Never Say Never (Written in the Stars Book 2)

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Never Say Never (Written in the Stars Book 2) Page 22

by Brittany Holland

  “I was there that day Scarlett. I was at the funeral. I saw you, Piers, Teddy...the lot of you. I heard what was said. It made me question everything my mum told me. But I still needed to find out for myself. And I saw him. I saw my father, James Black.” He drops his gaze, and squeezes his eyes tightly shut.

  “I saw him, and he saw me. I think maybe he recognized me, right before he collapsed.” I hear the pain in his voice.

  “It’s not your fault.” The word tumble from my lips, even though I don’t know if it’s true. But I do know he doesn’t need to be consumed with guilt over something he may or may not have caused.

  “But I was there for revenge. To get back at him for what he did to my mom. She hates him, and Wendy...and Peter Nichols.”

  “Peter? Piers’ father? Why would you’re mum hate him so much? He’s been dead for years?” More confused than ever, I question as he carries on.

  “I’m really not sure. She always hated all of them, blamed them for how her life turned out. Said we lived like paupers and he lived like a king. And told me he got new children, a houseful and they got all his love and attention. But what she meant was money.” He takes another sip of tea, clearing his throat to continue. “So when I heard about Wendy’s death, she sent me here. My mum. She thought maybe it would be a good time to step forward as his heir, to make my presence known after all this time. I had been waiting for years for my chance to come to him, ruin him. To eventually—”

  “Black Water. Drew being named heir. BlackHouse...the merger. You knew about all of it.” I interrupt, sitting my tea cup back on the trey as I stand to pace. “You knew about all of it. The Anderson retreat, the will, the mergers...all of it. You knew?” My heart sinks.

  “Yes.” He lets out a painful sigh. “Scarlett she sent me to find out everything I could and to use whoever it took, to get close. To gain information. Piers seemed to be the key to it all.” He jumps to his feet, paces before he stares out the window.

  “So you figure use me to get to him? He was right!” My voice raises an octave. “Jokes on you because I wasn’t the one! It’s Willow. It always has been.” It’s like he’s ripped a band-aid off an old wound. “And did you pursue her, the way you did me?” I yell.

  “I didn’t really, I didn’t mean. No! I never felt about her that way. With you from that first day. Your long legs and sad eyes, you captivated me.”

  I’m so angry and sad...confused.

  “I began watching you.” He confesses.

  “You what?” I should be frightened, especially after what happened with Alan. But I wasn’t. Some messed up part of me is flattered and turned on even.

  He remains silent as I rant.

  “So you were following me?”

  He nods.

  “The retreat? Running? Saving me? The pub? All just you trying to get information?”

  “Yes. No. It’s not like that. Yes I ran into you, some of those wrote planned. I couldn’t know what Alan would do. I felt something for my even that night, at the retreat. I know you felt it to. But I swear after that day you bumped into me in the pub, that was coincidence. Things had already behind changing for me. And after that night of the gala. I knew I had to walk away. I had a job to do and I wouldn’t let you get caught in the middle.”

  I knew this would be hard to take, but my breathing remains quick as I struggle to remain calm. I think if he had been watching me since the funeral, then- “it was you!”

  “What?” He eyes me warily.

  “That night I thought Teddy took me home. That was you?” I ask him a he looks me right isn’t the eye.

  “Yes, it was me. I had followed you because it was clear you were upset. Some men were being a bit forward with you and I stepped in. You were legless, I wasn’t about to let you drive.”

  “So you drove me home?”


  “You came in my home?”


  “Didn’t anything happen?”

  “No. Uh—” his eyes dodge around the room.

  “What are you not telling me?”

  “Nothing happened, I swear to you. It was just...You had puked on my boots, so I only came in to put you down and clean my shoes. And when I came out of the bathroom you had stripped and propositioned me.” He rushes the rest of the embarrassing truth out and my cheeks flame.

  “Is that all? And you just walked away?”

  “Of course. What do you take me for?” He demands. “Well, you were legless and when I rejected you, well, lost it. Started crying and got mascara all over your face. I helped you wash up and held you till you slept. Then I left, that’s all.”

  My heartbeat is ringing in my ears. I didn’t hardly hear anything he said after mascara. He saw me have one of the horrendous flashback episodes and he still stuck around. That says more than words ever could, regardless who his dad is or how he came to be in my life. It makes me love him all the more.

  My heart stops. Love. LOVE. I just said. Love.

  I love him. Oh, my, I love him!

  I fight to keep my breath. I turn away so he won’t see my face. I’m not about to ruin Hester this could be with my confession. I need to get. Handle on this before I let him know what my heart has been trying to tell me all along. I love him.

  “Scarlett. Baby, please. I came here for revenge but also to see who he was, what he was like and I felt like that opportunity was robbed from me. I’ve been to see him, once to unload everything I felt and two more times, I sat in complete silence. Each time I went back, the more time I had spent with you....It didn’t seem as important, my getting revenge. I just wish I could ask him why. Why he left. Why my mum want enough. She won’t let it go, she keeps pushing for revenge. But she’s just scorned. I’ve learned, as much as I love her, her battles are her own. I can’t fight them forever. These last few weeks with you, have been the best in my life. And I don’t hate Piers or Willow, or even Teddy. I don’t want revenge, just a chance to know my father.” His shoulders droop with relief as he lets it all out and my heart aches for this negotiation man who has been put in this position.

  “And what about me, Cohen? Do you hate me?” I whisper. “I grew up there too. I loved Wendy, I can’t see her being this horrible person you’re mum has painted her out to be.”

  “Hate you?” He stalks towards me, with that dark look in his eyes. “Never. How could I hate you?”

  He reaches me and pulls me into his arms, his fingers brushing the underside of my chin have me turning my face towards his. “I’m in love with you Scarlett.”

  Before I can even formulate a thought, his lips seal over mine.

  He loves me.

  He doesn’t give me a chance to speak so I mumble my love against his lips and show him how I feel, pouring everything I have into this kiss.

  He loves me.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  I’m shut away in my office, reviewing some proposals and enjoying some peace and quiet. The serenity is a welcome relief after the past few weeks we’ve had. Things are going great with Cohen. Better than great actually, although things are still a bit awkward with Piers. He’s back to work and PAN industries is making great strides, we’ve closed one of the largest deals that we've ever done, with the exception of taking over BlackHouse.

  I’m in an unusual place, because my company took over Cohen’s father’s company, or at least the majority of shares. The rest of the takeover is still tied up in litigation. Piers is still leery of Cohen and sometimes I feel caught in the middle. My feelings for Cohen are strong enough, that if I had to choose, I would leave my job. It hasn’t come to that … yet.

  The merger with Anderson was purely a strategic business move, while taking over BlackHouse had nothing to do with industry and everything to do with revenge. Both however were very calculated. Neither a conflict of interest, until now. Until Cohen. Until the attack.

  Both deals now are now tainted for me. Piers has agreed to step
in and take the lead on the Anderson account. Old man Anderson has apologized profusely over what his son did, and all charges against Cohen have been dropped. Just as you can’t blame a son for the actions of his father; you can’t blame a father for the sins of his son. We will keep the deal as planned, but I won’t have a high level of involvement.

  We’re just approaching third-quarter and have already met our quota for the year. Things are finally starting to look up for all of us all, not just professionally, but personally as well. As soon as things settle down, Cohen and I are going to talk to Piers about bringing him on to assist with the London Lost expansion that I’ve been contemplating.

  After thinking about how Wendy left her mark on the world, and knowing someone with a burden and a passion saved me, I want to do the same. I’m proud of the work I’ve done at PAN, but this is something I feel lead to do.

  Leaning back in my chair, I study the black orchids that arrived this morning with a card that read, “They remind me of you, exotic and graceful. X, Sexy Pirate.”

  My eyes remain locked on the velvet petals and my nose smells the sweet and spice filled fragrance, but my heart sees a happy couple laughing and kissing all over London, unable to keep their hands off of each other. From the top of the London Eye, to the basement clubs we danced in after our movie. I can’t wait to meet him for drinks tomorrow night when he gets home from taking care of his mother.

  I hope to one day meet her but he still seems a bit private where she’s concerned and I can’t exactly complain because it’s not like I’ve got a family to take him home to. But if I did, I have the feeling this bad boy would be the kind for taking home, whether he likes to admit it or not. He comes across as dark and hard, but he’s brought such light to my life.

  Cohen makes me feel a million and one things I wasn’t counting on, the most important one being, me. I feel like myself with him. The me I never show anyone. The carefree and the broken, the romantic and the vixen, all rolled into one. He’s seen me at my worst, yet he still keeps coming back for more, which is good because I’m nowhere near finished with him. A chill runs down my spine as I think about a day that I hope never comes.

  “Why do you look so sad?” A small voice calls from the doorway.

  Looking up I see Drew, the spitting image of his father, Piers. A mop of dark hair, an elfin nose, complete with inquisitive emerald green eyes. He studies me thoughtfully for a while and I can see the wheels turning in his mind as it stands there in his little red sneakers holding his backpack covered in planets and stars. When I don’t ask answer his question quickly enough he asks again.

  “Why do you look so sad?” Drew shuffles into my office looking over his shoulder.

  “I'm not sad, just a bit tired that's all." Kids really are perceptive.

  “You look like you miss someone, or someplace...that kind of sad. My mum looked like that a lot before we came to London,” he shares with me.

  “Yeah, I bet. it’s hard to be away from the people and places that we love the most.” I find myself replying, unsure of what to say, certain that Wendy wouldn’t want me talking to him at all.

  For the first time, I think about how hard it must’ve been for Willow being in the states all by herself, going through pregnancy and childbirth alone. Guilt hangs heavy around my shoulders as I’m frozen in this surreal moment with a boy that reminds me of my own childhood, my first friend.

  He walks over to my desk and takes a seat, scooting himself up in the chair directly across from mine, his little feet not touching the ground when he slides all the way back.

  “So, you're the one that made my mum cry?” His face has a stern look about it and if it wasn’t for the serious tone and the weight of the question, I would’ve been fighting back a smile at his inquisition.

  Oh, boy here we go. I don’t know a lot about kids, but I know how I wish I would’ve been treated, so I respond to him with honestly.

  “I haven’t always been the nicest person, Drew, but I’m working on it. I’ve done a lot of mean things hurt a lot of people’s feelings, things I wish I could take back.” I stutter out the words, wishing I had a better excuse.

  “I’m not upset with you, I’m just asking.” he clarifies as he fiddles with his hands in his lap.

  “I understand perfectly Drew, but if I’m being honest I’m a bit cross with myself for how I’ve behaved.” I choose my words carefully, as my eyes dart to the door, fearful that any minute Piers or Willow will come barging in and assume the worst.

  “Well, when I get into trouble, for leaving my toys out, or when I sass my mum, giving a hug and saying I’m sorry usually makes it all better.” he imparts his words of wisdom on me, while staring like he just gave me the keys to the kingdom. I can’t help but feel as though I’m sitting across from future of PAN Industries.

  Sweet, sweet boy how I wish it were that easy.

  Out of the mouths of babes...I just wish it were as simple as saying I’m sorry.

  “It is.” he responds to a comment I didn’t realize I said out loud.

  “At least it is in the books.” he adds, shrugging his shoulders.

  “What books?” hair tickles my cheek as my brows raise in confusion.

  “My mum’s books. She didn’t say your name, but I’m pretty sure you’re the evil fairy queen.” I stare at him in confusion, until he hops down with a thud and rummages around in his bag.

  “See?" He withdraws a small stack of children’s books, placing one open on my desk. His tiny finger points to a watercolor portrait of a beautiful fairy with ebony black wings, she has purple eyes and whitish blonde hair. Tears sting my eyes, as I contemplate the fact that I’ve been painted a villain in a nursey book, literally. She carries a staff made from twigs and flutters just beyond a huge, green willow tree. Everlend.

  A gasp escapes my lips as my fingers brush the delicate paper in awe of the likeness.

  I knew Willow wrote and illustrated children’s books, but I’d never actually held one in my hands.

  My heart absorbs everything my eyes see when flipping through the pages. The artwork is exquisite. When I reach the end, I find that the dark fairy has joined forces with the good fairy to protect the secret garden from an evil pirate lord.

  “That’s what I’m trying to tell you, see?” he asks. “Even the villain gets to be the hero sometimes.”

  “I do.” I whisper as he sits, looking rather pleased with himself. He’s his father’s son alright. “How'd you get so smart?”

  “My mum writes books; I know these things.” He quips back.

  I can’t help the laugh that bubbles out of my mouth at his cheeky reply.

  “Drew?” Willow’s panicked voice floods the space as she barges in my office with Piers on her heels.

  “He’s here!” Her hand flies up, covering her heart. “He’s here, Piers.”

  “What’s going on here?” Piers asks me while Willow catches her breath, looking back and forth between Drew and me.

  “Drew here was just entertaining me with some of Willow’s books.” I smile at Drew.

  “Oh.” Piers seems at a loss for words. “Drew, you can’t just wonder off like that! You scared your mum, and me.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry.” He hangs his head. And I instantly feel bad he’s in trouble for trying to cheer me up.

  “You guys were so busy talking about the wedding, I didn’t think you would notice.” he continues and all the sound evaporates from the room. The silence is so deafening; you could hear a pin drop.

  “Umm- well.” Piers starts, and I feel someone’s gaze on me, gauging my reaction no doubt. A reaction that surprises even me.

  “Congratulations are in order then?” Looking up I find all eyes on me.

  “It’s only been a few weeks with everything going on, we thought it best not to—” Willow’s voice trails off as she nervously twirls a ring around her finger.

  Piers pulls her into his arms and regards me over her head as he holds her tight. “But
I think what she’s trying to say is that we needed a little time to let it all settles in and, things had been so…”

  “I completely understand, please say no more.” I waive him off. I thought if this day ever came, that I would feel crushed, but I feel nothing but happiness for this family that has been through so much, some at my own hand. “I’m happy for you, truly.”

  “Thank you, Scarlett. That means a great deal, to us all.” Willow smiles at me, she actually smiles.

  “So these books,” I attempt to change the subject. “The artwork in them is quite exquisite they really are very lovely Willow; you should be proud.”

  “About the dark fairy she—” she starts to explain, the awkwardness still thick in the air.

  “Is quite beautiful.” I finish for her.

  The old me might’ve been offended by how I was portrayed, when in all reality all she did was tell the truth. I think the only thing I have a right to be at this point is flattered that she included me at all.

  “Wendy would have been very proud.” I tell her, afraid to let this moment pass, even though my voice trembles and tears threaten.

  “Thank you.” she blushes as my mobile rings out loudly, breaking the moment.

  “I’m sorry, I just need to check that.” I excuse myself thinking it may be Cohen, I rush to find a number I don’t recognize lighting up my screen.

  “Mr. Nichols, there is an urgent call for you.” Harriet comes in searching for Piers.

  “This is Scarlett.” I connect the call.

  “Hello, this is Miranda calling from Mr. Barrington’s office, and I was calling to let you know that your presence is requested immediately for an emergency meeting in regards to BlackHouse.”

  That’s odd.

  “Has Piers Nichols been notified?” I ask her, as a feeling of unease washes over me.

  “Yes, I believe Mr. Barrington is in the process of contacting him now.”

  “Okay, thank you.” I end the call.

  Looking up, I see Willow and Drew have followed Piers out, so I head to his office to find out what the bloody hell is going on.


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