Taming the Outback

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Taming the Outback Page 12

by Ann B. Harrison


  She finally gave in to the tears. She clung to his shirt, making it damp against his chest as he sat on the floor with her wrapped in his arms until her sobs subsided to mild hiccups. He continued to stroke her hair until she pulled away from him with a big sigh.

  “God, I am so sorry about that,” she whispered, her head bowed low.

  “What do you have to be sorry for, sweetheart?” Nathan asked. His hands itched to tuck the loose strand of hair behind her ear and he wanted to kiss the nape of her neck. But he cupped her chin and lifted her face so he could see her eyes instead.

  “I went for walk to the creek.” Her shoulders slumped. “I can’t believe Holly rode through that to get to Tom.”

  He watched her without speaking.

  “And that water. There’s so much of it. That little creek is now a raging river. What if she hadn’t made it across? We would be searching for a body by now. I don’t know if I can stand this.” Her eyes welled up again.

  “Hush,” he whispered, pulling her to his chest and kissing her hair. It would be so easy to take her here and now. God knows this woman had managed to get under his skin no matter how hard he’d tried to push her away. But even he wasn’t the total asshole she thought he was. He was having trouble trusting his own feelings since Libby had moved in next door and almost gave into his heart. Instead, he pulled her to her feet and guided her to the table. Pulling out a chair with his foot, he pushed her gently into it and crouched down to look her in the eye.

  “It didn’t happen, Libby. They’re okay. If you spend your whole life saying what if, you will drive yourself insane.” He stood to pour her a cup of coffee before he changed his mind and dragged her down the hall to his bedroom.

  “Thanks,” she said as he slid the mug into her hands. “I’m sorry. I don’t know why I came to you. My feet just headed this way, and I couldn’t stop myself.”

  Nathan watched as Libby grabbed the tendril of hair and wound it around the knot on the top of her head, but it found its way loose again within seconds to fall across her cheek.

  Sitting across from her, he saw the emotions run riot in her eyes. She had plenty of guts. He had to give her that. She also had the farm he’d been told was his when the old man died, and he wasn’t going to let her forget it in a hurry. But, Nathan being Nathan, he would get what he wanted in the end. He also wanted her in his bed, desperately.

  “About what you said at the hospital...when I tried to thank you, “ Libby started, the flush he found irresistible rising once again in her cheeks. “I know you’re angry I let Holly go with Tom, and I understand you know the ways of this place better than me, but...”

  “That’s just it, sweetheart,” Nathan exploded, his frustration finally rearing its ugly head as he rounded on her, giving her the brunt of his foul mood. “This is a harsh country, and buts just don’t cut it out here. You are cut out for the city life for Christ’s sake. You’re not a farmer. You don’t have the slightest idea of what you’re getting yourself into. You proved that by almost losing Tom and your daughter.” The look on Holly’s face when he had found them was still burned into his mind. The poor kid had been terrified she wasn’t going to be able to hold onto Tom against the rush of water. He couldn’t bear to think of what would have happened if he hadn’t made it in time. How can I be sure Libby won’t put her in any more danger now that I have had my heartstrings tugged tight? He stood and looked down on her, trying to keep his face void of emotions but his heart was telling him to take her in his arms and put them both out of their misery. “How many more times are you going to put those kids at risk?”

  “Now just you look here,” she cried, pushing him back and struggling to get to her feet. “I may be a barmaid, and I know I have a lot to learn, but learn I will. And for your information, I would never knowingly put my kids in danger. Neither would Tom.”

  “You don’t belong here,” he ground out. Though aware the words he was saying were hurtful, he couldn’t stop himself. They were his only defense. He was trying to will her away from him the only way he knew how, unwilling to risk his heart to a city dweller again. As much as he wanted this woman, he wouldn’t let her know it. She had the capacity to break his heart when the going got tough, which was in the cards looking at the state of her farm, and he wasn’t sure he would survive another crushed heart. Better to get her out of here now before he caved in. “Get used to the idea and move on back home where you belong.”

  “Why? So you can take over?” She practically spat at him. “I will not give up what my family has passed down to me. It’s mine, and you aren’t going to get it.”

  “There’s more than one way to get what I want.” Nathan hauled her into his arms.

  Libby tried to push him away, but the contact of her breasts on his hard chest knocked the wind out of him, and he held onto her for dear life. He groaned deep in his throat as he pressed his lips against hers, demanding and hungry. The heat rushed through his veins as his hands slid down to cup her denim-clad butt, pulling her against his hips, leaving her in no doubt he wanted her. She wound her arms around his neck as she molded her body closer to his, impatient noises coming from her mouth.

  Nathan pushed Libby against the table, leaning her onto her back. He broke their kiss and looked into her eyes as his fingers lifted the bottom of her T-shirt to reveal a sensible, white cotton bra. Fitting his thumb under the cup, he pushed it up to reveal her naked breasts, watching her nipples pucker in the cool morning air. Leaning over her, he traced his tongue around the deep, pink tips, smiling at the way she squirmed under him, before he sucked tauntingly on one nipple and then the other.

  He lifted his head and looked at her, knowing her had to push her away before it was too late. God, I can’t believe I’m going to do this.

  Nathan shook his head and stepped back, mentally slapping himself in the face for what he was going to do to her. “You see, sweetheart, I can do whatever I want.”

  The look in her eyes turned from sexy and wanton to shattered in seconds. She pulled down her bra and T-shirt and turned away from him. Nathan felt like the biggest heel as he watched her pull herself together. She took a deep breath and looked back at him, her shoulders square and her chin raised in a defiant gesture.

  “You may think I’m an easy lay, but I don’t really give a damn what your opinions are. I’ll admit it. I haven’t had sex for a while, and it wouldn’t take much for you to get me into your bed as you’ve tried so hard to show me the last few times we’ve met. I won’t apologize for being faithful to my husband’s memory. And just for the record, being a barmaid and a single mother doesn’t automatically make me a slut. But it will take more than you bedding me to get the station,” she added, looking pleased with herself. “If I decide I want to have sex with you, it’ll be for the sex alone and don’t try and tell me you’ll turn me down. We both know how aroused you are. Understand this, Nathan. The station is mine, and you won’t get your hands on it. Thank you for the coffee and the shoulder to cry on. Much appreciated. Oh, and the foreplay. We mustn’t forget that little interlude. Maybe we’ll take it a bit further next time.”

  She walked out of his house, her butt swinging sexily as she strode to the truck in the early-morning haze.

  Nathan watched her walk away and wondered if he should call her back or run after her. Fear made him stand his ground, and the woman walking away no longer looked like Libby. In his mind, he saw Eliza picking up her suitcase and walking out the door. His heart clenched in his chest when he heard the car door slam, and he tried to tell himself he had done the right thing. He turned and walked back into the house.


  The kids were in the kitchen attempting to make their own breakfast when she got home. Breezing in, Libby took over and sat them down while she made French toast and bacon. She informed them after breakfast, they were going to move Tom’s things into the house and they could choose his room.

  “You know he’s going to make a
fuss over it, eh, Libby?” Winton asked.

  “Yeah, I know. I’m up to it though.” She smiled. “Eat up, and let’s get to it.”

  “Mum, I have to do the lambs first,” Holly said.

  “’Course you do, baby.” Libby ruffled the girl’s hair. “We’ll go and do that before you guys choose Tom’s room.”

  Libby dished up breakfast and sat with the kids, her appetite suddenly like a wildfire that had to be doused. Foreplay did that to her—even after all these years apparently.


  “Tom is going to spit,” Josh declared.

  “Mum’ll sweet talk him.” Holly laughed. “Just you watch.”

  The four of them were standing on the driveway when Nathan drove up with Tom. Libby walked around to the passenger side of the vehicle and opened the door.

  “Hey, handsome.” She took the older man’s hand.

  “Hey, yourself.” He smiled wanly as she helped him from the vehicle.

  She tried not to let the tears get away on her, but when he was wrapped in her arms, she lost the battle.

  “There, there, Lib. It’s okay,” he said soothingly as he rubbed her back with his good hand.

  “I know that.” She hiccupped, wiping her hand across her face and sniffling loudly. “It’s just such a relief to have you back.”

  “Well, it’s been a long time since such a pretty woman has missed me, I’ll tell you.”

  “You’re home now, and that’s all that matters,” she said. “Thanks for bringing him home, Nathan. Can I offer you a cup of coffee?” She turned on her charm as if nothing had happened this morning, and they were best friends.

  The look he gave her could have melted paint.

  “Thanks, I won’t say no,” Nathan replied, surprising her after his snappy attitude this morning.

  He followed them into the house and took a seat at the kitchen table. Holly had walked with her hand snuck into Tom’s, and she sat next to him.

  Libby went about making the coffee with a surprising bounce in her step. Tom was home, and she was so relieved...but that wasn’t all of it. Nathan was at her table, and the thought thrilled her. He acted like a jerk, but she had a sneaking suspicion he was covering up his true thoughts. I know he has feelings for me; that much was obvious from his body’s reaction this morning. I just have to convince his brain to follow. His behavior that morning had left her feeling like a young girl in love again, not a lover scorned. Although she should have been upset by his behavior, she wasn’t. It made her more than happy that Nathan wasn’t immune to her, and she was going to make sure they got into bed, the sooner the better. Libby knew he was confused, and that added to her delight. She would have Nathan eating out of her hand if it was the last thing she did. Things were going to change around here now that he was no longer in charge, and the thought tickled her down to her toes.

  Libby poured coffee for the men and juice for the kids, then cut some cake and passed the plate around. She leaned into Nathan as she offered him a slice, feeling how his body stiffened when she touched him.

  “It’s so good to have you back home, Tom, where you belong.” Libby took a seat next to him, opposite Nathan.

  “I was only gone one night,” Tom protested, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

  “Still, it’s not the same when one of our family members is missing,” she said. “Just so you know, we moved Winton into the house yesterday, and your stuff is in the room at the end of the hallway.” She held her hand up as Tom started to protest. “No, don’t argue with me, Tom. My mind is made up. You’re part of this family, and I will not have you living in the sheds when you should be in one of the perfectly good bedrooms.”

  “No point arguing.” Josh grinned at him as he and Winton walked into the kitchen. “I know from experience that when Mum wants something, nothing you do will change her mind, eh, Winton.”

  “I tried to talk her out of it, Tom, but as Josh says, you can’t beat her when she makes up her mind.”

  Libby smiled and looked over at Nathan, tilting her head as he looked at her with a deadpan expression.

  “Something you wanted to say, Nathan?” she asked sweetly.

  “Not until it’s my sleeping arrangements you’re changing.”

  Tom laughed into his hand and tried to cover it with a cough. “How are those lambs going, Holly?” he asked, giving the child his attention.

  “Good. Want to come and help me feed them now?”

  “Tom’s taking it easy for a while, baby, so he can watch, but I’ll help you, okay?” said Libby.

  “Yes, Mum.”

  “Thanks for the coffee and cake.” Nathan rose, pushing away his mug and plate. “Take care, Tom.”

  “Thanks, Nat, for what you’ve done,” Tom responded. “Appreciate it.”

  “No problem. If you want to go look at those bulls I mentioned, give me a call, and I’ll drive you over,” Nathan said over his shoulder as he walked toward the door.

  “I’m sure we can manage, Nathan, but thanks for the offer.” Libby waved good-bye to him.

  “Thanks, but I’ll only have the sling on for a couple of days, and then I can take Libby over to see them.”

  He glanced between the two of them before putting on his hat, nodding, and heading down the steps.

  “Let’s go, Winton.” Josh was pulling his mate to the door. “We’ll be out in the shed, Mum.” They walked out with Holly on their heels.

  “Sure, guys.” She sighed as she began clearing the table.

  “What’s going on, Libby?” Tom sat back in his chair while she bustled around the kitchen.

  “Why would you think there’s something going on?”

  “Don’t give me that innocent look, young lady. You’ve been up to something, and it seems to me Nathan is involved somehow.”

  Libby sat beside him again and laughed shakily, twisting a strand of loose hair behind her ear. “I think I may have gotten the better of our Nathan.” She proceeded to tell Tom what had happened that morning, sparing him just a few of the more intimate details.

  He laughed and slapped the table with his good hand.

  “Oh my, that’s good. I can just see his face as you told him you would use him for sex. You make me wish I was young again, but I doubt if I could keep up with you young’uns these days.”

  “I surprised myself, I can tell you.” She laughed. “I didn’t know I had it in me to carry that off, but after the way he treated me and left me wanting, I figured I had nothing to lose.”

  “So what are the plans now?”

  “Will the dance still be on?” Libby cleared away their cups, putting them in the sink.

  “You bet it will,” he replied.

  “I need to get to town and buy a dress. Nathan isn’t going to know what hit him. From now on, it’ll be me calling the shots.”

  “I don’t think the boy stands a chance.” Tom laughed as he wiped his eyes. “I can almost see it now.”

  “You may be the babysitter that night after the dance.”

  “Anytime. Now, I best get out and see what Holly is up to.”


  The next couple of weeks flew by. The water slowly subsided, and Tom and Libby went to the McNally’s station for a look at the bulls Nathan had told them about.

  Tom wised her up on what to look for and how much she should be paying for it long before they made the visit. Libby had read everything she could get her hands on about the breed as well and had no problem sorting through what she thought were inferior prospects. Tom kept an eye on her and let her know with a nod here and there he approved of the sire she’d chosen.

  Next came the haggling over the price they were asking. Libby was frugal from years of making do, and she refused outright McNally’s asking price and made a ridiculous counteroffer. After going back and forth for what seemed like hours, Libby had a new sire for her herd.

  Tom was patting her on the back, while Mr. McNally was complaining about city folk not appreciating the tru
e value of good stock.

  “Mr. McNally,” Libby placed her hands on her hips and shook her head, “if you don’t want to sell me the animal for that, then don’t. I’ll wait for the sales. Your call, but you won’t get any more money from me. I simply don’t have it.”

  “I’ll let it go for that this time, since you’re new and all and have to rebuild your stock,” he grumbled. “Just don’t go telling anyone about the good deal you got.”

  “Done.” She shook his hand. “Now, how do we get him home?”

  “I can bring him over tomorrow,” said McNally. “Got to go out anyways, so it won’t be much of a problem to me.”

  “I appreciate it,” Libby said. “I’ll have your money for you then. Now home, I think, Tom. I want to get into town before the kids get back unless you want to come with me.”

  “Why not, I can get a haircut, so I’m all spruced up for the dance,” he said.

  Libby and Tom said their good-byes and headed into Charleville. She parked outside the barber’s, and Tom directed her to the dress shop and the bank.

  “I’ll come looking for you if you aren’t back by the time I get finished up,” he said.

  “Catch you later then.” Libby sauntered down the street in search of the killer dress that would have Nathan dribbling down his shirt.

  An hour later, she was still trying on dresses. Nothing was doing it for her. Frustrated, she asked the girl serving her if there was another dress shop in town.

  When the shopkeeper shook her head, Libby walked out of the shop, dejected. Her meager wardrobe certainly didn’t have anything that would work. Going out wasn’t high on her priority list when she’d lived in the city. Certainly not since John had died. She headed for the bank, withdrew the money for her bull, and met Tom on the sidewalk as she came out.

  “Hey, handsome,” she said, admiring his haircut.

  “Hey, yourself,” he replied. “Did you get that pretty dress you wanted?”

  “No. They had nothing that looked anything like what I needed. I don’t know what I’m going to do.”


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