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Kneel Or Die (The Kurtherian Gambit Book 7)

Page 28

by Michael Anderle

Format: Kindle Edition

  I was about to cancel my KU subscription, when I came across this series..OMG, I haven't read a series this good in a long time. I can't wait to read the next one. It keeps you engaged until the last page. Loved it and highly recommend it!


  Michael - Ok, another big smile time when I read this one. That the series was instrumental in ‘saving’ a KU subscription? Awesome! (Are you reading this, Amazon? Huh?)

  Considering they are sending me money, they OUGHT to be paying attention.

  But, I guess I’ll just keep climbing up the ladder of Authors forever just making my fans happy and giving the finger to the establishment. Because, let’s face it, I’m just not dancing to any tune that’s out there right now but I’m hitting the right notes and finding readers who love the characters.

  I could probably go into the ‘why’ of it, but … damn… this has to get out tonight!


  5.0 out of 5 stars

  Fricking Totally Awesome Stories.

  ByMikeG2uon February 11, 2016

  Format: Kindle Edition

  This is a Alien invasion/military science-fiction-fantasy story, not a teeny bopper vampire love story like the books cover Artwork look like although I did shed a tear or two. There is your standard operational military cussing, but if you repeat you have to do some pushups with BA standing on your back. This is one of those series that is almost impossible to put down(I agree with another reviewer on it being similar to Laurence Dahner's El books), and the Author seems to be a prolific story teller/fast writer like P.S. Powers and just as addicting as either. I am a very happy book reader while this author is spinning his tales


  Michael - Thank you MikeG2 (Great name!) I hope to keep you happy while I spin these tales! If I haven’t burned out my production editor, I’m going to be a happy, happy camper - trust me!

  Another guy admitting to shedding a tear? Hell yeah! I’m not the only manly, man who admits to it? Feeling the love, man… feeling the love.


  5.0 out of 5 stars

  Interesting and Fun mostly Sci-Fi series

  ByStephen Seditaon February 12, 2016

  Format: Kindle Edition

  This series sort of takes a little bit of just about every genre out there but is predominantly a sci-fi book in my opinion. This book (and the rest of the series which I've read up to #5 so far) ends up being something pretty fun to read. The characters are well developed and mostly interesting, the story is interesting and fast paced. And the author is putting out new material at a pretty impressive rate unlike some others *cough George R.R. *.


  Michael - Thank you Stephen Sedita! I’m not sure I can say my speed overcomes George’s well deserved skill, but I’ll take anything that remotely puts me into the same paragraph! Hell, it could be ‘Michael Anderle was walking through the same town as George R.R. Martin on Tuesday…’. Your comment came out when news was circulating that Mr. Martin was going to slip on his next book. Very timely, that ;-)


  5.0 out of 5 stars

  Great book, great series!

  ByKindle Customeron February 16, 2016

  Format: Kindle EditionVerified Purchase

  Great book, great series! I started and finished all 6 current books in like 2 days (not much else got done)! The first one does start out kind of slow while the various characters and scene are set, but once you get past the first 1/3 it really picks up and just blasts off from there! The writing, and some of the subject matter (militarily), reminds of a John Ringo book, which is never a bad thing!


  Michael - Thank you KC! Mr. Ringo is a favorite of mine (Except for Tiger by the Tail… That needs to be burned.) I’ve yet to read his ‘zombieish’ books, but I understand from some readers they like them. That man can spin a military book like no other.

  I always thought the earlier scenes didn’t suck so bad (from a ‘slow’ arena). I’ll have to consider that.

  Or not. That would mean no writing on the future stuff.

  Screw it ;-)


  5.0 out of 5 stars

  Buy it! You won't be disappointed!

  ByAmazon Customeron February 16, 2016

  Format: Kindle EditionVerified Purchase

  Loved it. Fresh take on vampires with strong kick ass heroine.


  Michael - Thank you AC! I’m going to have to skip much commentary on some of these… I have another !#!##T to go! :-)


  4.0 out of 5 stars

  Four Stars

  ByPaul A. Albrechton February 16, 2016

  Format: Kindle EditionVerified Purchase

  one of the better vampire novels i have read


  Michael - Thank you Paul A. Albrecht! I appreciate you leaving a review!


  5.0 out of 5 stars

  Great Fun!

  ByAmazon Customeron February 16, 2016

  Format: Kindle Edition

  Light, easy to read, this author is entertaining, his editing isn't bad especially now that he is getting help from beta readers but even before it wasn't bad. I like his blurbs after the story almost as much as the story itself.


  Michael - Thank you! Too true on the editing part. It’s comments like yours that help me each time I finish a book to ‘add in the Author’s notes and stuff’.

  Not sure how to take the comment, though. Is this stuff so much fun, or are the books just that weak? I mean, could I do an ‘Authors Notes’ book and put it out for sale? That would be freaking awesome! I’d drop a book a day if that was true.

  Man, how peeved would the establishment be then?


  4.0 out of 5 stars

  Enjoyable Series

  ByMama-Son February 16, 2016

  Format: Kindle Edition

  I just spent the last three days reading the first six books in this series and will be eagerly reading book seven when it comes out in two or three weeks. The reason for four stars instead of five is the editing. While it gets better further on, there are still some simple errors that should not get past a sharp editor's eyes.

  This is definitely not your typical vampire book at all. This series has a unique twist and the author's writing style just grabs you and sucks you into his world. You must be okay with the amount of cussing found in the book because it has a definite place of its own. As long as you can overlook the cussing and some grammatical errors I think you will enjoy the series also.


  Michael - Thank you. Might I comment that your name is cool? Mama-S? Fantastic! Again with the cussing thing?

  (Author hangs his head) F#ck my f#cking life!


  Some fans want me to put out a NSFW shirt w/ Bethany Anne’s cussing on it. We have a ‘raise your hands’ on the forum somewhere. Another couple of fans have asked if anyone has figured out if Bethany Anne has ever duplicated her stuff.

  Hell if I know. I try not to but I don’t have a list. I need a damned wiki and need to ask some fans for help with this stuff. There is NEVER enough time!


  5.0 out of 5 stars

  Fun, Frolic, and Feast

  ByKindle Customeron February 17, 2016

  Format: Kindle EditionVerified Purchase

  I am an avid reader and I completely enjoyed this book. It gives lots of information and has a good female lead. I can honestly say there are now only three series I will recommend to most of my sci-fi loving friends. This has made number 1 for rollicking good fun.


  Michael - Number 1? Seriously? Cool warm fuzzy feelings on that! I’ve been suitably chastised to say ‘thank you!’ and not quibble about not deserving su
ch praise.

  So I have a new method of handling the compliments…






  5.0 out of 5 stars

  Great series and highly recommended

  ByJohn Harrison February 17, 2016

  Format: Kindle EditionVerified Purchase

  I bought this without bothering with reading any of the reviews except from the cursory glance at the star ratings, but I generally take those with a pinch of salt. The first book sucked me in and after finishing it I immediately bought the following 5, which I have completed much to my consternation as I now am sitting in a void as to what book(s) I pick up next while having to wait for the follow-ups. Grrrr

  Great broad spectrum of characters with an even greater leading lady. Excellent plots including realistic development and growth of each of the main characters in their own right

  Highly recommend the series and will look at buying the complete series for my actual book shelves once it is available in print.


  Michael - Thank you John Harris! Remember that comment about never having enough time? Yeah, same issue w/ the print stuff. :-(

  One second… I have something to do right now about that…

  Ok. All done.

  I swear… (not every damn day… unless I’m writing, then I might be).

  Wow, harsh with the reviews. It seems that some use them, some don’t, some don’t believe them (yeah, still bitter about that one).


  5.0 out of 5 stars

  This is absolutely one of the best series on amazon

  Byiseedeadcarson February 17, 2016

  Format: Kindle EditionVerified Purchase

  This is absolutely one of the best series on amazon!!! I am and avid reader of all things fantasy, sci-fi and urban fantasy. I have been reading for 25 plus years and read well over 100 books a year . This book is one of the best i have read and thank whatever program amazon uses that lead me to this author. He writes incredible fast past, funny, action packed and character driven stories. if you like Dresden, , Demon accords, Old man war series and Deadpool. You are going th love this series..


  Michael - Woohoo, I got a Demon Accords comment ;-). I’ve read a couple of Dresden. Loved Old Man series and the Deadpool movie. Haven’t read the comics.

  I have a LOT of older readers (meaning older than me - I’m late…ish… forties) and I love it. You know how many of you are willing to supply info on your professions? An amazingly cool amount.

  Damn, I’ve got so much more to talk about, and a lot more of these to go!


  5.0 out of 5 stars

  Perfect reason for Kindle Unlimited

  ByMicahon February 19, 2016

  Format: Kindle Edition

  This review is based on the whole series so far but put with the first book to let future readers know this is a series they need to read. So far, there has been no letdown and each book of the series keeps the story flowing, almost like chapters in a great long story. This series is also the best reason for Kindle Unlimited. It gives readers a chance to look at books being written by indies and know the authors are still getting paid for their art. Thank you Amazon for this program. If you are looking for fast moving, light reading, laughs and tears you will not go wrong with this series. Thank you Michael for a great story and keep them coming


  Michael - Thank you Micah! (Are you listening Amazon, huh? Just checking!)

  Yeah, Amazon did a big change I think is going to be good for the KU program, but we will see. There are some real sleazebags trying to game the system.

  Dirtbag scuzbuckets… Messing up a good thing for all of us (readers and authors).

  The story is supposed to be long. I thought maybe I scoped it TOO long, but I’ve heard from at least one reader who is telling me to not be so anxious to push it too far too fast.

  What are your thoughts?


  4.0 out of 5 stars

  I love the combination of Urban Fantasy & Military Science Fiction

  ByFaithon February 19, 2016

  Format: Kindle Edition

  I love the combination of Urban Fantasy & Military Science Fiction. Like the author writes in his Author's Notes, I, too, have been going back and forth between those genres the last couple years. This series is a beautiful melding of the two. Great job. I would love to see what this book would become under the hands of a professional editor, because it has some issues. I'm currently on book 03 in the series, and I would suggest the author buy a book of baby names, and use that for choosing character names: John & Jonathan, and maybe another; Billy "William," and Bill Bobcat; and Peter, Petre, and another Peter, barely mentioned. Also, in Love Lost, Chapter Eight, the author mistakenly uses "General Lance Armstrong" instead of "Reynolds." I'm really into the story, and I'll be picking up book 04 in a minute. However, I wonder if Steven King's advice in On Writing - to write a story, and then set it aside for 6 weeks before coming back to edit it - might make a difference in the quality of editing. That being said, it's a hell of a story and a great pace for production. I know I'm adding this to my Goodreads watch list. :D


  Michael - Thank You Faith! You know, I use the Internet to find foreign names and I really SHOULD use a book for English names. I wonder why I did that? I (literally right now after type that last question mark) went to book 3 in Scrivener and fixed that mistake on Armstrong. The next time that book gets exported, the fix is in.

  Would you mind dropping a note about your thoughts on the editing for this book? It doesn’t have to be public, message me privately. I’m curious what the readers think of this book’s editing.

  We, literally, are writing and editing like nothing I’ve heard about before.


  Where has this series been all my life?

  ByDv8angelon February 20, 2016

  Format: Kindle Edition

  I want to start out by saying I hardly ever write reviews, in fact this only the second I've written to date. Why is this one so special you may ask? So many reasons it's not even funny. Somehow Michael manages to mesh sci-fi, fantasy, and military fiction into one spectacular series in a way I've never seen before. Throw in a bad bitch female lead and I'm hooked. And God the mouth on that woman, she is straight after my heart. I just came up for air after finishing four books in two days. This story is that brilliant. I've seen people mention that the books have too many errors to enjoy it properly, I disagree, while there are some mistakes it's not enough to take away from one of the most imaginative stories I've ever read. You can bet I'll be done with the next two by tomorrow and anxiously waiting for more. Consider me a fan Ad Aeternitatem.


  Michael - Thank you Dv8angel! (That is such a cool name!) Sounds like something I would use for a ships name… Like a space ship pilot name… Hmmmm…

  Nope, I won’t steal a fan’s name. Unless, of course, said fan said something about it’s ok.. or something like that ;-)

  Like baking a cake and leaving a piece out of it… That wasn’t TOTALLY STOLEN (with permission) from a fan or anything… Wait, yes it was…it totally was stolen.


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