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Violet Among The Roses

Page 11

by Cricket Starr

  He tilted her face to meet his gaze. “Violet, let’s go to the park. I want to walk outside for a while.”

  Chapter Eleven

  There was a street fair on the way to the park. Nick walked with Violet down the long stretch of booths featuring all kinds of homemade arts and crafts. The more things changed, the more they stayed the same. If he ignored the cars passing in the street and the clothes the people wore, many of the handmade items displayed could have easily been from his own time.

  Distracted by a seller of woolen shawls in bright colors, Violet lagged behind, giving Nick a chance to examine the wares of a jeweler whose display of necklaces and earrings had caught his attention. He discovered the man’s rings, delicate gold hoops with intricate carvings. One in particular took his fancy, gold and silver combined, the delicate tracery that of small flowers.

  He took a closer look. Violets—that what they were, small five-petal flowers, detailed with remarkable skill. Holding the ring up, Nick asked the price, as quietly as he could. It was expensive, but thanks to the money he’d found in the park he could afford it. He quickly paid the man and slipped the ring into his pocket before Violet rejoined him.

  He wanted to ask Violet to be his wife and if he remembered the ritual properly from having overheard it in the park, a ring was a vital part of the procedure.

  They found another booth that sold drinks and food, and Nick sampled his first hotdog with extra mustard and relish. He rolled his eyes at the mixture of smoky, salty meat and sharply flavored mustard. Wonderful food. It was going to be so great to be a man and be able to eat hotdogs every day.

  After lunch they turned toward the park and wandered the narrow pathways. The park was as beautiful as Violet had ever seen it on a fall day. Pine and fir trees kept their green while their deciduous brothers were a riot of color. Leaves, gold and red, lay scattered upon the broad carpet of grass, children running through them, kicking them high in the air. Overhead the sky was a deep blue, white clouds floating across it in ever changing patterns. Last night’s rain was a distant memory, the sun having dried the pathways and heated the air to a temperature closer to that of summer than winter.

  As they passed near the now statue-less fountain, Violet noticed yellow caution tape around the outside and several people arguing over what had happened. Nick swerved to avoid getting too close, heading them toward the children’s playground. On a nearby bench, she saw Helen holding the latest in a series of books that appealed to both adults and younger readers. She was reading aloud to a little girl, maybe six years old, sitting in her father’s lap. While the child’s rapt attention was on the book, the man seemed far more interested in the reader.

  “I guess Helen took your advice, Nick,” Violet told him softly.

  He smiled in return. “Perhaps your friend Marge will hunt down the duck feeder. I have a feeling they might have a lot in common.”

  They walked on, and Violet kept her hand looped through Nick’s arm, appreciating the security of his strong arm. As other people passed she noticed how many of the women turned to cast an interested glance in Nick’s direction. He was such a handsome man. She tried to ignore the puzzled looks several of the women gave her, as if she had no business being on Nick’s arm.

  What business was it of theirs if he was in love with her? She had every bit as much a right to love as anyone…even if she was a few pounds overweight and lacked the height and figure of so many other women.

  Nick wanted her, not them. He’d come to life to become her lover, and even now had a plan to stay with her forever. Could anyone else say that?

  No, they couldn’t. Nick had loved her when he was made of stone.

  But he wasn’t made of stone any longer. A strikingly beautiful woman walked by, and Nick turned his head to follow her progress as she passed. A fleeting distraction for him, nothing more…he immediately returned to smile into her face, but she’d noticed his brief defection.

  Tall, thin, and gorgeous. Like that woman who’d been with Nick at the museum…Violet’s heart sank. That black-haired beauty had been all of that, her hands all over Nick, as if claiming him for her own. And he hadn’t seemed to mind that woman’s touch, either. A woman who’d disappeared, she suddenly remembered, and a chill ran through her.

  “You feeling all right?” Nick’s deep brown eyes gazed into hers, with such a mix of love and desire that Violet squashed the jealousy and fear that had risen. How could she possibly doubt Nick?

  “I’m fine. Just a little cold, I guess.” She blamed the weather instead of her own insecurities.

  Mischief blossomed in his eyes. “Perhaps we should find a place to warm up.” He pulled her off the path and toward a set of buildings toward the back of the park. “Come with me, I’ve got somewhere in mind.”

  * * * * *

  The gardener’s shed. It loomed in front of them, the dark green walls designed to fade into the park’s background and be unnoticeable to the patrons who frequented the grounds nearby. The place looked deserted, the gardeners having finished their work hours ago.

  It was the location where he was to meet Nina later tonight and buy his future with his body. Smiling, Nick pulled Violet around to the door. He’d test out the suitability of it as a trysting place with his own lady first.

  “What do you have in mind, Nick?” Violet’s soft voice was tentative, but there was a note of intrigue as well. He suppressed a laugh…he was making quite an adventurer out of his shy little flower.

  Inside it was dark, but he could make out the high potting tables, crowded with plants. In the corners were stacked large bags of soil and fertilizer, lending an earthy smell to the room. Nick took a deep breath. After the museum’s atmosphere of age and decay, the potting shed smelled wonderful.

  Violet wrinkled her nose. “It stinks in here.”

  He laughed. “I don’t think so. It smells alive.” He swept her up and sat her on the top of one of the tables. Burying his nose in her hair, he took a deep breath. “It smells just like you.”

  Playfully she swatted at his hand, which had disappeared under her shirt. “I do NOT smell like fertilizer.”

  He nuzzled her in response. “Your scent is that of warm earth under a summer sun, and I love you for it.” No longer content to smell her skin, he now tasted it, savoring her sweetness, running his teeth and tongue down the side of her neck. His hand slid up under her bra and kneaded her breast, feeling the hard pebble of her nipple spring to attention.

  Inside his pants his cock came to attention as well.

  One problem. They still hadn’t gone to the pharmacy and he had none of the rubber sheaths they’d come to depend on. Perhaps they could come up with another way to have sex, one that wouldn’t risk pregnancy.

  He slid his hands under her skirt, hiking it up to give him easier access. Under the silky feel of her tights, her underwear had dampened, but the heavy nylon barrier proved to be effective in giving his fingers no access.

  He muttered his frustration and heard Violet’s short laugh. “I guess that’s why women wear stockings and garter belts, even if pantyhose is more convenient.” She lifted her rear and allowed him to pull the top of the offending garment down to her thighs, conveniently taking her underwear with it. Immediately he took advantage and his fingers delved deep within her, fondling the folds and rubbing his palm against her clit. Violet clung to him, mouth open and eyes glazed as the first tremblings ran through her body.

  Nick drove his fingers further into her sheath, allowing one to caress the tiny puckered opening further back. Violet gasped but made no complaint as he massaged all of her parts, first gently, then more insistently. Instead she laid her head on his shoulder and leaned into his hand.

  She shuddered and a long moan began. Nick covered her open mouth with his, swallowing Violet’s orgasmic cry, to keep its sound within the shed. She collapsed against him, whimpering her delight.

  His cock ached in near pain, and he wanted to beg for relief. It felt like it cou
ld poke through the fabric of his clothes all by itself.

  Violet’s breaths still came in short gasps, her face flushed with arousal. “Nick, we aren’t prepared for this…” Then her eyes widened and she smiled. “On the other hand, there’s one thing I haven’t done for you.”

  She jumped off the table. Kneeling before him and reaching for his belt, she gave him a seductive look that stopped his breath. As the belt buckle slipped free and his zipper came down, Nick realized that he was no longer in charge of the seduction. His shy little woman was absolutely taking the lead.

  Then her mouth closed over his shaft and he lost all ability to reason.

  Violet sucked on the head of his cock, her lips warm, her mouth damp and inviting. It was different from the first time she’d taken him in her mouth, in the bedroom when she’d been still tentative. Now she was so sure. There was nothing less than total enthusiasm here, soft liquid sounds coming from her, barely registering over the other feelings flooding through him.

  As if of their own volition, his hands found purchase around her head, and held her as she slid up and down his shaft. Gods…what a sensation! He didn’t want her to stop…no, not at all…but if she didn’t…

  “Violet, I don’t think I can hold back,” he managed to get out between teeth clenched so tight they felt like they might crack.

  She paused and pulled off him, staring up at him, eyes wide with…what? Laughter? Amazement? Her hand still stroked his shaft, the other slipping deeper into his pants to capture and fondle his balls. He groaned under her gentle torture.

  “Nick, I’m afraid that’s the point of a blow job. I don’t want you to hold back…you’re supposed to come.”

  He blinked. “Oh…uh…okay.”

  Shaking her head and chuckling, Violet ran her tongue along the narrow cleft, gathering the beaded pre-cum there. She licked her lips. “Tastes wonderful so far, Nick. Can’t wait for the rest.”

  Nick suppressed an undignified whimper. The sight of his cock disappearing into her mouth again was too much. He couldn’t watch any longer or he’d explode. Closing his eyes, he gave himself up to her.

  Within moments he gave up the rest, too. Some part of him remembered their location and the people outside the building, the distant shouts of children, and it made him swallow his cry as his organ pulsed in Violet’s mouth, spending his seed where it would do no harm. Dimly he was aware of her leaning against him and swallowing his semen.

  Then he tugged her to her feet and into his arms. His mouth covered hers and his kiss wasn’t gentle, but savage, possessive. He could still taste himself in her mouth, the sweet-sour flavor lingering on her tongue.

  He knew what they’d done before had been intimate, but this was a gift, precious, the act of a loving woman for a man she cared for. Violet was his woman. Now and always, his.

  Gathering her closer with one arm, Nick reached into his pocket, found the ring he’d purchased before. He held it before her and saw the look of recognition and wonder in her eyes.

  “Violet, I want to stay with you, always. Will you be my wife?”

  Her hand shook as she took the ring and slipped it onto her finger. It fit, perfectly.

  Her eyes were shining as she smiled into his face. “Yes, Nick, I will.”

  Chapter Twelve

  They stopped at the drugstore on the way home and picked up much-needed supplies from the family planning department. Violet and Nick lingered near the counter for a long time, debating textures and sizes, laughing over the notion of flavorings. Ultimately they agreed on a large box of a familiar brand, promising themselves a more adventurous selection later.

  Secretly, Violet considered seeing her doctor and asking about alternatives, a diaphragm or the pill, at least for a while. If she was going to be Nick’s wife, she wanted to eliminate needing to think about protection every time.

  She also led him to the book section and found a children’s book with simple language. Tonight they’d start teaching Nick to read and write.

  A stop at the grocery netted steak, potatoes, and the makings of a salad. Violet watched as Nick wandered the wine aisle, examining the bottles with an astonished and pleased expression. He finally settled on a rich merlot that one of the store clerks recommended.

  Violet fingered the lovely silver and gold ring on her finger. How could she have possibly gotten this lucky? Twenty-four hours ago she’d been at the depths of despair, and now she couldn’t imagine herself any happier. She collected a package of chocolate chip cookies and added it to their cart, smiling as Nick questioned her about them.

  “Trust me, Nick, you’re going to love them,” she told him.

  Dinner was a celebration—of Violet’s new job, of Nick’s freedom from his curse, and most of all of their future, the two of them engaged to be married.

  It had all happened so quickly, but Violet was too happy to question it. After all, there were ancient gods—and goddesses—on her side. Why shouldn’t she have a run of good luck?

  All through the meal they stared at each other, barely able to keep their hands on their forks and not reach for the other’s body. The salad was crisp, the dressing tangy, the potatoes had baked to perfection. The steak, stuck under the broiler until it no longer bled pink, filled their mouths with rich meaty flavor. Nick toasted the grocery clerk who’d helped him pick the wine and called him a genius, promising to get the young man’s name next time they were there.

  It was one of the best meals Violet had ever eaten…and she barely noticed any of it, so engrossed was she in the fire in Nick’s eyes, the desire she felt for him in return.

  They never got to dessert. As soon as the last of dinner was consumed, Nick swept her out of her seat and carried her to the bedroom.

  * * * * *

  Nick captured Violet’s mouth as they passed through the door, and before they reached the bed he couldn’t think of anything but how much he wanted her. So warm, so responsive. She filled him with need, the need to be close to her, to fill her, to possess her.

  She’d agreed to become his wife. A vision of the future appeared to him, of Violet pregnant with his child, her loving face radiant with impending motherhood, but still his lover. It was going to come true…all of it!

  They reached the bed and he placed her on her feet, the better to free his hands. He needed her naked, and didn’t wish to wait for her to disrobe. He’d do that duty, if only to make sure it was done as soon as possible. Reaching for her sweater, he unbuttoned it, one button at a time, revealing the simple bra that supported her full breasts. White cotton, unadorned by lace or frills.

  Violet deserved better than such simple underwear. Even last night’s pink silk panties hadn’t been fancy, not that he’d cared at the time. Soon he would take her to a lingerie shop and insist she buy something more appropriate to showcase her beauty.

  In the meantime he unhooked her bra and discarded it, letting her lovely globes spill into his hands. She moaned her approval as he played with them, his mouth trailing kisses along her neck. When she reached for the buttons on his shirt, he stepped back and let her do the job.

  Sure, he could have done it faster, but fast wasn’t always better. When she got the garment off and ran her fingers down his chest, he groaned at the feel of her hands, the anticipation as she’d removed his shirt making the sensation more poignant.

  He groaned again. Sex tonight was going to be wonderful.

  Her skirt came off next, followed by the pantyhose. As he pulled them from her, he thought about what she’d said in the gardener’s shed about stockings and garter belts. Something else to add to his shopping list. Easier access to her sweet center was high priority.

  Once naked, Violet slipped onto the bed and watched him as he pulled off his pants. The look in her eyes made him feel powerful, invincible. He knew what he wanted and knew he could have it just by reaching out for it.

  What he wanted was her, so out he reached. Violet put her hand in his and drew him onto the bed beside he

  His cock stiffened as he kissed her and played with her breasts, then hardened more when she moaned while he fed on the sweet nectar between her legs. By the time she bent to take him into her mouth, he was aching for her touch, for relief from the tension. It was all he could do to not explode in her mouth like an untried boy.

  Nick wouldn’t do that, not this time. When he came, it would be deep inside her with her sheath pulsating around him, milking the semen from his body. He pulled her from his cock and forced her mouth to his, tasting a little of himself on her tongue.

  Remembering his favorite of the positions he’d seen in last night’s TV, he turned her away from him, urging her onto her knees. She went willingly, as eager for the new experience as he was.

  Belatedly he remembered the need for protection and reached to open the bedside table drawer and grab a condom from the new box. But the drawer didn’t hold what he was looking for and he realized he’d opened the wrong one. Instead of finding a cardboard box, a hard, round smoothness came into his hand. Clasping it, Nick lifted the surprising object from its hiding place.

  He gaped. The last time he’d seen one of these, it had been in Nina’s hand! Long, and thick, made of pink plastic embedded with molded veins, the artificial penis was at least the size of his cock…maybe bigger.

  “Nick?” Obviously sensing some change, Violet turned her head, and sat up abruptly, flushing when she saw what he held. “Oh…dear…” she stammered, her cheeks bright pink.

  “Violet…what…why…” He waved it at her.

  Her response was an embarrassed giggle that grew louder as it punctuated her words. “It’s a vibrator. It was a present—for my birthday last year—from my women’s group.” She convulsed with laughter. “They said if that’s all I needed Gary for, I would be better off with one of my own!”


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