The Secret War

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The Secret War Page 79

by Max Hastings

  ‘Please turn over to’ USNA RG59 Box144 103.91810-2144 23.10.44

  ‘If [Robert] Murphy’ Smith p.43

  ‘We learn that King’ USNA RG59 Box 144 103.91810-344

  ‘a swell bunch’ Smith p.246

  ‘Woe to the officer’ Bruce writing in the New York Times 15.2.59

  ‘The US ambassador to Spain’ See UKNA CAB301/91 for British embassy correspondence on bribing Spaniards to stay out of the war

  ‘In the summer of 1943’ Waller pp.201–2

  ‘In that kind of game’ New York Times 31.8.48

  ‘We were very much’ Wedermeyer Reports New York 1958 p.107

  ‘more or less like’ Katz p.9

  ‘The record [of Resistance]’ ibid. p.40

  ‘The analysts suggested’ ibid. p.41

  ‘Don’t know, but I can’ ibid. p.115

  ‘at best a limited’ ibid. p.29

  ‘The main principle of’ Weinstein, Allen & Vassiliev, Alexander The Haunted Wood: Soviet Espionage in America – The Stalin Era Random House 1999 p.245

  ‘Donovan was in his’ Schlesinger p.305

  ‘[OSS’s] bitterest detractors’ Sweet-Escott p.126

  ‘he ordered Walter Schellenberg’ Doerries, Reinhard R. Hitler’s Last Chief of Foreign Intelligence: Allied Interrogations of Walter Schellenberg Frank Cass 2003 p.102

  ‘He was not just a’ Petersen, Neal From Hitler’s Doorstep Penn State University Press 1996 p.20

  ‘I am of the impression’ ibid. p.33

  ‘offensive preparations’ Dulles signal 4.3.43

  ‘test flights of fleets’ Dulles signal 10.4.43

  ‘Americans everywhere’ Jeffery p.509

  ‘how close were Hitler’s’ Dulles report 24.3.44

  ‘On one occasion he’ Dulles signal 17.2.44

  ‘Their reaction to the’ Dulles signal 15.3.44

  ‘the Americans are not’ Korovin p.617

  ‘One of Moscow’s men’ ibid. p.593

  ‘One is hard-pressed’ Petersen p.16

  Chapter 12 – Russia’s Partisans: Terrorising Both Sides

  ‘The NKVD, this stated’ see Krasnye partizany Ukrainy (Red Partisans of the Ukraine) Gogun, Kentiy eds Kiev, 2006

  ‘The NKVD’s Kartashev’ This account is taken from Glebov V. Voina bez pravil. Predannyi resident (A War With No Rules. The Agent Who Was Betrayed) Moscow 2005 с.54–6

  ‘We may assume’ No3272/SV TsDAGO Ukragni F.1 Op.22 Spr.62 Ark.40–1 quoted Gogun

  ‘Most of them’ 24.11.41. No 3292/sp.TsDAGO Ukragni F.1 Op.22. Spr.62. Ark.45–6 quoted Gogun

  ‘Measures have been’ No 3290/SVTsDAGO Ukragni F.1 Op.22 Spr.62. Ark.49–50 quoted Gogun

  ‘They found the bones’ Report compiled by Chief of Romanian Special Intelligence, Director General Eujen Kristescu. DAOO (Derzhavniy arkhiv Odeskoi oblasti) F.492(st.) Op.1(st.) Spr.13(st.) Ark.20–4(st.) quoted Gogun & Kentiy

  ‘During the summer of 1942’ Potsdam history vol. VI p.1010

  ‘My God! My God’ Kovpak diary p.30 quoted Gogun

  ‘This was a good decision’ N. Popudrenko diary p.165 1.2.42 quoted Gogun

  ‘He was captured in the village’ G.V. Balitsky diary p.522 3.8.43 quoted Gogun

  ‘We attacked a Hungarian’ N. Popudrenko diary pp.175, 179

  ‘The occupying power was’ Potsdam Germany and the Second World War vol. VI p.1020

  ‘Formerly employed by’ UKNA WO208/5543 serial 1675

  ‘An enemy train was’ G.V. Balitsky diary p.543

  ‘Born in 1911’ Sudoplatov p.131

  ‘unmasked as spies’ Andrew Mitrokhin Archive

  ‘I discovered by’ TsDAGO Ukragni F.130 Op.1 Spr. 231 Ark.5–39. P.111–11449. From the report of Partisan Detachment Kopenkin on the Raid in the Poltava Oblast in Oct–Dec 1941 26.2.42

  Chapter 13 – Islands in the Storm

  ‘the British agreed’ Much of this account is based on the narratives by Robert Fisk In Time of War André Deutsch 1983 and Enno Stephan Spies in Ireland London 1963

  ‘an attempt at revolution’ Liddell vol. I p.29

  ‘Then I came to Dublin’ Stephan p.119

  ‘Nothing more than’ ibid. p.195

  ‘In December, the Irish’ Fisk p.217

  ‘In Istanbul, an Armenian’ UKNA HW19/333

  ‘the Italians are Hitler’s’ ibid.

  ‘Lisbon, with all its lights’ Muggeridge p.135

  ‘The admiral dismissed’ UKNA WO208/5545 Brede interrogation

  ‘prominent among them’ Jeffery pp.393–4

  ‘I do not want you to’ Bennett Churchill’s Man of Mystery p.220

  ‘but where a policy’ See UKNA FO1093/138 for Foreign Office attempts control MI6 sabotage schemes

  ‘are undoubtedly once again’ USNA RG65 Box 122 FBI record

  ‘Bill Bentinck agreed’ Jeffery p.539–40

  ‘the type of bright idea’ UKNA FO1093/292

  ‘Paul Claire was a’ UKNA1093/225

  ‘however repugnant’ Jeffery pp.404–6

  ‘Under these circumstances’ UKNA WO208/3612 serial 1446

  ‘Russian émigré who’ Jeffery p.513

  ‘Assume this material’ UKNA KV2/757

  ‘Likewise, when Malcolm’ Muggeridge p.167

  ‘František Moravec held Masson’ Moravec p.57

  ‘We never knew’ Foote p.42

  ‘Probably a good deal’ Liddell vol. II p.22 and passim

  Chapter 14 – A Little Help from Their Friends

  ‘Unfortunately the law’ Liddell vol. II p.77

  ‘Penetration of the services’ ibid. p.117 29.9.43

  ‘It transpired that’ Jones, Intelligence pp.70–1

  ‘The intelligence services were’ Annan p.233

  ‘In the first weeks’ UKNA HW1/14

  ‘There is no doubt’ Liddell vol. II p.24

  ‘Looking around us’ Toynbee, Philip Friends Apart Sidgwick & Jackson 1980 p.71

  ‘We simply knew’ Boyle, Andrew Climate of Treason p.52

  ‘merely the most radical’ Trevor-Roper Secret World p.80

  ‘Many of our friends’ ibid.

  ‘a marvellous man’ Bororvik, Genrikh The Philby Files ed. Philip Knightley London 1994 p.29

  ‘One does not’ ibid. p.28

  ‘It‘s like being’ Cecil, Robert A Divided Life Bodley Head 1988 p.77

  ‘was based on doubtful’ Andrew Mitrokhin p.109

  ‘and anything else’ Annan p.226

  ‘smarty-pants’ Howarth p.163

  ‘He is six foot tall’ Cecil p.60

  ‘My God, he was’ Andrew, Christopher The Defence of the Realm: The Authorized History of MI5 Allen Lane 2009 p.270

  ‘Gentlemen, I have’ Harrison, E. The Young Kim Philby Exeter University Press 2012 p.96

  ‘Yet MI5, overwhelmingly’ Andrew The Defence of the Realm pp.263–8

  ‘Philby reported that’ Modin, Yuri My Five Cambridge Friends Headline 1994 p.63

  ‘like one of Graham Greene’s’ Andrew, Christopher & Dilks, David eds The Missing Dimension: Governments and Intelligence Communities in the Twentieth Century Macmillan 1984 p.173

  ‘His romantic veneration’ Muggeridge p.126

  ‘an agreeable and effective’ Sisman p.93

  ‘There’s something wrong’ ibid. p.113

  ‘an insultingly crude’ Harrison p.156

  ‘This is to pass on’ Korovin p.566

  ‘London Poles’ Modin p.92

  ‘England will stay’ Korovin p.566

  ‘In collaboration with’ ibid. p.599

  ‘The Russians were themselves’ Modin p.113

  ‘In accordance with Churchill’s’ Jeffery p.486

  ‘he wanted to discover’ ibid. p.554

  ‘obliges us to review’ Andrew Mitrokhin p.165

  ‘What is treason?’ Sisman p.396

  ‘Did Judas enjoy’ ibid. p.397

  ‘On balance it was not’ White to Trevor-Roper 10.2.80

le evidence exists’ USNA RG59 Box 3471 81100B/7–1541

  ‘switching from the status’ Weinstein p.36

  ‘We don’t send’ Feklisov memoir p.41

  ‘He was of medium height’ ibid. p.57

  ‘took great pride in’ Weinstein p.39

  ‘an extraordinarily beautiful’ ibid. p.4

  ‘stating that he was’ ibid. p.12

  ‘Why not pay’ Feklisov memoir p.137

  ‘One wonders what’ Schlesinger p.304

  ‘She considers herself’ Weinstein p.62

  ‘Straight is a big agent’ ibid. p.81

  ‘indicated whether they’ Sudoplatov p.227

  ‘Sudoplatov believed that’ ibid. p.227

  ‘he treats all his’ Weinstein p.252

  ‘Donovan knew about’ Schlesinger p.305

  ‘Saw Lee last night’ Weinstein p.260

  ‘Its highest priority’ ibid. p.160

  ‘Surely these unhealthy’ ibid. p.164

  ‘There were many green’ Feklisov p.121

  ‘not on behalf of’ Weinstein pp.238–9

  ‘the main pillar’ ibid. p.94

  ‘it is quite reliably’

  ‘There is no evidence’ Schlesinger p.305

  Chapter 15 – The Knowledge Factories

  ‘Most of the people’ Reed-Olsen p.126

  ‘The difference it made’ ibid. p.136

  ‘1. Is there a divisional staff’ ibid. p.254

  ‘The good intelligence’ Clive p.73

  ‘I would be told that’ ibid. p.69

  ‘The Wehrmacht evacuated’ ibid. p.136

  ‘knew about us what’ ibid. p.133

  ‘The head of MI6’s political section’ ibid. p.146

  ‘plenty of rats’ Jeffery p.501

  ‘Broadway abandoned attempts’ ibid. p.425

  ‘Though the novelist’ Private information to the author from Alan Judd 2.3.2015

  ‘When 6 June came’ McLachlan p.321

  ‘The need to sustain’ Liddell vol. II pp.66–8

  ‘In April 1943, MI5’s ingenious’ ibid. p.70 et seq.

  ‘A colony of coots’ Trevor-Roper Journals p.63 Mar 1942

  ‘An officer who served’ Sweet-Escott p.19

  ‘we are too ready’ Jeffery p.419

  ‘Broadway purchased’ ibid. p.457

  ‘He frequently gave’ ibid. p.410

  ‘Misery, torture and death’ Harrison p.109

  ‘This sense of importance’ Muggeridge p.128

  ‘all Intelligence about’ Jeffery p.369

  ‘Cecil’s case for’ Cecil, Robert ‘C’s War’ Intelligence and National Security May 1986 pp.171–83

  ‘His dispatches, decrypted’ Except where otherwise specified, the quotations below are taken from Carl Boyd’s Hitler’s Japanese Confidant Kansas University Press 1993

  ‘Ōshima really is’ Goebbels, Joseph The Goebbels Diaries ed. Louis Lochner Doubleday 1948 p.181

  ‘Our mutual loyalty’ UKNA HW12/264 serial 090774

  ‘Do you not think’ UKNA HW12/264 serial 091401

  ‘I regret to say’ Hinsley British Intelligence vol. III pt. ii p.366

  ‘He reported on’ ibid. p.511

  ‘our main basis’ Marshall 27.9.44 quoted Kahn Codebreakers p.606

  ‘Peter Calvocoressi, one of’ Howarth p.173

  ‘one of the luckiest’ Action This Day p.78

  ‘noted ref JN-11 Ransuuban’ UKNA HW14/122

  ‘There was a 1945 debate’ UKNA HW14/1 22 28.2.45

  ‘In the last few days’ USNA RG457 P11 201 G23-0108-6

  ‘There was a perpetual’ Milner-Barry in Hinsley & Stripp p.97

  ‘In July 1943 John Tiltman’ JT 25.7.43, WF 18.9.43; see Friedman Papers in NSA online archive ACC35865/41775129081420.pdf

  ‘The theatre air intelligence chief’ USNA RG457 SRH-037

  ‘Breaks in Italian’ Behrendt pp.61, 198 and Howard, Michael British Intelligence in the Second World War vol. V Deception p.66

  ‘the fierce indignation’ Hinsley & Stripp p.37

  ‘they were still happy-go-lucky’ Behrendt p.173

  ‘did not know what’ Hunt, David A Don at War Kimber 1966 p.147

  ‘Ralph Bennett has painted’ Bennett, Ralph Ultra and Mediterranean Strategy 1941–45 Hamish Hamilton 1989 p.408 et seq.

  ‘We knew much more’ ibid. p.410

  ‘No message had more’ ibid. p.412

  ‘I say, old boy’ Smith, Michael Station X: The Codebreakers of Bletchley Park Pan 2004 p.77

  ‘one of the outstanding’ UKNA HW25/4 & 5 ‘General report on Tunny with emphasis on statistical methods’ by Jack Good, Donald Michie & Geoffrey Timms

  ‘as analogous to’ UKNA HW14/67 18.2.43

  ‘Between July and October 1942’ UKNA HW25/5 p.313 sects 43A and 43B

  ‘There is unconfirmed’ Gannon, Paul Colossus: Bletchley Park’s Greatest Secret Atlantic 2006 p.182

  ‘the quality of the intelligence’ UKNA HW13/53 16.8.43

  ‘We used to have tea parties’ Vergine interview Virtual Jewish Library

  ‘An unnamed Bletchley staffer’ Gannon p.340

  ‘the greatest code-breaking feat’ Erskine in The Times Higher Educational Supplement 6.10.2006 pp.24–5

  ‘the frequently recalcitrant’ Bennett Normandy p.16

  ‘In the summer of 1942’ Jones Intelligence pp.217–18

  ‘The Wellington’s mission provided’ UKNA 1473 Flight record book in AIR29/870, material on the Luftwaffe radar system in AVIA6/9380 & 14420, AVIA26/540

  ‘On 15 May 1942 Flt Lt. Donald’ Williams, Allan Operation Crossbow Preface 2013 p.113

  ‘Its initial report’ Much of the account that follows is taken from Hinsley et al. British Intelligence vol. III pt. i pp.357–455

  ‘in the course of the war’ Jeffery p.534

  ‘He dispatched a message’ Jones Intelligence p.223

  ‘On the night of 25 July’ This account is taken from Allan Williams Operation Crossbow pp.274–6

  ‘Except possibly for’ Hinsley et al. British Intelligence vol. III pt. ii p.464

  Chapter 16 – ‘Blunderhead’: The English Patient

  ‘Yet few Englishmen’ Seth’s story, as recounted here, derives from UKNA files HS9/1344, HS9/1345, KV2/377, KV2/378, KV2/379, KV2/380, HS4/240 and Seth’s account of himself in A Spy Has No Friends Headline Review 2008

  ‘Its start was inauspicious’ W/Cdr. John Corby, private information to the author

  ‘Guy Liddell of MI5 felt’ Liddell vol. II p.285

  Chapter 17 – Eclipse of the Abwehr

  ‘It became apparent’ Freiburg archive copy of US Army Security Agency S-3873 Doc. D3422796

  ‘As late as March’ USNA RG457 Taylor report in GAFY

  ‘Its leading personalities’ TICOM online archive/II/The Foreign Office

  ‘seemed overly preoccupied’ TICOM/II p.1

  ‘the precision of’ TICOM Fenner interrogation

  ‘Most of the incoming’ UKNA WO208/3612 serial 1446

  ‘Chi used the same’ UKNA WO208/3609

  ‘the whole cryptographic’ TICOM Fenner interrogation

  ‘Mechanical scanning’ Freiburg copy of ASC S-3873 doc. D3422796

  ‘On 26 June, a long’ UKNA HW13/52

  ‘The Afrika Korps considered’ UKNA WO208/5544 serial 1704

  ‘Later, the Germans’ Praun MS p.73

  ‘often had a clearer’ Behrendt p.165

  ‘a catastrophe’ ibid. p.169

  ‘tactical intelligence was not’ Behrendt p.203

  ‘Investigation showed that’ Praun MS p.65

  ‘the Red Army maintained’ ibid. MS p.83

  ‘intercepted 46,342’ Kahn Spies p.206

  ‘As time went on’ UKNA WO208/4178

  ‘20 Fritzes captured’ UKNA WO208/4178

  ‘a truly shocking’ Praun MS. p.109

  ‘a calm summer’ Kahn Spies p.440

; ‘that it became fruitless’ Praun MS p.109

  ‘Albert Praun praised’ ibid. MS p.19

  ‘Neither the Abwehr’ ibid.

  ‘He said that he could’ Baxter, Christopher Forgeries and Spies: The Foreign Office and the ‘Cicero’ Case Intelligence and National Security Dec. 2008 p.811

  ‘I became what everybody’ Bazna, Elyesa I Was Cicero Andre Deutsch 1962 p.13

  ‘I was a person of’ ibid. p.17

  ‘her arms were’ ibid. p.34

  ‘Thus the most successful’ UKNA CAB154/105

  ‘ran the risk because’ UKNA WO208/5545 Brede interrogation

  ‘The only communication’ UKNA WO208/35618

  ‘Most likely, and in common’ ibid.

  ‘He was promptly’ ibid.

  ‘Even the Abwehr’ UKNA WO203/367

  ‘Jorge Mosquera, a Chilean’ USNA RG65 Box 123 FBI narrative

  ‘Have there already been’ USNA RG65 Box 123 FBI narrative

  ‘We cannot do business’ Jeffery p.515

  ‘they could do little harm’ Liddell 10.3.43

  ‘every surviving Abwehr’ ibid. Jan 1943

  ‘we have evidence from’ UKNA HW19/347

  ‘Since the fall of Tunis’ ibid.

  ‘Thereafter, these went’ UKNA WO208/5544 SS Grup. Ohlendorf interrogation

  ‘American aviation magazines’ UKNA WO208/5545 Brede interrogation

  ‘a vortex of personal’ Trevor-Roper Secret World p.28

  ‘when the Allies entered’ UKNA HW19/347

  ‘The assignment cannot be’ ibid.

  ‘He followed up by’ ibid.

  ‘without distinguishing between’ ibid.

  ‘The carefully orchestrated’ Howard Deception p.50

  ‘OKW accordingly reduced’ ibid. p.79

  ‘a decent and humane’ Korovin quoting Mallet p.648

  ‘He became a protégé’ Gerwath, Robert Hitler’s Hangman Yale 2011 p.113

  ‘He tends to confuse’ Freiburg archive copy of US Army Security Agency S-3873 Doc. D3422796

  ‘When Allen Dulles told’ Dulles 1.3.44

  ‘Here too she squandered’ Kahn Spies p.335

  ‘For sale, valuable’ Doerries p.132

  ‘I ask that you’ Kahn Spies p.274 BA R58/117: 24

  Chapter 18 – Battlefields

  ‘“Tar” Robertson of MI5 told’ Liddell vol. II p.196

  ‘the record for one’ Alexander, Hugh Cryptographic History of Work on the German Naval Enigma

  ‘The radio picture did not’ Praun MS p.74

  ‘his own organisation’ ibid. p.76

  ‘Similar inventories, partly’ UKNA WO208/4312


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