Taming the Outback

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Taming the Outback Page 13

by Ann B. Harrison

  “Let me show you something when we get home,” Tom said mysteriously, getting into the truck.

  Libby was intrigued, but he wouldn’t say a word. When they drove in, she parked by the shed as always, but instead of heading for the house, Tom went into the shed and started rummaging around. Libby watched him, suddenly realizing what he was doing. He pushed an old trunk toward her and stood up, indicating she should come and look.

  “I couldn’t stand to throw away all of your grandmother’s things, Libby,” he said. “So when Aaron told me you were coming, I just packed all her clothes up and put them out here to give you some more room for your own things. Go through them and see if you can find something you can use. She was about the same size as you are.”

  Libby opened the trunk, and the smell hit her first. The same smell that was in her bedroom, the subtle smell of roses and powder. It almost brought tears to her eyes.

  “I’ll go and feed the lambs for Holly,” Tom said as Libby started to go through the garments.

  Everything was packed neatly. It was obvious her grandmother had been a pretty dresses and lace type of woman. There wasn’t a single pair of trousers in the trunk. Libby unfolded every dress and inspected it. Most were daywear, but there were a couple exceptions. These she did not return to the trunk. She took them with her into the house and placed them on the table.

  “Thanks, Tom,” she said, dropping a kiss on his newly cropped head as she passed him.

  “Are you going to try them on and get a man’s opinion?” he asked.

  “Why, aren’t you the helpful charmer today?” She laughed. Grabbing the dresses, she headed for her bedroom and changed into the floral one, which had first caught her eye. She surveyed herself in the mirror, and opening her wardrobe, pulled out her only pair of high heels. Slipping them on her feet, she looked at her reflection again.

  The dress was perfect. It hugged her tiny waist and rose to mold her breasts and lift them to fill the low-scooped neckline. The sleeveless look showed off her shoulders and a good portion of her back. Holding her hair up onto the top of her head, she looked at herself sideways. She quickly slipped a clip in her hair to hold it up off her neck, admiring the long smooth span of skin slowly losing its pale city color.

  The gathered, full waist flared over her hips, and the skirt fell softly around her knees. The color was gorgeous. A soft moss green, with sprays of pink rosebuds in abundance, scattered over the fabric. Libby was looking at a very feminine version of herself in the mirror, something she hadn’t seen in a long time. Twirling for her own pleasure, she smiled at her reflection in the mirror.

  Tom looked up as the heels tapped down the hallway. “Nathan is a dead man. No two ways about it. You look so much like your grandmother, Libby, it’s just plain spooky.”

  “Thanks. What about the dress?” she asked. “Do you think it’s pretty enough for the dance?”

  “Hell, yes,” he said. “Nathan is in serious trouble. Are you sure you know what you’re doing with him, Libby? I don’t want to see you hurt in any way.”

  Just remember you’re only using him for sex. Aloud, she replied, “I’m a big girl and can look after myself. I’ve been doing it for years.” Though I never had a man like Nathan to deal with before. A shiver traveled up her spine, but she ignored it.


  Saturday dawned sunny and bright. Libby rolled out of bed and headed to the kitchen for breakfast. She was keyed up and anxious about tonight.

  What if Nathan doesn’t turn up? What will I do? Just go with the flow.

  She would at least try to have a good time and meet new people, but she was looking forward to teasing Mr. High and Mighty. She felt up to the challenge. Today was a day for primping and pampering, she thought, sipping her first cup of coffee. Tonight she would let him know what he was missing out on and leave him with his mouth hanging open.

  The kids had their clothes ready. The boys had both bought new shirts and had Libby wash and press their best jeans. Holly had plenty of pretty dresses to choose from and tried on her whole wardrobe, parading in front of her mother until they came to a mutual decision.

  Libby relished the change in her baby. She was thriving on the farm with the responsibility of looking after the lambs. She had gone from being a scared little girl to a confident child. Holly had never trusted strangers before, but she was so at ease with Tom and Winton. And since the storm, she seemed to have taken a liking to Nathan too. She no longer appeared to be scared of him. That was a big plus for the man, in Libby’s mind.

  Even Tom was organized for the dance. His clothes were pressed and hanging in his room, ready to go. His western shirt and tie were red and black with a thin strip of silver running through the fabric, and the trousers were black like his boots. He’d brought out his best hat to show Libby and told her how he was looking forward to showing her off to the locals.

  Libby took her coffee outside and wandered around the back of the house to her garden. She would spend some time there before it got too hot. There were seedlings in the shed waiting to be planted, and it would keep her mind occupied on matters other than sex. Her skin tingled with excitement.


  “Wow, Mum.” Josh laughed when Libby came out of her room that evening. She had banned them all from her room, requesting time on her own to primp and pamper herself, something she hadn’t done in years. She did a spin in front of them, and her eyes settled on Tom.

  “What do you think?”

  “Oh, Libby,” Tom said. “Girl, you take my breath away. If I didn’t know better, I would think it was your grandmother standing there.”

  She’d done her hair up in a knot on the top of her head, allowing tendrils to curl around her face and neck. Apart from tiny diamond studs adorning her ears, she wore no other jewelry. Her grandmother’s dress hugged her body, the skirt falling around her knees, showing the promise of her long legs. Her breasts almost spilled over the low neckline.

  “He doesn’t stand a chance.” Tom whistled his approval.

  “Who?” Josh asked.

  “Nathan, who else?” Winton nudged him with his elbow. “Haven’t you seen the way he looks at her?”

  “But I don’t get it.” Josh looked confused. “They bitch at each other every time they meet.”

  “There’s no need for that kind of language, Josh,” Libby admonished, stepping forward. She straightened his collar and brushed an imaginary speck of dust off of his shoulder before doing the same to Winton.

  “You see way too much, young man,” she whispered in his ear. Grinning, she winked at him, leaving Josh baffled even more.

  Holly was waiting for inspection.

  “You look good enough to eat, young lady.” Libby took her daughter’s hand in her and twirled the little girl around. The pale, pink princess dress floated around her daughter’s knees, reminding Libby of candy floss. Libby had dressed her hair earlier in a French braid with strands of pink and white ribbons threaded through her blonde tresses.

  Tom coughed and handed Libby a small florist’s box.

  “Oh, Tom,” she whispered, her eyes going moist. “They’re just lovely. Thank you so much.” She took off the clear lid and lifted a small wrist bouquet of soft pink roses, which matched her dress. Slipping it over her right wrist, she held it out for everyone to see. After much oohing and ahhing over their dance outfits, they all headed out to the four-wheel drive.

  Libby’s body was tingling with a mix of emotions. She was looking forward to seeing Nathan and dancing with him. The thought of being held close in his arms had her nerves fluttering under her skin. She was terrified he might not make an appearance or he might have someone else with him, something she hadn’t thought of until she was getting ready. God help me if another female gets her hands on him before I do.

  Tom helped Libby into her seat and drove them to the community hall. It took all of her patience to sit still on the short drive. The car park was almost full by the time they arrived. Li
bby noticed Nathan’s vehicle in the lineup and breathed a sigh of relief as Tom helped her from the vehicle.

  Libby and the children followed Tom into the hall where the sounds of voices rose over the beat of the country music. The hall was a riot of color and smells. Chinese lanterns hung from the low ceiling beams along with old tools and leather saddles and bridles. A stage was set up at one end of the room and a bar at the other. Hay bales and wine barrels made for casual seats and tables. Children ran among the adults while they danced or talked. No one seemed to mind the noise the children were making as they weaved in and out of the hay bales.

  “Mum, there’s Hannah.” Holly pulled on Libby’s hand. “Can I go?”

  “She’ll be fine,” Tom said. “They can’t get up to much here.”

  She watched her daughter run off to join the giggling bunch of girls on top of the hay bales. Winton and Josh slipped off without a word and disappeared into the crowd.

  “Let’s grab a drink, and then I can introduce you around.” Tom took her elbow and led her over to the bar.

  Local after local stopped them on their way to be introduced to Libby. Everyone was interested in seeing who the new owner of Quincy Station was, and she was amazed at the kindness and offers of support she received.

  “Tom, everyone is so nice and friendly,” she said as they leaned on the bar waiting for their drinks.

  “That’s just country folk for you.” He laughed. “There’s always someone ready and willing to lend you a hand when you need it.”

  “Libby, Tom.” Mr. McNally approached them. “I think you owe me a dance, young lady.”

  “My pleasure, sir.” Libby walked into his open arms. They cruised around the dance floor, the subject of many a curious glance.

  “You sure look pretty tonight,” he said, twirling her around.

  “Why, thank you.” She smiled.

  “Call me Bill. My wife wants to meet you after this dance before someone else drags you away.”

  She could see Nathan on the edge of the crowd, his gaze on her. She pretended to ignore him even though her breathing turned shallow and her body thrummed with a rhythm all of its own. Libby tried to concentrate on what Bill was saying, losing the conversation each time her gaze made contact with Nathan’s. She compensated by smiling at Bill while he talked to her, obviously unaware her mind was not with him but on the man across the room. Her awareness of Nathan peaked almost to the point of distress by the time the band had finished the tune.

  Bill guided her over to where his wife was sitting with a group of people. The men stood when Libby was introduced, shaking her hand as she went around them. They were all interested in what she was doing at the farm and full of encouragement. She garnered numerous open invitations for coffee whenever she had time to get away for a while.

  “We’re throwing a party for our wedding anniversary in a couple of weeks,” Joan McNally said. “Bill is putting a pig on the spit for a feed. Please say you’ll join us. You’ll get to meet some of the locals who couldn’t make it tonight and I’ll get a chance to get to know you better.”

  “Thank you. That would be great. What can I bring?

  “I’ll call you in a couple of days, and we can sort that out,” Joan replied.

  “Sounds good to me.” Libby turned as she heard footsteps behind her.

  Tom walked over and placed an arm around her waist.

  “I think it’s my turn, Libby,” he said. “Excuse us, folks.”

  He danced well, spinning her around, her dress billowing out from her legs. She managed to calm her feelings while Tom led her around the floor. Concentrating on the locals and the upcoming party, Libby managed to gather herself and push away the emotions threatening to engulf her when she saw Nathan standing at the bar watching her.

  Tom was like a father to her, and the community had accepted her. They’d made that quite plain. She felt like she belonged here. Nowhere else had she felt so secure and fulfilled. When Tom tried to walk her back to the bar when the music finished, but she shook her head and kept him on the dance floor.

  After another couple of dances, she let him guide her back for a drink.

  “Not as young as I used to be.” Tom smiled as he leaned on the bar.

  “You still have a heap of spunk left in you, Tom.” Libby laughed. She turned and leaned her back against the rough timber, so she could watch the dancers as she sipped her cold punch. Plenty of people she hadn’t yet met were looking at her curiously, and she relaxed, knowing she would probably know most of the town by the end of the evening.

  She spied Winton and Josh with a bunch of kids, having a good time. Holly was with her friend Hannah and some other kids her age, and Libby knew she didn’t have to worry about any of them. She watched as a young man in his mid-twenties came toward her, his hat in his hands.

  “Ma’am,” he stopped in front of her, “could I have the next dance, please?”

  Libby smiled to herself as he tried to keep his gaze on her face but it kept dropping to her cleavage. She could see Nathan walking toward them and quickly held her hand out to him.

  “My pleasure. The name is Libby. Libby Holland.”

  “Jeff Waters,” the man replied, walking her onto the dance floor. He placed his hat back on his head and wrapped his arm around her waist as he led her into slow waltz. He pulled her close to his chest and leaned his face against hers.

  “You sure look pretty tonight, Libby,” he complimented as he cruised around the dance floor with her.

  He dropped his hand a little lower than was necessary, but Libby chose to ignore it. Jeff was young, and it was causing her no harm. It was flattering someone that young found her appealing. Besides, Nathan was watching them with dark, brooding eyes, and the thought he might be jealous made her squirm inside. Before the music finished, another guy was waiting to cut in and dance with her. After the next couple of dances, she had to plead for a break. She was thirsty, and supper was almost ready for serving. She headed for Tom, ignoring Nathan, who was at the other end of the bar.

  “I hope you know what you’re doing, girl,” Tom said as she leaned on the bar next to him.

  “I am having so much fun.” She laughed breathlessly. “Everyone is so nice.”

  “Yeah, that’s country folk for you. You know what I’m talking about. Nathan looks about ready to kill.”

  “Good,” she replied, a satisfied heat settling in her stomach. “How about I go find the kids and make sure they’re okay, and then we’ll grab something to eat?”

  “Kids are fine.” Tom indicated their whereabouts with his head. “I been keeping an eye on them.

  She looked over and saw Josh and Winton dancing with a group of kids from school. Holly was sitting on a pile of hay bales with her head against Hannah’s, giggling over a plate of snacks. Shrugging her shoulders, Libby looped her arm through Tom’s and walked with him over to the table laden with supper. She passed him a plate and began to pile it with snacks for both of them. When she decided they had enough, she grabbed two coffee mugs and poured them each a drink from the urn. She followed him back to their seat by the bar and started snacking.

  “Hi, Nathan,” Tom said.

  “Evening, Nathan.” Libby smiled, turning to her neighbor. “Nice to see you again. Isn’t this a great night? It’s my first country dance, and I must say I’m impressed by just how nice the local folk are.”

  “Tom, Libby.” Nathan nodded his head at them. “Looks like some are just a little bit too friendly, wouldn’t you say?” His dark eyes were squinted at Libby, as if daring her to contradict him.

  “No, I’m sorry, but I have to disagree with you.” She smiled warmly at him. “I’ve been made to feel so welcome, and for that, I thank them.”

  “So you don’t mind if the young guys do a bit of groping on the dance floor?” He all but snarled. “Best you save me the rest of the dances then. I’d be more than happy to oblige you.”

  Libby laughed at him.

  “Oh, Nat
han,” she said, her hand going out to pat his shoulder. “I think you’re taking this just a little bit too far. They’re young, and I’m sure they mean nothing by it.”

  “The next dance is mine,” he said through gritted teeth, before he turned his back on her and headed for the supper table.

  “Oops.” Libby turned back to Tom.

  “Girl, I do hope you know what you are doing.” He shook his head before taking another sip of coffee.

  “Under control,” she replied, knowing all her hard work to bring her emotions under control had just went out the window. Her skin was prickling with waves of heat that made her palms sweat. “Don’t worry so.”

  Tonight she was going to have her way with him. Of that, she was certain.

  He came over just as another young man held out his hand to her.

  “This is my dance, I think.” Nathan shot a cool glance at his rival. The cowboy nodded his head in defeat and walked away. Nathan put his arm around her back and twined his fingers through her right hand, gripping her tightly. He dipped his hand lower to rest on the curve of her back, and he pulled her close. The music and the crowd ceased to exist as he danced with her. Libby couldn’t tear her eyes from his as they moved as one, shutting out the rest of the world. When another cowboy tried to cut in, Nathan frowned enough to have him backing away.

  The possessive action made Libby’s stomach tighten. It was a machismo thing to do, and she loved it. He was jealous, and the thought made her groin clench tight as heat raced through her. When the band stopped for a break, Nathan led her to the door and guided her outside. Couples were spread out around the entrance talking and laughing as he led her over toward the cattle yards. The night was lit up with a full moon and a smattering of stars.

  A chill rippled over her skin as he pushed her gently back against the wooden structure. His lips lightly skimmed over her chin before his tongue traced her bottom lip. She swallowed a gasp as he traced a line down one side of her neck with his lips before traveling back up to her mouth. His tongue sought refuge in her mouth, tasting and tempting her like a starving man grasping for food. The thrill went straight to her stomach, and her thighs clenched together to stall the explosion building up inside her.


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