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Islam Dismantled

Page 28

by Sujit Das

  One, who exposes something from our religion, is like one who intentionally kills us.

  You belong to a religion that whosoever conceals it, Allah will honor him and whosoever reveals it, Allah will disgrace and humiliate him.

  This is called al-taqiyya (legal deception) in Islam which allows the Muslims to literally deny any aspect of their faith, and defined as, “ Taqiyya is merely uttering of the tongue, while the heart is comfortable with faith.” (Richardson, 2006a, p. 172). The ultimate purpose of taqiyya is to confuse and split the enemy so that they can be defeated easily. Deception for the cause of Islam was one of the main reasons Islam spread in Malaysia and Indonesia. Muhammad saw nothing wrong in practicing duplicity. According to Allah, treaties are not binding (Q: 47.35; 2.224, 225; 66.1, 2; 16.91, 94) and used to provide time to regroup and rearm. Muhammad’s common practice was to say one thing and do exactly the opposite if something appealed to him otherwise. He sent men to kill people unaware in their homes and also gave them permission to tell lies in order to deceive the people being killed. No Muslim could ever believe that Muhammad would have ever denied that he was sent by Allah as a messenger. But Muhammad exactly did that.

  When Allah’s Apostle concluded a peace treaty with the people of Hudaibiya, Ali bin Abu Talib wrote the document and he mentioned in it, “Muhammad, Allah’s Apostle.” The pagans said, “Don’t write: ‘Muhammad, Allah’s Apostle’, for if you were an apostle we would not fight with you.” Allah’s Apostle asked Ali to rub it out, but Ali said, “I will not be the person to rub it out.” Allah’s Apostle rubbed it out and made peace with them on the condition that the Prophet and his companions would enter Mecca and stay there for three days, and that they would enter with their weapons in cases. (Bukhari: 3.49.862).

  An “immoral” god cannot be trusted. If a god needs to lie to propagate his faith there is a problem. The dishonest god of Islam is not worthy of a religion, devotion, sacrifice, or martyrdom. With such an ungodly god, the reliability of Qur’an is also gone. Islam is nothing more than a wicked plan of a malignant Narcissist for making profit. The deception is at the very core of Islam and Muhammad. I cannot find any difference between Muhammad and a con man on the street.

  Muhammad was the most evil man who ever lived on the earth, and Islam is the most hateful and violent fraud ever perpetrated on humankind. Both Allah and Qur’an were created from the sick mind of a malignant Narcissist. Every established religion has produced some spiritual books which they claim to be holy. The trustworthiness of these books is often doubted by the rivalries. But Qur’an is a book which is proven to be the most untrustworthy and most hateful amongst all. The author of the Qur’an is a deceiving god and his spokesman is a confirmed liar by his own conviction. Though Qur’an claims to be a divine guidance, in reality it revealed the path to damnation.

  I agree that to accuse someone of being a liar is quite an insult. But lying is practiced so much by common Muslims and the scholars alike that it became an integral part of their religion. So if I do not call them liars and put them on the same line with non-Muslims, it would be an insult to the rest of the humanity. Muhammad started it and it is continued throughout the history of Islam, and now the most respected scholars allow lying as a means to propagate Islam. According to Ibn Kathir’s Tafsir - verse 3.28 (cited Richardson, 2006a, p. 173),

  Abu Ad-Darda said, ‘We smile in the face of some people although our hearts curse them’.

  Sunnis often say that the doctrine of taqiyya is a Shiaa practice, but according to Ibn Kathir’s Tafsir, taqiyya is indeed a doctrine for all Muslims and it is allowed until the Day of Resurrection. Taqiyya holds a central place in Islam. Since the god is not trustworthy, the holy book is not trustworthy and the Prophet was not trustworthy; how the followers can be trustworthy? A poisonous tree produces only poisonous fruits.

  4.4: Who wrote the Qur’an?

  The untrustworthy God of Islam made a big claim in the Qur’an,

  Do they not consider the Qur’an (with care)? Had it been from other than Allah, they would surely have found therein much discrepancy. (Q: 4.82).

  It means, Allah boasts that since this book is written by Him, there cannot be any error. This should hold true for all times, because God is supposed to be eternal. However, such is not the case. This book is full of contradictions. No one has to dig deep to find the truth. Even a quick reading of the Qur’an is sufficient to prove that it is a fraud. The opening Surah Fatihah of Qur’an is as below,

  In the name of the Merciful and Compassionate God, Praise belongs to God, the Lord of the worlds, the merciful, the compassionate, the ruler of the day of the Day of Judgment! Thee we serve and Thee we ask for aid. Guide us in the right path, the path of those Thou art gracious to; not to those Thou art wroth with, nor of those who err . (Q: 1.1-7).

  The above words are addressed to Allah in the form of a prayer. But, is it Allah, who is praying to Himself? Or, is it Muhammad’s words of prayer to God? Some Muslim compilers conveniently add the imperative “say” in the English translation of the Qur’an at the beginning of the Surah to remove the difficulty. This imperative form of the word “say” occurs at least 350 times in the Qur’an which is lacking in the original Arabic version. It is obvious that this word has, in fact, been inserted by later compilers to remove countless similarly embarrassing difficulties. So now we have direct evidence that the Qur’an starts out with the words of Muhammad.

  But even after inserting the word “say” the difficulty is not removed. Qur’an, the perfect words of Allah, is supposed to be in existence even before the creation of humankind. This means, the above Surah has always existed as part of this eternal speech, and yet this is clearly a prayer that is being offered in worship to God. What sense does it make that God in eternity instructs people how to pray to him, when those people do not even exist? Who was offering this specific prayer before creation? Who are the objects of the plural pronouns that appear in the above Surah? It cannot be angels or jinns since they did not exist before creation, and it definitely was not humans. The only logical answer is that it is Allah who is praying here, that He is glorifying and praising Himself. Otherwise these are Muhammad’s words put in the name of Allah.

  There are many verses in the Qur’an where the speaker is clearly Muhammad.

  I take refuge with the Lord of the Dawn. (Q: 113.1)

  If Allah is the only God, then who is the “Lord of the Dawn”? If this verse is true, then the “Lord of the Dawn” must be more powerful than Allah.

  Indeed there have come to you clear proofs from your Lord; whoever will therefore see, it is for his own soul and whoever will be blind, it shall be against himself and I am not a keeper over you. (Q: 6.104).

  Who is the speaker of the line, “I am not a keeper over you”? Is it Allah or Muhammad? In fact Dawood in his translation adds a footnote that the “I” refers to Muhammad here. But what Muhammad’s words are doing in the Qur’an?

  For me, I have been commanded to serve the Lord of this city, Him Who has sanctified it and to whom (Belong) all things; and I am commanded to be of those who bow in Islam to Allah’s Will . (Q: 27.91).

  Again, if the speaker is Allah, then who commanded him to serve the Lord of the city? Obviously the speaker is Muhammad, and here he is trying hard to justify killing of innocent Meccans who were not willing to follow his version of God.

  So verily I call to witness the planets that recede… (Q: 81.15)

  I swear by the afterglow of sunset, and by the night and all that it enshrouded, and by the moon when she is at the full . (Q: 84.16-18)

  If the whole universe is created by Allah, why He needs to call to witness the planets and to swear in the name of the moon? Notwithstanding the fact that there is no sacred or supernatural being above Him, amazingly Allah swears oaths in the Qur’an, in seventy-four verses wholly and in seven verses partly (Sherif, 1995, pp. 30-1). It is only the liars who swear on all occasions, small or great, because their ordinary word is not
believed. The true man’s word, according to the proverb, is as good as his bond. Was it Muhammad’s own words attributed to God? Muhammad was unable to disguise his pagan heritage. Pre-Islamic Arabs considered moon as holy deity.

  Shall I seek other than Allah for judge, when He it is Who hath revealed unto you (this) Scripture, fully explained? Those unto whom We gave the Scripture (aforetime) know that it is revealed from thy Lord in truth. So be not thou (O Muhammad) of the waverers . (Q: 6.114)

  Is Allah Himself asking a question to Himself, if He should seek a Judge? Does this verse make any sense if it is spoken by anyone else other than Allah?

  Blessed is He in Whose hand is the Sovereignty, and, He is Able to do all things. (Q: 67.1)

  How can Allah bless Himself?

  Our Lord! Cause not our hearts to stray after Thou hast guided us, and bestow upon us mercy from Thy Presence. Lo! Thou, only Thou, art the Bestower . (Q: 3.8).

  Our Lord! Lo! It is Thou Who gathered mankind together to a Day of which there is no doubt. Lo! Allah failed not to keep the tryst . (Q: 3.9).

  In the above verses, Allah is addressing Himself “Our Lord”. How can Allah use the pronoun “thou” to Himself? How can He grant mercy to Himself? It seems, every now and then Allah is forgetting that He Himself is Allah and Muhammad was forgetting that Qur’an is supposed to be Allah’s words, not his.

  Allah has said: Take not (for worship) two gods: for He is just One Allah: then fear Me (and Me alone). (Q: 16.51)

  Who is the speaker of the words “Allah has said”? No way could Allah have expressed Himself in those words, and even if He did so, it proves that He was crazy. The later part of the sentence “then fear Me” indicates whom? It is definitely not Allah, because he already said before “He is just One Allah”. So this “Me” should be someone else and he is also the speaker of the verse.

  A logical study of the Qur’an will show sufficient verses where the speaker was someone else other than Allah, or there were multiple authors of one single verse. As example, the following verse,

  Nothing of our revelation (even a single verse) do we abrogate or cause be forgotten, but we bring (in place) one better or the like thereof. Knowest thou not that Allah is Able to do all things? (Q: 2.106)

  If Allah is the only God, then “We” includes who else? Was it Muhammad? Does it mean Muhammad had the power of abrogating verses and bringing new verses? If it is true then in which respect Allah was greater than Muhammad? Same problem arises in the following verses,

  And We have not taught him (Muhammad) poetry, nor is it meet for him. This is naught else than a Reminder and a Lecture making plain . (Q: 36.69).

  Lo! We inspire thee as We inspired Noah and the prophets after him, as We inspired Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and the tribes, and Jesus and Job and Jonah and Aaron and Solomon, and as We imparted unto David the Psalms . (Q: 4.163)

  The question is; who used to teach and inspire Muhammad besides Allah? Again, in the following verse; the use of the words like “He said”, “your Lord says”, “easy to me” in one sentence are not only confusing but also self-contradictory. The author of this verse is utterly confused.

  He said: So shall it be, your Lord says: It is easy to Me, and indeed I created you before, when you were nothing . (Q: 19.9).

  In the following verse, both Allah and Muhammad speak together.

  Glorified be He Who carried His servant by night from the Inviolable Place of Worship to the Far distant place of worship the neighborhood whereof We have blessed, that We might show him of Our tokens! Lo! He, only He, is the Hearer, the Seer . (Q: 17.1)

  A merciful, compassionate and all-wise God cannot praise Himself. The first sentence of the above verse is Muhammad’s thanksgiving to God for His favor. In the second sentence Allah is speaking. The third sentence is clearly Muhammad’s word.

  The above verses lead to one conclusion – Muhammad was the actual author of this book. There is no way the Creator of the universe wrote a book devoid of context, without chronology or intelligent traditions. Muslims say that Muhammad was illiterate; therefore he could not be the author of Qur’an. In this case the next best logical conclusion is – he must have engaged several scribes to compose the verses conveying whatever he had in his own mind (the master plan of a malignant Narcissist). Muhammad had neither shortage of money nor all his gang members illiterate. Many of his advisors were literate. Then Qur’an was the handiwork of a few wicked people who were working for him. Finally, a timely ecstatic seizure, perspiration, foaming in the mouth, etc, or some kind of overacting used to give his fabrications divine approval. In fact Qur’an itself confirms the Meccan allegation against Muhammad that he forged the Qur’an with the help of other men. Their accusations were not without merit; Muhammad did have a lot of editorial help.

  Those who disbelieve say: This is naught but a lie that he hath invented, and other folk have helped him with it, so that they have produced a slander and a lie . (Q: 25.4)

  Let us analyze two more verses.

  So blessed be Allah, the Best of creators! (Q: 23.14)

  Will ye cry unto Baal and forsake the Best of creators , (Q: 37.125)

  If Allah is the “best of creators”, then there must be some other Gods besides Allah who are also “creators”. Therefore, if Qur’an agrees that there are other Gods besides Allah, is Islam monotheism or polytheism? Hence “There is no god but Allah” is a false statement. It should be corrected as – “There are many Gods but Allah is the best”. However the above two verses contradict the following verse.

  Unto Allah belongs whatsoever is in the heavens and the earth. Lo! Allah, He is the Absolute, the Owner of Praise . (Q: 31.26)

  If Allah has competitors and there exists other Gods who are also creators, then Allah cannot be the “Absolute, the Owner of Praise”. According to me, this is the biggest blunder Muhammad made in his Qur’an.

  Qur’an is not only a bundle of contradictions but also a volume of confusion. A true God is neither the author of confusion nor contradictions. These confusions and contradictions coupled with the historic blunders and errors may explain why Muslim scholars resist any serious analysis of the Qur’an.

  Those who tell lies cannot get away so easily. Befooling others by telling lies in the name of God is a serious crime, and criminals always leave a clue behind. In all the above verses, the fake Prophet of Islam is caught red-handed. Allah was the rock God of Pagan Arabia. A rock cannot reveal anything to anyone; it is the superstition behind the rock that deceives the mind and the heart. Muhammad, the living God of the Muslims, revealed the Qur’an. And if we borrow words from J. von Hammer (cited Warraq, 1998, p. 97), “ We hold the Qur’an to be as truly Muhammad’s word as the Muhammadans hold it to be the word of God”. As Cook and Crone (1977, p. 18) concluded, “ [The Qur’an] strikingly lacking in overall structure, frequently obscure and inconsequential in both language and content perfunctory in its liking of disparate materials and given to the repetition of whole passages in variant versions. On this basis, it can be argued that the book is the product of a belated and imperfect editing of materials from a plurality of traditions ”.

  In refuting the sacredness of Qur’an, Puin (cited Warraq, 2002, pp. 112, 121) commented,

  My idea is that the Qur’an is a kind of cocktail of texts that were not all understood even at the time of Muhammad. Many of them may even be a hundred years older than Islam itself. The Qur’an claims for itself that it is ‘mubeen’, or clear. But [contrary to popular belief] if you look at it, you will notice that every fifth sentence or so simply does not make sense … the fact is that a fifth of the Qur’anic text is just incomprehensible. If the Qur’an is not comprehensible, if it cannot even be understood in Arabic, then it’s not translatable into any language. That is why Muslims are afraid. Since the Qur’an claims repeatedly to be clear but is not — there is an obvious and serious contradiction. Something else must be going on .

  Allah loved Muhammad so much that Muhammad
was allowed to change Allah’s name in the Qur’an.

  The Prophet said: Ubayy, I was asked to recite the Qur’an. I was asked: In one mode or two modes? The angel that accompanied me said: Say in two modes. I said: In two modes. I was again asked: In two modes or three? The angel that was in my company said: Say, in three modes. So I said: In three modes. The matter reached up to seven modes. He then said: each mode is sufficiently health-giving, whether you utter “all-hearing and all-knowing” or instead “all-powerful and all-wise”. This is valid until you finish the verse indicating punishment on mercy and finish the verse indicating mercy on punishment . (Sunnan Abu Dawud: 1.1472)

  Even Muslim scholars have accepted this; e.g., Professor Ahmad Hasan, the translator of Sunnan Abu Dawud, wrote, “ The Prophet was allowed to make minor changes in the name of Allah at the end of the verses. But ordinary persons cannot be allowed to do so ” (Hasan, 2001, p. 387, foot note 819). This way if Allah had allowed Muhammad to make minor changes in the Qur’an, how can we say that Qur’an is the pure words of God?

  Critics often complain that Qur’an was written haphazardly. Sometimes Allah refers to Himself in third person singular (He), then shifts to first person plural (We) and sometimes to first person singular (I and Me). Why Allah used this unusual way of speech? If Qur’an is the words of Allah, then Allah cannot allude to himself in third person. If we read the Qur’an thoroughly, we will find this error in the entire Qur’an. Also, these shifting of pronouns are without any prior indication. According to a prominent Islamic scholar, Abdel Haleem (1992); the most common type of shifting is from third to first person (over one hundred and forty instances), then first to third person is the second largest (nearly one hundred instances), third to second person (nearly sixty instances) and second to third person (about thirty instances). For example, I have chosen some Qur’anic verses on intercessions. Unusual shifting of pronouns is highlighted.


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