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Sassy Ever After_Classy Yet Sassy

Page 4

by Elaine Marie

  His hand slides up my thigh, and someone clears their throat. He pulls away and we look over to Luci. I wipe my swollen lips.

  “Sorry, Luci.” I glance back to Kato. His eyes flare with lust and need. “No more.” I push him back and take Luci’s hand. We walk around the car.

  “Sexy men, music, and strippers. Let’s do this.” Luci laughs and climbs into the passenger side.

  Before I can reach for the door handle, Kato slams it and bends down into the window area. “Sugar, behave. I’ll be watching.” My core tightens and I feel it down to my toes.

  “See you at the Naked Wolfe then.” I wink and press the automatic window button.

  “Why do you always act so tough? Like you don’t care? From the looks of the kiss, you two belong together.” My face flushed. “And the sex was amazing.”

  Luci slaps my arm. “Ewe, TMI.”

  I laugh as we pull out of the parking lot. “Well if you hear howling don’t come running.”

  It’s a short distance to the Naked Wolfe. I glance through the rear-view mirror and see Kato’s truck following. The parking lot is full but I find a spot towards the back. I flip down the visor to check my makeup. Luci checks her pocketbook for cash and I grab the wad of singles from my glove compartment.

  “Ready to get your freak on?” I ask as we exit the car and walk to the door giggling. With a quick glance around, I don’t see Kato or his truck. Oh well, we step inside and the music is loud, the lights shine brightly as they swing back and forth along the stage.

  “It’s Showtime!” we hear over the loud speaker as we make our way to the front and order drinks. Luci introduces me to Kendal. She’s married to Auran Spenport, the alpha of one of the local wolf packs. She’s sitting alone waiting on a friend and offered the two available seats next to her.

  The first dancer comes out and I jump up, moving to the beat of the music. All I can think about is Kato and how he rocked my world. The way he looks at me, the way his touch sets my skin a blaze. I can’t seem to focus on anyone else.

  “I can smell you,” echoes through my head. I turn, and sure enough, he’s standing at the bar. I lick my lips. As the dancer approaches the end of the stage I slide singles into his G-string. Trying to enjoy the show but it doesn’t help. The thoughts of Kato dominate in every way.

  I need to cool off and get him out of my head so I excuse myself to use the ladies room. The hallway is dim and I get about halfway down the hall when I’m pushed against the wall. I gasp, and Kato devours me. My legs instinctively wrap around his thigh. It’s like Déjà vu. I swear I thought this exact thing earlier.

  “Are those other men turning you on?” he asked between bites and kisses. Is he for real? He has no right.

  “No, Flea-bag. I was thinking about you.” I rub my body up to his, and my hand slides down between us to massage the bulge in his jeans. With him, I have no sense of control. With one look, one touch I’m wet and ready. I let out a moan of satisfaction. He pulls back and tries to catch his breath. His piercing blue eyes are full of questions.

  “You deserve better than a dirty hallway,” he says and takes a step back. I push him hard against his shoulders and he stumbles back against the opposite wall.

  “Getting dirty happens to be one of my specialties.” I begin to lower myself, but he places his hands on my arms and pulls me back up. The uncertainty in his eyes rips at my heart. Maybe he’s playing with me. Maybe he doesn’t really want me. Fuck him and the way he makes me feel.

  I push his hands off my naked flesh as if he was hurting me. In sight, he wasn’t, but it was my heart he was breaking. I’m not sure how these feelings started but there is no denying them. This man could have me any way he wanted me.

  The loss of control has my mind spinning so I run down the hallway and motion to Luci I’m leaving. She nods as Levi sits down next to her. He seems like a nice guy, and I’m certain he’ll make sure she gets home safe. Besides, Luci knows everyone in this small town. If Levi doesn’t give her a lift, I’m sure she’ll find a ride. Right now, I need to get away and figure out what the hell is going on inside my head.



  One minute she’s telling me off and kicking me to the curb, the next she’s all over me. What the hell is going on? I follow her to the door and I pull back when a hand reaches out and grabs my shoulder. I turn quickly to see Nate shaking his head. He points to the table and we go and sit down with his brother Jake.

  “She needs to come to you,” he says.

  I slam my fist on the table. “She’s so hot for me, but pushing me away at the same time. How? Tell me how?” The frustration has my body all tense.

  “Trust her. She’ll come to you. In the meantime, there were some sightings. You’re needed home. We’ll keep an eye on her for you.”

  I don’t want to go, but I know I have to give her space. She needs to find herself before she’ll accept me. Being stuck in the middle is pure torture.

  I nod and motion for Levi.

  Our pack meets in the back room of the mini mart gas station my family has owned for years. When I walk in, I nod to Ricky, Cameron, Aaron, and Benji.

  “We have a problem and it seems it’s getting worse. I spoke with the Wolfe pack. If we need them, they have our backs. It seems over the past few years we’ve been engaging with increasingly more Vampires. It’s time to draw the line before anyone else gets hurt. Too many humans have gone and haven’t been heard from.”

  Thoughts of Nevaeh and Lucienne being in danger strikes a nerve. I can’t let anything happen to them.

  I pull the map and book out taking note of where the latest sightings have been. This one being a loner was spotted up the river about a half mile from Blue Creek. I mark the map and it’s close to the Clarke home. I compiled information together to bring with me. It’s time I speak to the Coven again. This is not the time or place for my mate to be right now. I need to protect her.

  Chapter Nine


  IT’S BEEN A FEW DAYS, and Luci’s at work. I pull out my journal and the photo album I’ve kept secret all these years. As I flip through the pages, I write down the people I’d like to interview. First is Barbara Wolfe. She’s a beautiful woman who adores her family. I’ve spoken with her a few times at the Fourth of July picnics over the years. She is always welcoming, even to the humans. I could never understand how we all live in harmony, with such different lives. Although, I guess we aren’t really different at all.

  I turn the page and come to Dale Dameer. He lives on the outskirts of town a little farther south than my father’s family home. He has light brown hair and wears it in a crew cut style. His eyes are blue.

  From what I recall, my father introduced him to his wife. They have a couple of sons. I think we met a few times as kids when my father would bring me back to the old family home. But I can’t remember. Back then, I was all about being Daddy’s little girl. No one and nothing else mattered.

  I guess I’ll start with them and go from there. Closing the journal, I set it down and look at the dresser. It’s time to dress. I cross the room and open the dresser, pulling out a pair of white jeans and a soft white blouse with buttons in the front. They’ll go great with my strappy wedge sandals.

  After I dress, I make my way outside and to my car. I drive into the heart of town and park in the municipal lot so I can walk around before doing some investigating. I’d like to buy Luci a thank you gift for having me this summer. My arm pushes against the cool glass door to the bistro and I order a latte to go.

  As I sip my drink, I scan the area and see the boutique to the left that Luci mentioned. I shrug my shoulders and decide I’ll see what they have first. Once inside, I roam through the aisles. I’m not sure what I’m looking for, but I continue to browse. A few minutes later, I see it. A skirt and blouse outfit. It’s her style, and I know she’ll love it. I grab the outfit in her size and turn to go pay. It’s then I bump into Barbara herself.

  “Hello dear
. Are you back for the summer?” she asks, and I nod.

  “Hello, Mrs. Wolfe. It’s a pleasure to see you again.”

  She smiles a smile that can brighten up even the stormiest of days. I place the outfit on the counter and she pulls me into a hug.

  “Have you seen the Dameer family?”

  What an odd question to ask, I think. It’s not like I go out of my way to see the Dameer’s every time I’m here.

  “No ma’am, I haven’t seen them in years. Are they still in the area?” At least she’ll be able to let me know since he is on my list of people to talk to. She steps back, nods, and places her hand on the side of my cheek.

  “Ah, yes, honey. They’ve been waiting for you. My goodness. You look so much like your father, yet your mother shines through.”

  I gulp down the emotion. No one ever compared me to my mom before this. “Speaking of my parents; can I ask you a few questions?”

  She holds my hand in hers and smiles. “Honey, you know you’re welcome here. If there’s anything I can tell you, I will.”

  My mouth goes dry. Why would there be something she can’t tell me?

  “Why don’t we go for lunch? My treat! We can talk there,” she asks as I hand my debit card to the cashier. Mrs. Wolfe wraps her arm around my shoulder and I grab my bag before we walk out. All my thoughts scramble. Where do I start? We walk a few feet and step inside the small deli, taking a seat in the booth at the end of the far wall.

  “What do you want to know?” she asks after we place our order.

  I sip my iced-tea and think of what to ask. “My father, Nathaniel Clarke—”

  ”I know who he is. This town is very small.” A chuckle escapes the lovely woman. It’s almost like there are eyes and ears everywhere, and everyone knows everyone. Mid-thought, my vision blurs but I can see, but not through my eyes.

  I see my debit card and hear a woman speaking. “Yes, this message is for a Ms. Clarke. You left your debit card here at the store. We’re open until five if you’d like to stop by and pick it up.” When she finishes speaking, my own vision returns, and Mrs. Wolfe is holding my hand.

  “Are you okay, dear?” she asks.

  Questions fill my head, but I have no idea where I just went or what I saw. I’ve lost a few moments of my time. How strange.

  “Yeah, um—” I clear my throat along with my thoughts. “People say my father had an accident and it’s what caused his death. I don’t buy it.” I sit back, judging her body language. Since I have no clue what I’m looking for, I have no other choice than to be direct. I have to rely on the reactions of others to guide my line of questioning. She picks up the napkin, looks out the window, and then back at me.

  “From what I can tell you, it was kind of an accident. The official reports say he drowned. But the most important thing I can tell you is your father is a hero around these parts.”

  I gasp. I’ve never heard anyone call him a hero. The curses and horrible names Julia used to call him rattle inside my brain. How he was no good, and she hated he always compared her to me. She hated he devoted his focus to me instead of her. It was as if I was a burden to her. She never wanted me. But Daddy did. He loved me unconditionally.

  Memories of when I was young flood my mind…things I’d forgotten until now. It’s almost like I’d pressed stop on a DVR years ago and just began watching again.

  Dad brought me to the area for weeks at a time. He said mother-dearest needed a break. During our stays, he’d take me for walks and point out the difference in trees, and the way the moss only grows on the north side of the tree because it gets less sunlight. He wanted me to know in case I ever was lost. He always said to make sure I was home or somewhere safe before the darkness filled the air and one day I’ll understand.

  Daddy always made this place special for me. It was where he introduced me to different things and different people. He always said everyone and everything has its place in the world. There was a purpose for these outings but he never had the chance to tell me.

  A tear escapes down my cheek and I look away. I miss him.

  “Nevaeh, be careful. I’m not sure what you’re looking for, but you may not like all the answers you find.” She places a few dollars on the table and leaves before the food even arrives.

  Why won’t anyone tell me more? It’s like they are afraid to tell me something. Am I the reason? Did I do something? Luci always cuts the conversation short. My Aunt and Uncle won’t even entertain the thought of the conversation. But I need to know. What am I missing? I wallow in my heartache for a mere second before I let the bitch in me rise.

  Screw this. I ask the waitress to pack up the food. Afterward, I leave the deli. I’m going to find out what really happened with my father. Enough of this bullshit! No matter what the outcome I, as his only child, have the right to know.

  I walk down the main avenue maneuvering past the stores. I push open the boutique and a young woman stands behind the register with her back to me. She’s on the phone. “Yes, this message is for a Ms. Clarke. You left your debit card here at the store. We’re open until five if you’d like to stop by and pick it up.” Deja Vu.

  She turns. “Oh good. I just left you a message. ”

  I glance around confused. She raises her hand and hands me my debit card. Didn’t she already leave me the message earlier? What the hell? I take my card and thank her.

  After leaving the store, I go to my car and climb inside. I make the short drive back to the loft. Once I’m inside, I place the food on the shelf in the fridge and change into a tank top and tie a flannel shirt around my waist. I kick my wedges off and grab my sneakers. When I’m redressed, I grab my purse and keys. It’s time to visit my daddy’s family home.

  Once I’m out of town and heading south, I wonder how the place looks. My nerves have the better of me, but I know I have to do this. As I pull in front of the overgrown lot, I park the car on the side of the road and get out. Without allowing myself time to think, I step through the brush.

  No-one has been here in years it seems. I hope the tightness in my chest will pass once the house is in view. I continue the climb up the hill. It should only be another five-hundred feet.

  As I edge closer, I visualize the little white house with gray shutters, and the wraparound porch I used to love playing tag on with my dad. I can visualize the loveseat which faced out toward the back yard and swing-set. Dad would sit watching me catch fireflies with the neighbor’s son. I can’t remember much about the little boy, but I think he was older. At any rate, I wasn’t too interested in him. My dad was the one who invited him over to play, but I didn’t mind as long as Daddy was with me.

  When I reach the top of the hill, I swallow the lump in my throat. Catalina flowers grow tall and colorful along the sidewalk. The house is exactly the way we left it. It doesn’t look run down at all. In fact, it looks completely fine. How odd. I try and take a step forward but I’m startled.

  To the right, I see Kendal approach with another girl. I think it’s her friend Ryann from the other night. They walk through the yard and smile in my direction. An older woman drifts alongside them. Then they’re gone. The older woman looked familiar, but I can’t be sure. Tears form in my eyes, but they never fall. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I’ve come too far to back out now. Opening my eyes, I push my shoulders back and walk. As I descend the small hill, I recall the last summer we were here.

  Julia joined Daddy and me. It was the first time in the twelve years of my life she insisted on coming. It was odd, but I thought maybe she was beginning to accept me and wanted to be a real family…like Luci’s.

  It was late in the summer, and we had begun to pack to head back home to the city. My father agreed to watch Mr. Dameer’s son so he and his wife could go out to dinner. The evening had approached and my father walked in with a blonde-haired boy. I ignored him and watched as my father told my mother-dearest he was going to take a shower.

  The next thing I remember is my father yellin
g. I’ve never heard him yell before. I was frightened.

  “How could you? How could you send a young boy out in the darkness? Are you insane?”

  My mother-dearest stood, not saying a word, just smiling like a crazy woman. My father tugged on his sweater and headed out into the woods in the backyard. I sat there on the porch until my stepmother forced me inside.

  My life changed an hour later when she answered the door. She flung it open with such enthusiasm and smiled at the pale man in the doorway.

  “Is it done?” she asked.

  He nodded and was gone just as quick. I can’t remember what he looks like…only that he was pale and he made me feel ill. For some reason or another, I have blocked him from my mind.

  I cowered in the corner as she yelled. Telling me I’m no good and she should have never married my father. Sometimes I wished she didn’t. When I stood, she turned and told me, “Your father’s gone. Now, I’m stuck with you, but it’ll be okay. I’ll make you work. You’ll repay me someday for keeping you.” She packed us a small bag and we climbed into the car. She never looked back.

  I was twelve. I didn’t know where my father was. I was lost. Luci and I’d never catch fireflies with the boy next door again. I was empty…hollow. I was as dead as my father.

  After high school graduation, Luci appeared at our apartment. She was full of rage and told Julia I was eighteen. If I wanted to visit family, she had no right to stop me. At the time, I hadn’t known my mother-dearest was keeping me from them. We argued and I put my foot down. I’ve visited every summer since then. I can’t believe she’d keep me from family. Family means everything to me. What a bitch.

  My feet slow as I approach the walkway. I glance down at the flowers. My vision blurs then clears.

  I hear chanting. What’s going on? I turn left and right and the house is surrounded. Who are these people? They join hands and the sky turns brighter than ever before, and without warning, they’re gone.


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