Perfectly Star Crossed

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Perfectly Star Crossed Page 2

by Victoria Rose

  "I know you are oblivious to the world around you, so let me tell you now, I don't have friends. I'm not a huge fan of the human race, so I try not to spend time with them."

  "So why do you want to spend time with me?" I smirked and ran my hand up his arm.

  "This is for Emily," I reminded him.

  "And because I make your heart race?" I rolled my eyes, smile still in place.

  "I hate you for that, just so you know," he smirked at me.

  "I love it when they hate me," the bell rang. "See you tomorrow, Delilah," when he said my name, I was wishing that the boss had changed it. It sounded like a purr coming from his mouth, it made me want to make him say it over and over. Lust was no new feeling to me, but I hated it, feeling that ache over the very people I hated. Knowing he was hard to break was going to make it even more satisfying in the end when I did break him. And break him I would.

  So many people came up to me after the library incident, I should specify; they were all girls. I told them all to get lost, in not so nice of words. I never realized just how many people went to the library. By the time I got to my car, over twenty people had tried to get me to talk about Isaiah.

  I was regretting that I had talked to him with so many people around, or that I had talked to him at all. I was torn between not wanting to do the mission because of how badly I wanted him physically, and wanting to do it because of how severely I wanted to hurt him for the way he was making me feel.

  I slammed the door of my car in the face of three little girls who were still trying to get me to talk. I had just started my car when a red ninja went racing by. I scowled at the thin form looking so good on the back of the bike. I decided then that I would do my job, I would stick it out, but not before demanding I get a huge bonus for doing so.

  Chapter Five: Big Headed

  I went to school feeling smug the next morning. I was getting a vacation when the job was done. Derek was sending me to Ireland, with a camera of my choosing. I already had five decent cameras, but I had my eye on a new one and was lusting for it almost as badly as I was lusting for Isaiah. In five days time I would have my new camera and multiple lenses in my grasp and I would be unstoppable. Photography is one passion I will never grow out of. The only thing that kept me sane.

  My smugness abruptly ended when I heard his voice and suddenly felt as good as I would if I were at home in my bathtub. Why was my body betraying me like that? And why was he talking to me anyway?

  "Good morning, Delilah," again my heart reacted to him saying my name.

  "Why are you talking to me?" I turned to face him. He was sitting on the floor against the wall near the entrance.

  "Many girls would kill to have me talk to them," I rolled my eyes.

  "Then please, talk to them. Maybe they'll kill each other. I was bombarded after school yesterday, thanks to you."

  "If I remember correctly, you came onto me," his head was leaned back and eyes closed, if he weren't talking I would have thought he was sleeping.

  "I thought you would ignore me like every other girl. Like I said, I was doing a favor for Emily," his eyebrow raised as if he didn't believe me.

  "I think you just needed and excuse to talk to me, so used Emily as your scapegoat," if only he knew how right on he really was with that statement.

  "Maybe you're right. Maybe I've secretly been dying to talk to you. How on earth did I get so lucky to be the one you finally talk to?" My voice dripped with sarcasm, but he didn't seem to notice.

  "Maybe you are the first girl in this whole damn school to finally intrigue me. You have the looks and by your car and clothes, I'd say the money to fit in, but you ignore all peoples attempts to befriend you. You seem intelligent, but barely speak, and you are the first female to not hit on me until forced. I've been watching you, but I can't figure you out," I never thought I'd hear him say so much at one time.

  "You've been watching me, eh? I'm not sure if I should be flattered or creeped out."

  "Feel whatever you want. Once I find out that you are just like everyone else, I'll forget about you," he sounded so sure of himself, but I knew he would never forget about me. He wouldn't get the chance.

  "And if you find out I'm not like everyone else? What happens then?" He opened his eyes and looked at me, his brown eyes piercing.

  "I don't believe I will have to worry about that. You could be acting this way just to get my attention," I couldn't believe him. How could somebody be so big headed? Maybe it was just a cover up to hid how inadequate he really felt.

  "You are awfully full of yourself, Isaiah. Either that or you are extremely paranoid," he sighed.

  "When you lead the kind of life I do, it is mandatory to watch your back," that statement piqued my interest.

  "What kind of life is that?" He didn't answer. I just shrugged and walked away.

  "Where are you going?" He asked.

  "Class. I told you, I respect that you like your privacy. I'm not going to pry where I'm not wanted. I'll see you later," again, he didn't stop me as I walked away. As I went to my classroom I realized that he had a wall almost the size of mine. Well, I would make sure that it crumbled.

  Friday came around and Isaiah still had not talked to me yet. At times I could feel his hot gaze on my face, I didn't acknowledge it. He was most likely watching me to see a flaw in how he had begun to think of me. He wasn't going to find one, I didn't have to do much acting for this character I was playing.

  I must have done a good job at convincing him I was who I claimed to be because during a video in history I heard him whisper my name. I looked at him questioningly.

  "Do you dance?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

  "Not if I can help it, why?" I was actually a very good dancer, it just wasn't at the top of my priority list.

  "If you're interested, I'll be at this club tonight," he slid me a piece of paper with an address on it. "But don't bother showing up if you can't dance, I wouldn't want my reputation ruined," I rolled my eyes at him. "And if you don't' show, I'll think it's because you can't dance, not because you don't want to see me," he smirked.

  "Alright, I'll be there, now shut up," his smirk turned into a grin. I scowled and turned my attention back to the video, but my mind was somewhere far away from the Egyptians. This was what I needed to advance to the next level with him, but I couldn't figure out why he would want me there in the first place.

  Chapter Six: What I Want to do to You

  I could feel the stares from admirers, both men and women as I walked through the club. I only vaguely looked for Isaiah, I knew he would find me. I headed straight for the bar, I wouldn't drink, but it had the best view of the place.

  I had barely sat down before four different guys offered to buy me drinks. I (not so) politely told them no. I leaned with my elbows against the bar, looking over the place.

  It was your typical club scene. Scantily clad women, guys wearing pants so tight I wondered how they moved, big guys wearing black, smoke in the air, strobe lights, and people all but having sex on the dance floor. As much as it disgusted me I wanted Isaiah to find me so I could be a part of it.

  "Glad you could make it, Delilah," in the large room with everyone's hormones pumping, the way he said my name had an even greater effect on me than before. I looked over at him, taking in his appearance. He wore a simple black button up shirt, loose black pants decorated with a chain that I assumed hooked to his wallet, and black Vans. So simple, yet he looked so good. As soon as my heart slowed down, I trusted myself to speak. I was satisfied to see he was giving me a once (or twice) over as well. I had dressed a little more decently than most of the people, but not much. My dress was black, form fitting and cut low.

  "What sort of game are you playing Isaiah?" He feigned innocence.

  "Game? I just want to see if you can dance."

  "What is it to you if I can or can't dance?" My voice was indifferent, not defensive or rude.

  "Like I said, you intrigue me," he held out his hand. "S
hall we?" I eyed him for a moment, then put on a dazzling smile.

  "Yes, anything to get me away from multiple men wanting to buy me drinks," he laughed quietly.

  "You do look beautiful," that caused me to falter in my walking slightly. Beautiful? I had heard men say hot, sexy and other words along those lines, but never beautiful. I recovered quickly.

  "You clean up nicely too," he smiled.

  "Hey, I'll take what I can get," he said as we reached the middle of the dance floor. He took the hand he was holding on his shoulder as I put my free hand on his opposite shoulder. His hands grabbed my hips and we began to move.

  I found myself watching him as we moved together and studied his expression as my hands wandered and my hips moved against his. I was mesmerized by his features, and how he grinned when he liked something I did. Soon he spun me though so my back was against his chest. His hands were like fire on my body, I wasn't repulsed by his touch which was refreshing yet it made me wary. Despite the closeness and the friction, he didn't put his hand anywhere too personal. My feelings about that were contradicting.

  The music soon slowed and I again found myself being turned. He took my hands and set them by his neck, running his calloused hands down my arms and back until they settled around my waist. I looked up and found him staring at my face, not many guys looked there.

  "Don't let this go to your head, but I like dancing with you," he admitted. I had the feeling he didn't say that much. I shrugged.

  "I'll try not to let it get to my head if you don't let the fact that I've never danced with someone as talented in that area as you, get to yours." He smirked.

  "Dancing is one of the few things I like to do. It's rare I find somebody who meets my expectations."

  "What other things do you like to do? Or is that prying?"

  "I think it's a reasonable question to ask when trying to get to know someone," I waited to see if he was going to answer my question. "I like to ride my motorcycle, to read, and to smoke. Those things are my top three next to dancing. What about you?" Should I tell him real hobbies and keep it simple, or lie? I decided to go with the truth.

  "I like bubble baths, photography, and purposely stepping on the crunchy leaves in the fall," he busted up laughing and I wasn't sure why. Maybe my answer was a little odd.

  "I didn't expect to hear that from you," I raised an eyebrow.

  "What did you expect?" His eyebrows came together like he was thinking hard.

  "I don't know. You are a mystery to me," I smiled.

  "I always will be, unless you are extremely perceptive," his expression was unreadable.

  "Do you really believe that?" I nodded. "Well, then I guess it's a good thing I'm extremely perceptive. I'll figure you out, you can't be that complex. I mean, you are a woman," I rolled my eyes and slapped his shoulder.

  "Why did you invite me here anyway?"

  "To see if you would come. I didn't know if you would or not. I thought if I messed with your pride there would be a better chance, but I didn't know if you would fall for it."

  "Well I didn't come just to prove I can dance, which I did indeed prove. There were a couple other reasons as well," I didn't go any further. I would leave him guessing.

  "Would you care to enlighten me?"

  "No," I laughed at his semi-shocked face. "But only one of the reasons had anything to do with you," his grip on me tightened. I could feel the muscles in his arms and his hard chest against me and my body wanted to react in a way I wasn't about to let it. It was way too soon for that. His face came closer to mine and he brought his lips to my ear.

  "Did the reason have anything to do with what you want to do to me?" I involuntarily shivered and felt his lips curve.

  "Not at all. I don't even know what I want to do to you," he slid a hand down my butt and leg and back up again to set it on my hip, fingers moving rhythmically.

  "I've thought about what I'd like to do to you," I felt heat course through me at the implications of his words, followed by a wave of hate.

  "What do you want to do to me? What have you been thinking?" My voice was almost a purr. I smiled in satisfaction when I felt a tremor go through his body as I ran my hands slowly along his torso.

  "Probably the same things you've been thinking about me," I doubted it, so I decided to share what I had been thinking.

  "You don't know if you want to slap me or screw me? You can't decide if you're intrigued by me or repulsed by me? And you also can't decide if these contradictory feelings are my fault or yours?" My hands balled into fists as I said this, crinkling his nice shirt. His reply was forceful.

  "Yes! That is exactly it. You took my thoughts and put them into words," suddenly somebody bumped into me and I realized the music had sped up again. He took my hand in his and led me away from the dance floor.

  We stepped outside and I didn't realize how hot I was until the crisp air hit me. It was refreshing. I heard the flick of a lighter and looked up at Isaiah. I was happy to see he looked flushed as well. "Can I bum one? There aren't many places to put them in this attire," I said concerning the cigarette.

  "It's menthol," he said it like a question.

  "Perfect, I knew not many people liked menthol but I was not one of them. He handed me one and lit it for me. We were silent for awhile. I wasn't quite sure what to say, I usually didn't have to say much at all. Most guys I met talked enough for the both of us. He sighed deeply.

  "I've never been in a situation like this," I looked at him questioningly. "I usually stay away from people. It's more for their protection, I'm a dangerous guy."

  "I like danger," I did indeed like danger. I fed off of it, and it gave me a rush. Plus, most likely the reason he was dangerous was because of who was after him, and I was on their side.

  "I bet you've never been in any real danger," he said skeptically.

  "Maybe I have, maybe I haven't," I had to keep that air of mystery around me. Little did he know, like moths to a flame, danger was attracted to me. It comes packaged with the job though.

  I saw him moving but didn't do anything to stop him. He moved quickly and pressed me against the cool brick wall. His body was crushed against mine, his hands on the wall on both sides of my face, I could see the lit end of his cigarette and little else.

  "If you want to be in real danger, stick around me. I can't promise your safety," he growled. One of my hands slid to the back of his neck and I grabbed it, digging my nails into his skin, bringing his face closer.

  "And what if I'm the dangerous one?" I whispered. I heard a soft, humorless laugh and he shook his head. I tightened my grip. "You know nothing about me. I maybe be small, attractive and female, but I'm capable of a lot more than you know," my voice was hard and I had no idea why I was telling him this. I felt him sigh.

  "My God, you're beautiful even when you're mad!" His hand came up and stroked the side of my face as he said it. I was again stunned by him saying beautiful. He leaned closer and planted a feather like kiss on the corner of my mouth, the temptation was there to turn my head and get a full on kiss, instead I settled for a weird bubbly feeling in my stomach. I sighed.

  "You are so different from any boy I've ever met," a corner of his mouth lifted. "Don't smile! I don't know if it's a good or bad thing yet," he was still so close to me and I felt something I hadn't felt in a very long time: intimidated. I did not like or understand what he was making me feel.

  "Where did you park? He asked as he backed away.

  "Down the block," he took my hand and we walked toward my car. When we got there he leaned a hip against the car as I unlocked it. I threw my keys into the passenger seat and walked over to Isaiah. "Can I do something?" I asked.

  "As long as it doesn't cause any physical damage," I laughed softly before reaching up and running a hand through his hair. It was so soft and silky. I smiled. "Why did you do that?" He asked, amused.

  "It's something I'd been wanting to do since I met you," I admitted. I went to get in my car when he stop
ped me. He cupped my face in his hands. He leaned in and kissed me slowly and gently, and all too soon it was over. I cleared my throat. "Why did you do that?" My voice cracked as I asked, he smiled.

  "It's something I'd been wanting to do since I met you," he mimicked. I rolled my eyes at him.

  "Good night, Isaiah," I slipped into my car and he held the door.

  "Sleep well, Delilah," he spoke before shutting my door. I started my car and drove away. I hated him!

  Chapter Seven- Unexpected

  My weekend went by slowly. I was spending a lot of time dwelling on my confused feelings. I was pissed. This wasn't supposed to happen to me. Why did I feel this way? So far he wasn't much different from anyone else besides the fact that he didn't try to get into my pants the first time I met him and that he had the same thoughts about people as I did, excluding Emily and maybe others.


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