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Rewarded Page 6

by Jo Davis

  Back at her building, he spun her before they went inside, pinned her against the building, and took her mouth again. He couldn’t get enough of kissing her, especially when she played with his hair like that. Gazed at him as though she couldn’t stand to lose sight of him.

  Something that would never happen again if he could help it.


  Inside, Gray stashed the pizza in Anna’s fridge and then rejoined her in the living room. The way he looked at her, with raw hunger, left little doubt in her mind about where they would end the night.

  If she agreed.

  Was she ready to close the door on Joaquin? On what they’d started together? There had been blazing passion for a time, but was there love? The real kind that remained deep in a woman’s heart forever?

  “Do you want me to stay?” he asked. The hope in his voice, the love in his eyes, was her undoing.

  She’d never stopped loving Gray. Never would.

  “Yes. Please don’t leave.”

  “You’re sure?”

  “More than anything,” she whispered.

  Scooping her into his arms, he took her to her bedroom. Laid her down and took off his shoes, jeans, shirt, socks, and shoes. His boxer briefs went last, and his freed cock bounced in front of him, eager to play. He hissed in pleasure when she sat up and grasped his hard shaft, taking the tip into her mouth, and began to suck.

  Groaning, he spread his legs, letting her take what she wanted. And she wanted him, eagerly tongue-bathing him, licking up and down the rigid length and sending shock waves of delight along his nerve endings—if the way he shook was any indication.

  Next she slid him deeper into her mouth, really sucking him in earnest. Deeper and deeper until he was close to losing control—and she planned to milk every drop.

  “Baby, ease up. Or it’s going to be over too soon.”

  Reluctantly pulling off his cock, she gave his balls a few licks before releasing him to remove her own clothing. She feasted her eyes on him as she undressed. God, he was beautiful, his hair tousled, his long body edible.

  “I can’t stand it any longer. Need to taste you.” He crawled onto the bed between her legs and used two fingers to rub the lips of her sex and her clit, causing her to squirm and earning him a moan of bliss.

  Next he pried the lips apart and lowered his head, teasing with his tongue. Then he licked up, inside her, burying it as far as he could. Tasting her essence, eating her pussy. She started to protest, pulling at his hair, but he obviously wanted her out of control.

  “Come all over my face, baby,” he coaxed. “Just let go.”

  He went back to his delicious task, licking her sex, her clit. Eating her until her hips started bucking, her pussy grinding into his face as she lost it. She rode the wave of ecstasy to the edge and over.

  “Oh, fuck!” she cried. “Shit, yes!”

  Her orgasm shook her whole body, and he seemed to love it. Eagerly he slurped, feasting on all of her. Euphoric, she was spread for him. Ready and begging.

  “Please, Gray,” she whimpered. “Need your cock . . .”

  “It’s yours, baby. Only yours, from now on.”


  Gently, he turned her over and spread her thighs. “I’m gonna fuck you like this, with you on your stomach. You look so sexy, your pretty ass turned up, your pussy ready for me.”

  He entered her slowly, his swollen shaft parting her flesh. Sliding deeper until he was buried to the balls. There was nothing between them to interfere with getting the full sensation of their connection, and as far as she was concerned, there wouldn’t be again.

  “So beautiful. All mine,” he breathed.


  In and out, he pumped his cock. Filling her again and again. She loved feeling his length plunder her channel, her sex gripping him. That tripped her switch, and she became lost. Nothing but an ocean of pleasure, connecting with him in the way they were meant to.

  Faster and harder he took her, the pleasure becoming unbearable ecstasy. Finally, he thrust deep and remained there, the shudders overcoming him as he pumped his seed into her womb. On and on his cock jerked as she spasmed with him, his balls emptying. Gradually he softened and, after some moments, pulled out and spooned her from behind.

  “Tired?” he asked, kissing her neck.

  “Uh-huh. You wore me out.” The thought made her smile.

  “Good. I plan to do it often.”

  Later, she awoke when he spread her legs, eating her again. That turned her on, knowing that he was tasting his own seed, inside and all over her. He sucked and fucked her until they were both truly exhausted and couldn’t possibly go another round.

  As he was starting to drift off, she said, “I’m sorry I left you before.” That she’d hurt this man was something she’d regret for the rest of her life. She planned to spend it making that up to him.

  “Shh. You’re here now, and so am I.”

  “Yes.” A pause. “Gray?”


  “I love you.” And her heart was set free at last from doubt and pain. She’d truly meant the words.

  “I love you, too, baby.”

  She slept along with him, finally at peace.


  In his room at the Marriott in Times Square, Joaquin stared into his tumbler of whiskey, fairly certain that his life was over. All he needed was for his body to get the message.

  He’d come into the city with hopes of talking to Anna. Possibly reconciling so they could truly start their lives together. Instead, he’d seen her walking back to her building on Gray’s arm, smiling. Looking more happy and content than he’d ever seen her.

  Especially when the agent had pressed her against the building and kissed her like a starving man. Anna hadn’t protested one bit. Then they’d gone upstairs together, and Joaquin was willing to bet the agent had stayed at her place.

  His heart constricted in misery, throat burning. Maybe losing her was punishment for his interfering in their relationship to begin with. She’d gone to Aruba hurting from learning that Gray had been undercover while romancing her. Instead of being a friend and lending a supportive ear, he’d tried to take the exquisite beauty for himself.

  Yes, this was his reckoning for being selfish. But God help him, he’d fallen in love with Anna.

  He didn’t know what to do. He should probably leave the city and never darken her door again, but he needed to be sure they were over—if there had ever been a them to begin with.

  If there was any chance at all he hadn’t yet lost her to Sloane, he’d take it. Selfish or not.

  But he couldn’t ignore the sad voice whispering that he wasn’t simply too late—Anna Claire had never been his at all.


  Anna awoke to the aroma of bacon and coffee. Two of the best scents in the world. Besides the musky scent of Gray all over her body.

  Stretching, she grinned as she recalled their marathon night of lovemaking. She’d never known Gray to be such an animal in bed, and she’d loved every second of it. Some inner bad boy had been unleashed in him, and if that’s what she had to look forward to? Bring it.

  Bounding out of bed, she took a quick shower and dried off before slipping on a robe. She homed in on the kitchen, walking up behind her agent and slipping her arms around his middle.

  “Smells good,” she hummed in pleasure.

  “Me or the bacon?”

  “Both. Is this what I can look forward to every day?”

  “Ha! Don’t count on it. One of my big lies was that I can cook. A few simple breakfast items, spaghetti, and sandwiches. That’s my repertoire.”

  “I’m pretty sure sandwiches don’t count as cooking,” she said, stealing a piece of bacon.

  “See? There you go.”

  Laughing, she sat at the breakfast nook table
and watched him move around her kitchen. She loved the look of him there. He was wearing jeans but no shirt and was barefoot. It didn’t get much sexier than that.

  After plating their food, he set it on the table. Then he brought them two mugs of coffee and sat across from her. They ate for a few minutes, enjoying the morning.

  “So what’s on your agenda for the day?” he asked.

  “I’m going in to the restaurant. It’s been a couple of days, and I need to check on some orders and stuff. The usual. But I’m not going in until later. You?”

  “I need to go in to the office, too. I’m trying to put together a thread on the murders I was telling you about. I can work from home, and I do, but sometimes it helps to be at the office. Not just because of the change in scenery, but because there are other agents to bounce ideas off of and more research tools available.”

  “Makes sense. When will you be home?”

  “Might be later than usual, around eleven. I figure you’ll stay late, too?”

  “Probably.” She winked at him. “But let’s not make it a habit.”

  “No way. Nothing’s worth ruining the love life.”

  After breakfast, she helped him clear the dishes. Then they got dressed, eventually, after a whole lot of fooling around. By the time they came up for air it was almost noon, and they had to take another shower. Of course they did it together, which took even longer.

  But Anna was happy and sated as she left to make the walk to work. It was a balmy day, a bit windy, but not too unpleasant. Once she was at work, she made the rounds, talking to her employees and making sure things were running smoothly. She also made a point to say something to each of them personally, a lesson she’d learned a while back that had paid off in her relationships with them.

  Then she holed up in her office, immersing herself in mounds of orders, catering schedules, bills, and such. She’d totally lost track of time until there was a soft knock at her door. Lifting her head, she stretched and rubbed the back of her neck. “Come in.”

  Ethan pushed the door open. “Anna, there’s a man here to see you. He’s at one of Brandon’s tables.”

  “Thanks, Ethan.”

  Thinking Gray must have decided to surprise her by coming for dinner, she hurried out into the restaurant. Frowning, she looked around, and then she saw him. Her breath left her in a rush, because it wasn’t Gray who was waiting.

  Joaquin sat across the room, looking darkly handsome in an expensive black suit, white shirt, and tie. His inky hair was swept away from his face, and he hadn’t spotted her. His expression as he stared out the window was so uncharacteristically vulnerable, it hit her that she could have loved this man with all her heart—had she not met and fallen for Gray first.

  The knowledge made her sad, because she was going to have to hurt a good man.

  She approached, fixing a welcoming smile on her face. “Joaquin?”

  His head turned, and he smiled as he rose to greet her. “Anna, it’s good to see you.” He went for a kiss, and she allowed just a quick one on the lips before pulling back.

  “It’s good to see you, too. How have you been?”

  “Okay. Working a lot, keeping Rio in line. Anyway, I seem to recall your saying you’d show me your restaurant sometime, so I thought, why not? As long as I’m not imposing.”

  “Of course not! I’d love to show you around.” She turned to Brandon. “Save our table, please. I’m just going to show my friend around a bit.”

  “Sure thing, Miss Claire.”

  If Joaquin reacted to her calling him a friend, she wasn’t looking at him to see it. She didn’t want to see the pain in his eyes, though it was inevitable.

  She gave him the grand tour, starting with the bar, then the kitchen. He seemed impressed as he watched her chefs work like a well-oiled machine, preparing the finest gourmet cuisine in the city. At least in her opinion, and that of several important food critics.

  Ethan yelled at someone just then, making Joaquin jump. “Is he always like that?”

  “A temperamental ass? Yep, pretty much all the time. But he’s brilliant, and that’s what counts.”

  Their tour ended with Anna showing him her office. She hadn’t intended to take him inside, but his quiet request let her know he was ready for answers.

  “Can we please go inside so we can talk in private?”

  Her pulse pounded. “Sure.”

  Closing the door behind them, she gestured for him to sit. She took a seat in a chair beside him and waited for him to go first.

  “If there’s any chance for us, I’d like to know.”

  Fortifying herself, she covered one of his hands with hers. Looked into his eyes. He must have seen the truth, because the pain on his face stole her breath.

  “There isn’t, is there?”

  “No,” she said gently. “Joaquin, I’m so sorry. I never meant to lead you on. It’s just that I never really got over Gray, and—”

  “You don’t have to explain. I’m the one who’s sorry for taking advantage of you,” he said ruefully. “You were hurting from your split with Sloane, and I knew that. I took advantage of it.”

  “You were honest about that, though. I have to say, you completely disarmed me.”

  His lips turned up in a small smile that didn’t reach his eyes. “Not nearly as much as you did me.” He stood. “I should go. I’ve taken up enough of your time.”

  “Please, don’t do that,” she entreated, pushing from her chair. “Don’t distance yourself. I’d like to think we can be friends.” She cringed at how trite that sounded, but she meant it.

  “Maybe one day, when I’m not quite so raw. I took a risk, loving you, and it didn’t pay off. Give me time to lick my wounds.” His attempt at teasing didn’t quite come off.

  “I’m so sorry.”

  “Don’t be. All I ever wanted was for you to be happy, Anna. I still mean that.”

  “Thanks. I want you to be happy, too.”

  “I will, one day.” He winked. “I’ll see you, all right?”

  “Yeah. Tell Rio hello for me.”

  “Will do. I’ll let your waiter know we won’t need that table after all.”

  With that, he let himself out. She sat in her office for a long time, trying to keep from crying over hurting such a wonderful man. Finally the tears broke free, and she allowed herself to grieve just a little for what might have been. Crushing someone’s feelings was never something to take lightly. Especially when she really cared for him.

  Forcing her mind onto something else, she went back to her papers. She was vaguely aware of Ethan popping his head in to say good night. By the time she lifted her head, it was after eleven thirty and past time to go. The restaurant was empty, clean and ready for the next day. Quickly, she got out her phone to let Gray know she was on her way and was annoyed to see that there was no battery left. She hated when she forgot to charge it.

  She rode the elevator down. Saying good-bye to the security guard on the ground floor, she left.


  For the second time that evening, Gray tried to call Anna on her cell, with no luck. She had either turned it off or had forgotten to charge it. There was no answer on her landline at the apartment, either, so he guessed she was still at work.

  He was walking toward Floor Fifty-Five, still a few blocks away, when he spotted a lone figure coming his direction, head down. The man was moving slowly, shoulders slumped, as though the weight of the world rested on them. As the man neared, he couldn’t believe his shitty luck.

  “Joaquin,” he said, causing the other man’s head to snap up. “Do you think it’s a great idea for a billionaire to be walking the streets of New York without his bodyguard?”

  Stopping in front of him, his former nemesis gave a quiet laugh. “Nobody wants a billionaire tonight, Sloane. Seems you can’t give one away fo
r a song.”

  Damn. “You talked to Anna?”

  “Yeah. Don’t worry, I’m not going to throw a punch. I know when to bow out gracefully.”

  “Are you all right?”

  “Aww, are we bonding?”

  Fuck me for being concerned. “No, we aren’t. I’m just trying to be decent here.”

  The other man fell silent for a moment, and his defensive facade melted away. “I’m fine, thanks for asking. Really. She and I had a nice talk at her restaurant. Maybe we’ll be friends someday, who knows.”

  “I know she’d like that.”

  Gray’s phone buzzed on his hip, saving him from the horrible conversation. “Sloane.”

  Simon’s anxious voice had him instantly on alert. “We’ve got a big fucking problem.”

  “What is it?” His sharp tone brought Delacruz to attention.

  “Santos has escaped custody.”

  “Fuck! When?”

  “Earlier this evening, and nobody bothered to call us until now,” his partner ranted.

  “Goddamn. Hang on.” To Delacruz, Gray said, “Santos escaped police custody earlier tonight.”

  The other man’s mouth fell open. “The hell you say.”

  “That’s not all,” Simon interrupted. “A few minutes ago, I got an anonymous tip that he’s tracked Joaquin Delacruz to New York and is going after him. You and Anna are on his list, too, I’m sure.”

  “Shit. All right, Delacruz is with me. We’ll go get Anna and move them somewhere safe until that asshole is back in custody.”

  “Okay. Let me know if you need me.”

  Gray ended the call. “Santos is after you, me, and Anna. She’s not answering her cell.”

  “I left her a while ago, though I didn’t walk far.”

  Gray figured the poor bastard had been meandering in the area aimlessly, not really wanting to leave her, just as he would’ve done if the roles had been reversed. But he couldn’t dwell on that right now.


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