Bringing Home Danny

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Bringing Home Danny Page 18

by M. A. Blisher

  “ No, thank you, TJ. I had a big breakfast. I'll have some coffee if there's any.”

  While making Mitch's coffee, TJ became increasingly agitated. Spying Danny sullenly move his lunch around on his plate, he snapped, “What's wrong with it?”

  “ Nothing,” Danny sniped back.

  “ Are you going to eat it or just pick at it?”

  Danny scowled at TJ. “I guess I'm not that hungry.”

  “ I'd like you to have some of it anyways. It might help to bring back your appetite,” Mitch said, taking milk out of the refrigerator. He poured Danny a glass and set it in front of him.

  Danny resented Mitch imposing a meal on him. He bit his tongue, choosing not to push the issue. He grudgingly picked up his glass to take a small sip.

  “ Mmm. Is that TJ's famous mac and cheese? Is there enough left for me?”

  “ Sure, Antonio. No one else is exactly jumping for it.”

  “ No? What do you think, Danny? It's good, isn't it?”

  “ I dunno. I haven't had any.” Danny took a forkful to appease everyone at the table. “It's good,” he agreed.

  “ Well, eat up. You need to put some meat on your bones,” Antonio encouraged.

  Danny nodded. He managed to spend his time avoiding intrusive inspections of his plate by diligently consuming half of its contents.

  “ If everyone is done eating we can adjourn to the office while TJ cleans up,” Mitch said, after washing down the remains of his coffee.

  “ Why do I have to clean up?” TJ griped. It upset him to be left out of the meeting. After all, he was the one who brought Danny home.

  “ Because I said so,” Mitch said sharply, leaving no room for discussion.


  After Danny was led to the office, Antonio pulled out chairs, and motioned for him to sit. While the men methodically imparted their views regarding Danny's place in the household, the bored teen made an effort to stop biting his nails to appear attentive.

  “ Danny, we understand that you are becoming a young adult, and are used to more independence. However, until you turn eighteen, you are to follow the rules we set. You will be expected to accept any decision we make for you,” Mitch continued.

  Danny was annoyed that they felt a need to keep repeating their thoughts on his age, and the limits they were imparting on him. In his opinion, they were far too strict. Besides, he didn't think he would be sticking around that long. This arrangement would be tolerated until he could get a place of his own. On the other hand, he was touched that they were offering him a place for as long as he needed. “I know. We already had this conversation,” he said, with a sulk.

  “ Good. But please don't interrupt.”

  Danny rolled his eyes. He was about to mutter his annoyance when Antonio broke in to say, “You should know we have your best interest at heart.”

  “ We've been a little concerned about your nightmares, and we think it is best if you see someone about it,” Mitch added, cutting to the chase.

  Danny turned suddenly towards Mitch. “What do you mean?”

  “ I've arranged for you to see a counselor at the education center where you will be attending classes for your GED.”

  “ I don't wanna see a counselor,” he said defensively.

  “ Nonetheless, you have an appointment on Monday right after your first class.”

  “ Why do I have to take classes?”

  “ We've already discussed this, as you have pointed out. It's high school or a GED program.”

  “ Fine, I'll take the GED test, but I don't need classes.”

  “ It is not an option." Mitch was determined to take the edge off Danny's defiance.

  "You need to be in school. I will not permit you to take the test unprepared.”

  “ Fine, I'll take the classes, but I am not going to some stupid counselor.”

  “ That's fine. I spoke to the counselor and I can assure you he is not stupid.”

  “ Very funny. I'm still not going. I'm not crazy!” Danny was adamant about his position, and was becoming frustrated that he was not being heard.

  Mitch pinched the bridge of his nose. “No one thinks you're crazy. However, it is obvious you have some things that are troubling you. It won't hurt to talk to a professional about it.”

  “ I'm not troubled, and I don't have emotional problems. I just don't sleep well,” Danny persisted.

  “ Danny, please stop arguing. We already made the decision for you,” Antonio said, hoping to quell his rising temper.

  Danny refused to acknowledge Antonio's plea for quiet acceptance. “Well, unmake it!" he yelled. "Because I am not going to a shrink!”

  “ We've made our decision. You don't have a choice,” Antonio repeated resolutely.

  “ Bullshit!”

  Danny stared defiantly at them.

  Antonio took a calming breath and let Mitch take control of the rest of the conversation. Taking no pity on his snotty little attitude, Mitch swiftly stood up, hauled Danny up from his chair, and swatted his backside hard.

  “ You swear at either of us again and I will wash your mouth out with soap.” Still holding him firmly by the arm, Mitch gave him a stern shake. “Is that clear?”

  Danny quickly reached back to rub the sting from his bottom, and to protect it from further assault. He wanted to curse out his frustration, but wisely decided against it, and nodded his head instead. Realizing Mitch wasn't letting him go, he mumbled, “Yes, sir.”

  “ Good. Now, sit down so we can finish this conversation without the benefit of a cleanser.”

  Danny sat back down, but was not ready to give in. He bravely forged ahead with his protest while making sure to use a more respectful tone. “You can't make me go,” he pouted with his arms crossed.

  “ Oh, I can, and I will. But for your sake, you'd better hope it won't be necessary.”

  “ I don't have anything to talk about,” Danny whined.

  “ I can help with that, because if you don't cooperate with the therapist, I can make sure you'll have plenty of things to complain about. For example, you can spend your following session discussing how difficult it is to sit there with a sore bottom.”

  Mitch had to stifle a laugh at the murderous glare Danny shot him. If Danny was a foot taller and a hundred pounds heavier he may have had cause to worry.

  Antonio gave Mitch a reproachful stare before turning to Danny and explaining, “Listen, honey, we are not trying to make things difficult for you. We are only trying to do what's best. Mitch and I will pay for your classes and your counseling sessions. All we are asking is for you to give it a try.”

  “ You're not asking, you're telling.”

  Antonio ignored Danny's provocation. “Eight sessions, that's all. If you don't like it, you can stop after that. But the classes are nonnegotiable.”

  Danny hated being so ungrateful. It was all just too much too soon. He needed time to think on things. He was not used to people making decisions for him, and he liked to keep his business private. There was no way in hell he was going to share his closely guarded secrets with a therapist.

  Antonio could see Danny softening up, and gave him a moment to gather his thoughts.

  “ What do you say, sweetheart? After your class on Monday, Mitch and I can go with you to meet the counselor.”

  “ No,” Danny sighed. “I can go by myself.”


  Mitch and Antonio left Danny in peace to brood over their last conversation. Needing to clear his head, Mitch decided to go back into the kitchen to make a sandwich before heading out to
the gym. Walking in, he accidentally knocked into TJ and got an earful of his discontent. He had awoken in a particularly ornery mood that morning, and was showing no signs of improvement.

  TJ was an expert at knowing how far to push a reaction without garnering any serious consequences. Unfortunately, today he wasn't able to put on the brakes, especially after watching Mitch take out a plate and pull lunchmeat from the fridge. “What's the matter? The lunch I made wasn't good enough for you? You have to wait 'til I'm done cleaning to come back in and dirty up more dishes?”

  “ TJ, you've been trying to provoke me all day. Is there something on your mind you want to talk about?”

  “ Why didn't you punish me?” TJ blurted out.

  “ What?”

  “ I want a spanking,” he asserted, with a fragile air of determination.

  Mitch quirked an eyebrow. TJ kept his head up to maintain his brave front. When Mitch crossed his arms, TJ slumped into his chair. Mitch sat down then turned TJ's chair around so that he was directly facing him.

  TJ jumped in before Mitch has a chance to question him. “I messed things up. You were right. You warned me and I didn't listen.”

  It was not hard for Mitch to piece together what was preoccupying TJ's thoughts and at the root of his foul mood. “Things with Danny have been a bit difficult. I know you were trying to do the right thing.” Mitch was rehashing in his mind the conversation he recently had with Antonio on that exact subject.

  “ You don't understand. I hate seeing Danny upset. I knew what you were telling me was for the best.” TJ put his head down and admitted, “But I like Danny being dependent on me.”

  “ I see.”

  “ I love him,” TJ confessed. “I know he is just a kid. I would never do anything...” TJ couldn't find the right words.

  “ TJ, I think we have all grown to care about Danny. But you take priority. If it's going to be too hard for you to have him here...”

  “ NO! No, I want him to stay. I can handle it. I mean he is only a kid. I just feel...”

  “ Guilty?”

  “ Ashamed.”

  “ That's part of growing up, TJ. Sometimes it is important to put our own feelings aside for the needs of others.”

  “ I deserve to be punished.”

  “ I don't think that's going to change anything.”

  “ Please, Mitch. It would make me feel better.”

  This wasn't how Mitch liked to do business. If TJ was asking to be spanked, then he probably didn't need it. Mitch didn't like to administer corporal punishment unless he felt it was necessary. He knew it was crucial that he made the right decision.

  TJ peered up at him with pleading eyes. “Please,” he begged.

  “ Okay, TJ. Let's do this upstairs.” Mitch stood up. TJ slowly followed, then fell into his arms. Mitch hoisted him up, and TJ wrapped his arms around Mitch's neck and his legs around his waist. Mitch was surprised by TJ's neediness. He scooped an arm under TJ's backside for support. Then, he put a hand to the back of his boy's head and pressing it to his shoulder. “It's going to be all right, baby,” Mitch promised, as he carried TJ upstairs.

  Mitch wasn't sure how to proceed, but he knew it was his role to give TJ comfort by being decisive and taking charge. He brought TJ into the master bedroom and placed him on the bed.

  “ Take off your clothes.”

  “ All of it, Daddy?” TJ asked, in a soft voice.

  Daddy wasn't a term he used too often. It was mostly reserved for intimate sex talk. But it came out naturally, and Mitch was once again struck by TJ's insecurity.

  “ All of it,” he answered affirmably.

  TJ stripped, and for the first time he could remember, he felt self-conscious being undressed. Mitch took a seat at the edge of the bed, then, he beckoned TJ to lie across his lap.

  “ What did you do to earn this spanking, TJ?”

  “ I didn't listen to you. I went against your wishes.”

  “ What else?”

  “ I was dishonest, and I kissed Danny.”

  Mitch sighed. He had wondered if they were going to have to revisit the kiss. Although Antonio and he had forgiven him, he was certain TJ still felt the issue was unresolved.

  “ Anything else?”

  “ I took advantage of Danny by thinking of my needs first.” TJ almost started to cry at the full weight of that admission.

  Mitch wouldn't let him harbor on those thoughts. TJ was young and immature, but with time, Mitch was confident he would grow into a fine young man. So he ended the interrogation, to begin the first phase of TJ's punishment. He let the first twenty hand spanks rain down on his tight muscular backside without pause. When he finally stopped, TJ was breathing heavy. Mitch knew he could spank hard when he put most of his weight into it. He also knew that TJ's heavy breathing had less to do with the spanking, and more to do with internal anguish. Mitch lifted his knee to deliver another twenty swats to TJ's sit spots. When Mitch focused on his lower thighs, TJ hitched in a deep breath. He tensed up, preventing himself from crying and letting his emotions loose.

  Mitch feared it was going to take too long to get the required response this way.

  He rubbed TJ's gorgeous round mounds as he contemplated his next move. Patting them he said, “Stand up.”

  TJ eased off his lap. He stood up shakily watching Mitch place a pillow at the end on the bed.

  “ Lay over it. Place your butt high in the air,” his Daddy instructed.

  TJ nodded tearfully and said, “Yes, sir.”

  When Mitch slipped his belt through his pant loops, TJ closed his eyes and gritted his teeth in anticipation. It began in a slow constant rhythm. Mitch wasn't hitting hard, but he was hitting steady. He was making quick work with the strap against the raw backside. Then, he stopped to study his boy's reaction. For some reason, TJ was holding off his emotions. Mitch took a break and listened for heavy breathing and quiet hitching. He swung back and whacked him three times hard against the creases between his bottom cheeks and sexy long legs.

  “ Ooowww!” TJ finally howled.

  Mitch saw his partner enter the room, and stopped.

  “ What's going on?” Antonio asked.

  Mitch was confused. They never interrupt each other during discipline sessions. Antonio was worried about the extent of the punishment, and had no idea what TJ did wrong. Mitch rubbed the back of his hand across his mouth and said, “Why don't you let TJ explain?”

  TJ turned his head to face Antonio as he sat down next to him. “I'm sorry, Antonio. I'm so sorry,” he cried.

  Antonio pulled him up into his arms. “Sorry for what, baby?”

  “ I...I...” TJ closed his eyes unable to finish his sentence.

  “ Antonio asked you a question, TJ. You need to answer him.”

  “ I've been a bad boyfriend to you and Mitch. I was also a bad friend to Danny.”

  Antonio waited for Mitch to fill in the blanks. He wondered if something more serious transpired. Mitch shook his head indicating there was no new information to share.

  “ Well, from now on you will have to try harder,” Antonio said, hoping his words satisfied whatever TJ was seeking.

  “ Yes, sir,” he said, trying to be brave.

  “ We still have your punishment to finish,” Mitch reminded TJ. He sat back down on the bed deciding that the more intimate position was preferable, and patted his lap. With an aching heart, TJ repositioned himself over Mitch's knees. Mitch doubled up the belt and paused. Something didn't feel right. He needed to find a way to provide TJ the pardon he was seeking without causing too much damage.

  Antonio took the belt from Mitch's hand, repl
acing it with the heavy hairbrush from off the dresser. Mitch nodded. It would still hurt without running the risk of cutting through his skin.

  “ Every time I spank you, I need you to tell me what you will do differently to avoid being in this position again. Are you ready?”

  “ Yes, sir.”


  “ Oww! I will listen to you and Antonio, and accept that you know best.”


  “ OOO! AHH! I will do what you tell me!” TJ started to cry in earnest.


  “ Ouch!”

  “ More specifically,” Mitch ordered.

  “ I will not lead Danny on. He is just a boy and is easily manipulated.”

  Smack! Smack!

  “ That's right. He is much too vulnerable to be dealing with your teasing.”

  “ I know. I'm sorry,” TJ cried.

  Mitch took a break to inspect his bright red bottom. He caressed a hand over the warm smooth surface causing TJ to shiver with goose bumps. The contrast between Antonio’s thick, dark muscular legs and his younger lover’s slender, tightly compacted swimmer's legs were striking. Mitch was a lucky man. He wanted to take both his men to bed, and enjoy the way they complimented each other, and satisfied him sexually. Spanking TJ’s pert, curvy young bottom could be very arousing. Unfortunately, today he had a job to do. He took his role as disciplinarian very serious.


  “ Anything else?”

  “ I promise never to kiss anyone one but you and Antonio ever again,” TJ blubbered through hot tears and snot.


  Mitch paddled him one last time with the brush and said, “Good boy.”

  TJ felt an overwhelming sense of relief at hearing those words. Without waiting for further instructions he immediately turned over to hug Mitch. Looking up with his bloodshot baby blues for reassurance, he sobbed, "Thank you."

  Mitch pressed TJ's handsome face between his hands and kissed him gently on the lips. He wanted to continue holding him, but that was not how he typically did things during discipline, and TJ needed consistency. Mitch placed him face down on the bed and pulled the covers over him.


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