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Bringing Home Danny

Page 16

by M. A. Blisher

Amy pushed out a big sigh, and said, “Daniel, I don't drink that much. But if it makes you feel any better, I won't drink around you anymore.”

  “ You can't stop, you're an alcoholic,” Danny said, with disdain.

  “ Stop it, that's not true! You're just being spiteful. I may not have been the best mother, but I wasn't the worst either.”

  Danny stared at her in disbelief. “Whatever,” he scoffed.

  “ What did I do that was so bad?”

  “ If you weren't so drunk you'd remember.” He wasn't trying to be mean, he just wanted her to leave him alone, and to stop asking questions she didn't want the answers to.

  “ That’s it, we've talked enough. Stan is waiting for us in the car.”

  “ Are you dense? I'm not going with you, and I'm sure as hell not going anywhere with Stan!”

  Amy stood up. “He's right, you know. You don't have a choice. You're not staying in New York with these men. If you don't come willingly, we're calling the police.”

  Danny was distraught. He was no longer afraid of his mother, but if they called the police he wasn't sure what Stan was capable of. Mitch caught the desperation in Danny's eyes, and was fearful of what he might do. He then glanced across the room at the despair in the faces of the men he loved. He made his decision.

  “ Danny, you don't have to go anywhere you don't want to.”

  An inexplicable wave of relief and gratitude swept through Danny at those simple words.

  Amy stood up. She was not giving up her son without a fight - not this time. “I'm not exactly sure what interest you have in my boy, but he's my child, and he's coming home with me.”

  Unwilling to hold his tongue any longer, TJ finally spoke up. “Yeah? How the hell do you think you're going to make him?”

  “ TJ, stay out of this,” Mitch cautioned.

  “ But...”

  Antonio put a hand on TJ's knee to still his agitation. “Let us handle this.”

  “ No, we'll let the cops handle it,” Amy snapped. She was irritated at how quickly her demands were being dismissed.

  “ Mom, please, don't do this,” Danny begged.

  Empowered by Danny's quiet pleading, Amy pressed on. “I'm your mother, and I can't let you stay here. How do I know you're safe?”

  “ This is the safest place I've ever been.” Danny hadn't realized how strongly he felt it until the words tumbled out.

  “ What do you mean by that? You are always telling lies!”

  “ J-just go!” Danny began choking on his words. “G-go if I'm s-so bad.”

  “ I'm calling the police,” she threatened coldly.

  “ Call them if you must, but you're going to have to wait for them outside. It's clear Danny doesn't want to leave with you. He's staying here.” Mitch led her out the door, and Danny started to shake visibly.

  “ Danny, are you okay?” TJ asked, as he went over to sit next to him.

  “ She'll do it you know. She hates it when she doesn't get her way.”

  "Let her,” TJ said with strained confidence. "What are they going to do?"

  When Mitch walked back into the room, Danny's fears for himself left. He was ashamed of his earlier panic. He knew there was no reason to be afraid his mother or Stan anymore, but he didn't want them interfering and making his life difficult. He could take care of himself, and he wasn't going to let them cause trouble for the men who took him in. He was afraid about what they might say to the police. Danny was ashamed of his mother, and the position he had put them in. He got up and walked towards Mitch, “This is stupid,” he said. “I'll go with them.”

  “ What? No!” TJ shouted, running over to him.

  “ Honey, you don't have go anywhere. We want you here,” Antonio insisted.

  “ What are you talking about, Danny?” Mitch asked in exasperation.

  “ You don't need police involvement. I'll be okay.”

  “ I'm not worried about the police.”

  Danny gave a shaky smile of appreciation. “Sorry for being such a pain in the ass. I'm gonna go before they get here.”

  “ Sweetheart, is there something you're not telling us? Are you in any trouble with the law?” Antonio asked in concern.

  “ No,” Danny said a little defensively. "It's just, if I'm only sixteen, can't they make me leave?"

  “ Tell me the truth,” Mitch questioned, “do you want to stay here?”

  Danny felt his tears rising again, and didn't trust his voice. Unable to make eye contact he examined his blurry feet, and nodded his head.

  “ Then stay put, and don't worry. If the police come we'll figure it out. Look at me, Danny."

  Danny slowly lifted his head.

  "No one is going to make you go anywhere you don't feel safe. I won't let them.”

  Not used to things working out for him, Danny normally suppressed any fluttering optimism. But he took strength in the force of Mitch's kindness, and cautiously began to hope.

  Chapter Four

  Danny is Tormented During the Night and TJ will ask for a Spanking

  After the police came, Danny was pressured to answer a lot of uncomfortable questions. With Mitch's words ringing in his head to "tell the truth, and everything will be okay , " he gave brief but honest statements. Danny had to restrain his anger when he was forced to defend the men against his mother's accusations that he was being abused. No matter how embarrassing it was to admit his backside was swatted because he was out of control, he could not risk the chance of Mitch being charged with assault. Luckily, neutral eyewitnesses were able to collaborate their versions of events. Of course, this made the situation all the more embarrassing. But, in the end, the police deduced he was safe, and there by choice.

  The police told his mother they would not support the idea of physically forcing an uncooraportive teen onto an airplane. Amy was outraged to learn they would not provide an escort. She was grudgingly pacified when the police promised her that a caseworker would be assigned to periodically check on him. They also persuaded Danny to give his mother an opportunity to say goodbye to further placate her.

  The day left in a blur. Danny could not remember what his mother's last words to him were. He only remembered a weight lifting off his shoulders, followed by a strange, familiar ache of loneliness as he watched his mother drive off with Stan.


  Mitch began his lecture first thing the next morning. He wasted no time making sure Danny was aware that he would not to be given free range while staying in New York. There would be restrictions and boundaries he would have to adhere to.

  “ You may stay here as long as you'd like under certain conditions.”

  Danny peered up from under lowered lashes.

  “ For starters, the rules and expectations that have been in place will continue until you are eighteen. We expect to know where you are and what you are doing at all times. There will be no drinking or staying out past nine o'clock without prior permission or appropriate supervision.”

  Danny nodded hesitantly.

  “ And don't be surprised if permission is not granted.”

  Danny blinked unintentionally showing his dissatisfaction. Until recently he had never had to abide by these types of rules. He wasn't sure if he was capable of sustaining such a suffocating lifestyle.

  Mitch waited for the boy to argue. When Danny made no comment, he continued, “Furthermore, while you are staying here you will be enrolled in school.”

  “ Why do I have to go to school?”

  “ Because we said so.”

  Danny couldn't believe his ears. Why is this man so interested in controlling every asp
ect of my life? One minute Mitch was trying to get rid of him, the next minute he was getting rid of his mother and the cops she sent to bring him home. A week ago Danny was plotting his escape; yesterday he was pleading to stay. Now he wasn't sure what he wanted. All he knew for certain was that by the time the school year began he'd be sixteen and three quarters, so there was no way in hell he was going to be treated like a little kid.

  “ What about my job?” Danny asked, convinced that Mitch hadn't thought this education thing through.

  “ Your job is not a priority. Your education is.”

  “ But I never finished my junior year.”

  “ You’re only sixteen. You can do your junior year over.”

  “ I'm not doing an extra year of school! No way am I going to high school when I'm eighteen." The challenged was made with the knowledge that no one could force him to do anything once he turned that magical age of authority.

  “ While you are here you will be going to school. A high school diploma is too important, and it will not be negotiated.”

  “ Maybe he can get a GED. Then he can take college courses when he turns eighteen,” TJ suggested.

  Danny was not too opposed to the idea. He shrugged, unwilling to show any enthusiasm.

  “ I will make a few phone calls to see what your options are, but be prepared to be in class by the Fall.”

  There was no point in arguing. Danny was exhausted and could barely keep his eyes opened. He needed time to himself to mull over this new information. “Is that all? Can I go now?” he asked , with all the attitude of a surly teenager.

  “ You look tired. We will finish this conversation later,” Mitch said, dismissing him.

  After a quiet dinner, Danny went to bed early, exhausted from the stress. He ignored all of TJ's attempts to discuss the events of the past few days. TJ continued to check on Danny throughout the evening. He eventually found him quietly resting in his new bedroom feigning sleep. No longer a temporary houseguest, Danny was moved out of TJ’s old bedroom, making the guestroom his own. TJ already considered Danny family, and his instincts drew him out of bed in the middle of the night to check on him one last time.

  “ No! No, stop!” Danny cried softly from his pillow.

  “ Hey, Danny, are you all right?”

  A muffled “Please, don't” was TJ's only answer as he stood watching Danny toss under tangled blankets. Slowly approaching the bed, TJ cautiously placed a hand on his sweaty head. Danny jerked away burying his face into the pillow. TJ thought he heard Danny quietly repeat the words “Don't touch me.”

  He shook Danny's shoulders gently to arouse him. “Danny, it's okay, wake up.”

  Danny bolted upright. “NO!”

  TJ stepped back nervously from the startled boy. “Sorry,” he whispered, afraid to spook him more.

  Breathing heavy, Danny stared back at TJ without recognition. TJ hadn't seen Danny this frightened since the night they met.

  “ Hey, take it easy. It's only me, TJ.”

  Danny tried to catch his breath as his mind fought to push back images of his old roommates mingled with distorted memories of Stan.

  “ Danny?”

  “ Yeah?”

  TJ smiled in relief when Danny’s eyes registered who he was. “You okay?”

  "Yeah,” Danny replied in a small voice.

  TJ climbed into bed next to him. Danny felt even more vulnerable. It wasn’t because he was scared to have him in bed. It was because it felt incredibly comforting to have him there. TJ wasn't sure he was doing the right thing until he saw Danny visibly relax.

  “ Move over,” he instructed.

  Danny made room while TJ fixed the blankets. Secure under the covers, Danny rolled over to face the wall. TJ placed an arm over Danny’s shoulder, and Danny’s body reflexively tensed.

  “ Do you want to tell me what you were dreaming about?”

  TJ could feel the negative response of Danny shaking his head no . TJ pulled him in closer. They each took a calming breath. Danny timidly reached out his hand that had been curled against his chest. TJ wrapped his bigger hand around Danny's for support, then, kissed the back of his head. The loving gesture caused a tear to escape down the side of Danny’s face. Burying it back into his pillow, he lay quietly to block out the world. TJ waited patiently for Danny's breathing to even out and his body to become still. Finally seeing the boy at rest, TJ closed his eyes to settle in for the night.

  An hour after dawn, Danny awoke in fright. He pushed frantically against the heavy body that was holding him down. “Get off!” he screamed, jolting TJ awake.

  “ It's only me, baby. I'm not going to hurt you.” Concerned by the fear shaking in Danny's voice, TJ backed up and repeated, "I'm not going to hurt you."

  After clearing his mind of his dream, Danny had a moment of clarity. He was embarrassed by his outburst. “You were on top of me. I couldn't breathe.”

  TJ ran a hand through Danny's hair. “I'm sorry, kid. I didn't mean to frighten you . I fell asleep.”

  “ I'm not scared. You were crushing me,” he lied unconvincingly.

  TJ gave a patronizing yet sympathetic smile . “Sorry.”

  As the early morning sun broke through the blinds, Danny felt even more insecure about his nightmares, and his desire to have TJ near him. “You don't have to stay with me,” he said into his pillow.

  “ I know. I want to.”

  “ Oh,” Danny said, taken aback. “Just don't touch me.”

  He hadn't meant for it to come out sounding as it did. He just didn't want TJ to think he needed to be cuddled like a baby, especially when he was secretly fantasizing about doing more adult-like things. TJ pulled his hand away from Danny and stared at him in a way that made him squirm awkwardly. “Sorry, I.. . ” Danny let the words trail off.

  TJ continued to watch him thoughtfully. “What were you dreaming about?”

  Danny remained quiet.

  “ It might help to talk about it.”

  “ I don't remember,” Danny answere d , with a shrug.

  TJ didn't believe him, but didn't push it. He shook his head and said, “I'll leave you alone if that's what you want.”

  Danny felt empty. Watching TJ leave his bed, he regretted his harsh words. He felt abandoned with the disturbing visions still lingering in his head.

  TJ shut the door gently behind him and went back to his own room. He wearily climbed into bed with Mitch and Antonio.

  “ Hey, babe, where have you been all night?” Antonio asked.

  TJ crawled in to snuggle beside him. “Sleeping with Danny.”

  Antonio opened his arms for TJ to cuddle into while teasingly chiding, “He's too young for you, honey.”

  “ I know. He had a nightmare.”

  “ I'm not surprised with all he has been through lately.”

  “ He was pretty scared. I thin k something happened to him, something he doesn't want to talk about.”

  “ It's possible. He c ertainly reacted strongly to seeing his mother and that boyfriend of hers.”

  “ When he woke from his dream he was shaking and begging to be left alone. He didn't even recognize me at first. Then, this morning he woke up in a panic because I rolled over on him a little.”

  “ Why were you rolling on him?”

  “ I fell asleep with him under my arm.”

  “ Don't you think it's a little early in the morning for this conversation?” Mitch asked, addressing his comment to both Antonio and TJ.

  “ Sorry, Mitch,” TJ answered. “I'm ju
st really worried about Danny."

  “ Why don't you hold your worries and this discussion for later in the day?”

  TJ sat up, still distressed by Danny's reaction to him in bed. He didn't want Mitch to dismiss his concerns so quickly.

  “ How? It's not that easy."

  “ Not now, TJ,” Mitch said, a little more firmly.

  TJ looked pleadingly back towards Antonio for support.

  “ Mitch is r i ght. Losing sleep over it will not change things. We will all be thinking more clearly after we have a little more sleep.”

  “ But...”

  “ That's enough, TJ,” Antonio cautioned. “I promise we will give it our full attention after we have had our morning coffee.” He narrowed his eyes in warning before opening his arms and allowing TJ to nestle back in.

  TJ exhaled deeply. He knew there was no way he would be able to fall back to sleep now.

  “ That had better be the last noise I hear out of you for the next two hours. Unless you want to be spending the remainder of the morning in a corner?” Mitch grumbled irritably.

  He too had been worrying about Danny. But, his concerns extended to his partners, as well. It had not escaped him that TJ had left their bed during the night. Nor was he shocked to learn that he had been with Danny. Mitch required a solid seven hours of sleep to be fully functioning, and he could not sleep soundly knowing there was unrest within his home.


  The discussion later that day did not yield any satisfying results. Danny denied remembering his disturbing dreams despite the fact that they continued for the next three nights. After a week of leaving the master bedroom to join Danny in bed, Mitch and Antonio decided it was time to have another talk with TJ.

  “ Listen, honey," Antonio began, when the three settled into bed, "it's not that we don't trust you, but Danny is at very impressionable age. If you keep going into his room every night, he is not only going to develop a dependency on you, he may also start to confuse your intentions.”

  “ But he can't fall asleep after a nightmare unless I'm there.”


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