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Violet Among The Roses

Page 8

by Cricket Starr

  Through his passion, Nick heard her. He checked his driving pace. “Am I hurting you?”

  Her eyes were wide and her breathing quick. “A little.”

  Shame temporarily replaced his ardor and he released her, using his arms to brace himself off her. Staring down into her loving face, Nick once again vowed to himself that he’d never cause harm to her.

  He tried a crooked smile. “I’m sorry, Violet. I guess you bring out the beast in me. I can’t help wanting to make you mine.”

  Her hips moved under him, reminding him just how much of her he already owned. “You and I are already part of one another. You don’t need to hold me onto the bed. Unless you’re really worried I’m going to escape you!”

  Grinning, Nick used his cock to possess her instead of his hands, and to his pleasure Violet responded. The moans she made this time were pure ecstasy and he found them far more intoxicating. Moments later Nick climaxed, dimly aware that Violet had followed him into that blissful state, her throbbing core gripping him as she came.

  He collapsed on top of her, breathing into her neck for a long time. When he was able to form a coherent thought, he leaned up to gaze into her face. “You were right. I don’t need to bind you.”

  Violet turned pink and chuckled. “Bondage is a little more advanced than we need to get into here.”

  He didn’t quite understand her, but accepted her word on the subject. Sliding off her, Nick pulled the covers over them, Violet finding a place to rest her head on his shoulder. She relaxed into his still-aware body. “What do lovers do, Violet, when they aren’t making love? Or talking?” he asked.

  Violet giggled then glanced at the clock. “What time is it, Nick?”

  He checked and returned to gaze at her sheepishly. “It’s nearly twelve. I guess it is getting late.”

  She smothered a yawn. “I love having you here, but I need to sleep, Nick. I have another job interview tomorrow and I want to be rested for it.”

  Nick pulled her closer. “Then I guess what lovers like us do is sleep together.”

  Resting her head on his shoulder she found herself cuddled close, the hardness of his thighs trapping hers.

  His penis stirred but he kept it a secret. One hand idly caressed her back and he kissed her forehead. “Good night, Violet. Sweet dreams.”

  No longer able to suppress her yawns, Violet gave in and tumbled into sleep. “Good night, Nick,” she muttered. “I’m glad you’re here.”

  “So am I, Violet. So am I.”

  * * * * *

  For a while he let his mind follow one line of thought after another, hoping the chase would exhaust it and let him slumber. To be able to sleep, to dream, truly dream for the first time in centuries—it sounded like heaven.

  But sleep eluded him like a shy nymph did a randy satyr, and when he watched the clock numbers tick the hour over for the second time, he finally gave up the race.

  After so much time as a statue, he simply wasn’t tired enough to sleep. Perhaps later he’d find some rest.

  Violet only stirred a little as he pulled from her arms and allowed her to roll over to rest her head on her pillow instead of his chest. Her mouth fell open and a soft sigh came from her. His body reacted as it always did, to full readiness. His shaft might as well be still made of stone it was that hard.

  This was going to be a long night. He couldn’t wake her and make love to her again. She needed sleep for her job interview. If he stayed here, her softness would drive him crazy with want.

  Maybe he’d better find another place to spend his sleepless hours.

  Her robe lay on the floor, and he put it on. It fit, not comfortably, but sufficient. Moving to the door, he eased it open, careful to not disturb the bed’s slumbering occupant.

  In the living room, he turned on just one of the table lamps and settled into the big armchair he’d admired before. Almost a throne in size, its softness felt wonderful. One thing about kneeling in place for centuries, it gave you a real appreciation for being able to sit on your rear.

  A pile of books lay on the table, the covers bright and illustrative. On one a man rode a massive horse, a woman sideways behind him. The horse was magnificent. With hope of more pictures he opened it up and was disappointed to find nothing but words inside.

  If only he could learn to read. What wonders must exist in these books, tales of people great and small? In the park there were often people with books in their hands, resting on the benches and enjoying nature and a good story at the same time.

  He looked at the clock on the wall, a circular one with the numbers along the side and large hands that indicated the time, instead of what Violet had called a “digital” clock in the bedroom. The big hand was on the six and the small one partway between the two and the three. Violet had told him to multiply five times every number, so five times six was thirty.

  Or…the hour was halfway between two and three…also two-thirty! Satisfied with his accomplishment, Nick looked about for something else to conquer. After picking up a couple more books on the little table, he replaced them reluctantly.

  They would have to wait until he could learn his letters as well as his numbers. A small box next to the books caught his eye. It was oblong, black, with small buttons labeled with numbers, zero and one to nine. There were a few words, but not many.

  Curious, Nick picked it up. Pushing the buttons didn’t seem to do anything and he was just about to put it down when he tried the large red button at the top. Immediately the window on a large box in the corner of the room sprang to life, the glass lighting up from within and images forming across it, sound coming from a hidden source.

  Nick gaped at the sight. What a marvel! He pushed a button with a little arrow on it that pointed up. The sound increased and he panicked. He didn’t want to wake Violet. He tried the button next to it that pointed down, and the sound decreased.

  He breathed a heavy sigh of relief when nothing stirred in the bedroom. He’d have to be more careful!

  Behind the glass screen he saw a group of men wearing big hats threatening in a slow drawl to go after some varmints. They had horses with them, really nice ones moving restlessly in the background.

  He moved up to the box and reached out to touch the glass, wishing he could get closer to the animals. He’d always loved horses.

  The men swung up onto the animals’ backs and rode across the open desert around them. Nick was fascinated at how the box kept up with them, that the men on horseback were always at the center of the screen. Then the scene changed and he was looking at another man, this time all in black, crouched at the top of a hill. He aimed a long tube, which jerked and smoke came from the end. The scene changed again, back to the men on horses, and one of the riders cried out and fell off his horse.

  Nick gaped as the riders all stopped and jumped off the animals, taking off for the surrounding bushes and rocks. They aimed their own small metal tubes up the hill, and smoke poured out the ends.

  He realized he was watching a battle between the men and the man in black, who was undoubtedly the varmint they’d ridden after. The weapons were likely guns. He’d heard similar sounds late one night in the park, when the authorities of the law had come to capture some people exchanging money and small bags. He hadn’t seen them anymore after that night.

  But these men were dressed in clothing unlike those worn now, and the way they spoke sounded like a play of some sort.

  Perhaps it was? Another man clutched his chest and his eyes squeezed shut as if he was in pain. He collapsed against the boulder, but Nick noticed no blood on his shirt when his hand fell away.

  One of the people shot in the park had fallen into his fountain, and the blood had stained the water and surrounding marble for days until the park authorities had scrubbed it clean. He still remembered the wounded man’s gasps and cries and how long they had lasted, even after others had come and pulled him off the fountain and onto a stretcher.

  The man in the box had died too fast
and bled too little. This wasn’t real life on the box. It must be some sort of entertainment like he’d heard sometimes from his pedestal, something like “Shakespeare in the Park.” It must be a play!

  Reassured he wasn’t watching the slaughter of real people, Nick settled back into the throne-like chair to enjoy the show. For a while there was more talk and horse riding, then abruptly the screen changed to something completely different, the sound jumping at the same time. Desperately Nick stabbed at the down-arrow button on the box in his hand.

  This new show had people talking directly to him, as if they could see him. Maybe they could and if so…Nick tugged Violet’s robe closer around him. No point in taking any chances that they really could see his cock hanging out. But if the people on the show could see him, they gave no sign of it, and Nick relaxed. He must be wrong…the big box was a one-way delivery system of images and sound. That was all.

  The new show ended, and another one began, just as loud and again with no obvious connection to the men on horses. This time the subject seemed to involve whiter teeth.

  As if his teeth needed to be any whiter—they were still the same color as the marble he’d been made from. Frustrated, Nick picked up the little black box and tried one of the other buttons with an arrow. The screen changed, and now there were men dressed as law officers running down an alley after a poorly dressed man with fast feet, who turned and fired another of those short tubes at them. This man’s weapon was smaller and sleeker than those of the men with the big hats. He shot, they shot, he shot, they shot, and then he ducked behind a wall and ran away. The police couldn’t find him so they walked back to their shiny black car and drove away.

  Nick couldn’t make sense of this show at all. If the men shot so many times, why didn’t they hit each other? Were they that bad at it? And why give up? He tried hitting the button again and a new program appeared.

  Nick’s eyes widened in appreciation. Now this was more like it! Men and women dressed in Grecian garments stood around a marble temple, their speech stilted and formal as they addressed each other. He even thought he recognized a name or two…Oh…they were praying to the gods, Eros and Aphrodite.

  Enthralled, Nick settled deeper into the big armchair as the men and women moved into the temple, pairing up when going through the porticos into the main hall. As they passed inside, he noticed them moving off to take positions by the furniture of the room, the narrow divans and chairs, arms entwining.

  The screen focused on one couple, who embraced and kissed, a deep, open-mouth kiss. Nick admired the technique, the strength in the man’s arms as he held his lady to him. Masterful! Possessive. The man controlled their clinch, but there was no force to it. Instead the woman leaned into him, her eyes bright.

  The man thrust the woman back and pulled her dress from her shoulders, the gown giving with a ripping sound and falling away, revealing her body in its natural glory. Nick’s eyes widened at the woman’s heavy breasts tipped with erect nipples, and the neatly trimmed hair surrounding the entrance to her woman’s parts. She must cut it, to make it as even as that. He imagined Violet’s soft mound like that, and decided it might look pretty good.

  The sudden unclothing of the woman didn’t seem to faze her. Breasts bouncing, she reached over to tug at the man’s tunic, and it fell away, revealing wide shoulders and a powerfully built torso covered in a significant amount of hair, across his chest and particularly at his crotch. Sticking out of the middle of the lower bush was an erect penis the size of a log.

  A small log, but still…Nick gaped at the man’s size. Good thing Violet was asleep. She was pleased with him, but obviously she’d had little experience with other men. If she saw this she might have something to compare him with.

  The couple faced each other and the man seized the woman’s arms, dragging her closer. In the background Nick saw other couples baring their bodies, and the significance of the salute to Eros and Aphrodite took on new meaning. The people in this show were going to have sex, lots of sex, from the looks of things!

  Maybe he could learn something! Nick leaned forward.

  The man’s head dipped to capture one nipple, his hand fingering the second. Head rolling back, his lady moaned delicately, then more earnestly as her partner moved one hand to the juncture of her legs and delved deeply. Lifting her, the bulky man balanced her slender body with her legs across his shoulders, opening her pussy to allow his mouth to play where his fingers had already been. A sharp cry came from her as his mouth descended.

  What strength this man had! Nick doubted he could lift Violet so effortlessly, nor hold her in place once she was there. He flexed his arm muscle. There wouldn’t be much time for building up his body before he returned to stone.

  Maybe he could learn something else, something easier to accomplish. Returning his attention to the screen, he discovered that the couple had changed position, and the woman was now using her mouth to pleasure the man, tongue slipping along the length of his cock to lave the head with long licks. A shot of the man’s face revealed his enjoyment of that activity. Nick smiled in memory of how Violet had done the same to him.

  The scene changed and moved around the room, revealing couples similarly engaged in various kinds of foreplay. Some positions and activities were new to Nick and he noted the ones that looked the most appealing.

  Did a woman really enjoy having a man’s thumb in her ass? He wondered at that, and decided he’d ask Violet about it later…maybe much later.

  Foreplay had ended in some cases, and couples were actively engaged in intercourse. One woman was on her hands and knees, her partner entering her from behind, pumping madly away. In that position, he was able to lean forward and fondle her breasts, tweaking the nipples as she gasped her delight. When his other hand reached for and apparently found her clit, the woman lowered her head and gave a deep moan. She drove back into his cock, taking his rhythm and increasing it, her pendulous breasts keeping time with her movements. Their sway was almost hypnotic.

  Now that was something he could aspire to. Imagining Violet’s breasts in place of the unknown woman’s, and her magnificent ass in front of him, him buried deep within her…Nick’s cock stiffened under the robe.

  The scene changed again and this time Nick watched as two men stood and held a woman aloft, face down. She suckled one cock while the other man penetrated her from behind. All three seemed intent on their activities, low moans and groans coming from them.

  Nick considered that. No, not for him…he wasn’t interested in sharing Violet’s body with another man. Similarly he rejected another trio, even though here the two women were playing with each other’s breasts as the man slid his cock into one of them.

  He’d met Violet’s friends and doubted if any of them would be interested in that kind of game.

  Other small groups were forming now as couples ended their individual acts and sought other partners. One woman, still wearing her gown across one shoulder, moved into the screen with a large pale rod in her hand, approaching a woman whose rounded bare ass was high in the air, her mouth engaged in pleasuring the man in front of her.

  A close up of the rod showed it to be an artificial phallus.

  Nick’s questions about its usage fled when she slid the rounded tip of her toy against the kneeling woman’s nether lips, teasing them apart. She ran it along the inside, obviously toying with the woman’s clit, before plunging it deep within her vagina. Several thrusts later the woman was no longer interested in the man’s cock, which now hung forlorn and forgotten. He didn’t seem to mind though, just moved off to find someone else to suck it, leaving his former lover in the hands of the seductress and her plaything.

  Moments later, the woman shuddered deeply and gave a loud shriek, falling to rest on the platform under her. A sly smile crossed the phallus-wielder’s face, and she pulled it out, holding it up to the light as if to admire the sheen of womanly fluid coating it. Something about her face was familiar and Nick moved closer to the scr
een to see it more clearly. She turned and gazed in his direction and again he had that odd feeling of being seen, but this time it didn’t go away. Nick pulled the robe even closer around him, and she smiled with disturbing amusement.

  Let’s see if she finds this funny. Nick stood and pulled open his robe, displaying himself to the screen. The woman’s jaw dropped open and she laughed, the source of her merriment obvious as she pointed with her toy phallus at his still hardened member.

  Nick rewrapped himself in the robe. Violet was right…he didn’t want to walk around with his cock hanging out.

  When he turned back to the screen, the woman’s face was directly in front of the glass, obscuring the action behind her. He could hear the sex play continue, oblivious to the fact that one of its players was no longer working with the rest of the cast, but instead was doing her own scene with Nick.

  She grinned at him. “Narcissus, how nice to see you again.”

  Shock weakened his knees and he sat in the chair, heavily. “You know me?”

  “Certainly.” She glanced at the room around him. “You’re alone?”

  “Yes.” He pointed to the screen. “What’s going on?”

  “An orgy scene, but don’t worry, this is only between us. The rest of the cast is having far too good a time to worry about us. A television is usually only for watching, it can’t really hear or see you.”

  Well it was nice to have that confirmed. “So, how is it you can you talk to me.”

  “Magic, of course. When two people have a connection, there is always magic around.”

  A connection. “What kind of connection?” he asked warily.

  Mock shock rounded her mouth into an O, the joke obvious from the twinkle in her eye. “Why the best kind of connection, Narcissus. Don’t you remember me?”

  For a moment Nick simply stared at her, then recognition hit him with the force of a falling marble column. Forget her? How could he ever forget? It was the nymph who’d complained so loudly just because he’d preferred to remain aloof than lie with her. “Of course, I remember you…Nemesis!”


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