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Afraid in the Dark (Stalker Series Book One)

Page 28

by Rita Hestand

  "Sure, you know I can. I figured when you didn't come back the next day something was up. I've been opening and I let Carl close for me every day. Is that okay? Is there anything else I can do?"

  "That's fine. No, just take care of the store. I'll be back when I can get back, but don't look for it to happen for at least a week. And if you need anything, call me, my phone is always on. I'll be glad to help you. It's just that there are some problems here that I feel are important to solve."

  "Alright, will do. And don't worry, I'll take care of everything here." David promised.

  "I know you will. It's nice to know I can count on you, David. Thanks." He hung up.

  Then his phone rang. He looked at it, it was Melanie's folks.

  What can I tell them? He shook his head. He could not answer it, but if he didn't, they might come up. He could only hope it was her father.

  "Hello?" He answered.

  "Jesse?" Her father said.

  "Hello Mr. George. What's going on?"

  "Nothing with me, but I went to the store yesterday and you weren't there. David said you'd been gone a long time. Is anything wrong, son?"

  Jesse fretted about telling him, but he couldn't lie to them. They'd never forgive him.

  "Look, something is going on. Melanie's in the hospital."

  "You mean she's working?"

  "No, I mean she's a patient."

  "Oh, my Lord, what happened? We'll be up there tonight then."

  "No, no please, don't. Look, it wouldn't do a bit of good, they called me earlier saying they were about to induce a coma, so they could work on her. It would do no good right now. I promise to tell you all about it later, right now there are a million things to take care of. Look, I know this is hard on you, but she wouldn't even know you are here right now. So, if you can, wait, I'll call back when she's better then you can come visit."

  "Well, Jesse, she's our daughter."

  "I know that. But she'd worry more about you than herself and right now, she's got to concentrate on getting better, not worry about you guys. Can you understand that?"

  "I guess so. But I feel we should be there."

  "There's a lot going on right now, and I just can't talk about it yet. She's got a good doctor and they are doing everything they possibly can to help her. I promise I'll take care of her." Jesse pleaded. "Just trust me to do that for you. And I'll call back later in the week."

  "Can you at least tell me what is wrong?"

  "It's a poison…."

  "Food poisoning. It's that bad?"

  "It is bad, but the hospital is doing everything they can."

  "Will you call us and tell us as soon as she wakes up and is able to talk. Put her on the phone?"

  "I promise."

  "Alright, I'll be waiting for that call. And Jesse…?"


  "Thank you, son, for staying with her. Tell her we love her and are praying for her, son."

  "You bet. Now try not to worry."

  "That's a hard thing not to. I'll try."

  "Good, talk to you soon."

  "Okay son. Goodbye."

  His voice had been strained there at the end and he knew that he had just worried her father sick. But if they knew everything they would be up here and there it would be worse. He couldn't possibly explain it all over the phone to them, and fi they came, they'd have nowhere to stay. They couldn't even stay in Melanie's apartment.

  Jesse sat there thinking about the time he came up with her folks to see her. He'd been overly quiet, taking in her surroundings and her expression of pride in them. This was her world here, and although he had wanted to be a part of her life, he had resigned himself to being her friend. Now his heart ached for her. Because her world was crumbling around her. The apartment, the job, the whole thing here, was a nightmare for her.

  Well, come what may, I'll help her all I can. I'll even give her a divorce, if she wants one later!


  "We didn't find it!" he declared as he came up behind her once more, raising her hair and kissing her neck. Her perfume was so nice, he loved smelling her.

  "You didn't?" came the husky drawl as she leaned her head to the side so he could continue kissing her there.

  "We tore the place apart, it wasn't there," he murmured.

  "Well this sure complicates things. Maybe she has it on her."

  "I don't know. She wasn't home, so we took the opportunity to ransack her apartment. And we didn't find it. Norma and I both looked for it. We had to tear the place up looking. I'm not sure what to do. She hasn't been in her apartment in a few days." He sighed heavily and kissed her neck.

  "We've got to have it. I can't administer the last drug to her until we have it."

  "I know. I'm sorry. I mean we literally tore the place up baby. And no card."

  "It's okay, I want you to search her car. And I'll have to find her."

  "How's the baby thing coming along?"

  "Wonderful. She's in a ward right now with labor pains, this is very good timing."

  "Norma will be pleased too."

  "According to Frankie, the money is in an account in her home town bank."

  "Oh, good grief. You mean we have to drive all the way down there to get it?"

  "Yeah. Another snag, but still doable. Do you know where Lone Oak is?

  "No, I don't. How far is that?"

  "Seventy miles, due south."

  She turned around, and threw her arms around his neck and kissed him for all she was worth. "I knew there would be snags. I'm not worried. All we have to do is have some patience."

  "Yeah, but once Norma gets that baby, we may never finish this."

  "I can keep that baby until she does. Patricia's folks will keep it for me. No problem there. Norma will have to do her part for us, or she won't get the baby."

  "I hope you aren't thinking of keeping it yourself."

  "No darling. But I can arrange things so everyone is happy about the baby."

  His frown never left his face, "You aren't planning on doing away with Norma, are you?"

  "Not as long as she sticks with us until this is finished."

  "Well, yeah…but…"

  She came closer and undid her blouse, giving him an eye full, then she unbuttoned his shirt, and spread it away from him. His hands came behind her and undid her bra so that when they were chest to chest and he could feel the imprint of her breasts on him. He sighed loudly. Her lips captured one of his hard nipples and she teased it over and over as he jerked against her, letting her know he was ready for her.

  Her hand dropped to his pants and felt the hard bulge there. "Now," she took the nipple between her teeth and bit lightly. "You're either with me all the way, or not at all. Which is it?"

  He sighed with pleasure, "You know the answer to that."

  "Good, because I wouldn't want to think there was any playing around with Norma. You sounded a bit concerned for her."

  "There isn't. She's nothing to me…I just don't like killing." He sighed when her hand grabbed him and squeezed. She certainly knew how to manipulate him.

  "Then there's no problem. But you do realize that sacrifices have to be made."

  "Yeah, I know…" He lost breath when she unzipped his pants and dug her hands into his hard erection.

  He bolted, his eyes softening on her hard foreplay.

  He was lost for the moment. Speechless as she manipulated him into a hot frenzy.

  "You know," he hesitated to say as her lips took him in now. He sighed aloud his instant satisfaction. "I'm surprised Norma doesn't want a cut of the money."

  She looked up, taking her pouting lips from him, her lashes raising, "I told her all she got was the baby with no strings attached. Don't worry, she's getting what she wants out of this deal. She'll be happy. And we will be too…."

  "Clever lady. And I guess you're right, she's getting something out of the deal." He sighed as her lips continued to tease him. He could no longer talk, his excitement growing by the minute.<
br />
  She purred, as she knelt on the floor and gave him a blow job that had him squirming for more. They didn't make it to the other room this time, he shoved things off her desk, laid her on top, shimmied her tight skirt all the way to her waist and entered her, finding it easy to push aside her beautiful red thong .Unable to resist it, he jerked it off her and stuck it under his nose, it was wet, and smelled like her sex. He inhaled it, then drove himself hard within her. She moaned and soon they both exploded with rapture.

  Kissing for long lingering moments, he picked her up and carried her to the couch in the other room. Stripping her naked as they went, they left a trail of clothes behind them.

  For over an hour there was nothing but heavy panting and sounds of making love between them, both unable to satiate their desires. They both had an insatiable sex drive enabling them to orgasm multiple times.

  "You've got the stamina of a horse," She chuckled.

  "Have you seen the size of a horse?" He asked with another chuckle.

  She glanced at his manhood, "They are comparable."

  He grinned.

  "You're a terrific lover," she murmured. "But then you know that, don't you?"

  "Can't blame a man for being confident, now can you?" He smiled, then lit a cigarette.

  "I thought you were going to quit smoking," She asked.

  "I tried, but this is making me nervous. I mean, I'm going to be a real criminal before long." He told her. "Funny, but the poison didn’t bother me a bit. I guess because I didn't see her in any pain or dying."

  "You said Melanie was not home. Where was she?"

  "I don't know…." He muttered, kissing her nipples, then laving them with his tongue. She moaned the exquisite pleasure he created in her.

  "Did you give her all the poison?"

  "Several times, like you said."

  "Well, she'll die under mysterious circumstances after I inject her with the last of it. Wish I had her in a hospital it would be easier as a patient."

  He looked at her, "Are we sticking around to make sure?"

  "We'll have to. She could put all of this together somehow and figure it out. Besides, we need Norma's ID on her when she does die, so they'll think it's her. Norma wants to continue to live and raise the child. So, when Melanie dies, we'll put Norma's ID on her. It's perfect. Meanwhile, we'll be long gone. I've got to get our airline tickets, I'll put them under a fake name I've used before at the other hospital. Diana Vegas. As soon as we make sure little miss innocent is no longer alive, we'll fly out and no one will be the wiser. When she gets the final injection, I'll get her driver's license out of her purse and that's about all we'll need."

  He sat up now and stared at the floor. "It sounds almost too easy."

  "Well," she craned her head and rolled her eyes. "I hate giving Norma all the credit, but if she didn't look so much like her, this wouldn't be that easy. And if Patricia the little gal that is giving up her baby wasn't around and due right now, Norma wouldn't get a baby at all. We'd have to dispose of her too."

  "You always make things easier. But I hate the thought of killing anyone. We get caught, we are toast."

  "That's why someone has to think it all out, babe." She ruffled his hair and got up. "I've spent a lot of time thinking out every scenario, so we won't get caught. You wouldn't believe the amount of research that went into finding Melanie. How many applicants I had, and how I had to look up their pictures, and backgrounds. I wasn't looking for a look alike when I began not really, but when I found her, I couldn't believe my luck. I mean, it's a one in a million chance. Too easy to pass up. Finally, I had a computer hacker go into each applicant's accounts to see if it would be worth it. I never dreamed this Melanie would end up with that much money. I mean, she lives in the Beachcomber Apartments, for goodness sake. And I did all of it quickly. When I saw her picture, I didn't dream we had a winner. I mean, yeah, she looked like Norma, but the money was what cinched it for us. Who would have thought it."

  "She lives on a budget. Go figure. I guess you are right. You did some great research. And I'll have to show you later just how much I appreciate your thinking this thing through."

  "By now she should be feeling the effects of the poison. She should have major cramping. I look for her to call in any day now, sicker than a dog. And of course, I will have to fire her as she is temporary right now,and her being absent is a no-no. She knows that and we won't need her, so the hospital will stay out of it."

  "You are a clever lady." He kissed her lips again. She sighed.

  She started putting her clothes back on.

  "Do you have to get dressed so soon?" He asked with disappointment.

  She stared at him, "What else do you have in mind?" She smiled sexily at him, pushing her blonde hair behind her shoulders and posing provocatively for him as she was putting on her red thong.

  "God, you are so beautiful." He murmured staring at her. "I thought I'd kiss you…. there…" He intimated as his eyes flew to the red thong she'd just put back on then she slipped on her heels knowing a provocative pose would stir his libido. "Don't want my lady going away without being totally satisfied. I need to smell and taste you. You know what a turn that is for me."

  "You're so decadent." Desire warmed her, "Seriously?"

  "Why not?" He reached his hand out to her and pulled her unresisting body back to him, his mouth sinking against the red material, as his tongue shot out to assuage the ache within her. He moved the tiny piece of thong so he could taste her. She practically melted into his arms. Her head fell back, cascading a long line of curls down her back. The woman reeked pure sex, her beauty staring him in the face.

  "This is what I'd hoped for, tonight." She moaned softly in his ear. "How did you know?"

  "I know you, baby." He smiled against her soft flesh. "I know you like how I handle you. And I enjoy handling you."

  She had her heels on and her red thong had somehow disappeared, but he quickly tossed them aside as he sat her on his face and began to lick and taste her. She spread her legs wide and he growled, "You are so damned beautiful there. I can't wait to sink my lips around your hot little secret."

  "Secret?" She cooed. "Not to you, it isn't."

  "I wish I could take a picture at how beautiful you are there. To show you. It's remarkable. And the taste makes me hungry for you. I'm addicted you know? You've got the sweetest damn smell about you."

  She pushed out her breasts boldly, "and I'm your dinner?"

  "You know you are." He growled again and his mouth moved to prove it.

  "Is this…. worth what we are doing?" She asked him with a soft moan.

  He glanced up for a second, "This is worth everything." He grinned.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  The room was in disarray but the police managed to step around some of it. The Sarge moved around the apartment, hopping over things, and trying not to move anything. The kitchen was destroyed, as silverware was all over the floor, and bowls were hanging out of the cabinets.

  The way the Sarge danced around all of this was like a amateur dance routine. It was a comical gesture on his part, but Jesse was just too exhausted to appreciate the performance.

  The fingerprint experts were already working on the place. A couple of regular investigators were going over the entire apartment with a fine-tooth comb.

  Jesse watched them with interest. He had no idea how much they could find. They bagged things in little Ziplocs and it was obvious this time that the ones doing all this were not being too careful at this stage.

  "Looks like they are getting ready to run. They were in a hurry here."

  "Hey, found a hair. It's short, and dark. She's a blonde, right, Sarge?"

  "Yes, she is."

  "And Jesse is brown haired and longer." He nodded toward Jesse.

  "Is it big enough to get a DNA from?" The Sarge asked.

  "Maybe. We'll sure try. Got another one, longer brown hair, like a woman's it kind of curly."


  "Yes sir." Jesse answered.

  "We got some prints, Sarge," one of them spoke up. "Looks like two sets of prints, one may be a woman."

  "Are you sure?"

  "No, we won't be able to tell for sure until we test it further."

  "Good. I want them analyzed as soon as possible. These people, whoever they are will want her dead now. You realize that, don't you?" He asked Jesse.

  "Yeah, I realize it. How can we stop it?" Jesse asked.

  "I got an idea, but it might take some time, since she's in the hospital. Does anyone know where she is?" The Sarge asked.

  "No, the guy down the hall stopped by, I just told him she was out and about."

  "Good. That would be the Dex character, right?"

  "Yeah, that's right. Oh, I did tell one of the nurses she works for, that's taking her shifts for her. Neely." Jesse told him.

  The Sarge frowned but nodded, "I'll need her full name."

  "I'll get it for you, it's in her phone book."

  "Good, I need to look that over anyway."

  "Is this Neely under suspicion too?" Jesse asked with a slight frown.

  "No, but I want to know anyone that knows where she is. Will she tell anyone else?"

  "I asked her not to." Jesse told him.

  "Alright, we'll see." The Sarge nodded. "This sure is a mess."

  "Yeah, I'll start cleaning it up, when you guys are through. I didn't want to mess with anything though until you were through looking it over. And I want to get back to the hospital too."

  "We're going to interview Mr. Cooper tomorrow morning. He doesn't know it yet, so don't say a word if you see him."

  "I won't."

  "You don't like him too much, do you?" The Sarge asked him.

  "No, he works on women a bit too quickly if you ask me." Jesse told him.

  "What do you mean, works on them?"

  Jesse bowed his head, "He hasn't known Melanie over a month and he already wanted sex with her."

  "Yeah, I'd say that's pretty fast work too." The Sarge nodded. "I guess I wouldn't like him either, if I was in love with the girl."


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