Race to His Heart
Page 11
The man wasn’t about to leave them alone. “Say,” he started again, “Where’s that good-looking woman of yours? Pete Jennings's girl.” His eyes swept Maddie up and down and they all knew this guy was fishing for the goods.
“Makaela’s in Sweden, with her family. She’ll be back soon,” Connor answered, almost blankly.
He didn’t seem satisfied with Connor’s answer. “Uh-huh. And who’s this lovely lady with you tonight?” His eyes burnt through Maddie like a hot branding iron.
Connor quickly became defensive. “This is my best friend, Maddie, from my hometown. She’s visiting for the weekend. My mother invited her out to the race.”
The fan stuck his hand out to Maddie. He reeked of cigarettes and beer. She reluctantly shook his hand and smiled slightly. He squeezed tight, which made it hard for her to release and back away from him. “Nice to meet ya,” he grumbled. He eventually let go of her tiny hand and reached into his pocket for a pack of smokes. He took one out, lit it, and inhaled long and slow. Connor backed up closer to Maddie as the guy exhaled a gray cloud into their faces.
“Well, we need to get going. Thanks for coming out today, sir. Have a nice night.” Connor whisked Maddie away and they bolted towards the staff parking area at the back entrance of the track.
“You tell that pretty fiancée of yours that I said hello, ya hear?” the stranger yelled out to them. He stood still, giving no indication he was going to follow them out.
“Who was that?” Maddie asked Connor while they kept a brisk pace. She turned her head around to see if the lunatic was following them. Thankfully, he wasn’t. In fact, he had disappeared in between the crowded line of trailers in the garage area.
“I have no idea, but he was a creep.”
“Why was he so curious about Makaela?”
“Probably thought you were my escort, wanted to rub it in my face that it appeared I was up to no good. He’ll want to sell the story to some reporter.” Connor’s voice trailed, obviously realizing the truth in the matter.
“Connor, I’m sorry. I’ll stay away from you the rest of the weekend, if you want. I don’t want you to get in trouble.” Maddie’s voice trembled, as she also knew that they were close to being exposed. After the camera was in their faces earlier and then the encounter with the odd fan, surely the world would know soon. Makaela would know soon.
Connor shook his head. “No, we’re just going to play it off that we are old friends. If anyone else asks questions, that’s what we’ll say. Until it’s official, we just need to play the game.”
Maddie shrugged. “Sure, that sounds fair.”
Connor slowed down and peered around the emptying parking lot. “I know you don’t like pretending we aren’t into each other, but it’s necessary right now,” he warned her in a low voice.
Maddie hated it so much, especially at that moment when all she wanted to do was throw him down and ravage him. “Connor, I’ll do whatever is necessary to be with you,” she admitted quickly. “Even if it’s on the down-low.”
Connor smiled and winked at her. “Don’t worry; we’ll have our time later, okay.” By the time their brief talk was over, they were standing at the edge of a sidewalk next to a circular drive at the end of the parking lot. A sleek black car parked at the end of the street started up and made it’s way toward them and then stopped. Like a gentleman, Connor held the door open for Maddie as they climbed into the back seat. It was a limo with the darkest tinted windows she had ever seen. The driver was different that time and he immediately put up the privacy divider so they could be separated.
When the car began to move, Connor and Maddie instantly looked at each other. In a split second they were all over one another, kissing and rubbing and touching each other in places the sun never saw. Connor pressed his body against hers; his crotch swelled and she slowly ran her hand over the top of his pants to hear him moan. Maddie suddenly didn’t care that she was sweaty and felt dirty from the little flicks of rubber that came from sitting next to a racetrack all day. She had what she wanted and it tasted good.
“I want you right now,” Connor breathed out heavily into her ear. He nibbled at her earlobe and continued to grind on her.
“Oh, you don’t even know how bad-” Maddie started, but then his hot, wet mouth met hers.
“I think I do know,” Connor answered and kissed her hard. He tasted like champagne and sweat, a weird combination, but sexy nonetheless. His skin tasted the exact same as she moved her lips over to his neck and began sucking it ferociously.
Connor laughed softly. “You’re gonna give me a mark,” he mumbled and then moaned simultaneously. Maddie let up, but only because he had picked her up around the waist and hoisted her on top of his lap.
“I can’t wait until later,” she whispered into his ear as she leaned forward and pressed into his groin.
Connor reached his steady hand under her shirt and unhooked her bra with two fingers. He slid around to the front and gently ran his hand over her breasts. He was just starting to duck his head under the flimsy top when the car came to a halt.
Flustered, they both glanced out the window to check where they had stopped. They were already back at the hotel. The grand front entrance stood beside them and a second later they heard the chauffer’s car door slam shut. Maddie flew off of Connor’s lap and hastily hooked her bra back together. He straightened his shirt and slid over to the end of the seat. They both were panting like wild animals.
“Sir, we have arrived at your destination,” called the driver on the other side of the dark window.
Connor cleared his throat. “Yes, thank you.”
The driver opened the door closest to Maddie and she stepped out, trying hard to pretend like nothing had just happened in the back seat. Connor slipped out after her, tipped the driver, and then walked five paces behind her into the lobby. Many curious eyes followed the two through the lobby and watched as Connor veered away from his friend.
“I’ll meet you back down here in one hour. Is that enough time for you to get ready?” he asked loudly. Maddie guessed he wanted to give the impression that they were not going up to a room together. She also assumed he wasn’t going to ride the elevator with her.
“Yeah, sure. Call your mom and tell her I’ll meet her soon.” She had decided to play his game, as well.
Connor nodded and turned his path to the right and toward the concierge’s desk. Maddie kept her eyes glued straight ahead at the golden elevators before her. She exhaled when the doors closed her inside and the watchful eyes were out of sight. She fanned herself with her shaky hands, not like it helped cool her down any.
Her shower was quick, but refreshing. Afterwards, Maddie thanked God she had hair that didn’t need much styling while she rubbed herself down with lotion and added a touch of makeup. Clean, dry clothes hung in the closet and she stood naked in front of it, trying to decide what outfit to wear out to dinner. She settled on an all-black jumper with spaghetti straps and a sheer back. It was classy, but allowed her to stay cool since there was very little fabric. Connor will enjoy this, she thought and smiled to herself, deciding against a bra. She had never been so hot for a guy in all her life. Connor brought out a side of her that she thought never existed.
Maddie checked her phone that rested on the top of the dresser. Connor had left a new message while she was in the bathroom.
‘Meet me up in my room’ was all it said.
She sighed and then grinned mischievously. Even a few stolen minutes before dinner would be worth the trouble of getting undressed again. She grabbed her purse, spread cherry lip-gloss over her pout then took the elevator to the next floor.
Connor had given Maddie his extra room key, so she used that to quietly sneak into his suite. She heard the shower running and could smell the scent of his body wash seeping under the crack of the door. She sat down on the bed and glanced around the room. It was the first time that she had been up in Connor’s suite. She suddenly imagined herself sprawled out n
aked across his bed, waiting for him to emerge and throw himself onto her love famished body. Maddie sighed heavily at her fantasy, but felt hopeful when she heard the water shut off in the shower; she anxiously set her eyes on the bathroom door while she positioned herself perfectly on the bed.
A short minute later, Connor opened the door and jumped slightly when his eyes found her.
“Damn, you scared me!”
Maddie frowned. That wasn’t the reaction she had hoped for. “I thought you were expecting me? You sent me that text and you left the door unlocked.”
Connor smirked. “I know, I know. I’m just a big sissy.” He stood before her with the giant white towel wrapped around his hips. Water droplets raced down his perfect chest and Maddie had no problem letting them mesmerize her. He had just enough light brown hair on his chest to be manly, but not animal-like. She remembered it feeling fine and soft between her fingers the first night that they made love.
“Hey, you in there?” Connor asked when he noticed she was in a trance.
Maddie shook her head and came back down to earth. “So, you wanted to see me, Mr. Gray?” A crooked smile formed on her face and she rose off the bed to start toward him.
“We have about…mmm…fifteen minutes or so, to talk. If you want, or we can-”
Connor didn’t have a chance to finish his sentence. Maddie had already flung herself on him and dragged him over to the bed. She undid the nudge in the towel and yanked it off his body. They kissed savagely while he fumbled to remove her clothes. Unfortunately, it was tougher than he imagined.
“What’s going on with this?” Connor asked, huffing as if he just ran a marathon. Maddie stepped back, slipped the spaghetti straps down, and the jumper fell to the floor. Connor’s eyes popped wide open. It looked like she forgot to wear panties, as well.
“My, oh my,” he mumbled. They fell down onto the bed and rolled around like it was the first time all over again. Maddie swore she saw real sparks light up between their bodies; which wasn’t so far fetched considering the amount of friction that was being exerted from them both.
“You are so delicious,” Connor muttered and then tasted her body in areas that she could never speak of to another. Her eyes rolled back into her head and her breath was literally knocked out of her lungs.
Knock, knock, knock. They both froze, completely unaware that they had lost control, again.
“Connor, are you in there? We’ve been waiting downstairs for you!”
It was his mother.
“Oh, shit,” Maddie whispered as they untangled their bodies.
“Mom, I’m getting ready to take a shower. I’ll be down in ten minutes, I promise!” Connor yelled back through the closed door. He motioned for Maddie to stay quiet by touching his finger to his lips.
“Do you know where Maddie is hiding? She’s not in her room.” Patty’s voice was muffled as it penetrated through the thick door.
Connor’s eyes bugged out in fear as he tried to muster up an answer. “No, maybe she’s downstairs. Are you sure she wasn’t in the shower?”
“I don’t know, maybe. I’ll go look for her down in the lobby. I’ll see you down there in ten, okay. Hurry up!”
The two of them remained frozen while waiting for a silent sign that Patty was gone. After a few seconds, they both jumped out of bed to redress. Maddie pulled on her jumper and spritzed a little perfume over herself while Connor cleaned up again in the bathroom. Exactly ten minutes later he remerged, fully dressed and looking like he was ready to party.
“You go first, take the elevator to the lobby, and act like you were in the shower. I’ll come down in a minute,” Connor said as he slipped on his shoes.
Maddie nodded and then slowly opened the door and peeked out.
“I knew it!” hissed Patty from around the corner.
“Oh my God!” Maddie screeched and reached her hands to her mouth to cover the scream.
Connor pushed the door wide open and glared at his mother.
“What are you doing, spying on me?” he demanded. His eyes were dark and as cold as the Arctic.
“I just had a feeling that this was going on. Connor, what the hell are you thinking?” Patty kept her voice low and then pushed her way into the suite. Maddie and Connor stumbled inside with her.
“Mom, it’s none of your business!” Connor’s cheeks grew crimson, Maddie noticed, as her face did the same. Patty’s eyes switched back and forth between the two lovers. Maddie shrugged her shoulders when the stare landed on her.
At least we’re both dressed, Maddie thought while she waited for Patty to unload on her. It could have been worse. She kept her eyes pointed at the ground.
“Maddie, sweetie, I understand that you think my son feels-” Patty started.
Connor interrupted. “No, you don’t understand. Like I said, this is none of your business.”
His mother was furious. “You bet your ass it’s my business! This will be a PR nightmare if someone gets wind you’re cheating on your fiancée! I’m the only one looking out for you right now.”
Maddie felt the sudden urgency to apologize, fearing that Patty hated her with a passion now that she knew Maddie was sleeping with her son. “I’m sorry, Patty. I should never have come here. I can’t explain how this all happened, but it did. I really do care a lot about Connor.”
“You don’t have to apologize, Maddie. We could tell since that night back in Florida that you two were going to reconnect. But Connor is being foolish!” Patty glared at her son, who was now sitting on the edge of the bed; his head hung solemnly into his hands.
“What do you mean, you could tell?” Maddie asked.
Patty walked over to her and placed her hands on her shoulders. “Your parents and I, we could tell that you and Connor had feelings for each other. It was obvious in the way you spoke and interacted. Your body language also gave it away. We joked about how nice it would be for Connor to get serious with his hometown sweetie, but never in our wildest dreams did we think it would really happen so soon, especially since Connor was already engaged. It was just a joke. Now, here we are, and it seems as though you two have already…” she stopped speaking when her eyes found the tousled up bed.
A past conversation popped into Maddie’s head. “Wait a second! Didn’t you say you wanted Connor and I to be together? You told me you wanted to get rid of Makaela!” She suddenly felt nauseous and embarrassed at what she just blurted out. She quickly realized she could be starting a war between Connor and his mother.
“Mom!” Connor fumed, jumping back into the discussion. “You said that?”
Patty backed off, holding her hands into the air. “Now hold on. I did say I’d rather see you with Maddie. But you are not being smart about this, Connor. You are practically flaunting your relationship with Maddie and you haven’t addressed your issues with Makaela yet. Someone’s gonna find out and then shit is gonna hit the fan! You can’t have your cake, and eat it, too!”
“I will handle this on my own,” he screeched through clenched teeth. Maddie felt frightened; she had never seen Connor so angry before. Truthfully, it scared her a bit.
“Use! Your! Brain!” Patty yelled, throwing her arms around and pointing to her own head. “You have your career to think about!”
Maddie felt suddenly brave, like taking a stand for herself. “All right, all right!” she shouted at the top of her lungs. Patty and Connor froze in place and stared hard, shocked at her abrupt courage. “I’ll just leave. That will solve everything.” Maddie grabbed her purse again and headed for the door.
Connor flung himself in front her. “Please don’t go, not because of this.”
Maddie’s heart sagged in her chest. “I want to stay, really I do, but your mom is right. We’re not being smart about this. I don’t want you to get a bad rep. Remember, a lot of people work for you, with you. It affects them, too.” There was a lump in Maddie’s throat the size of a golf ball. It choked her and forced tears to leak from her eyes. She turned
her face away, ashamed of losing her cool.
Patty frowned. It was at that moment she realized that Maddie really loved her son. She was willing to sacrifice being together for the sake of his career. “I’m sorry, Maddie. I want things to work for you two, I really do. It’s just that this is such bad timing.”
They all stood in silence. The only sound came from the purr of the air conditioner near the window.
Connor spoke up, but kept an even tone. “Maddie is not leaving. I want to go out and celebrate my team’s win and I want her there with me. Call a friggin’ press conference tomorrow and I’ll announce the break up.”
“Connor, don’t be rash. Shouldn’t you talk to Makaela about this first? How do you want her finding out? You know one of your big-mouthed mechanics is gonna clue her into what’s been going on. Especially if you take Maddie out with you tonight and you can’t keep your hands off each other.” Patty’s voice was calmer, but more concerning than anything.
“We can play it cool tonight. Besides, I don’t care about her finding out anymore. It’s over.”
“Son, are you sure this is what you want?” she pleaded.
Connor took Maddie’s hand and pulled her close. “Yes, I’m sure.” He turned and smiled at her, that warm, charming smile that got her every time.
Maddie sniffed, not sure if she was fighting back tears of joy or tears of sorrow. She had never dreamed of causing such drama in one’s life, but she loved him so much and he had just announced he wanted her and not his fiancée.
Patty gave her last warning. “You need to fix this soon. Otherwise your career is what’s gonna be over.” She stomped out of the room and disappeared behind the door.
Connor unexpectedly wrapped his arms around Maddie and apologized. “I’m so sorry about her. She had no right to attack us that way.”
Maddie stood terrified and not quite sure what to say. Her heart thumped wildly in her chest. I should be in cardiac arrest right now after that huge storm, she thought as Connor held her close.
“Hey, you all right?” He pulled free and looked her straight in the eyes. It was surprising how quickly his eyes changed from that dark, cold color into a warm, chocolate brown again. She shrugged and then the tears started. She cried uncontrollably; her body shook as she surrendered to the emotions. Fifteen minutes ago, she was experiencing the most intense pleasure of her life and now she felt she had broken into a million pieces.