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Still Into You (Never Over You Book 2)

Page 30

by Ryleigh Andrews

  Mia finally sat down in her usual spot—on his right—and watched him pull out container after container of food. “Me . . . me . . . me . . . ah . . . for you,” he said, pulling out a container with a piece of chocolate cake.

  “Oh my! Chocolate cake! I shouldn’t,” she said, yet still she took it from him. She absolutely loved chocolate cake.

  “Yes, you should. Looks like it’s been a long while since you last indulged in this.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Mia exclaimed, suddenly feeling extremely self-conscious. She knew she had lost some weight, but hadn’t thought it was that much. She hadn’t purposely gone on a diet or anything for the movie, but with her state of mind after Tom’s death plus the whirlwind of activity for the movie, all the travel and promotion, then the tour and taking up running again, the weight had just fallen off of her.

  “You’re too skinny.”

  Her face must have given her thoughts away because he shook his head and with a chuckle said, “Just eat it. Okay?”

  Opening the plastic container, the sweet smell of chocolate hit her like a train. She may have moaned, but would not admit to it. Picking up the fork, Mia dove into the dessert. Sweet heaven, she thought, as the cake melted in her mouth. “Oh, this is fantastic!”

  Ethan picked up his sandwich and smiled knowingly before taking a large bite. He nodded at the television. “Whatcha watching?”

  “Um, I really don’t know. I was just channel surfing before you arrived. I can turn it off, if you like?”

  “No, it’s fine.”

  She placed the rest of the cake on the table. Her stomach couldn’t handle what amounted to a fourth of a cake. So she just watched him finish his sandwich, and when he did, he capped it off with a long swallow from his sports drink.

  “I’m glad you were at the game tonight,” Ethan said after a minute of silence.

  She smiled bashfully. “So am I. It was a great game. You’re still a football god.”

  He laughed at that and sank back into the plush cushions, sighing. “Ahh, this feels good.”

  “Are you sore?” she asked, a hint of concern reaching her voice. How anyone could continually take those kind of hits was beyond her.

  “A little. More like my muscles are completely exhausted,” he said, his eyes flicking to the TV. She saw the glance and followed his gaze to see what caught his attention. She scrunched up her face at what she found—a commercial for Burn for You. Of all the times to see yourself on television. She knew it brought to Ethan’s mind the crazy mess of their last few weeks together.

  She watched his face change, the lightness disappearing. He seemed deep in thought. He quietly cleared his throat and then spoke.

  “Mia, I’ve wanted to speak with you for a while now. It took more willpower than I ever thought I had not to contact you, to give you your time,” Ethan paused, yet she remained quiet. He seemed a little nervous. She had never seen that before and she found it endearing.

  He rolled his head towards her and the raw emotion on his face started the tear factory within her. “I have missed you so much. I tried to forget you, but nothing ever worked. These years without you . . .” he stopped, taking a deep breath, then swallowing, fighting the pain, but it came anyway, tears darkening his usually bright eyes. “God, I have so much to say, yet so little.”

  His tears made her heart ache. She felt the same. Could she just tell him she loved him and things would be all right again? Could they just show their love to each other? Because she didn’t want to talk, not now.

  No. She needed him. Missed him. It had been close to three years since they had last been together. She needed him like never before. She had to take that sadness from his eyes and undoubtedly from her heart. Being the cause of that sadness, Mia had the power to do so.

  Clutching his hand, Mia leaned forward and swallowed heavily. “I know. I’ve missed you too, Ethan. So, so much. Please never doubt that.”

  She bent down and gently touched her lips to his. They both released a staccato sigh at the contact that she thought would never happen again. Hot tears spilled from her eyes when his hand tightened around hers. Mia backed away slightly, regarding him, seeing tears of his own running down his face. She brushed at them with her thumb and then kissed him again, tasting the salt of their mingled tears.

  Her emotions were mixed. Happy for this moment, but sad because she’d been the reason for their separation.

  “Oh, Mia,” Ethan cried, before returning his lips to her face, kissing her all over. He tugged hard at her hand and she crawled onto his lap, hugging him fiercely with her entire body, her arms around his neck, her legs on either side of his hips. This was where she belonged—with him. His strong arms held her tightly as he easily lifted her off the couch. Like an old habit, Mia wrapped her legs around his waist as he maneuvered them up the stairs to the bedroom.

  He carefully leaned forward, Mia still holding on to him. Once her back touched the bed, he kissed her forehead tenderly, holding his lips there, the sweetness of it filling her heart with a joy she had never felt. His lips left her, but not his eyes. His gaze told her so much. She about cried seeing the love there, love that she had given up because she had been lost, afraid. But she wasn’t lost anymore.

  Lifting her head, Mia placed her lips upon his and told him what she needed. “Ethan, make love to me . . . please . . .” she murmured against his warm mouth.

  “God, I’ve waited so long to hear you say that again.”

  She kissed him quickly, her hands sliding down his muscular back and then sliding up his front. She traced the lines created by his muscles before pushing him up.

  Mia sat up, her hands at his waist. He stood and took off his shirt. She bit her lip—he was still so gorgeous with his muscular abs and his well-defined chest covered with a light spattering of hair that she loved to run her fingers through. He nodded at her, expecting the same from her. She knelt on the bed, removing her shirt and tossing it aside. Moving a little closer, she lightly kissed his chest, feeling his heart pound beneath her lips. She inhaled his scent, so fresh, clean, and just like she remembered, unleashing all the good memories, feelings she had for him, and it overwhelmed her . . . in a good way.

  Ethan tenderly pushed aside her hair and then lifted her face so their eyes met. “I love you, Mia. I have never stopped. I never will.”

  She thought her tears were under control, but they flowed again freely with his confession. He still loved her.

  “I love you, too,” she replied, desperately needing to show him. Standing on the bed, Mia looked down at him and pushed her pants off her waist. He smiled, taking them the rest of the way off, leaving kisses on her stomach and legs before removing her underwear.

  Placing her hands on his shoulders, Mia held his eyes with hers. Her hands traveled down his chest, making a stop at his lean waist. She gave him a seductive smile and moved her fingers to the fastening of his jeans. The breath rushed out of him as she drew the button slowly through the hole and painstakingly pulled down the zipper. She pushed at them and let gravity finish the job. He kicked off his shoes and then stepped out of his jeans.

  Ethan smiled devilishly before he lifted her and tossed her flat on the bed, her breath rushing out of her. Before she had a chance to voice a protest, he covered her body, his mouth devouring hers. Her body writhed beneath his, quivering with her desire and passion for this man whom she loved with all her heart. She exhaled raggedly when his knowing hands found her breasts and kissed each globe through the fabric.

  He made quick work of the front clasp and had the bra undone and on the floor in seconds. He lowered his head and placed soft, tantalizing kisses along her breasts before taking her hard nipple in his mouth, sucking hard, occasionally nipping the sensitive bud. Her fingers threaded his hair as she held him there.

  No one did what Ethan could do to her body. It electrified her, coursed through every limb and back again as it pooled between her legs. They were about to make love f
or the first time in almost three years and nothing ever felt so right.

  Still at her breast, he lowered his hand between her legs, rubbing up and down her thigh, before his finger teased her opening, slickening his digit before he went to work driving her out of her mind.

  He always knew what to do to her to make her lose control. With her head falling back against the plush pillows, Mia let herself go, the moans flowing from her body.

  She felt the loss when he left her breast, but then his handsome face was hovering before hers, his caramel eyes smiling.

  “Hi,” he said, quickly possessing her mouth.

  “Hi,” she replied back when he let her up for air, feeling happier than she had felt in years. She smiled knowingly as he positioned himself between her legs.

  She couldn’t help but cry out and clutch at his arms as he slowly pushed himself inside of her. Way too long since he’d made her feel like this. She’d missed him so much, this closeness, this intimacy with him. Nothing compared to it.

  Mia held him close, his chest rubbing against her sensitive breasts, kissing him tenderly as he moved inside her. Her tears free flowing. She had thought she would never be with him again. But here she was, kissing his face, holding him to her, her arms wrapped tightly around his neck, loving him like she was meant to do. She would be emotionally raw after this, but he deserved the honesty of her emotions. No more hiding.

  She felt him smile against her skin and she smiled too. This was right. This was how they were supposed to be—together, not apart. God, never apart ever again.

  Mia wanted this moment to last forever, but her body was quickly reaching its peak. The cries rolled out of her as the orgasm coursed through her body.

  Ah God . . . this orgasm wasn’t like anything she was used to—it had never been like this, even with Ethan. She felt free, nothing was holding her back. She was giving all of herself to him.

  Maybe for the first time ever.


  Mia dug her nails into his back as he moved faster and harder within her. There was nothing like being inside her. From the moment Ethan met her, it just felt right. Home. It still felt like that. Right where he needed to be. Right where he should be for the rest of his life.

  Waiting for her these final few months had been agony. The thought of making love to her had kept him up many nights since he’d last seen her—hell, even before that.

  Finally after close to three years, she was below him, her body flushed with desire, calling out his name as she came again. This time he couldn’t hold out. Ethan rammed into her hard two more times and let go, releasing himself into her.

  Ethan rolled over and brought her to him, holding her tight, as he tried to regain his breath. She snuggled perfectly against him, assuming her normal post-coital position with him: her breasts against his side, her leg draped over his, her hand on his chest. Some things never changed.

  He kissed the top of her head, keeping his lips there, breathing in another thing that hadn’t changed—her honey scent, letting it calm him.

  They had been through so much over the years, but they always seemed to find their way back to one another. She was the only one for him. While they had been apart, Ethan may have slept with other women, gone out on dates, but the connection to his heart, his soul, was never there. But in this moment with Mia in his arms, it was back.

  “I love you.”

  “I love you, too,” she said, kissing his chest. The feathery touch of her lips on his skin had him thinking of making love to her again.

  “You do realize that I will probably make love to you at least a couple more times tonight.”

  “I’m counting on it.”

  He chuckled at her. That was his girl. He pulled the soft down comforter over their naked bodies, still holding her tight against him, not wanting to let her go. After she settled under the covers, Ethan placed his cheek against the top of her head.

  “So, I came here to just talk . . . about us, about you. I did not expect this. I didn’t expect you to tell me you still loved me nor did I expect you and I to be so naked.”

  She laughed. “I like being naked with you.”

  “Oh, you do?”

  “Mmm hmm,” she said as her lips traveled down his chest, first teasing one nipple then the other before gliding her tongue even further before she stopped right above his awakening cock. “You like it too.”

  She was right about that. His tired body responded to her. He had wanted a short rest, but that was not going to happen now, he thought, as her lips touched the tip of his cock. Her goal obviously was to torture him.

  “Mia . . .” he groaned.

  “Shh,” she said against him, making him quiver.

  “Uh, you don’t have to do this.”

  “I know,” she said before taking him in her mouth. His head dropped to the pillow as her warm lips enveloped and moved upon him. With her hand grasping his base, she began to move in sync with her very talented mouth.

  Ethan exhaled slowly as Mia made him forget how tired he was. The only thought in his head now was being inside her once again, loving her over and over. He knew they couldn’t possibly make up for all the time they’d been apart, but he was going to enjoy trying.

  His fingers tightly grasped her hair when she let him slip from her mouth. “Come here,” he said, tugging lightly and when she didn’t comply fast enough, he grabbed her beneath her arms and lifted her on him, his eyes even with hers.

  “Hi, suga.”

  “Hi,” she said, just smiling at him, knowing what was going to happen next, but not doing a thing about it.

  He could probably slip right inside her without much effort, but he was enjoying the look on her face too much. “So, do I have to do this or are you going to get on?” he dared.

  She chuckled and bent down, capturing his mouth in a kiss as she guided him inside her. He groaned happily as she slowly moved upon him.

  Ethan knew they needed to talk. He needed her to trust him, to tell him all the things she couldn’t before. He needed her to tell him she was okay. But at the same time, he needed this physical connection with her. That was kind of taking precedence right now. And he was completely fine with that. They would talk about things later.

  Grabbing her face, he held it, forcing eye contact with him, causing her to stop.

  “Ethan? What?”

  “We still need to talk.”

  “And we will. I promise, but not now,” she said, squeezing his cock with her pussy. “We are not finished here.”

  “No, we’re not,” he agreed, rolling them over so he was on top. He regarded her long, chocolate hair spread out against the bed, framing her beautiful face, and he resolved he would never let her go again. This was it. He knew it five years ago when he’d met her, and despite everything that’d happened, she was the person with whom he would spend the rest of his life. She might not know that right now, but she would soon enough.

  He was meant to be with her—forever this time.


  Waking up, he found his arms around a very naked and sleeping Mia and smiled happily. Ethan knew this was not a dream. He felt her long, wavy hair tickle his skin, her steady breath against his chest. He’d missed every single thing about her. The way she smiled after he made love to her. The simple yet soul-stirring way she said his name. The way she rested against him, her hand always on his heart.

  Holding her head against his chest, he thought about last night. He swore he had been hallucinating when her face popped up on the big screen. He had scanned the boxes while on the sidelines and then, amazingly, he’d seen her. He could never forget those big, dark eyes and that full mouth. Ethan resolved that he would talk to her that night, one way or another.

  A part of him wanted to rush up to her box and talk to her right then and there. Heck, he wanted more too. Just seeing her had made his pants uncomfortably tight. He had never wanted a game to be over as badly as that one.

  It had been so long since
she had been to one of his games. How had they let so much time come between them? He had missed so many big moments in her life—winning her first Grammy, her first movie, her Academy Award nomination.

  Mia amazed him, even from afar. He kept track of her, listening to her music, hearing her heart break, her sadness, her anger, and her realizations. He understood the veiled messages to him, especially in her latest album. He heard hope and the hunger for love. He just hoped it was his love that she wanted.

  Yes, she’d said she loved him. They had the most intense lovemaking of his life last night. And Ethan felt her love, but there were still so many unknowns.

  He glanced at his watch and saw it was after noon. Time to get up and start the day. He looked down at her resting so peacefully and really didn’t want to wake her up, but they had places to be. Squeezing her in his arms, Ethan softly spoke her name but got no response. He shook her slightly.


  Her eyes opened slightly, flitting back and forth, and after a few beats, they flew wide open. “Shit! What time is it?” she said, rolling over and then onto her back before flying out of bed. She quickly glanced at the clock. “Damn it!” she exclaimed.

  “Good afternoon, Mia,” he said from the bed, enjoying the sight of the naked woman before him. A sight he’d thought he may never see again. The wildness of her sleepy hair. The way her breasts swayed. The marks he’d put all over her body. He smiled at the thought of making those.

  Mia stopped her frenzy and turned to him, the dopey smile he missed so much lighting up her face.

  “Hi there,” she said, walking back to him.

  “Forget about me?” he asked, grabbing a hold of her hips.

  “Never,” she replied, leaning down and placing her soft lips on his, lingering for a long moment before she broke the contact.

  “Now why’d you get up in such a fit?” he asked, tucking her fallen hair behind her ear, his eyes locked on hers.

  Her eyes darted over to the hand toying with her hair. Ethan could see the happiness there. She bit her lip to stop her grin but the smile won out. “It’s Kaitlyn’s birthday party today and it starts at one. I have got to be there.”


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