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Islam Dismantled

Page 45

by Sujit Das

  These Islamic Narcissists not only want to be tolerated by the society they live in and freedom to practice their religion even in the most multicultural sensitive nations but also they want the society or nation they live in to completely submit to their values and religious practices and to acknowledge their obvious superiority – or else. Giving into their sense of entitlement only leads to more and more demands for attention and acknowledgement of their narcissistic superiority. Muslims will never express gratitude or thanks, and always view others as mere extensions of their own damaged self. The only way to deal with such narcissistic behavior is to set clear limits and expectations, and then stick to them. Tolerating the unceasingly intolerable behavior and demands that modern Islam exhibits will only reinforce the underlying psychopathology and accentuate the bottomless narcissistic entitlement.

  8.3.6: Exploitation

  “After coming into contact with a religious man I always feel that I must wash my hands”.

  Nietzsche (1844 - 1900)

  In Islam, exploitation is subtle and dangerous because it operates under the guise of religiosity. There are thousand and one ways people had been and are being exploited today in the name of Allah. The present day Muslim clerics employ Islam to promote sex-slavery, fear, insecurity and alienation. As example; Islam promotes pedophilia. Muhammad practiced pedophilia, hence, in many Muslim countries this heinous social practice is protected by law. In fact there is no minimum legal age for marriage for either men or women under Islamic law. As Ayatollah Khomeini said, “ A man can have sexual pleasure from a child as young as a baby. However, he should not penetrate, sodomising the child is OK” (Payeur, 2006, p. 83). According to Saudi Arabia’s most senior cleric, the grand mufti Sheikh Abdul-Aziz al Sheikh, “ Ten-year-old girls are ready for marriage, and those people who think that ten or twelve-year-old girls are too young to marry, are ‘unfair’ to them .” (Mantos, 2009, p. 132). In early 2002, the researchers in refugee camps in Afghanistan and Pakistan found half the girls were married by the age thirteen. In an Afghan refugee camp more than two out of three second grade girls were either married or engaged and practically all the girls beyond second grade were already married. One ten year old girl was engaged to a man of sixty. Khomeini married a ten-year-old when he was twenty-eight (Spencer, 2006, pp. 171-2). We have no statistics, how many children had been sexually exploited “legally” following these decrees of Khomeini and Sheikh Abdul-Aziz.

  In the eight year long Iran-Iraq war (1980-88), the Islamic clerics of Iran would tie China-made plastic keys to the neck of children ten years of age or younger and send them over Iraqi minefields. They would tell them that those were the keys to paradise and then, after martyrdom, they could open the door of paradise with the keys and step inside for eternal fun. There were about one million casualties in that war, but not a single cleric or member of their families was lost. It is amazing that no suicide bomber has ever asked a bloodthirsty cleric who enjoins others to blow themselves up along with innocent bystanders, “If it is such a great divine act rewarded by immediate admission to paradise, why are you not doing it yourself?”

  For the clerics Islam is an excellent tool for domination. For them, Islam is not a religion but a means of livelihood. In the Islamic justice system, the functions of the jury, defense lawyer, prosecutor, and judge are all relegated into the hands of a mullah, called Qazi (the Islamic judge), whose verdict is authoritative. These Qazis have chosen a parasitic position; they target the lower class illiterate Muslims. They exaggerate the spiritual power of the Prophet and the wrath of Allah; this is their brainwashing tactics. It is a tragedy but the worst part of the tragedy is that most of these clerics are hypocrites and do not even believe in Muhammad or his teachings – some of them are plain atheists. They sell Islam in the market of religion; it is the best commodity to barter for anything they desire (Shaikh, 1995, p. 91). If Islam were to suddenly disappear more than a million of these Islamic parasites would instantly be out of work.

  Islam as an “agenda” sells well in politics. Before election in Bangladesh, a powerful Mullah issued a fatwa that whoever votes for the Muslim politicians would go to heaven and whoever votes for the Hindu politicians will go to hell. Islamic Oikyo Jote (a hardcore Islamic fundamentalist political party of Bangladesh) declared that voting for them is equivalent to the Hajj pilgrimage (Roy, 2007, pp. 358-9). The deceptions and exploitations in the name of Allah have no end. The average Muslim does not know what is written in the Islamic scriptures. He simply assumes that since Muhammad was the “Holy Prophet”, his teachings must be holy which as a Muslim he should value. The Muslim politicians and theologians exploit his ignorance and mobilize him for street riots by ascribing to enemies of Islam what is in fact contained in their own scriptures. As Voltaire (cited Dawkins, 2006, p. 306) wrote, “Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities”. Those Muslims, who know the facts, turn a blind eye to this deception and misguidance of the common Muslims. This is religio-political exploitation. When religion is mixed with politics, it has tremendous brainwashing capacity. Muhammad knew it, so does the Islamic clerics and politicians.

  8.3.7: Bad Boundaries

  Muhammad never valued the privacy or individuality of anyone. He spied everywhere who posed as his detractors. He even encouraged his believers to spy on each other (Sina, 2008, p. 102), and claimed (Bukhari: 1.11.686-7; Muslim: 4.872) that he could see behind his back. But why he needed to see behind his back? The reason is simple. He wanted to keep a vigil eye on his followers.

  Muhammad did not trust his wives. He was sexually weak. Apart from sucking Aisha’s tongue and fondling other wives, he could not perform any better. Having a large collection of wives with low sexual capacity is dangerous. So he had to keep an eye on his wives’ activities. Allah did the spying job for him.

  When the Prophet confided a fact unto one of his wives and when she afterward divulged it and Allah apprised him thereof, he made known (to her) part thereof and passed over part. And when he told it her she said: Who hath told thee? He said: The Knower, the Aware hath told me. (Q: 66.3)

  The act of secretly listening to the private conversation of others without their consent is invasion of privacy. It is not only unethical but also the biggest insult to God saying that He invades other’s privacy. A real God definitely has something better to do than eavesdropping married women. Since Allah and Muhammad thinks alike, Allah’s sense of bad boundary reflects Muhammad’s own bad sense. But, Muhammad was too sensitized and erected rigid boundaries to protect him and demonstrated paranoid rigidity and vigilance.

  O ye wives of the Prophet! Whosoever of you committed manifest lewdness, the punishment for her will be doubled, and that is easy for Allah . (Q: 33.30).

  O Ye who believe! Enter not the dwellings of the Prophet for a meal without waiting for the proper time, unless permission be granted you. But if ye are invited, enter, and, when your meal is ended, then disperse. Linger not for conversation. Lo! that would cause annoyance to the Prophet, and he would be shy of (asking) you (to go); but Allah is not shy of the truth. And when ye ask of them (Muhammad’s wives) anything, ask it of them from behind a curtain. That is purer for your hearts and for their hearts. And it is not for you to cause annoyance to the messenger of Allah, nor that ye should ever marry his wives after him. Lo! that in Allah’s sight would be an enormity . (Q: 33.53)

  Narrated Sahl bin Sa’d As-Sa’idi: A man peeped through a hole in the door of Allah’s Apostle’s house, and at that time, Allah’s Apostle had a Midri (an iron comb) with which he was rubbing his head. So when Allah’s Apostle saw him, he said (to him), “If I had been sure that you were looking at me (through the door), I would have poked your eye with this (iron bar) . (Bukhari: 9.38.2)

  Muhammad was unaware that other people might have similar types of well-defined boundaries which were as valuable as his own and needed to be respected. He had adulterous desires for a married woman, Zaynab, the wife of his adopted son Zayd
. When Zayd divorced her, Muhammad married his son’s divorcee. This shameful intrusion of a married woman’s privacy, who was also happened to be his daughter-in-law, is a clear proof that Muhammad did not learn to recognize that other people had boundaries which were not to be invaded.

  While criticizing and ridiculing the pagan Meccans for the polytheistic belief system, Muhammad never thought that his faith could similarly be criticized and ridiculed. He wanted respect from others but was not ready to give respect to them in return. Allah forbad all criticism of Islam by Qur’anic verses 5.101-2, but never prevented the Prophet from criticizing other faiths. It was because Muhammad was unsure of similar type of religious right of other people. The lack of experience with healthy boundaries made him confused and unsure when an “invasion of privacy” was occurring. In Muhammad’s fantasy world there are separate rooms, but there is no door; then how can he knock the door before entering? We can see a childlike tendency in Muhammad’s attitude. Like a two-year-old child, he threw temper tantrums believing that he was at liberty to get his own way. He believed that having power gave him the right to treat others the way he liked. In his behavior, where were those personal boundaries, the guidelines, rules and limits?

  When a Narcissist is resisted by others, he develops an anxious, apprehensive attitude towards them and violates their rights in some way. In fact, sometimes he is so confused that he is unsure if truly an invasion is taking place. He reads others personal diaries, mails and personal journals; ignore closed bathroom and bedroom doors; purses and wallets are rifled through; expensive and private possessions are “borrowed” without asking; conversations are eavesdropped; extremely personal questions are asked and unsolicited opinions are offered (Hotchkiss, 2003, p. 30). But once he is confronted with these violations, he is annoyed and mystified and the common reply is; “You are misunderstanding me” or, “That’s not how you feel”, or even, “This is who you are”.

  Muslims suffer from an unhealthy and confused sense of personal boundary. In Islam, your privacy is my business. Sina (2008, p. 102) wrote, “ Muslims are vigilant toward each other’s words and actions; each Muslim spies on others to see whether the laws of Islam are properly observed. An ambience of terror is created in all Islamic countries, where hardly anyone dares raise the slightest question of the tenets of Islam. Your own father, son or brother could report your infidelity, which, of course, would mean certain death to you ”. A tree is known by its fruit. The mistrusts and suspicions which separate father from daughter, brother from sister and mother from her son originates from the following Qur’anic verse.

  O you who believe! Take not for protectors your fathers and your brothers if they love infidelity above Faith: if any of you do so, they do wrong . (Q. 9:23)

  Muslims are over-absorbed into the web of religious society and maintain Islam by a process called, “collective surveillance”. Here the social life is completely focused on the ethics of religious group, the individual ego is overwhelmed by the religious ego, and own individual expression is not permitted. There is no personal boundary and the individual ego does not develop in a healthy way. Hence the individual has very little independence from group life. This social claim upon their allegiance is maintained through collective supervision and strict surveillance that extend throughout this society, leading to similarity in beliefs and social observance. This is why all the Muslims have similar mindset. The indoctrination of a Muslim mind starts from childhood.

  Though Muslims have developed a rigid boundary for themselves, they are puzzled when they violate the personal boundaries of others (non-Muslims). When few cartoons of Muhammad are published, or, Rushdie writes a book, or Pope criticizes Muhammad; Muslims are offended and fatwas are issued. But when the Taliban destroyed the Bamiyan Buddha statues in Afghanistan, or churches are regularly burnt down and Christians are raped / killed in Indonesia and Pakistan, or thousands of Hindu temples are destroyed in Bangladesh, or Jews are regularly named as “descendents of monkeys and pigs” in government controlled media of Saudi Arabia or other Islam nations; we cannot see any fatwa against them. What kind of twisted, distorted “morality” is this?

  Muslims do not understand that the non-Muslims are also unique individuals who have private thoughts, personal feelings and a body that belongs only to them. They demand that the rest of the world treats their violent, bloodthirsty Prophet, with “respect”. Do they show their respect to Christ, Adi Shankara, Buddha, Guru Nanak or Mahavira Jain? Muhammad is the Prophet of all Muslims worldwide, and Muslims may respect him, but we the infidels do not revere him as a Prophet, rather we identify him as a criminal of worst kind. Today, Muhammad is the most hated historical personality. If Muslims want to revere this man, they are free to do so, but their arrogant assertion that the whole world must hold him in high esteem is absolutely ridiculous. This is obviously a mental flaw. Muslim’s one track thinking goes this way – “How the non-Muslims are treating me”; but it never occurs in their mind – “How I am treating the non-Muslims”. They manage to blame everyone else for their problems. Unless the Muslims come out from their distorted logic, they can never have a healthy relationship with the non-Muslims.

  8.4: The Collective Mental Sickness of Muslim “Ummah”

  “Truth is a fact and not a judgment.”

  Carl Jung

  According to Hotchkiss (2003, p. 30), when most of the seven deadly sins are present in an individual, that person is diagnosed with a NPD. In Muslim mindset, all the seven deadly sins are prominently present. It means the whole Muslim Ummah is suffering from mass narcissism – a collective mental sickness. This is the reason for the madness of the Muslims everywhere.

  Muslims live in a truly dysfunctional and sick society composed of people with sick beliefs. They sincerely believe that only Islam is the true religion and rest all religions are false, and those with no religion whatsoever or atheists are even worse. But the fact says almost all the terrorists come from this supposed to be true religion. All the major conflicts in the world are between Muslims and rest of the infidels. In addition, there is intersect violence also. If we take a statistical average, Muslims, as a group, are thirty-six times more likely to resort to violence for conflict resolution than the rest of humanity (Sina, 2008, p. 5). Muslim character is same everywhere; in Iraq, Sudan, Somalia, Afghanistan, Kashmir, Algeria, Iran, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Indonesia, Nigeria, Palestine, Morocco, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, – practically every corner of the world where Muslims have a majority. As Sina (2008, p. 3) raised his doubt, “ Why? What makes sane people commit such evil? Why are Muslims, as a lot, so angry with others, so at war with the world that they are often quick to resort to violence? Millions of Muslims riot, protest, and kill completely innocent people anytime, anywhere, when someone says something about Muhammad. This kind of behavior is not rational. Yet the perpetrators are completely sane people. How can we explain this paradox? ”

  The answer is that Muslims are cursed people – Muhammad’s narcissism works on them like an evil curse. The Islamization of the Muslim mind starts from the birth and continues throughout his/her life. It is the most extensive brainwashing process a human can ever be subjected to. After birth, an adult holds the newborn and recites the azan (the call for prayers) directly into ears of the baby. This way, the child hears the blessed names of Allah and Muhammad before he hears anything else. As the child grows up, he reads and hears more about Qur’an. He sees people performing prayers and walls are decorated with posters of Arabic calligraphy of some Qur’anic verses. He also hears the azan repeated five times a day in every mosque in the area, and it becomes the most frequently heard sound by him. In the process of growing, his ears soon gets used to hearing the endless recitations of the Qur’an that go on almost continuously.

  If the kid goes to Madrassah, further indoctrination continues. Various thinking errors, e.g., Allah’s wrath, Allah’s hate, Muslims are best of people (Q: 3.110) and unbelievers are vilest of created beings (Q: 98.6), paradise a
nd hellfire, etc, are systematically programmed in him. This is coupled with illogical thoughts and twisted logic to make the child to believe that Muhammad is the best man Allah ever created, or will ever create to the end of time, and Allah (like the Big Brother) is watching every Muslim and he should behave strictly according to Allah’s will.

  The fear factor starts working and soon the innocent mind of the child gets the message that there is something very special about the Qur’an, which he is destined to read hundreds of times without ever understanding it, and except Muhammad, no one should be taken as guidance. For this, if necessary, the Madrassah teacher even punishes him both mentally and physically. Muhammad recommended (Sunnan Abu Dawud: 2.495) thrashing the child for not performing prayer.

  Soon the child gives up and forcefully convinces himself and becomes deluded. His mind and senses are crippled and Muhammad’s mental illness is implanted in his mind. When the child grows up and becomes an adult, he continues the same brainwashing process to his children and grandchildren. When this cycle continues for few generations, the whole society becomes mentally sick.

  When the child inherits Muhammad’s narcissism, he fails in his “reality test” – the ability to distinguish the actual from the imagined. Neither he can confront the truth nor can he admit it even to himself. His sick mind fervently believes in Muhammad’s infallibility, brilliance, heroism, and perfection. Slowly, Muhammad becomes his drug, his addiction. Without Muhammad, it is a world of black and white. With Muhammad it is a colorful show complete with drama, thrills, fun and full of excitement. Now he is fully within the grip of Islam. He is in a mental prison. He simply cannot dare to cross the narrow limits specified by Qur’an and ahadith. Now he can see things only through the eyes of Muhammad. This will continue for throughout his life. Once belief systems are rigidly instilled – they are virtually impossible to modify belatedly. Let us read four self-explanatory quotes,


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