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—Nemesis: The Battle for Japan 1944–45 HarperCollins 2007
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Hodges, Andrew Alan Turing: The Enigma of Intelligence Allen & Unwin 1983
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Holmes, W.J. Double-Edged Secrets: US Naval Intelligence Operations in the Pacific During World War II Naval Institute Press 1979
Holt, Thaddeus The Deceivers Weidenfeld & Nicolson 2004
Howarth, Patrick Undercover: The Men and Women of SOE Routledge, Kegan Paul 1980
—Intelligence Chief Extraordinary: The Life of the Ninth Duke of Portland Bodley Head 1986
Hue, Andre The Next Moon Viking 2004
Hunt, Antonia Little Resistance Leo Cooper 1982
Hunt, David A Don at War Kimber 1966
Jeffery, Keith MI6: The History of the Secret Intelligence Service Bloomsbury 2010
Jones, R.V. Most Secret War Hamish Hamilton 1978
—Reflections on Intelligence Heinemann 1984
Kahn, David Hitler’s Spies Hodder & Stoughton 1978
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—How I Discovered World War II’s Greatest Spy CRC Press 2014
Katz, Barry M. Foreign Intelligence: Research and Analysis in the Office of Strategic Services 1942–45 Harvard University Press 1989
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Kennedy, Paul Engineers of Victory Allen Lane 2012
Komatsu, Keiichiro The Importance of Magic Routledge, Kegan Paul 1999
Korovin, V.V. Sovetskaya razvedka I kontrrazvedka v gody Velikoi Otechestvennoi voiny (Soviet Intelligence and Counter-Intelligence During the Great Patriotic War) Moscow 2003
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Langley, J.M. Fight Another Day Magnum 1974
Lewin, Ronald The American Magic Farrar, Straus & Giroux 1982
Liddell, Guy The Guy Liddell Diaries ed. Nigel West two vols Routledge, Kegan Paul 2005
Lloyd, Mark The Art of Military Deception Leo Cooper 1997
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Macintyre, Ben A Spy Among Friends Bloomsbury 2014
—Double Cross Bloomsbury 2012
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—Agent ZigZag Bloomsbury 2007
Mackay, Sinclair The Secret Life of Bletchley Park Aurum 2010
Mackenzie, William The Secret History of SOE St Ermins 2000
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Martelli, George Agent Extraordinary William Collins 1960
Masterman, J.C. The Double Cross System Granada 1979
Meyer, Hebert Real World Intelligence Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1987
Millar, George The Bruneval Raid Cassell 1974
—Road to Resistance Bodley Head 1979
Modin, Yuri My Five Cambridge Friends Headline 1994
Monk, Ray Inside the Centre: The Life of J. Robert Oppenheimer Jonathan Cape 2012
Moravec, František Master of Spies Bodley Head 1975
Moss, W. Stanley A War of Shadows BFB 2014
Muggeridge, Malcolm The Infernal Grove William Collins 1973
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Newby, Eric Love and War in the Apennines Picador 1983
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Perrault, Giles The Red Orchestra Arthur Barker 1968
Persico, Joseph Piercing the Reich Michael Joseph 1979
Peshchersky, Vladimir Krasnaya Kapella: Sovetskaya razvedka protiv abvera i Gestapo (Rote Kapelle: The Soviet Intelligence Service Against the Abwehr and Gestapo) Moscow 2000
Peskett, S. John Strange Intelligence Robert Hale 1981
Petersen, Neal H. From Hitler’s Doorstep: The Wartime Intelligence Reports of Allen Dulles 1942–1945 Penn State University Press 1996
Pidgeon, Geoffrey The Secret Wireless War UPSO 2003
Porch, Douglas The French Secret Service Macmillan 1996
Poznyakov, V. Sovetskaye razvedka v Amerika 1919–1941 (The Soviet Intelligence Service in America 1919–1941) Moscow 2005
Prange, Gordon Target Tokyo: The Story of the Sorge Spy Ring McGraw-Hill 1984
Price, Alfred Instruments of Darkness Panther 1979
Prudnikova, E. Rikhard Zorge, chuzhoi sredi svoikh (Richard Sorge: An Enemy Within) Moscow 2010
Reed-Olsen, Oluf Two Eggs on My Plate Allen & Unwin 1952
Schlesinger, Arthur M. A Life in the Twentieth Century Mariner 2000
Seki, Eiji Mrs Ferguson’s Tea Set: Japan and the Second World War Global Oriental 2000
Seth, Ronald A Spy Has No Friends Headline 2008
Sharapov, Eduard & Voskresenskaya, Zoya Taina Zoi Voskresenskoi (The Mystery of Zoya Voskresenskaya) Moscow 1998
Sharp, Tony Stalin’s American Spy: Noel Field, Allen Dulles and the Eastern European Show Trials Hurst 2014
Sisman, Adam Hugh Trevor-Roper Weidenfeld & Nicolson 2010
Slowikowsky, Maj. Gen. Rygor In the Secret Service: The Lighting of the Torch Windrush 1988
Smiley, David Albanian Assignment Chatto & Windus 1984
Smith, Bradley The Ultra–Magic Deals and the Most Secret Special Relationship 1940–1946 Airlife 1993
Smith, Michael Station X: The Codebreakers of Bletchley Park Pan 2004
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Sweet-Escott, Bickham Baker Street Irregular Methuen 1965
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Tooze, Adam The Wages of Destruction Penguin 2005
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Woodman, Richard The Malta Convoys John Murray 2000
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NOTE: Ranks and titles are generally the highest mentioned in the text
Abakumov, Viktor, 236–7, 455–6
Abe, Vice-Admiral Katsuo, 401, 549
Abel, Rudolf (‘William Fisher’), 231
Abramov (Soviet partisan), 320
Abt, John, 381
Abwehr (German security agency): Canaris heads, 6, 60–2, 482; in Turkey, 42–3; and German plans for attack in west, 49–50; agents captured, interrogated and turned, 53, 548; inadequacy, 57, 64–6, 67, 469–72, 482; ciphers broken, 58–60; suppresses Resistance activity, 223; activities in Ireland, 331–8; in Lisbon, 341; agents in Switzerland, 347; recruits and informants, 464–8; informed of breaking of U-boat codes, 477; Schellenberg directs, 480–2; employs local spies in France, 491–2; British knowledge of, 544
Acheson, Dean, 376
Admiralty (British): headquarters building, 212–13; Operational Intelligence Centre, 216; Room 39, 211; Room 40, 9, 68
Afghanistan, 339
Afrika Korps: attack on Alam Halfa known, 94; sigint successes, 196, 447; logistical problems, 408; on British wireless indiscipline, 454; British knowledge of, 551
Agent 479 (British), 3
Agnew, Captain William, 195
Air Ministry (British): communist cell in, 349
Akhmerov, Itzhak, 370–1, 374, 380, 383, 385
Aktay, Haydar, 106
Alam Halfa, 94, 409
Alamein, El, battle of (1942), 409, 454
Alaska, 521
Alba, FitzJames Stewart, 17th Duke of, 348
Aldington, Toby, 69
Aldrich, Richard, 514, 547
Alexander, Gen. Sir Harold, 411
Alexander, Hugh, 73, 82, 90, 401, 410
Almásy, Count László, 63
Alsop, Stewart, 304
Amery, John, 444
Amery, Julian, 267
AMTORG (Soviet trading organisation in USA), 370
Anderson, HMS (Colombo facility), 511
Anderson, Sir John, 348
Andrew, Christopher, xxv, 39, 538
Ankara, 338, 460–1
Annan, Noel: recruited into intelligence, 69; on Turing, 74; on staff at Bletchley, 86; on Cavendish-Bentinck, 202; on superiority of Wehrmacht soldiers, 203; on British communist sympathisers, 350; on value of cryptanalysis, 548
Anti-Comintern Pact (1936), 19
Antonescu, Ion, 321
Antwerp, 497
‘Anvil’ invasion (southern France, August 1944), 411
Anzio landings (January 1944), 411, 547
Apresyan, Stepan, 381–2
Ardennes: German attack through (1940), 49–50, 547; German offensive (‘Autumn Mist’, ‘Battle of the Bulge’, December 1944), 402, 492, 498–501, 523, 547
Argentina: German agents in, 63; wartime position, 342
Arisue, Gen. Seizo, 522
Arita, Hachiro, 148
Arlington Hall, Virginia: US Signals Intelligence Unit based at, 396, 403, 406–7, 448, 450, 452, 460, 521, 551, 559
Arnhem, 547
Arnim, Ernst von, 118
Arnold, Gen. Henry Harley (‘Hap’), 211
Aronsky, Boris, 184
Asia: war in, 504; SOE in, 509, 514–17; British unpopularity in, 513; colonial powers’ ambitions in, 514–15; clandestine organisations in, 515; see also Burma; Malaya
Assarasson, Vilhelm, 106
Astier de la Vigerie, Emmanuel, 275
Atlantic, Battle of the, 83, 88–9, 218–21
Atlantic Wall, 483
Atlantis (German armed merchant cruiser), 135–8, 140
atomic bomb: development and intelligence on, 524–35, 553
Auchinleck, Gen. Sir Claude, 196
Auerbach, Richard, 284
Aumann, Georg, 452
Aurora, HMS, 195
Austin, Macdonald, 263, 557
Austria: Dulles supports, 313
Automedon, SS, 135–7, 139–41
‘Autumn Mist’, Operation see Ardennes
Avranche, Normandy, 490
Ayer, A.J. (‘Freddie’), 97
B-Dienst (German Kriegsmarine), 56, 66, 94, 196, 218–21, 447, 458, 551
Bach-Zelewski, Erich von dem, 322
Bacon, Francis: History of the Reign of Henry VII, 8
Badart, Willi, 418
Badoglio, Pietro, 313
‘Bagration’, Operation (1944), 227, 326, 456
Bainbridge Island, Puget Sound, 164
Bakách-Bessenyey, Baron, 315
Baldegg, Mayr von (‘Luise’), 109
Baldwin, Stanley, 13
Balkans: Hitler’s threat to, 103–4; as potential area of German–Soviet conflict, 105
Baltic republics: anti-Soviet purges, 123
Baluchistan, 520
‘Bamboo 1’ convoy (Japanese), 507
‘Barbarossa’, Operation, 85, 103, 109, 116, 120, 132, 151, 204, 351, 483, 548
Barcza family, 54
Barcza, Margaret, 54–5, 190, 239–40, 247–9, 541
Barcza, René, 240
Barcza, Sacha, 249
‘Bardou’ (local spy), 491
Barkovsky, Vladimir, 525
‘Baron, the’ (agent), 11
Barry, Col. Dick, 281
Bart, Robert, 241, 243
Bartsch, Waldemar, 495–7
Bate, Vera (Signora Lombardi), 478
Batey, Keith, 70, 488
Baxter, James Finney, 299
Bazna, Elyesa (‘Cicero’), xvi, 309, 460–4
Beaufre, André, 50
Beaverbrook, William Maxwell Aitken, 1st Baron, 127, 547
‘Beccassino’ (French local spy), 491
Beck, Gen. Ludwig, 312
Bedrov, Vladimir, 325
Beevor, Jack, 266
Behrendt, Hans-Otto, 66, 453
Behrens, Karl, 121
Belfrage, Cedric, 379
Belgium: German plans to attack, 48–9; Soviet agents in, 54–5, 189–90; agents captured, 390; local spies, 492–3
Belorussia: German reprisals in, 322
Beneš, Edvard, 41
Bennett, Ralph, 89, 409–10, 418, 497, 499
Bentevegni, Col. Franz von, 62, 472
Bentinck, Bill see Cavendish-Bentinck, Victor
Bentley, Elizabeth, 379–80, 382, 385
Berenson, Peter, 413
Berensprung, Horst, 377
Beresantsov, Tatiana, 229
Beria, Lavrenti: meets Sudoplatov, 18, 20; internal spying, 21; disbelieves Hitler’s intention to invade, 104, 106, 122, 132; suspects Lehmann, 115; sacks and re
instates Korotkov, 117; and Kobulov’s disgrace in Berlin, 120; and Fitin, 123; on internal subversion, 123; on readiness of German forces, 129; orders purge of NKVD officers, 132; and start of German invasion, 133; agrees to release of imprisoned intelligence officers, 174; tests loyalty of Volga Germans, 175; and Radziwiłł, 176; on mission to Caucasus, 178–9; Sudoplatov recommends Demyanov to, 230; warns Sudoplatov over ‘Max’ operation, 231; purges, 317; on NKVD arrests of suspects, 327; suspects Cambridge Five, 355; taunts Zarubin, 372; informs Stalin of Western atomic research, 525, 527; denies anti-Semitism in USSR, 526; controls Special Committee on Atomic Energy, 528–9; doubts authenticity of atomic material, 534; shot, 538
Berle, Adolphe, 292, 376
Berlin: bombed, 450; see also ‘Red Orchestra’
Berlings, Oreste (‘Lycée student’; ‘Peter’), 120
Bern, 204, 338, 347
Bernadotte, Count Folke, 473, 482
Bernard, Joseph, 493
Bernert (Viennese cryptanalyst), 451
Bertrand, Capitaine Gustave: expertise, 8; negotiates with Poles, 12; Polish cryptanalysts work with, 48; colleagues captured in France, 95; contact with London, 341
Bertrand-Vigne Lt. Col., 466
Best, Captain Sigismund Payne, 44–6, 116
Beurling, Arne, 413
Bevan, Col. Johnny, 232, 468
Bigoray, Flt Sgt, 419–20
Bingham, Major Seymour, 271–2
Binney, George, 266
Birch, Frank, 88
Birley, Eric, 69
Bismarck (German battleship), 83, 216
Bismarck, Count Gottfried von, 481
Bismarck Sea, Battle of the (March 1943), 509
Bissell, Clayton, 283
Bitter, Wilhelm, 478
‘Black Chamber’ (US army’s codebreaking department), 5, 158, 451
Blackett, Pat, 414
Blandy, Group-Captain, 87
Bletchley Park (Government Code and Cipher School): as intelligence hub, xxi, xxvi; GC&CS moves to, 13; struggles with Enigma, 47; staffing, 70–1, 73–4, 86–8, 172–3; gradual breaking of Enigma, 72–3, 75; character and conditions, 73–4, 78–9, 459; women at, 74, 87, 91; organisation and management, 75, 88; behaviour and temperament at, 77; procedure for decrypting, 77–8; record keeping, 78; human application at, 81, 407; reads U-boat and naval signals, 83; provides information on German deployments, 84–6; reads Italian naval signals, 84; informality between grades, 86–7; internal dissent and differences, 86, 90–1; limitations, 86; and ‘Shark’ submarine key, 88, 90, 101; bombe shortage, 89; comradeship and morale, 90–1; security and secrecy, 91–3; US visitors at, 100–1; values USAAF’s partnership, 212; Americans work at, 404, 410; cooperation with US sigint, 404–5; number of decrypts, 407; stress and exhaustion, 408; building improvements, 410; decodes German teleprinter messages, 411–13; reads multiple Enigma keys, 411; supplies German order of battle in Allied invasion, 486; breaks few army messages following invasion, 490; informed of actions by Montgomery’s staff, 490; contribution overlooked, 491; alarmed by new Enigma reflector (UmkehrwalzeD), 503; branches in Asia, 505; Japanese section, 505, 511; staff thanked by Brooke, 545; succeeded by GCHQ, 546; achievements, 551, 555; considers historical record, 552