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No Apologies (Bomar Boys Book 2)

Page 3

by Jess Bryant

  If he cut Decker and Chrissy out of his life, he didn’t have to face the horrors that they’d been responsible for. If he didn’t get involved in the dirty side of the family business he didn’t have to admit that his family was just as bad as the rumors said. If he could accept that he was damaged goods, fucked up beyond all repair, then he didn’t have to care what anyone else thought of him.

  He’d decided a long time ago that his life was a hell of a lot happier, and easier, if he thought of himself simply as Colt. When he let the Bomar shit go, it put him in a much better mood. He even managed to smile, laugh and enjoy himself most days, as long as he didn’t touch the dark, evil parts of the Bomar world then the dark, evil parts of himself stayed buried too.

  But tonight he wasn’t just going to touch it, he was going to immerse himself in everything that was wrong with his family, violence and alcohol and dirty money, and it was impossible to separate himself from them when he was beating a man half to death with his fists.

  “Dude, everyone’s all wound up about this fight tonight. You ready for it?”

  Colt shot his cousin a smirk, “Have I ever not been ready for a fight?”

  “Touché.” Bentley kicked back at the front desk, his feet up and his hands behind his head. “I told Link to put my money on you so it’s almost like you’re payin’ me for being here.”

  He looked so damn much like Cash when he grinned like that, it was disturbing. Maybe he should have thought Bentley looked like him. God knew he’d always been more apt to smile than Cash had ever been, but lately that knowing, near glowing look on his twin’s face had put his own good moods to shame. That was how Bentley looked right at that moment, like a kid in a candy shop, and that was enough to worry him about leaving his cousin alone in the shop.

  “I’m not paying you shit.” He repeated for at least the fifth time, “And don’t mess with the equipment.”

  “Oh, come on, C.”

  “Don’t mess with the equipment, Bent.” He repeated seriously when his cousin only chuckled, “There’s nobody on the book but you might get a walk-in or two. Just schedule them and send them on their way. No funny business.”

  Bentley held his hands up, a faux innocent look on his face that would have been comical if they weren’t talking about Colt’s livelihood. He’d offered, more than once, to take his cousin under his wing and teach him the skills to become an artist but Bentley always refused. God forbid his brothers got wind of him wanting to make money in a legal way.

  “Funny business?”

  “Shut up. Just don’t touch any of the equipment. You’re not licensed to use it.”

  “Don’t need a license to use it on myself.”

  “Actually, you do.” Colt fought a smile, “And if you put so much as one crooked line on your skin, I’ll kill you myself.”

  “It’s my skin!” Bentley laughed.

  “Yeah, but it’s my shop and crooked lines makes me look bad.” He knocked his cousin’s feet off the counter, “Just answer the phone if it rings, schedule any walk-ins and stay out of my ink.”

  “Sir, yes sir.”

  “I’m not fucking around Bent. Don’t make me…” His cell phone started to ring and he pulled it out of his pocket, saw the name on the screen and sighed, “Hold on.”

  Bentley ignored him, which was standard, so he turned and walked away. He’d been expecting this call all evening. It was a twin thing. Cash always knew his moods, knew when he was on the verge of crossing the line. Even from a different state, not having seen or talked to him since this morning, having no knowledge of Lincoln’s visit or even the deal Colt had made to fight for his cousin, Cash was calling to check on him.

  “Well if it isn’t the man in black...” He picked up on the fourth ring with his usual joke, “Miss me already?”

  Cash scoffed, “Like a hole in the head.”

  “Put Jem on then, I bet she’s missing me. I know I’m missing my favorite feisty redhead. I’m not sure I’ll be able to sleep tonight without her here. I’ve gotten used to the sound of her voice lulling me to sleep through the walls of the apartment.”

  His brother growled and he fought another laugh. It was too damn easy. Teasing Cash about Jemma, flirting with Jemma, all of it was designed for the express purpose of driving his twin crazy. In all honesty, he thought of the girl like a sister, he always had, but getting a rise out of Cash was too much fun to pass up.

  “You’re courtin’ a gruesome death bro.”

  Colt laughed, “Always.”

  Jemma’s sweet voice filtered through the line, “Stop threatening your brother and hand me the phone. You shouldn’t be talking while you’re driving.”

  There was a shuffle on the other end and he smirked as he listened in. He could still hear Cash complaining about him hitting on his girl. He could also hear Jemma calmly and rationally explaining for the hundredth time that Colt only did it because Cash rose to the bait each and every time. She understood them so well.

  “Colt?” She came on the line a second later.

  “The one and only. How ya feelin’ sweetheart?”

  “Not great but I feel terrible complaining about the miracle of life and all.”

  “If you’re gonna barf your guts up I’ll admit it’s gotta be more rewarding than a hangover.”

  “Yeah, or being sick, at least this way I know why I feel like crap and that it will pass.”

  “True.” He scratched his head when she was quiet for a long moment, “Okay Jem, now’s the time where you tell me why you’re really calling. It wasn’t just to check in I know because otherwise Cash wouldn’t have let me talk to you. What’s up?”

  “Well, I was going to ask a favor but I was hoping to do some small talk first.” She sighed and he could perfectly envision her smiling at his brother on the other end of the phone, “I was going to sweet talk you with promises to name your nephew after you but I should have known you’d get straight to the point.”

  “Woah, hey, we can small talk all night if it gets me a namesake.” He shot a look at Bentley when the landline rang.

  His cousin sat upright like a shot and Colt pretended to be busy arranging his stuff on his tray as he kept an eye on him. Bentley answered the phone on the second ring in a professional tone of voice Colt hadn’t been aware he had. Huh, he hadn’t been expecting that or the friendly way Bentley chatted to whoever was on the other end.

  Jemma’s voice pulled him back to his own phone call, “Sorry, too late.”

  “Damn, I still got time to change your mind before baby B joins the world I guess.” He held the phone between his ear and shoulder as he locked up his office, “So, what’s this favor you need? Must be good to have you throwing around naming rights.”

  “Yeah, well…”

  He paused, his playful mood slipping away as Jemma hedged. He’d assumed it was something small like checking her mail while she was away. He’d been teasing about it being a big deal. But if it had her hesitating, he knew it must be something he wouldn’t want to do.


  “I need you to go and check on Skylar.”

  All of the air rushed out of his lungs at the mention of the pretty little blonde he hadn’t seen all day. He bit the inside of his cheek to keep from jumping on the opportunity. Yes, of course he would go and check on her. It would give him an excuse to see her, to be near her. But he knew better than to leap on something when it seemed too good to be true and that’s exactly what this was.

  Skylar didn’t want to see him. He knew that. She’d been avoiding him for weeks now. Ever since she’d reached out to him on a night when he was hurting and he’d lashed out at her for it. He’d been too close to the edge that night, all of his demons ripping at his good intentions. Then she’d showed up like a bright spot in the darkness and he’d known that if he let her in, let her comfort him, that he would do the thing he’d been trying not to do for months. He would cross the line and destroy their friendship.

  As it turne
d out, he’d done that anyway. When he’d snapped at her that he didn’t want her around, she’d taken him at his word and disappeared from his life. Well, she couldn’t just disappear. They lived next door to each other. They worked next door to each other. Her best friend was marrying his brother. Their lives were intertwined whether she liked it or not but she’d made it clear she did not like it recently.

  She didn’t come by just to hang out and talk anymore. They didn’t have lunch together anymore. She didn’t pop in and out of the shop when she had a break between clients anymore. She only saw him when it was absolutely necessary these days and he had a feeling she wouldn’t appreciate it if he showed up on her doorstep unannounced.

  “Colt? Did you hear me?”

  He cleared his throat when he heard Jemma say his name. He’d zoned out, he realized. That was how damn distracting Skylar was to him. He couldn’t even get through a phone conversation after the mere mention of her name.

  “Uh, yeah, look Jem, I don’t think…”

  “Don’t say you can’t do it.” Jemma cut him off with a huff, “I wouldn’t be asking if it was just a social call. She’s sick, Colt.”

  He frowned, “What do you mean sick?”

  “She says its food poisoning. I don’t know. She’s been sick all day and I’ve been checking on her but she’s all alone at the apartment tonight and I’m worried.”

  He didn’t like the sound of that and he had headed towards the door before she even finished speaking. Skylar was sick and alone? He hated that. He wanted to go storming over there and demand she let him in, that she let him help her in any way he could, but he didn’t have that right.

  “I’m sure she’s fine.”

  “You’re probably right but I haven’t been able to reach her in a few hours and I know her. She hates doctors. She could be dying and she wouldn’t tell a soul just to avoid going to the hospital. Will you please go and check on her for me? I know it’s asking a lot. I know you’re at work. But please do this for me.”

  He rubbed his forehead as his mood darkened again just that fast and easily. Skylar was sick and alone and she wouldn’t have asked anyone for help even if she needed it. He knew her well enough to know that was true.

  She’d been sick when they were all kids, really sick, like extended stays in the hospital sick. He’d seen the scar that ran across her chest from the surgery on her heart and his gut clenched tight at the mere thought of the pain she’d dealt with. He didn’t like the idea of her hurting at all.

  “Bent?” He mouthed the words while he put a hand over the receiver, “I’m heading out now.”

  His cousin gave him a thumbs up but didn’t say a word. For that much he was grateful. The last thing he needed was to explain to Cash or Jemma why Bentley was in the shop, ready to cover for him since he needed to leave. He didn’t want to have to lie to them and he couldn’t get into the Lincoln situation now, or ever.

  He pushed out onto the street and uncovered the receiver, “When did you hear from her last?”

  Jemma sighed, “A couple of hours ago. I had to hang up because she got sick while we were talking. I’ve tried her a few times since but it just goes to voicemail.”

  “Maybe she’s sleeping it off or her phone went dead. You know how she is with her phone. If it’s not lost, she forgot to plug it in.” He didn’t know if he was trying to convince Jemma, or himself.

  “Maybe, but I need to know.”

  He hedged even as he unlocked his truck and crawled inside, “Jem, there’s gotta be somebody else that could check on her. You know she’s not gonna want to see me. Can’t you call her boyfriend or something?”

  Just saying the words felt like acid on his tongue. Skylar’s boyfriend. Trey. He’d spent half an hour with the guy earlier in the day and he’d never mentioned a word about Skylar being sick. But why would he? It wasn’t as if Colt had any right to that information.

  “No. I can’t. She gave me strict orders not to talk to Trey.”

  “What? Why?”

  “Girl code. I can’t tell you that. The point is, she doesn’t want Trey there. If she did, he’d be there now and I wouldn’t be calling you.”

  She didn’t want Trey there. Some sick, twisted part of him enjoyed hearing that. Skylar hadn’t called the other man to come and care for her, didn’t want him there and even knowing that was probably just because she was puking her guts up, he liked that she wasn’t with someone else.

  “Billie’s working and can’t get away.” Jemma huffed, “And before you ask, I can’t call Skylar’s brother either. He’s out of town. I’m calling you because you’re my only option but also because I know you care about her, so do me this favor and go check on her so I can sleep tonight.”

  She made it sound so simple but he knew better. He was the last person on earth Skylar would want to see right now. But Jemma was right about one thing, he did care about Skylar so he couldn’t say no. He wouldn’t say no.

  He turned his truck at the next street and headed towards the apartment complex where they all lived, “She’s probably going to yell at me.”

  “Probably.” Jemma snickered. “You’re a big boy though so I figure you can handle it.”

  “I’m throwing you under the bus when she asks why I’m there.”

  “I’d expect nothing less.”

  That tremor of worry that had begun to thrum through him at the mention of Skylar being sick made his hands shaky as he shifted, “What if she doesn’t come to the door? You want me to break it in to make sure she’s okay? Because if I kick it in and she’s only taking a shower or something, I’m not paying to replace it.”

  “Way to think worst case.” Jenna snorted, “My keys are in Cash’s room. Take them and let yourself in if she doesn’t answer.”


  “Stop arguing and go check on her, Colt! I’m serious. I won’t be able to rest until I know she’s okay.”

  “Damn it bro, stop being a little bitch and go check on Skylar. It won’t take you ten minutes if you stop whining and just do it.” Cash’s voice came through the line, muffled but clear. “Jem’s not supposed to be stressing. It’s bad for the baby, remember?”

  “Yeah, I remember.” He sighed with defeat, “I’m already headed that way.”

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  “Call after you talk to her, or have her call me.” Jemma seemed to relax a little.

  “Yeah, okay, I’m going now.” He sighed as he maneuvered the dark streets of their small hometown.

  “Seriously, thank you Colt. Love you.”

  “Yeah, yeah, I’ll call you back.”

  He hung up before Jemma could say anything else. He’d never been comfortable with the L word and as far as he was concerned Jemma used it way too easily. She used it freely with Cash but she’d caught him off-guard the first time she said it to him. Since she kept doing it he figured he’d hidden his gut instinct to recoil but he didn’t think she missed that he never said it back.

  With that dark thought twisting inside of him, he parked in the lot outside their building and killed the engine on his truck. He shot the unit on the far end a glance but he wasn’t sure what he was looking for. The door was shut and another glance around confirmed Skylar’s car was parked out front.

  She was home, just as Jemma had said she was. That explained why he hadn’t been able to catch a single glimpse of her outside the shop today. Usually he at least got the chance to see her walking from her car to the salon she owned right next to his space. The fact that he hadn’t seen her go bouncing by once today had made him wonder where she was, if she’d taken the day off or if she’d just gotten better at avoiding him.

  With one last glance at her door, he marched to his own apartment to retrieve Jemma’s keys. He was only going to knock on Skylar’s door and say he was checking on her as a favor to her friend if she answered. He didn’t let himself think about what he would have to do if she didn’t.

bsp; He headed for the other end of the building with that nervous energy beating at his insides. She was fine. She had to be fine. If she wasn’t and he somehow hadn’t known… no, he couldn’t think like that. She was fine, sick and probably sleeping it off but fine.

  Colt banged on the door with his fist and then listened for the sound of movement on the other side. Nothing. It was completely silent. He knocked again, louder and longer, and waited impatiently for a response that never came.


  His hands shook slightly as he forced the key into the lock. She was fine. He repeated that mantra to himself as he unlocked the door and pushed it open. She had to be fine, right? She was young and healthy, at least as far as he knew. Food poisoning sucked but it wasn’t something that would kill her, right? Damn it, he hated that he didn’t know the answers to those questions, didn’t know if her heart condition was something that could make her sick or not.

  Jesus, how had he never thought to wonder and worry about her heart failing her?

  He put a lot of time and energy into thinking about her and most of those thoughts centered on how best to protect her. How to keep her safe. Mostly from him but also from the world at large. He couldn’t believe he’d missed thinking about a threat to her wellbeing like her health.

  He pushed himself into the apartment, trying to listen over the sound of his own racing heart. The place was dark, not a single lamp or light on inside. He peered around quickly to make sure she wasn’t on the couch and then headed down the hallway towards her bedroom.

  The door was open but he paused before entering her room. He knew which one was hers because he’d helped Jemma move her things into the other one not all that long ago. But he’d never been inside Skylar’s personal space before and when he’d imagined it, rushing in to make sure she was breathing hadn’t been part of the fantasy.

  He swallowed hard and stepped into the dark room.

  The first thing he noticed was the smell. Skylar’s perfume clung to the room. That scent of black orchids made him instantly hard even as he told his cock that now wasn’t the time, that it would actually never be a good time for that reaction.


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