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Dreamers (The Dreamers Series)

Page 6

by Brooklin Skye

  “I don’t remember much. I remember Mrs. Peyton and I were having a session, she was my psychiatrist. Everything got really blurry. The next thing I know, I wake up here—in a dream, if that makes any sense. Mrs. Peyton’s office is now someone’s home. I don’t even know how long it’s been. The last day I was alive was October Fifteenth of Two Thousand and Ten.”

  “Today is October Third, Two Thousand and Twelve.” I fill him in.

  “I’ve been in this nightmare for two years, I can’t wake up, and I can’t leave this building. I’m stuck, alone until you fall asleep. You’re the only person I have right now.” His face loses that cockiness, turning somber and lost.

  “Nick, I’m going to help you, I promise.” I reach for his hand, but he pulls it back swiftly.

  “Leave the gushy shit for your Romeo, I’m fine. Now, is there anything else you need to know, so we can get this started?” His cold tone returns.

  I’m instantly embarrassed at my display of affection towards him. His rejection stings, dead or alive—asleep or awake. I steady my words to try and hide my humiliation, knowing full well that he can see through me like glass.

  “First of all, if you don’t remember anything, then how do you know Heather knows something? Lana’s journal is not a reliable source of information. As you say, she was crazy—just like you. Not to mention, she never named Heather exactly, Lana only said SHE.” Rejection hardens my words.

  “Heather used to sleep in your room. When I realized I could pick up on people’s dreams in here, I started visiting her, she was my first. She had a few memories of me stored in her mind. I saw it myself, she knows who I am. I can’t really say much more other than that.”

  “If that’s the case, then why weren’t you able to make her spill the truth?” I question.

  “I was working on it, and then suddenly I couldn’t get to her anymore. I don’t know how she blocked me. I could see her, but I couldn’t get inside her mind. She moved out of the room shortly after to give the space to Lana. Lana told me that Heather said this room creeped her out, so she would take the guest room from then on.”

  Makes sense I suppose, knowing how easily Heather is creeped out by the—unnatural.

  “That brings me to another question. If you aren’t able to get escape the walls of this room, how were you able to get to me earlier, while I was asleep in the living room?”

  “I’m not really sure. Tonight was the first night I have ever breeched the walls of this room. And trust me, I had to fight to get to you. There is something very different about you, Sydney—you strengthen me.”

  “It’s my third eye,” I joke.

  “Your what?” He looks confused.

  “It’s a gift, kind of. I’m a photographer. I pick up on things most people overlook. That gives me a third eye, figuratively speaking. Not to mention, I’ve always been into ghosts and supernatural beings. It’s interesting.” I chew my bottom lip.

  “I’ve never been seen outside this room, until you. You’re special.”

  “I saw you in the courtyard the first night I was here. That’s not inside the room. I’m starting to get confused.”

  “Not really, it was a mind trick. I was actually just sitting by the window. I told you, you wouldn’t have fallen.” He smirks. “It’s the nearest I can get to the real world. Sometimes when I open the window I think I can actually feel the wind blowing. Then I come back to my reality, I feel nothing.”

  I resist the urge to comfort him again, fearing another rejection. I proceed with my questioning. “Can you hurt me—physically?”

  “I didn’t think I could, but judging by that cut on your neck—I can. I can make you react to my actions, causing yourself harm indirectly.”

  “Yeah, what was that knife thing all about? Are you violent or something?”

  “Emotional overload—lust. That’s what I was talking about, when you’re overcome by lust you let your guard down. I didn’t cut you exactly, but I drove you to a place your body hasn’t felt before. Some of your own fantasies played a role. That knife was all you, Cupcake. I have to say though, you’re a lot kinkier than I expected,” he comments smugly.

  I’m indescribably embarrassed as I find out this could have been part of my own fantasy.

  “Didn’t Lana do the same thing, though? The kink stuff?”

  “She was grasping at straws with Heather. When she started her flirty business, Heather was completely uninterested. She thought kink was something Heather might be into, that she might need to come on a little stronger. Not to mention, Lana was already into that kind of thing—pain.”

  “Well, I’m certainly not into kink, and you’re sitting here telling me I dreamt up a knife and essentially hurt myself in my own dream. How do I know you aren’t lying and that you aren’t the one coercing this behavior—or even Lana’s behavior?”

  “Because I’m not. Don’t under estimate yourself, Sydney. Seeing as how you’re just really starting to tap into your sexuality, there’s no telling what might come out of you. I was even shocked when you brought that knife into our little fantasy. It was fun playing along, I have to admit. I honestly thought you were a virgin, I never saw any memories of such occasion in your mind. I’m guessing I was way off.”

  “How dare you! I’m not a virgin, not that it’s any of your business. You’re violating my privacy.”

  “Your dirty little secret’s safe with me, hot lips. I’ll take it to my grave.” He smirks.

  “You’re annoying, I can’t even imagine what you’d be like in real life. A virgin yourself, no doubt.”

  “Now Sydney, that’s not very nice. Why would you think that?”

  “Because any girl in her right mind would be utterly insane to sleep with you.”

  “You’re sleeping with me right now.”

  “By force. You’re a dream rapist.”

  He laughs, spreading his delicious picture of perfectly straight white teeth before my eyes. “You’re starting to get vicious again, baby. I think it’s time for you to wake up now, before I put another love spell on you and actually LET you tear me apart this time.”


  My eyes fly open. My head turns toward the clock on my nightstand. It reads two-thirty p.m.

  I’m thrown into an instant panic as I remember the arrangement I’d made with Mia to visit my nephews today at noon. I snatch my phone from the nightstand and drop a quick text to my sister.

  Mia, I am so sorry! I overslept.

  It’s all good. I put them down for a nap. Just try to make it by sometime today. They are dying to see you.

  I will head out in about an hour.

  Sounds good. Can you bring food? Let’s have wings!!

  OMG that sounds good! I’ll pick ‘em up on the way.

  Yay! See ya soon <3

  While I am in a huge rush to get ready to visit my family, the first order of business is to test the Ouija board out. I’ve never used one, but I am aching to talk to Dominick, and vastly more anxious to see if it actually works. A small part of me still questions whether this is some twisted dream or if it’s truly reality. This will be the indicator. I’m awake—if he actually responds, there will be no question anymore.

  I lay it on the floor, placing my hands on the cursor, as instructed, careful to speak softly. I can’t take the chance of Heather overhearing.



  “You really are a cocky little shit, aren’t you? Listen, do you know your psychiatrist’s first name?”


  “How can you expect me to figure this out with barely any information?”


  “I have to go out, but we can talk more later.”


  “Out,” I respond quickly, in a tone to remind him that he should mind his own business.


  “Right.” His smart mouth is surprisingly ende
aring. “While I’m gone, think about any details at all that could be helpful. I will take more Ambien tonight so we have more time. We need to make the most of my sleep, there aren’t very many pills left.”


  “Stay out of my head, Dominick. I’ll talk to you later.”

  I slip the board under the bed.

  A purple sweater and a pair of black yoga pants are as good as it’s going to get today. I feel slightly hung over from the sleep cocktail I ingested last night. I quickly glide over my teeth with my toothbrush and head out toward the kitchen to grab my keys. I run straight into Heather.

  “Good afternoon.” She smiles warmly.

  “I know! I can’t believe I slept this late,” I quickly respond.

  “Where ya’ headed off to in such a rush?” she asks.

  “I’m visiting Mia and the boys today. I’m super late.”

  “Yeah, I’m visiting Mom today, and helping out with one of her patients.”

  “That’s good. Well, have a good day. I really have to run. Mia wants me to pick up a late lunch, so I better jet.”

  I walk to toward the foyer to slip on my soggy shoes when Heather stops me.

  “Can I kiss you goodbye?” She blushes. “On the cheek, of course.”

  I walk toward her, beginning to blush myself, planting a soft sweet peck on her round cheek. This is an unexpected request for the typically shy Heather.

  “I’ll see ya’ later, honey.” I walk away.

  “Syd, wait.” She pauses briefly, nervously biting her lip. “I was wondering, well thinking…do you think maybe can I take you on a date? Like a real date-ish kind of thingy?” She shyly stutters over her words.

  Dominick crosses my mind, making me question whether my answer would be more for him than her. I uncomplicate things by going with the first reaction that comes to mind.

  “Um,” I stammer. “Yes.”

  A huge smile paints her face, and I think I almost see a jump in her step as she rushes toward me, bombarding me with a hug.

  “Really? Awesome. What time will you be home?”

  “Around seven or so, I think.”

  “Eight it is then. Dress nice, we’re going to Buckhead.”

  “Can’t wait. Have fun at your mom’s.”

  “Right.” She grimaces.


  The entire drive to Mia’s is filled with a sloshy mess of mind clutter. Heather and Dominick each equally dominate my thoughts. I’m not responsible for Dominick, he’s a bully. He forces his way into my dreams and yet for some reason I still feel obligated to help him. I can’t imagine being in his position. Under his rough exterior he’s so fragile and lost. He’s hurting.

  As for Heather, things are great. I’m actually proud of her boldness in asking a straight girl on a date, that’s a large chunk of my reasoning for accepting. I do like her—love her, even. In what way? I’m not sure quite yet. I feel something, that’s for certain, but I don’t know if it’s him toying with me or if it’s my own feelings. I have to watch my daytime reactions to Heather very closely. That’s the only way to really know for sure how I feel about her. Part of me hopes to feel something. She’s amazing in so many ways. The only way to tell for sure is to see tonight, on our—date-ish thingy, as she called it. One way or another, I need to sort this out—in MY world. A world that doesn’t include Dominick.

  I turn the volume to the max, enjoying the quick rough voice of System of a Down. Funny, I listen to the song realizing my life is a kind of in aerials right now.

  I’m so lost in my own head that by the time I turn into Mia’s driveway I‘ve completely forget to pick up lunch.

  “Aunt Sydney!” two boys’ voices call in unison, attacking me the moment I unlock the door.

  “My babies! I’ve missed you guys like crazy.” I capture them both in a rocking bear hug. “Have you been little devils for your mom?” I ask.

  “I was an angel.” Aiden beams.

  “I was a devil.” Alex follows with a sneaky smile.

  “That’s okay, you’re MY devil!” Alex squeals happily as I attack him with tickles.

  “Mom! Aunt Sydney says it’s okay if I’m a devil. That means I can have my Xbox back,” Alex yells to Mia.

  Mia walks in half frowning, half smirking. “No, you cannot, Alex. You put a shrimp in your brother’s pillowcase.”

  I laugh out loud, failing miserably as I try to cover the cackling sound behind my hand. This sets off a domino of giggles, except from Aiden, who wasn’t very amused that his room smells like dead shrimp.

  “Okay, everyone, let’s eat, I’m starving.” Mia looks expectantly at me. “Where’s the wings, Syd?”

  “Um, I forgot to pick them up. I’m sorry, Mi. My mind is all over the place today. Don’t they deliver?”

  Mia eyes me curiously. “Hmm….let’s just go to the pizza buffet. We can scoot the boys into the arcade while you fill me in on what’s going on,” she whispers.

  “Sounds good to me,” I shrug. “Come on, boys, its pizza time!”

  They squeal as we all pile into my tiny Focus. Luckily I still have my own booster seats so we don’t have to take Mia’s mommy-mobile.

  The ride is short but allots us enough time to catch up on the last couple of days. Mia is totally overloaded with school, and the boys talk about their teacher and her obsession with pigs. Aiden actually comments that if he sees one more pig he will scream. Alex is too concerned with getting to the restaurant to care about pigs, teachers, or school. As I park the car, I feel Mia watching me. I refrain from eye contact, worried she will use her Mommy powers to unlock my secrets.

  Conversation is minimal as we cram our hungry mouths with every type of pizza fathomable. Once the boys finish, Mia sends them to the arcade as promised. She is ready to begin her inquisition.

  “What’s up with you? You’re in another world.” She nibbles a tiny sliver of apple dessert pizza.

  I hesitate slightly before answering as I contemplate which is a better topic: a ghost, or my first lesbian experience on the horizon. “I have a….date.”

  “For real? Who is he? I’m so excited!” She squirms impatiently.

  I try to hide the dilemma from my face. “Um, well. It’s actually not a... It’s actually…She…”

  “Heather?” Her eyebrow lifts as her sensors begin to alarm.

  “Yes.” I wait for a reaction, but the air remains silent for a long period. I wiggle in my seat, I can’t wait anymore, and the suspense is killing me. “Mia, say something!”

  “Sydney, don’t take this the wrong way,” she begins.

  “Oh god, here we go.” I shake my head, waiting for it.

  “Why would you lead her on like that? Do you even know if you’re gay?”

  “I’m not gay, Mia,” I whisper so people can’t hear. “But, I do like her—I think.”

  “You think?” She scowls disapprovingly. “You need to KNOW, don’t you think? Heather’s a sweetie, I don’t want her to get hurt.”

  “I’m attracted to her. That means something, right?”

  “It does, I suppose.” She pauses. “But keep in mind that she’s had a thing for you since middle school. This isn’t a MAYBE for her. Be careful of her feelings, Sydney, she’s your best friend.”

  “Why does everyone think she is hopelessly in love with me? She has never said that, or even tried anything with me—ever.”

  “You’re so modest. You might just be the only person in the world that can’t see it. She loves you Syd, there is no doubt about that.”

  I shake my head in disagreement, and lighten the severity of the moment. “Mia, it’s dinner, not marriage. Relax.”

  “She just seems like the type to get attached easily, that’s all.” She quiets. “I hope it goes well for you, honey, I really do. I just don’t want poor Heather’s heart crushed.”

  “I’m not going to let that happen, don’t worry. Now enough about that. How are things with you?”<
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  She shrugs. “Good, same as always. It’s only been a couple of days since you’ve left. Not much has changed.”

  “It feels like a lifetime ago.” I chew my inner lip.

  “Something is wrong with you, Syd. What is it?” She looks concerned.

  I can’t overload her with the biggest issue of them all—Dominick. As much as I hate it, I have to lie. “I haven’t got a ton of sleep since I moved in. It’s no big deal, I’m just tired.”

  “Try to take a nice bath before bed, and chamomile tea, it’ll help. I think everyone has touchy sleep in a new place, its normal.”

  I laugh as I know that there is nothing normal about my situation. I have a man haunting my dreams, and he’s trying to convince me to serve him up my best friend on a silver platter. This is about as far from normal as I can possibly imagine. Thinking about it does bring up an idea, however. Dominick is around Mia’s age, and from Lawrenceville. Maybe Mia will know something.

  “Mia, did you ever know a guy in high school by the name Dominick Manning?” I ask casually.

  “Yeah, of course I did. He wasn’t in my crowd though. He was kind of a freak. Why?”

  “I was just wondering. I…uh—met him in class.”

  “Well it’s not the same Dominick then. The Dominick I went to school with went missing a couple of years back. The police never took it too seriously. He had a troubled past and a history of mental problems as long as the Pacific. Like I told you, he was a freak. Everyone assumed he just took off and finally offed himself.”

  The sadness of Mia’s words hit me—hard. I haven’t quite found a liking for the dude yet but still, how awful that nobody gave a rat’s ass about his whereabouts. Sad.

  “Well actually, the reason I ask is because I saw a headstone at one of the cemeteries I shot over the weekend. It had his name on it. If he was never found, it must be a coincidence on the name.”

  “It could have been his. His mother was Mrs. Manning, remember the lunch lady from Berkmar High School? She was dying and I think she needed closure, but it was all for show.”

  “What do you mean, for show?”

  “She buried a casket, but there was never a body.”


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