “You’ve got nice, big, juicy tits that make me want to suck on them all day. I dream of these hanging over me while I drive up into your pussy.”

  “Brant, please?”

  “Not yet. I’m nowhere near done with you.” He slid his hands up to cup her breasts, teasing her nipples as he did so.

  Her pussy grew slick at each one of his touches, and he drove her insane, making her want so much more, and yet still withholding it from her. She closed her legs, and Brant tutted, released her long enough to open her thighs.

  “Do you need me, baby?”

  “You know I need you.” She needed his expert touch to put out the fire that he’d created.

  “Then let me show you exactly what I like about you.” He slid his hands down each of her sides and groaned as he did. “You’re curvy as hell, and that turns me on.”

  “Being fat turns you on?”

  He released a sigh. “You’re not fat. You’re curvy. Apart from that first night, I haven’t hurt you. You can take my cock and the pounding I like to give. You’ve got no idea what that does to me. You make me hard, and all I want to do is bend you over the nearest surface, and fuck you.” He bit her ear, sucking the flesh into his mouth and making her gasp. “I will compliment you, and you know what, you can compliment me. I’ve not got a problem.”

  “How would you like me to compliment you?” she asked, loving the way he touched her, the way he talked to her. He was driving her crazy, yet she loved everything he did.

  “You can tell me how handsome I am. How I’ve got the world’s biggest dick, and how I make you pant for more.”

  “I’ve not seen all the dicks in the world to compare it to.” She couldn’t help but tease him.

  “Right, I think you’ve had enough reprieve for one minute.” He turned her so that she was facing him, and slammed his lips down on hers. She melted against him, holding on tightly to him as he fucked her mouth with his tongue. There was never anything clean about Brant’s possession.

  She didn’t once think about cleaning, or her schedule. The moment she was in his company, in his arms, this was all that mattered to her. He took her away her ability to be neurotic, and she loved the freedom it gave her to finally have some fun.


  Elisha drove him crazy, but he wouldn’t have it any other way. Brant moved her back toward the bed and continued to kiss her, pressing her down on top of the covers. Finally, he pulled away and took a step back. “Get onto your knees.”

  She did as he asked without question, and he took a few seconds to simply admire the round curves of her ass. All he wanted to do was to take a bite right out of her ass before fucking her hard.

  Grabbing a condom from the drawer where he kept his supply, he tore into it, and slid the condom over him. Stepping right up behind her, he stroked a hand through the fleshy lips of her pussy, and groaned.

  “You’re always so wet for me.”

  “I’ve never been like this.”

  “So wet and ready?”

  “All of it. I’ve never wanted this so much. It’s amazing, Brant, I never want it to stop.”

  He understood her needs more clearly than she ever thought. Brant never wanted this to stop for himself either. She’d gotten under his skin, and for him there was no way back from it.

  “You know how to stop it for me, Elisha. Just say the words, and I’ll stop.”

  She remained quiet. He teased her pussy, flicking her clit with one finger, and with his other hand, he pressed two fingers inside her, stretching her pussy. She started to push back against his finger, trying to make him go deeper. He pulled his fingers from her pussy, and drew them back to the puckered hole of her ass.

  Elisha tensed up.

  “You ever had your ass fucked?”


  “Do you want to have your ass filled with my cock?” he asked. He pressed a little against her asshole, and she tensed up again, not letting him get too deep.

  “I don’t know.”

  “It’s okay. We can experiment with that.” Some women got wild when he fucked their ass, and others never really liked it. He imagined it was a personal thing to each person to either love or hate it. He wanted to fuck her ass but only if she enjoyed it.

  He teased her clit until she was practically dripping with cream, and he aligned the tip of his cock against her pussy. Slowly, he pressed the head against her pussy, and continued to stroke her anus.

  Elisha went wild in his arms, pushing back against his cock, and taking more than he was willing to give at first.

  “Go on, baby, fuck back onto my cock. Take what you want. Fuck it.”

  She slammed back, taking all of him, and he grabbed her hips, to feed her the last inch or so.

  Her screams of pleasure only served to arouse him further. He wanted to hear her beg for him to fuck her, and to do more to her.

  “Feels so good,” she said, gasping out aloud.

  Swirling his hips, he tried to get a little deeper, but she had all of him inside her. He pressed his finger against her ass, slicking
it up with her cream. She moaned, pressing back against him.

  He pushed the tip of his finger, and her tight ring of muscles held him back, but he wasn’t about to be stopped. Brant pulled out of her pussy only to slam back inside her. Her ass gave under his finger, and he worked it inside her.


  “Do you want me to stop?”

  “No. Yes. I don’t know.”

  Brant chuckled. “What is it, baby? Do you want me to stop or keep going?”

  “Don’t stop, please don’t stop.”

  He loved hearing her beg. When she begged, he was more than happy to give her what she wanted. Fucking into her pussy, he watched his cock slide in and out of her body. He watched her pussy suck him in, and even as he tried to pull out, she kept on sucking him back in. This was what he loved about her tight pussy, and he never wanted to stop fucking her, and constantly work his dick inside her. She kept begging him, crying out his name as he fucked her even harder. He worked his finger inside her at the same time, driving into her.

  Elisha moaned and begged, and he never gave her a chance to get over each touch.

  “Your ass is as tight as your pussy, and I want to fuck you here, Elisha. Will you let me?”

  “Yes. God, yes, don’t stop.”

  He added a second finger to her ass, pumping it in as he fucked her. “Fuck me back, baby.”

  Brant kept on fucking her harder, and she pressed back against him.

  “Touch your clit. I want to feel you come around my cock.”

  She reached between her thighs and started to touch her clit. Her cunt clenched around his dick as he fucked inside her. Brant watched as he fucked her, unable to look away. She was so fucking beautiful, and she took his cock like a dream. Her ass clutched his fingers, and he didn’t want it to stop.

  Gritting his teeth, he tried to hold off his orgasm, but it was impossible. She was amazing.

  “Fuck, baby.” He was so close to orgasm, and within seconds, he felt her pussy pulse around his dick as she came all over his covered cock. Pulling his fingers from her ass, he grabbed her hips, and slammed inside her over and over until his orgasm erupted out of him, filling his condom. They were both panting as their orgasm ebbed away.

  “Wow,” she said.

  “You know, babe, you’re doing wonders for my ego. All you say when I’m inside you is wow.”

  She chuckled. “I can’t complain.”

  Pulling out of her tight heat, he grabbed her hips, and pretty much led her toward his shower.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  He pushed them both into the shower, closed the door, and turned the water on. Brant laughed as Elisha screamed his name, slapping his arm as the water washed over them. It was freezing cold. He removed the condom, tied the end, and opened the shower long enough to throw it in the trash.

  “I should kill you.” Elisha was huddled in the corner, arms folded, trying to stay warm. He just couldn’t resist teasing her.

  “Come and kill me with those claws.” He held his arms open and turned in the shower.

  Brant stepped up close to her, placing her hands around his neck, and closing the distance, kissing her lips.

  At first, she didn’t melt against him. He licked along her bottom lip before plunging inside, and deepening the kiss. Seconds passed, and finally her hands sank into his hair, and she was pressing herself against him.

  “Fuck, baby, you make me hard all the time,” he said.

  “I don’t know what’s happening to me when I’m with you. You make me want to do crazy things.” She breathed out a sigh, running her hands down his chest, to cup his cock.

  Not being outdone, he sank down to his knees before her with the shower rushing around them. Lifting her leg over his shoulder, he slid his tongue against her clit, sucking on the bud. He glided down, fucking inside her, over and over again. Her cum was so tasty, and he wanted more. He was a greedy bastard.

  “So good,” she said.

  “I’m not finished with you yet.” He pressed his tongue against her clit, and at the same time, he wrapped his fingers around his cock, stroking himself. Brant had already come once tonight, but he wanted her again. He was starting to believe that it didn’t matter how many times he fucked her, he was never going to work her out of his system.

  Elisha had gotten under his skin, and there was no coming back from it.

  Chapter Nine

  The sun streaming through the window woke Elisha up. She blinked a few times, and yawned. Her body ached in all the right places, which she wasn’t surprised about after last night with Brant. It had been late by the time they had finished with each other. He’d wrapped his arm around her waist, and snuggled up against her, telling her she didn’t need to leave.

  Glancing at the clock she saw it was a little after seven, and her first job wasn’t until ten so she had time to waste. Brant still had an arm around her waist, and she couldn’t resist looking at him. In sleep he looked so peaceful, yet she knew the devil that he could be on the inside.

  Last night had been all kinds of dirty, and she’d loved it. Wriggling out from underneath him, she stood at the base of the bed, and couldn’t help but smile. She was going to cook him breakfast. Pulling his shirt on, she made her way downstairs after she took a trip to the bathroom to use the toilet, and to wash her hands afterward. In the trash bin she saw five used condoms, and she blushed. Even after everything they’d done, she was still blushing. She didn’t know if she should be embarrassed by that fact or not.

  Making her way into the kitchen, she took in the rather clean space, and she was surprised that she didn’t want to quickly clean up. Stretching her arms above her head, she released a groan, and got started on hunting through his kitchen. Her kitchen was full of everything as she loved cooking.

  When she was growing up, she cooked one meal a week with her mother’s supervision. It was one of the reasons why she wanted a family of her own with kids. Elisha’s ideal was standing at the stove, baking up a storm, and cooking soups when her family was ill, nursing them with food.

  Instead, she cooked for herself, which was hard to do as a lot of ingredients were always packaged for either two or more. She was single, so when she got home, she’d have to split all the packets down and freeze them. Packets of four chicken breasts would go into four different packets. It was pitiful that she was now thinking about what she wanted in her life, and it wasn’t something she was ever going to get.

  Beth was living the dream really, while Elisha was existing and cleaning.

  Opening one cupboard, she saw some instant pancake mix, and she went through each cupboard, finding most of the things already pre-blended or packaged.

  Grabbing some bacon, eggs, and tomatoes out of the fridge, she looked at her supplies, and started cooking. First, she made the pancake batter, adding a little more sugar, and if she was at home, she’d add just a touch of strawberry extract as she loved fruit for breakfast. There was no fruit in sight. Pancakes seemed the right thing to cook. With the pancakes resting, she started putting the bacon on a tray ready to go in the oven.

  “Does Brant know you’re here?”

  She’d been so absorbed in what she was doing she didn’t even hear the door go. “He, er, wouldn’t let me go home last night.” Her cheeks heated once again.

  “That is adorable,” Sean said, moving to take a seat at the kitchen island.

  “I thought you were out all night.”

  “I was, and now I’m back. It’s morning now, darling. Where’s my brother? You tied him up? Told him you were going to make breakfast, and he couldn’t kick you out?”

  Before she had a chance to answer, Brant rounded the corner, slapped Sean upside the head, and walked to her side. “Behave. Elisha doesn’t need to tie me up.” He wrapped his arm around her waist and tugged her close. “What are you doing?” he asked.

  “I was going to make you breakfast. I hope that’s okay?”

  “I’m more than happy
with you cooking breakfast. I love to eat,” Sean said. “Especially when a sexy lady is cooking.”

  Glancing down at her exposed thighs, Elisha’s shame was complete. “I better go and get dressed.”

  “No. Ignore my brother. He’s a total asshole, and he’s not someone you need to worry about. Not at all.”

  “I’m not trying to be mean. I love your legs, Elisha.”

  “Shut up,” Brant said. He pressed a kiss to her lips. “You’re cooking breakfast.”

  She couldn’t help but lick her lips. “Yes.”

  “I’m good with that. I need all the energy I can get.” Brant stepped away, going to sit with his brother.

  Putting some fat into a frying pan, she melted it on a low heat. “Why do you have everything made up in advance?” she asked.

  “I can’t cook,” Brant said.

  “He really can’t. It has to be a ready meal or some shit like that,” Sean said.

  Brant glared at his brother. “You got a problem, you can go and live back at your college.”

  “Are you always like this?”

  “Pretty much,” Sean said. “He loves me really. I’m his little brother, and he wouldn’t see anything happen to me.” Sean rested his head on his brother’s shoulder, batting his eyes as he did.

  Brant just burst out laughing. “How can anyone stay angry with that face? He’s so adorable.” He grabbed Sean’s cheek, giving it a light pinch.

  She couldn’t help but laugh as Sean pouted and pulled away.

  “Hey, you’ve got a sister, Elisha?”

  “I have.”

  “Maybe you can introduce us. I’m really good in bed. I’ve got a lot of women willing to tell you how damn good I am.”

  Elisha chuckled. “I have a sister, and I also have a brother-in-law. She’s very happily married, and Andrew would kick your ass.”

  “I’m tougher than I look.”

  “Beth’s happily married, with a couple of kids. You’ve not got a chance in hell. She’s also older than I am, so no.”

  “Damn.” Sean shrugged. “There’s a lot more fish in the sea. I wouldn’t want to hurt the female population with settling down with one woman.”


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