Perfectly Star Crossed

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by Victoria Rose

  Perfectly Star-Crossed-

  by Victoria Rose

  Copyright 2012, All rights reserved. This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher; exceptions are made for brief excerpts used in published reviews.

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  PO Box 210 Maple City, MI. 49664

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  Cursed Under the Moon

  Gulliver’s Travels, Autobiography By: Stanley Gulliver

  Chapter One: Introduction

  How much is a human life worth to you? Do you value a person's existence? I never have. When I look at people, I don't feel compassion. I don't want to know anybody's story or why they do the things that they do. I don't care how other people feel. I don't believe that there is good in anybody, I have had too much experience that tells me differently. That is why they chose me. That is why they always choose me.

  We have this deal going on. I do what they ask, and they give me everything I could ever want or need. I have a sweet condo, clothes that are fitted especially for me, exquisite jewelry, food and anything else that my little heart desires.

  What do I have to do for this luxury? I just have to pretend to be somebody I'm not. I've never really had a true identity so it's not that hard. I am paid to hurt people in the worst way imaginable; emotionally. And guess what, I don't feel the least bit bad about it. Part of me actually enjoys it.

  So, here is how it works: A tall guy (pervert) in a black suit and sunglasses delivers a red envelope to me. It doesn't matter what I am doing, he will interrupt it which really ticks me off. Anyway, the envelope has a letter in it, explaining to me "my" past, a birth certificate, social security card, photo ID, and a credit card in my new name. The letter would also have a picture included of the main subject and the task at hand.

  How did I get myself into this? It's a long story, but I will try and make it short. My parents were murdered when I was seven; eleven years ago. They got involved with the wrong people and screwed them over. Sadly, I wasn't the least bit remorseful. My parents were never the nicest people. I wasn't taken care of: starved, beaten and used as a subject in porn videos, I was only good for money that they could make. Sometimes, instead of selling videos they would sell me. It isn't pleasant having old, fat and smelly men using you in whatever way they pleased.

  So, the guy shoots my parents and was about to do me in when he stops and takes a closer look at me. Out of all the things I've been cursed with in this life, bad looks is not one of them. I am actually quite attractive, and that isn't being prideful, it's just a fact.

  I stand at the height of five feet and seven inches. I have a curvy yet toned figure, which I have found has excellent advantages. My skin is light with a pink tint and absolutely flawless, my parents must have had good skin genes because even at the prime age of eighteen I have never had a single zit. The only imperfection on my skin is a light pink birthmark below my navel. My face is heart shaped, high cheekbones that are prominent are one of my favorite features. My hair is a rich auburn and falls to my waist in loose curls. My eyes are large and they change between blue and green, most often in the middle, leaving a unique aqua color. My eyelashes are long and thick, no need for mascara. Everything is evenly proportioned, a small, straight nose just above a full mouth and a dimple in my left cheek.

  I hope I painted my picture well enough for you. Anyway, I guess the guy saw potential, even at such a young age. So he brought me to the boss who developed a soft spot for me. He had no daughters of his own and so he took me in as one. Fortunately for me, when he died and his son, who is four years older than I am, took over the business he held a soft spot as well. Although his interest in me is significantly different than his father's.

  His father loved me as his own daughter. He would take me places, he showed me how to use a gun, taught me how to gamble, how to kill without leaving evidence, and sometimes though it was rare, would take me out for ice-cream.

  The son, Derek, lusted for me. He claimed he had loved me his whole life. He had always gone with his father and me. He said the day that I learned how to always shoot to kill, I stole his heart. He wanted to marry me so I would never have to work again. He didn't understand how or why that I actually liked my job. My work is what I live for. I get to start new every time. I'm not Delilah anymore. I don't come from a shitty past. Every job I get, I am a normal girl with a normal life, out to scorn any man or woman who gets to close. Anyway, if I married him, he would not want me anymore. I would live a boring and secluded life, void of any excitement and no way to get out. I never want that. I was born to be on my own.

  But the last mission I received; it changed my life. And that is where my story begins.

  Chapter Two: The Mission

  There is absolutely nothing better than a hot bath. There is nothing so relaxing and refreshing as being submersed in hot water with bubbles and the smell of your favorite scent surrounding you. I always take a bath before bed. That is where I found myself when the red envelope was delivered. I sighed as the man walked in without even knocking. I hated that guy.

  "Good evening, Miss Delilah," his voice was deep and I am sure that if he didn't annoy me so much I would have found it attractive. His eyes were hidden behind the dark sunglasses, but I could feel his gaze scan my body as well as it could considering the glasses and the bubbles.

  "Do you pick these moments to visit me strategically Freddie?" His mouth twitched as he tried to hide a smile. I glared at him. He was lucky I didn't have a gun in my hand and that Derek would be extremely upset if I killed him. But he wouldn't always be that fortunate.

  "No Miss Delilah, it would seem that lady luck is on my side," I rolled my eyes at his sugarcoated tone.

  "As I'm sure she would be if I told the Boss about this incident. Am I right, Freddie?" I smiled charmingly at him and he quickly handed me the envelope, fear radiating from him.

  "Have a wonderful night Miss Delilah," he swiftly exited the way he came. I laughed. A major bonus to being the love interest of the Boss: the creeps leave me alone, for the most part. I opened the letter, still laughing quietly to myself. What can I say? I get a kick out of people's fear. My laughter, however, died and I was already disgusted just after reading the way Derek addressed me.

  My Dearest Delilah,

  Another mission is at hand. I wish I didn't have to send you on these, but since you refuse to marry me, I have no choice. You do not have to change much for this one, you as yourself are perfect for the job. Of course, your last name and your history will be altered for our protection, but you just need to be yourself. Act how you would act during a situation and say what you would say. No facades for this one.

  I hope that after this mission you will have changed your mind my precious Delilah. I pray you will be ready to marry me. I love you. The information is on the next page.

  He must be getting desperate. He never intertwined business and personal things. He didn't understand the word "no" either. It wasn't really his fault that he didn't understand it though. Nobody told Derek no. He was a man with tons of power and nobody (excluding me) dared to tell him no unless they wanted everyone and everything they loved and cared about taken away before they themselves were murdered.

  There were three reasons that I wasn't threatened by him. The first reason being I had nothing and no one I loved or cared about. The second reas
on is that I wasn't afraid of death, my life held no real meaning. The third reason was that I was the only one whose crap he would put up with, and honestly, it was fun to piss him off. As long as he had the false idea that he loved me, I was safe.

  Going back to the letter; on the second page was all of my new information. Delilah Dixon? What kind of name was that? I scowled. People were losing their imaginations. My parents were business owners and I lived by myself, never seeing them. I emancipated myself when I was sixteen and was now eighteen. My grandmother had died a year ago, leaving me with a huge inheritance, including the condo I now lived in. I was a senior at West Side, just transferred from Central. I was an ordinary kid, with an ordinary life… How relieving.

  This was the first time they let me use my real name, or let me live in my own condo. And they wanted my real personality? It was intriguing. I didn't think I was even likeable. Who were they after this time? Just a high school kid? I was actually curious to see who they thought would like me. He was on the third page. They never told me anything about the men or women, getting to know them had to be normal, but there was always a picture.

  He was extremely attractive. Just looking at him made me excited for the mission. I wouldn't be disgusted to have to sleep with him like a lot of them. I was extremely pleased to see it was a man. It is hard to pretend to be attracted to women, let alone sleep with them. I shuddered, lesbianism was not my thing, though it works for some people. To each their own I guess.

  This boy was hard to look away from. His hair was dark, almost black and fell to his shoulders in messy waves, curling at the end. His eyebrows could not be natural, they were too tame and thin and perfectly shaped. Underneath his eyebrows were rich brown eyes, they actually disturbed me. I couldn't tell which emotion he was feeling, but it was definitely not happy. Some people's eyes were the easiest to read, not the case with him. Thick eyelashes surrounded the beautiful eyes, making it look like he had make up on. His face was sharp, with lots of angles, and in contrast to the thinness of his face, his mouth was full, but not too large for his face. Surrounding his delightful mouth was a goatee trimmed nicely, meeting with thin sideburns that grew shortly along his jaw line. A lip piercing was on the left side of his lower lip and his ears were pierced as well. He was gorgeous and suddenly I couldn't wait for school Monday.

  Chapter Three: Librarian, Not a Teacher

  By Monday, (actually by the following morning,) my excitement had worn out. I despised the human race, but the ones that got my heart jumping and the hormones racing were the worst. I planned to really destroy this one. I was not going to do a half ass job. I was going to rip his heart out and he had no clue. I smiled bitterly at the thought.

  West side high school was just like every other high school I had ever attended. There was way too much blue and brown in the place, so I assumed those were the school colors. It had the same smells, a mixture of overcooked cafeteria food, old books and body odor. I made a disgusted face and suddenly heard a low chuckle, lacking any real humor.

  "That is a great look for you," I turned and saw none other than the boy I was supposed to woo. I rolled my eyes and started walking away, I figured he would stop me, they usually do. But as I walked further away, I realized, he wasn't going to. I smirked as I walked through the office doors. I loved a good challenge.

  It was nice to have a high school mission, they came so rarely now. The only good part about the whole thing was the classes. Fortunately for me, the guy was smart, so I didn't get stuck in boring classes all day. My schedule went like this: First hour- Physical Education, I really hoped the teacher would work us hard and not be a pansy. Second hour- Calculus. Third hour - Advanced Biology. Fourth hour came after lunch and was ancient history. Fifth hour- creative writing two, and lastly I was the teacher's assistant in the library.

  I was thinking the Boss had lost his touch. The guy had to think it was suspicious… A new girl shows up at school and has all the same classes as him. I couldn't tell what he was thinking though, whether he thought it was odd or not. I had a system, and I was foreseeing problems with it right from the beginning.

  Since we were both helping out in the library, it was inevitable we were going to have to work together. So that shot my usual strategy down the toilet. I did get spared one day though, I was called to the office for a meeting with the counselor last hour.

  It wasn't hard to come up with a new plan. I would just go on as normal until I was forced to have to speak to him, and then maybe I could skip the first part and shorten the mission.

  So, Tuesday I went all day without incident, finding out all I could about this guy without asking or ever really trying. Luckily for me, he was highly gossiped about. I found out his name was Isaiah, he never really talked to anybody, he was often found at clubs, drove a ninja, and supposedly had killed seventeen people, just because he felt like it. I expected it all to be true, except maybe the last part, but if the Boss was after him, maybe that was true as well.

  When I got to sixth hour, things changed a little bit. The librarian was very characteristic. She insisted I call her Emily, saying Mrs. Was her mother-in-law. She was loud and talked with her hands a lot. She showed me what to do herself, saying that Isaiah would never talk to me, although I could tell she liked him. Everything was going fine until she dragged me to a corner and started whispering like a middle school student.

  "Now, I've been waiting for a pretty girl to show up here and get Isaiah to come out of his shell. So, I know it will be hard work, but- now don't get offended- I want you to try and hook up with him… If you know what I mean," she wiggled her eyebrows at me. I didn't know if I should get offended or bust up laughing. What would Delilah Dixon do? I wavered between the two and decided on the latter.

  "Please, tell me you're kidding," she shook her head violently.

  "No! I'll even give you extra credit," at that I started laughing again.

  "You're a teacher, for heaven's sake! Aren't you supposed to encourage me to have good morals and stuff? And you're here telling me to try and get some random guy to sleep with me!"

  "One, I am a librarian, not a teacher. Two, he's not a random guy. I like him very much, he's very intelligent. And three, there will be no sleeping involved," my laughter stopped as I realized just how serious she was.

  "I will do my best to get him to fornicate with me, Emily," she smiled. Good. I think this will be very good.

  Chapter Four:Tasty

  "You call this doing your best?" Emily screamed at me. It had been a week and I hadn't even attempted to talk to Isaiah. I sat next to him in biology and history, but he never spoke unless called on.

  "Chill Em, I'm subtly moving in. Obviously it's working because you didn't notice," her brows furrowed and I gave her a calming smile. "I was actually just about to talk to him before you came screaming at me," the last part was the truth. Her eyes got wide behind her glasses.

  "Oh, well sorry for intruding, go get him!" She whispered excitedly. I watched as she scurried away, but I knew she'd be watching. I walked slowly over to Isaiah. I didn't want to go to him, he was just so… Tasty is probably the best word. I wanted to jump him whenever I got close to his flawless, beautiful face. This had never happened to me before. It was distracting and I hated it. As I got closer I could smell him, it almost made me dizzy. I didn't know the exact mixture, but I smelled incense and cigarette smoke, then there was something a bit more naturesque, if that was even a word.

  He was stocking books on shelves, so I leaned a hip against the shelf that he was stocking. He didn't look away, but I noticed a hesitation in his movements. I put on my flirtiest smile and crossed my arms over my chest.

  "Hey," I didn't expect him to answer, so I was surprised when he did.

  "I know you have seen other girls try and fail. Your attempt will be no different, I can assure you," he obviously had no idea who he was dealing with.

  "First, I'm not other girls, I'm completely different. Second, I'm doing this fo
r Emily. She is trying desperately to get you laid," I held back a laugh at his face. He shook his head.

  "I told her to butt out of my business. She is a troublesome old woman," the tone in his voice was indeed frustrated, but that he held her in high regard was also evident. I reached out my arm and put my hand on his, he tensed.

  "At least with your body language flirt with me, to appease her old soul," he sighed before putting on an absolutely dazzling smile and leaning closer to me. I was momentarily stunned.

  "And this is doing nothing for you?" He laid an arm on the bookshelf by my head.

  "I won't lie, my heart is going faster. You are an attractive person. But like I said, I'm not other girls. I respect the fact that you want privacy and I'm not going to try and tie you down to me," the whole time I said this, I kept a little flirtatious smile on so Emily would be none the wiser.

  "Are you saying you just want to fuck me and be done with it? Then you will have something to tell your little friends," I laughed mildly.


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