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Bringing Home Danny

Page 19

by M. A. Blisher

  “ Lay still, TJ. You are to stay in bed for the rest of the day. Use this time to think about how to make better choices in the future.”

  “ Yes, sir. I love you.”

  “ Daddy loves you, too,” Mitch said with a wink.

  Antonio was waiting for Mitch by the door. “We both do,” he added, before the two walked out, closing the door behind them .

  Chapter Five

  Repairing Danny

  TJ bounced like Tigger onto Danny's bed and announced, “It's your birthday today! That means you get seventeen spankings, and a pinch to grow an inch.”

  “ No way! Stay the fuck away from me, Jay!”

  “ Sorry kid, it's a tradition.”

  Danny leaped out of bed and ran down the hall.

  “ Whoa, boy! What's the hurry?” Antonio chuckled, as Danny sped past.

  Mitch blocked him with one out stretched arm and swung him around. “No running in the house,” he chided.

  Danny squeezed himself under Mitch's arm. He slipped away at the same time TJ came sliding to a halt in his socked feet. He came dangerously close to barreling into the big man.

  “ Boys, settle down before something gets broken!”

  “ Sorry, Mitch, but Danny thinks he can get away without his birthday spanking.”

  Danny jumped behind Mitch for cover when TJ made a reach for him.

  “ Man up, Danny, and get what you have coming to you. You can't hide behind Mitch all day.”

  “ You're fuckin crazy if you think I'm gonna, to man up for a spanking.”

  “ Watch your mouth, Danny,” Antonio scolded, hiding his amusement.

  “ Why? Is it doing tricks?” Danny knew he was pushing his luck, but he couldn’t help it. Birthdays came with a long history of disappointments.

  “ It'll be doing tricks with a bar of soap if you're not careful,” Mitch warned.

  TJ used the distraction of Mitch’s reprimand to attempt another grab at him. Danny was too close to Mitch’s heels for TJ to get a good grasp. “Come on, Danny, everyone knows it's bad luck not to get a birthday spanking,” he goaded.

  “ You're NOT spanking me!”

  “ Sorry, it can't be avoided,” TJ retorted, as Mitch stepped aside.

  “ Stop! I'm too old now for spankings!” Danny yelled in vain.

  TJ caught him and bent him over his hip to begin the count.

  “ One.”


  “ Two.”



  “ Three.”


  “ Stooop!”

  “ Danny, it's for your own good,” TJ laughed.

  Danny fought free only to run straight into Antonio, who lifted him up under his arm and continued the spanking. When he got to sixteen, Antonio offered the last spank to Mitch, who readily accepted, before Antonio set him down. Danny covered his backside against the wall and glowered at them.

  “ What's the matter, Danny? Don't you want your pinch to grow an inch?” TJ asked.

  “ It's not funny!” Danny pouted with his chin jutting towards Mitch. “I'm not gonna get spanked anymore,” he protested.

  “ Oh? I'm glad to hear it. I'll look forward to seeing you act more mature and responsible from now on,” Mitch replied dryly.

  Danny rolled his eyes. “Seventeen-year-olds are not children and do not get spanked.”

  “ As long as you can remember to act like an adult, it won't be necessary to treat you like a child,” Antonio interjected.

  Danny was getting frustrated. In his mind that was not a fair deal. Treat him like an adult, and he'd be more inclined to act like one. Besides, he knew he would not be capable of acting like an adult in their eyes for an entire year.

  Since coming to live with them, Danny found himself acting more like a child each day. His therapist called it a natural regression. He had been eavesdropping when he heard him tell that to Mitch and Antonio.


  “ It's textbook to expect some age regression as he becomes more comfortable living with you. He missed out on a typical childhood, so don't be surprised if his behaviors get worse on their way to getting better. It's common to see someone in his situation start to push limits and test boundaries. Be consistent, and don't give up on him,” the therapist encouraged.

  “ We won't," Antonio promised. "Danny is definitely worth the effort."

  "I'm glad to hear it. I also quite agree."

  "What can you tell us about his dreams?" Mitch questioned. "He still gets them periodically, and when he does he's miserable all the next day.”

  “ There is not much you can do until he is ready to talk about them. And, he might not ever be. Some people go their whole lives without disclosing childhood trauma.”

  Antonio’s heart sank. “You think he was traumatized as a child?”

  “ More than likely.”

  “ Well, there has to be something we can do. It really affects his moods when he hasn't had a good night's sleep.”

  “ Aside from medication...”

  “ We don't want to give him medication, especially if he's still growing,” Antonio insisted.

  “ I don't blame you. I'm not a big advocate of medication if it's not needed. But other than that, it's wise to keep the structure in place that you already have. Reduce the amount of stress in his life, and make sure he gets plenty of rest. Adolescents require a lot more sleep than we realize. Don't let him stay in bed too long in the morning so he can fall asleep at night. Make sure he eats healthy and exercises, but not too much before bedtime as that could cause strange dreams and sleeplessness. Limit caffeine and alcohol, and watch out for any experimentation with illicit drugs.”

  Basically don't give me room to breathe or have any fun , Danny thought miserably.

  Antonio took time to absorb the information. “What do we do if he's having one of those really bad dreams? Should we wake him up?” he asked.

  “ That depends. If he doesn't recognize or respond to you, make sure he's safe and coax him back to sleep. If he responds and he can remember the nightmare, reassure him and listen briefly to whatever is on his mind. It won't be beneficial to keep him focused too long on bad thoughts if you expect him to fall back to sleep. Comfort him, and encourage him to talk about it in the morning.”

  “ He won't talk about it at all,” Antonio said flatly.

  “ Don't get discouraged, he might with more time. However, not everybody needs to rehash bad experiences to heal from them. Continue to provide him positive experiences. Help him to build new and happy memories.”

  “ We're trying, but it's not always easy," Antonio confessed.

  “ No one expects you to be perfect. Do the best you can. What about the flashback you described? Any more since then?”

  “ Not that we are aware of. Should we be looking for anything?” Mitch questioned.

  “ Not necessarily. It may have very well been a onetime occurrence. It was probably triggered by stress and the visit from his mother.”

  “ What do we do if it happens again?” Antonio was still shaken by the memory of Danny’s flashback, and his powerlessness to help.

  “ Stay calm. Get him to a quiet location. Remind him of where he is. Let him know he's safe. Wait it out, and reassure him when it's over. If it starts to happen regularly, give me a call.”

  “ Boy, having a kid is hard work. It's a good thing we got ours after he was almost fully-grown.” Antonio ended with a good-natured laugh.

  “ Actually, it may be a l
ot harder to wait this long. Sometimes it's easier when they're younger. There is less damage to repair.”

  Am I damaged? Danny wondered. Not wanting to hear anymore, he left the reception area, and walked out to get a soda from the vending machine.

  Antonio sighed with remorse. “I wish we did get him younger.”

  “ Antonio, if he was any younger we never would have gotten him in the first place,” Mitch reasoned.

  “ You're probably right.”

  “ Don't sound too heartbroken,” the therapist reassured. “He's extremely resilient. Other than what we discussed, don't treat him any differently. He's a good kid with a bright future.”


  Danny was building better memories by the day. Antonio's mother, Cecelia Dias, was flying in from New Orleans. He met her once before and really liked her. Danny couldn't believe she was making a special trip to see him on his birthday. She was a kindhearted, vivacious woman who had a way of drawing people in by making them the center of her universe. Her nurturing spirit warmed anyone who came near. She was like the morning sun, and took a particular shine to Danny. He remembered her teasing Antonio the first time he met her.

  “ I haven't seen ya' in a coon's age,” Mama Cecelia scolded, as she wrapped her arms around her son. "Look at y'all in your trendy New York clothes. I barely recognize ya' dese days. Ya' sound and act more like a Yankee every year. And now you've gone and collected all these pretty white boys.”

  Antonio laughed. “Not intentionally, Madea. I still know where my roots are. Actually, I was hoping you could fix us up some of your good ol’ fashioned Creole cooking. Danny here is a bit of a picky eater."

  Mama Cecelia gave him a quick appraisal. “I'll fatten him up in no time.”

  Danny grew to appreciate most of her cooking, and wouldn't complain if he didn't. He also liked the way she could put Antonio and Mitch in their place with one disapproving glance. She even scolded TJ in a way that made him blush and apologize for teasing Danny.


  “ Bonjou boys. Breakfast is ready.”

  “ Smells good, Mama.” Antonio bent down to plant a kiss on his mother's cheek.

  “ I hope y'all like it. I made plenty of beignets in honor of Danny's birthday.”

  Danny was lured into the kitchen by the sweet aroma of sugar and butter. Still flustered from his birthday spanking, he prayed Mama Cecelia was oblivious to the humbling tradition.

  “ Sit down, cher. Da plate over here has ya' name on it,” she said, seeing Danny hesitate by the table.

  Danny loved the sweet taste of Mama Cecelia's homemade beignets. He wolfed down three before saying, “They're really good,” with powdered sugar dusting his face.

  “ Why don't you wash them down with some milk?” Mitch suggested, as he poured him a glass.

  Danny ignored the request and ate another beignet.

  Mitch frowned. “Slow down, Danny. Don't over stuff yourself.”

  “ Oh now, Danny can afford to put on some weight,” Mama Cecelia declared, taking pleasure in watching him eat.

  “ I prefer he eat something healthier than a dozen sugary donuts for breakfast,” Mitch responded back. He, too, loved Mama Cecelia. That didn't mean he was willing to allow her to undermine the boundaries Danny was thriving in.

  “ I made dose for Danny's birthday, so let him enjoy dem.”

  Danny looked hopefully over at Mitch.

  “ One more. Then I'd like you to eat some fruit.”

  Danny reached over and grabbed two from the serving plate.

  Mitch slapped his hand. “I said, one .”

  “ Ouch!” Danny shouted while grabbing his hand. He exaggerated a wounded face for Mama C’s benefit.

  Mama Cecelia slapped Mitch on the arm and scolded, “Stop bein' such a shack bully, and let dat po' boy be! He's barely gained an ounce from the last time I was here. Bet it's been a long time since anyone's given him a decent home cooked meal.”

  “ Mama, I can cook. I did learn a few things from the south,” Antonio said, in his own defense.

  Danny licked the sugar from his lips, and used his sleeve to get the rest off his face. He then grinned at Mitch before grabbing the extra donut and popping it into his mouth.

  After the breakfast dishes were cleared away, Mama Cecelia fetched her handbag. She opened up her change purse to hand TJ a hundred dollar bill. “While I'm gone makin' grocery for tonight, why don't you boys see a movie flick and have some lunch on me?”

  “ Mama, you don't need to the spoil the boys. They are spoiled enough as it is,” Antonio insisted.

  “ Nonsense, dem are good boys, and dis is my treat.”

  “ Danny has a little studying to do for a big test coming up. I'd prefer he stay in.”

  Mama Cecelia took out a crumpled fifty-dollar bill from her pocket, and covertly handed it to Danny. “Spend it on a rainy day,” she whispered.

  “ Thanks Mama C, but...”

  “ No buts. It'll make me happy if you take it. Hurry up now. Once ya' done studying, ya' can keep me company in the kitchen.”

  When Mama Cecelia came back from the store, Danny and TJ visited with her while she made her signature New Orleans' cocktail.

  “ Taste my sazerac,” she insisted, while handing Danny her drink.

  “ What's in it?”

  “ Lotta tradition and a pinch of Mama's love.”

  TJ gave Danny a cautionary eye, which Danny promptly ignored as he drank from Mama Cecelia's glass. “Sweet,” he complimented, with a smack of his lips.

  “ It is. Isn't it?” She smiled proudly.

  TJ leaned into Danny's ear and whispered, “You're liable to get more than a birthday spanking if Mitch and Antonio catch you drinking this stuff."

  “ Mind ya' business, TJ,” Mama Cecelia scolded.

  “ Mama C, Danny isn't allowed to drink alcohol without permission.”

  “ Den we won't say anything. Will we? It'll be our lit'l secret. Finish it up, I'm fixin you each another.”

  Danny smiled sweetly at Mama Cecelia, and gave a spiteful squint to TJ. Mama Cecelia hummed happily as she took out preparations for dinner. Nothing satisfied her more than cooking for boys with big appetites.

  “ I know ya' a lit'l food shy, but trust Mama C, and I'll make you a dish ya'll be sure to love.”

  Danny stayed with Mama Cecelia in the kitchen as she baked. She mixed a large batch of her sazerac to save for later, and then made a pitcher of sweet iced tea. They drank the tea as she entertained him with stories of Antonio growing up.

  “ He was always collecting injured animals and bringing dem home. One day he found a baby alligator trapped in a drainpipe. He brung it home and kept it in an ol' tin washtub. A week gone by when he noticed his lit'l parakeet with the broken wing went missing. It didn't take long to figger out the gator must have eaten it. Antonio cried liked a babe for days, and cried agin' when we told him he had to get rid of the gator cause it was gettin' too big.”

  “ You're not telling that story again, are you, Mama?” Antonio asked, walking into the kitchen.

  “ Why not? Just shows what a kind heart ya' had, even if ya' were short on common sense.”

  “ Thanks, Ma,” Antonio laughed.

  “ What did you name your gator?” Danny wanted to know.

  “ Chompy.”

  Danny stared up at Antonio. It was hard to imagine the large, burly man as a small child, and he snickered at the thought.

  Antonio pulled Danny under his arm and tickled him. “What's so funny?” he asked. “I think Chompy is a perfectly good name for an alligator.”

  Danny shrieked in laugher trying
to get away. “Yeah, it is, considering it chomped up poor little Tweety.”

  “ Not Tweety, it was Pete the Parakeet,” Antonio said solemnly.

  Buzzing from the alcohol and caffeine, Danny began to laugh uncontrollably. Antonio loved to hear his unbridled laugh, and began tickling him in earnest.

  “ Stooop!” Danny managed to get out between hysterical laughs. He could barely breathe, and dropped to the floor to get away from Antonio's ruthless fingers.

  “ Please stop or I'm gonna peee my pants!” Danny cried.

  “ Well, we can't have that now that you're all of seventeen. Now can we?” Antonio chuckled as he picked him up, and patted him on the back until he regained his composure.


  After a delicious dinner of chicken, shrimp, and sausage gumbo, Mama Cecelia surprised Danny with his first birthday cake in seven years. It was a three-layered chocolate fudge cake with vanilla buttercream frosting and a chocolate ganache glaze. It was the best thing he ever tasted. Danny helped himself to two big slices. When the dessert was finished, they all meandered to the den. Danny was once again overwhelmed by a large stack of presents that were waiting for him. TJ bought him a road bike to get around the city in, and free scuba lessons he promised to bring him to. Antonio and Mitch chipped in and gave him a winter coat and a laptop for college. Mama Cecelia made him a quilt and brought him a big stuffed alligator.

  “ Chompy!” TJ acknowledged with a laugh and a teasing elbow to Antonio.

  Danny blushed not knowing how to respond to all the gifts and attention he was receiving. “Thank you,” he said humbly, while biting his nails. To escape the awkward silence, Danny got up to get another drink from the kitchen.

  “ No more iced tea, Danny," Antonio called after him. "Otherwise, you'll never fall asleep, and you have class in the morning.”

  “ Fine,” Danny grumbled. In the kitchen, he poured out his glass of tea, and filled up a cup with more of Mama Cecelia's sazerac. He drank half of it before walking out to the den with it.

  “ What's in your cup, Danny?” Mitch asked, peering into it.


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